Can we have an animal attack kino thread?

Can we have an animal attack kino thread?

Post your all time favorites

Attached: tiger.jpg (512x288, 109K)

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Reminder that this is /tv./ related as it can fall under nature shows

Damn son

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BAP book been out how long?

When Animals Attack aired for many years

Based BAP poster.

Attached: 1527486031629.webm (540x360, 1.6M)

>Be poor jungle Asian
>Decide to make nature YouTube channel
>Sic python on your pet dogs, cats, goats, monkeys, bunnies, etc... for YT money
>"save" the cute animal from the python in the end so it's okay.

Why do Asians hate animals so much?

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these threads are always lit af. webms are the best. its just a shame i got rid of all my animal webms, there are some amazing videos out there.

A long time ago I read about some movie from the 70s or 80s (probably 70s) about a couple getting lost in the wilderness and having to deal with all sorts of scary things in their survival; animals, elements, etc... It sounded like a horror movie or thriller but just set in nature: anyone know what this is? By the time the Internet got big I looked around once or twice but could never find it

Manlets... When will they learn?

Why hasn’t this channel been taken down.

I don't know. I stumbled across it today. Quite shocking

This is the kind of kino I came to see

Turn your volume up to 11

>lit af

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Are pajeets even at the top of their own food chain? Jesus christ.

Attached: Pajeet.jpg (620x388, 95K)

They will be a superpower by 2020 so what do you think?

No, they quite literally are not

One tiger was confirmed to have personally killed 436 Indians. Another Leopard also killed around 400.

The absolute state of poos

Attached: indian pepe.jpg (900x900, 74K)

Love these threads. lmao at animals attacking brown "people"

This shit isn't funny at all and yet I laugh. RIP sanjay

>Be Pajeet
>have to stay inside today because the town man-eating Leopard is on a rampage again

>One tiger was confirmed to have personally killed 436 Indians. Another Leopard also killed around 400.

Did they ask them? Was there some sort of death row deal for showing them to the remains? You're fucking stupid, m8