Thoughts on this movie?
Thoughts on this movie?
It's the best Batman movie. You can't change my mind.
All style, and no substance. The plot is retarded, the acting is stiff, and script is almost as bad as Batman Forever, but people ignore it because the movie is so beautiful.
Awoke me to my latex/vinyl fetish.
DeVito was a perfect pingu
Very comic book feeling.
Michelle Pfiefer is the best cat woman. As sexy as vegan anorexic Hathaway looked, she didn’t have the impact Michelle had
Dude same. Catwoman is so fucking hot.
It's a mess but a visually stunning one with a great musical score. Nowhere near as good as Batman '89 but still better than any live-action Batman film that came after it
I remember being fucking disgusted by the penguin
Unironically this, and it honestly isn't even that close. It's a masterpiece.
Why would I want to?
Fucking comfy as hell. Visually up their with Edward Scizzorhands and Big Fish as top tier Burton.
>Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle at a masquerade
>niether is wearing a mask
>mfw it's because Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle is their masks
Really outstanding for a no-guilt cape romp. Great balance between serious and comic absurdism.
I legit feel sorry for anons like who can't appreciate the appeal of cheesiness. Seems like their lives must be pretty bland and colorless.
>caring about anything but the aesthetic
as much as I love Keaton, even he couldn't let me enjoy Batman. god damn I've always hated batman
God I fucking hate tim burtons shit, he turns whatever into eno tier edgy shit
Damn, I feel the opposite. I'll watch a shitty Batman movie and have fun just because its Batman.
My favorite Batman movie
Best Catwoman ever
> H-hey Tim, McDonalds is on the line and they're concerned they can't center a happy meal theme around your movie that starts with a ten minute abortion scene.
How is the plot retarded? Penguin was a madman who wanted revenge and Max only helped him because mayor wouldn't approve his "power plant"
Poor Tim wanted to direct 3rd movie but Warner executives were more worried about toy sales than kino making. Really puts it all in the perspective, huh
I remember seeing this in theaters and my only complaint was how claustrophobic the set was.
>whoops I dropped my monster tophat that I use for my MAGNUM DONG
The single greatest "super hero" film ever. An art film. Pure art. Batman is brutal, the penguin is a foul jew, Catwoman is an unhinged repentant feminist and it all ends in an orgy of death and destruction
also, its a WWII meta-movie, and batman is Germany.
>beautiful Christmas atmosphere that gives the movie a lot of spirit and personality, as with other Burton movies serves multiple purposes to make the movie more memorable (aesthetically snow in darkness looks amazing, thematically his movies are often about the darkness hiding behind a pretty surface, but also the opposite, emotionally movies set during Christmas seem to have deeper impact because we all share a connection and it brings up a lot of personal memories, etc)
>Bruce is just as scary and schizophrenic as the villains he's chasing, but it's shown through subtle acting and visual storytelling, not spoonfed through dialogues like with Nolan's
>Gotham actually looks like a dark and unique city, just gorgeous art design and architecture work all around ('Fascist architecture meets World's fair architecture'), top-tier practical effects
>All people involved at the top of their game: Elfman's iconic and poetic score, Czapsky's sublime and playful cinematography who brought the best out of Burton at that time (see also Edward Scissorhands and Ed Wood), Waters' wildly original script
>takes a lot creative risks and mixes many different influences and styles, from German expressionist horror and grotesque to satirical comedy about politics (Shreck and Cobblepot) or feminism (Selina), supposed to be a kid's movie but ends up being a completely crazy movie about crazy people, with gore moments and BDSM undertones
>superb cast, Pfeiffer's disturbing and erotic Catwoman (compare to how bland Hathaway's was), Chris Walken, DeVito's hilariously gross yet really tragic Penguin (probably the most interesting capeshit villain in cinema), Keaton who may not have been the best Batman but is a really interesting Wayne
>triggers jews
is kino
My sister was in a near-death accident when we were kids. Spent the whole day in the hospital thinking she was going to die. When we got home, my dad watched this with us. I will always love it, because it reminds me that my sister is alive.
Brought a tear to my eye
literally the best superhero film of all time
oh and this fucking awesome bat-uboat. Penguin trys to sampson option at the very end, and Batman turns it into a death by suicide
and the Illuminati enabler, max (((schreck))) who calls people "schmo"
literally the most redpilled super hero experience anyone can have
Watched it a few days ago. Definitely one of the best superhero movies. Penguin and Catwoman are just so well done and the whole Bruce/Catwoman dynamic is amazing. Plus it's really sylishly made. The movie is also genuinly funny, in a much more clever way than Marvel. It's a good fucking movie.
and the catholic school girl gone bad. In the end, she realizes how god awful "feminism" worked out for her, (even quips about it snarkily in an allyway earlier in the film)
get your ass beat and blown up by batman in the streets of gotham-grad
made me feel weird feelings as a kid
You guys are reaching. I'm 100% sure none of this is the intended message of the film but go ahead and think your bullshit.
pure biblical evil, got laid into a watery grave
Perfect for a Batman movie, right?
Christmas kino atmosphere.
Remember watching first time as a kid, running from the church to catch some morning matinee. Being kind of pissed that Batman takes of his mask to admit his identity to Catwoman. Superheroes shouldn't do that.
bullshit, google search it buddy. jews threw an absolute fit when it came out.
Watch the movie now with "redpilled" eyes and it almost brings a tear to your eye. Schreck makes a quip to the penguin about a Reichstag's fire when he first runs for office
I remember going trick-or-treating in '92 and seeing some older girls and even moms dressed up in Catwoman outfits
man thats good
God Tier
>Batman '89
Great Tier
>Batman Returns
>Batman Begins
Good Tier:
Ok Tier
>Batman '67
>Batman Forever
Pissening and Sickening Tier
>Batman and Robin
It’s kino as fuck that they style Camrens hair after Pfeiffers hair in Gotham
Add BvS to shit tier and you've got yourself a winner.
So? Still pretty unlikely that any of it was intentional. Those jews were reaching too.
By the way, Schreck means "fright" in German.
Actually laughed out loud. Congrats, user. You did it.
I have this poster hanging in my apartment.
yeah, same
great part
post more
t.Modern FIlm Critic
People said the exact thing upon its release.
I like Hathaway but her Catwoman was so pointless. Can Nolan even do "sexy"??
Tim said he doesn't do "sequels" (despite batman returns being a sequel...he had some reasoning where it really wasn't)
I kinda doubt he was hyped up for a Batman 3.
(damon wayans as robin? I mean...come ON)
As much as I like Christopher Walken Burton should have kept Billy Dee Williams and then had him return as two face in part 3
>moses is sent down a river as a child
>Penquin is sent down the sewer as a child
>moses kills all the first born sons of egypt (well god does...but whatever)
>Penguin wants to kill all the first born sons of Gotham
>Jews sterotypically are hunched over hook noses sleazes who want to bang blonde white women
>basically the penguin
>Penguin loses on Christmas
>the Birth of Jesus signifies the destruction of jews (eventually their temple is destroyed and their tribe is scattered to the winds)
Not saying the movie is secretly Anti-semitic (the writer was jewish and I think Burton is jewish too) but they definitely took Anti-Jew tropes and used it to make an entertaining movie
It got positive reviews when it came out (though people complained it was too dark for a kids movie)
That just reinforces his point user
Where do the Arkham games, BTAS, and Batman Beyond fit into all this?
4th best Batman movie.
Really good for traumatizing kids, I can speak from experience.
>watching Tim Burton's Batman for the first time
>opening scene of the movie
>Batman makes a big show of landing menacingly behind the two thugs
>gets the thugs to turn around
>they both panic and shoot him square in the chest
>batman drops like a sack of potatoes and is only saved because of his armor
Was this supposed to make him look like a huge shitter? It was almost funny. Like a scene straight out of a black comedy where the overly-cocky hero instantly dies on his first night on the job.
the point was to make him seem not human and even a myth. at least to the characters within the story.
That's not what I took away from it at all. I booted up the movie and watched Batman get royally btfo by two literally whos in an alley. Reminded me of the cosplayer guy who almost gets eaten alive by dogs at the beginning of TDK, to be honest.
Sure, what the hell.
This. Tim Burton with 89 started out creating Batman as a legendary horror monster that can't be killed. In the end it turned out to be something worse. A rich schizo whack job that dresses up like a bat. That's what makes 89 and Returns kino. Burton took a silly character from a 1960's family tv show and some silver age fun comics and turned said character into a fucking freak that belongs in a mental ward
>Batman Forever script
Pretty good pleb outing user
they were on a rooftop and batman whoops their asses. they live and are scared shitless then the front page of the paper has a "man-bat" on it and the one reporter talks about batman as a myth. he even says the line "they say he can't be killed.".
Burton's stupid Nightmare before Christmas clowns ruined it.
Button never did this. Frank Miller did with The Dark Knight Returns which is what inspired Burton to do ‘89
Yeah Batman lived because he got lucky and neither of the thugs aimed for his face while he stood completely still and allowed them to shoot him like an idiot. Looked like a poser, set the tone of the whole movie as being really fucking goofy while trying to insist on being serious.
hurrr post 9/11 navy seal muh realism Nolan verse
nothing could possibly be more bush/obama era than the nolan verse. burtonverse is timeless art.
burtons actually not a jew believe it or not
It actually feels like a superhero comic come to life but the story is a disjointed mess. It's like they had 15 ideas for a movie and then gave them all two scenes and the end result just isn't a good movie.
Fuck off Zoomer, Keaton is best Batman.
Bruce Wayne, debatable.
you miss the point of story telling here, user.
>hurp a durr it's arrrrt
it looks stupid
fair point if you were a comic book guy in the 80s. but Batman 89 and Returns were shocking to my boomer parents because they grew up on the NAHNAHNAH BATMAN Adam West show. Those films were a culture shock to normies and Returns made parents REEEEEE over Happy Meals. My parents would never let me watch Returns because of how dark and grotesque it was. It became an urban legend to me. The forbidden kino Batman film. I was blown away the first time I saw Returns. I've watched it so many times over the years. It's become my yearly Christmas movie. Burton deserves a lot of credit imo for bringing the darker Batman stories to the big screen.
Here is how you effectively convey Batman being an unstoppable justice terminator bot without making him look like a drunk Halloween reveler in over his head
or that this guy in a bat suit is fucking crazy. Go back and watch it with the eyes of Bruce Wayne being an insane mad man because that is the way the Burton Batman films are to be viewed. That scene that you are laughing at becomes very uncomfortable.
Burton's Bruce seems way more well adjusted than most other iterations of the character, actually.
Its more guilty of showing off Burton's tenacity of picking a property only to try and find an in road for his quirky bullshit like a square peg into a round hole.
I totally agree. My only gripe is Burton focused a little to much on the freak villains instead of Batman. That’s what annoyed Keaton and why he left
Not live action movies
But with my limited knowledge I'd say BTAS fits into Great Tier, movies are mixed as fuck but Mask Of The Phantasm is almost on par with TDK and 89, and the Arkham games are good I guess
damaged Pfeiffer is god tier
except at viki's apartment he shows his crazy. the joker is even taken aback.
Too anti-Semitic.
the aesthetics of this movie have never been touched by any capeshit since (snyder came close)
Too bad Penguin and Catwoman didn't have a relationship closer to the comics, with them hating each others guts while fucking like rabbits.
>bans Batman from ever using gadgets in a fight so his movies are filled with scenes with thugs magically forgetting to shoot their weapons while Batman tries fistfighting a room of armed guys in broad daylight
>Builds literally the dumbest airplane design ever
>Puts Catwoman's claw things on her fucking shoes instead of on her hands like LITERALLY everyone else has ever done
What did Nolan mean by this?
danny devito was fucking gross; eating raw fish and spewing black shit from his mouth, i would have if they banged
>I wanted to see DeVito and Pfeiffer fuck
Is Penguin the least insane criminal in all of Gotham? He's got no weirdo gimmick on the same level as the others, and he just wants that paper.
Black Panther literally just Oscars for best costume design and best production design, dumbass.
anyone else get godhand vibes from keaton batman
>well adjusted
why did the swat guys attack batman one on one. why didn't they shoot him instead of fight him hand to hand. why didn't batman just run away instead of fight them. see i can play that game too.
because they were spread out in a search pattern and batman attacked them while they were still dispersed. because batman stripped them of their guns beforehand like you saw him do in the trailer, with the rest being implied. because batman did just run away with his interrogation victim as soon as they formed up and moved in on him as a group.
Basically. He's motivated by Money, Power, and Women. It's why he tag teams with Catwoman so often. The two aren't crazy and stealing benefits them both, plus, she fulfills the 'women' part for him, because until they backstab each other he gets a perfect 10 to plow.
>dancing at the ball
>see mistletoe
>Selina: Mistletoe can be deadly if you eat it
>Bruce: But a kiss can be even deadlier if you mean it
>slowly realize who each other are
>does this mean we have to start fighting?
Absolute Kino.
Is Catwoman/Penguin actually a thing in the comics or is this user just a fat manlet who needs a self-insert to be badass?
that's not how it seemed to me. did we see the same trailer? looked like they tried to make him seem invincible. turned me off to the game to be honest.
>>triggers jews
Not that guy, but what Black Panther shot can compare to this?
I'm sure that this response seemed more clever in your head, but it's not really.
Batman Forever was unironically the best Batman movie ever made, and ranks top 5 capekinos of all time (alongside Superman 1978, Raimi Spiderman 2, Captain America the First Avenger, and Rocketeer)
>Batman carries a pocket full of coins for that battle
I always laugh thinking about this.
if your response is "hurr durr cgi" dont even bother making it
Same here.
>those veins popping out of her forehead
Not a bad shot. Truthfully though, it's just a a silhouette shot with a colorful background. You can see that in movies with the sun setting.
Which had the best Batmobile?
Snyder's movies are drab and ugly as fuck. They look like Chinese films compared to Burton's mastery.
Don't compare them again.
what do you mean by best? i prefer burton's but i would say snyder's seems the most practical.
snyder for me. nolans batmobile was a glorified tank
Out of those 3, Burton. I like the Adam West one the best though.
>"glorified tank"
>he says as he posts the one with machine guns as a hood ornament
>braps on the batman
two criteria
>which one looks the coolest
>which would be the most useful
>Danny Elfman at his prime with an absolutely Kino score which was only equaled by Hans Zimmerman in DKR
>Micheal Keaton, while not being the best batman, was undeniably the best Bruce Wayne, who showed real depth and understanding of his character
>Michelle Pfeiffer's top notch performance, nailing both broken woman/Dominatrix villian in the same character
>Danny DeVito somehow managing to make Penguin both digusting and tragic at the same time
>An attention to cinematography and production design that has never been equaled, you can see the thought put into literally every shot and set
>Realistically, the last time cape movies focused more on the art and less on the product
Also, pic related scene, which makes me blow monster loads to this day
this guy gets it
>corrupt billionaire real estate magnate who is trying to steal an election for an outsider candidate who looks and acts like a retard
>literally says "you're fired!" at the end
based Tim BTFOing trump before it was cool
Living 9 lives gets lonely.
What I love most is that Catwoman and Batman fell for eachother and Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle fell for eachother, but entirely separately.
i liked this one haha
Fpbp. Unironically better than the Dark Knight - Heath Ledger's Joker was just crazy, even though he was brilliant. Oswald was a genuinely tragic character who, while corrupt, genuinely wanted to be liked as Mayor.
Why do the fans like Batman/Catwoman so much?
A bunch of people over the last five years or so have tried to make themselves sound smart by saying it's the best Batman Movie. It's not. The plot is dumb and Batman is barely in it/pretty irrelevant.
It's an INTERESTING movie and it was cool that it was not made to be a crowd-pleasing sequel. But that doesn't make it the best Batman movie ever. I seriously doubt that all the people that profess to love it have sat down and watched it from start to finish more than twice at most.
How do you make the Riddler a villain on the big screen that the audience is supposed to take seriously?
don't you have anything better to be doing, chris?
this was my computer background for years
>take seriously
It's my favorite because how weird it is, not as a Batman movie but as a Burton movie.
Die Hard 3
Serial killer leaving clues behind in the form of riddles. Easy. If anything Riddler is the easiest Batman villain to translate to the big screen in a way that audiences would take seriously. You don't really need to change anything. Even his outfit you could keep pretty faithful even if the tone was much more dark and serious. It's just a green suit with a cane.
Make him a guy the mob brings in to do codes for drug/weapon shipment drop points. Batman somehow solves the codes, and he takes it personal. The mob puts out a bounty on Batman, so the codewriter designs the Riddler alter ego to leave breadcrumbs in the form of puzzles in hopes to lead Batman into a death trap.
Call him the Joker
I liked it how in the recent vidya they had him as a guy who really did start out with planting dumb clue gimmicks to try and one-up Batman but then over time got more and more unhinged as Batman kept winning, and now has degenerated to the point where he's building contrived death traps that barely even count as riddles just because he wants Batman to die already.
I guess Burton's, but I'm still waiting for one that looks like an actual car with a few gadgets and armor. Something like Knight Rider. Like a muscle car whose main attribute is speed and not blowing up obstacles.
Yeah, that's the best version I've seen so far. It broke from the approach of treating his leaving riddles like some kind of OCD tick and made it more about his pride and ego and obsession with coming up with a puzzle that nobody else can solve.
But shaped like a bat, right?
I really hope DC stops being fags and does the anaimated Burton sequel to this movie. Keaton said he’d be down to do it. Bring on Billy Dee and get the Two Face they promised him
I think Forever is the worst of the four Burton/Schumacher movies, and this part is exactly why.
>Bruce gives really moving, tragic speech about why killing Two-Face won't solve anything
>Robin decides not to kill Two-Face
>Batman, who has been roping up criminals the whole movie, changes his mind about the whole killing thing and just lets Two-Face fall to his death after making him lose his balance with the coin trick instead of roping him to a girder
Maybe it has some wing-like fins or something, sure
>made to weave through city streets with tons of twists and turns
>"dude let's make it a muscle car that's all about drag racing through straights and can't turn"
I think Forever is underappreciated. Schumacher does get flack for Batman & Robin, but at least he was experimenting with the visuals -- which felt like Adam West's Batman on an extreme level.
So, I'll credit him with trying his own twist on Batman, and I do appreciate Forever.
I put batman forever in great tier. Tommy lee and jim carrey are great, val kilmer is good, robin was done well.
This shit is why I never understood the idea/appeal of the car anyway
>Yeah it's a sports car/tank/tacticool buggy thing with fiery roaring engines, rocket launchers, and a fuckload of other extravagant shit that, as a wheeled vehicle in an urban setting, has to use the same streets as regular city traffic.
>You know, so Batman can sneak up on criminals.
It's not meant to sneak up on criminals. If Batman wanted to sneak around he could hang out on a rooftop with a set of binoculars or drive around a normalfag car with fake plates and tinted windows. The batmobile is for assaulting enemy bases and chasing people down, after all the sneaking has gathered the necessary intel.
Legit thanks for sharing this, user.
But he has a grappling hook to make hard turns.
Why the fuck would you make a car that's so shit at turning that you need to install grappling hooks to do the job that the steering wheel was made to do? Reminds me of a post on /o/ I once saw where some retard tinted his windows so hard that he needed to roll the window down and stick his head outside to back out of parking spots, you know instead of just not having a literally useless window.
It at least still tried to look like a Batmobile, though. The Nolanmobile was a generic military vehicle painted black.
Batman is barely in it.
And that's a good thing.
That would be well and good if it weren't always shown as his main mode of transportation.
They always depict the Batmobile as his go-to choice for getting around and an airborne vehicle of some kind as the "big guns" he uses to really fuck shit up, when really, they ought to reverse that.
Take your blog somewhere else, faggot.
>You guys
It's just one autismo
Well there's a lot of situations where an armored car is handy
>two face is robbing a bank
>well shit then better take the car in case we need to chase his getaway van
He also has a suit where he can't turn his head. A lady falls out a window and gets 9 lives. Penguin pits rockets on actual penguins. He also gets carried to the water by those penguins.
You're thinking way too hard about the batmobile not being able to turn.
In a world where people pretends to be mad hatters or harlequins, he pretends to be British. He's clearly the most insane.
Oi m8 u got a liscence for that banter??
agreed. except it's god tier.
Don't forget it had one of the best movie soundtracks ever
>Schumacher does get flack for Batman & Robin
Honestly, & Robin is fun as fuck. Schwartzeneger is his normal goofy action star self, one-liners and all, the production design is great- especially all the diverse environments and costumes in one city, and the possibility of Alfred dying made for a genuinely sad subplot.
It's not the best Batman movie by a long shot, and I get why it's not the ideal iteration,but it seems like nobody ever wants to talk about any real problems, just embellish how awful it is because some manchildren on the internet insisted that real Batman fans shouldn't have anything good to say about it ever because ice puns, boo hoo.
That's just a less cool Burton batmobile
You asked for a bat-themed muscle car, not a bat-themed limo. Don't complain now.
Are you fucking retarded? What car in existence can corner perfectly at extremely high speeds? Using a grappling hook to turn instead of slowing down would be a fucking gigantic advantage. Kill yourself, you stupid cunt.
But you literally just copied the batmobile from Burton and changed it a bit.
Burton's batman is the GOAT because he doesnt say stupid shit like 'i dont have to save you' to his villains, he just straight up kills the joker and he never bothers Gotham again.
Batman and Robin is "shit" because George Clooney is just an awful actor to use for the character, not suitable at all
the rest of the film was kino, especially anything involving Mr Freeze's plot, but then again its practically impossible to write a story with Mr Freeze in it and be bad
>its literally the same except all of the ways it isnt
The Riddler is the poor man's Joker.
He's the guy thats written to be on Batman's intellectual level when Joker isnt mary suing it up.
>George Clooney is just an awful actor to use for the character, not suitable at all
Even Clooney is alright for what's going on. As Batman, I agree, he's pretty ridiculous, but he carries the scenes of Bruce having to deal with Dick's bullshit and care for Alfred well enough. The plot didn't involve Bruce brooding or anything because that wasn't relevant to what was going on, and it didn't need to be after three other movies about that.
If he weren't like 60, Clooney would be a great Reed Richards.
Painting the walls black before painting them pink was a Kino Touch
the production of Batman and Robin was shit. It simultaneously looks like the most expensive and cheapest movie ever made
>Painting the walls black before painting them pink was a Kino Touch
Is that what that is? The whole transformation scene was so fucking kino.
Keaton was supposed to star in Batman forever but left because he could see what a mess it would be after reading the script
Incredibly underrated. Not the best Batman movie, far from it, but incredibly unique in its style and presentation. I would say it is better than Batman 89 though.
>it's not the same at all except in almost every way
No need to be so defensive over your shitty cad drawing you probably made as a high school project.
pic related is on par with the vast majority of the mcu movies - dont bother trying to refute it
Also the fact that Batman had to remind Harvey that he had a split personality and needed to flip a coin because he apparently forgot his all-consuming obsession for a minute there.
Forever gets a pass for being stupid because Jim Carrey's presence skews it so far towards slapstick that it might as well be a cartoon anyway. Which I think was their plan all along but there's no point in including someone like Jones if that's the way you're going with it. He was bored with it, you could tell.
Yes both are unwatchable shit.
I'd watch Batman and Robin over MCU in a heartbeat. Missed the point of Batman, but it's kino as a camp Arnold action flick
I actually like Jim Carrey before he becomes the Riddler, when he was just Edward. Then he just goes beyond over the top with his performance.
This is my 3rd favorite movie in the Batsy franchise.
I feel like that's how he wanted to play the character but some producer or somebody was like "Nah, Jim, nah, gimme some Sssssmokin! Some aaaalrighty then! Some somebody stop me!"
If they ever get around to making a Sandman movie, they need this song in the trailer.
batkino. In fact, I'm gonna go watch it right now
I unironically believe Batman Forever and Batman & Robin are both genuinely misunderstood masterpieces. I can't really defend that opinion any further because I don't understand them as masterpieces either, but those movies don't get made by accident. They're not bad because Joel Schumacher just doesn't know how to make good movies. Schumacher has a clear artistic vision and a specific take on the Batman universe that he was able to express in those movies, and the world just wasn't ready for it. It still isn't. Things that people make fun of the most are things that were done because of a deliberate artistic decision.
For example, the nipples on the Bat-suit aren't there because they thought they looked cool or because Joel Schumacher is gay. It's because Schumacher saw Batman (and superheroes in general) as our modern day greek mythological heroes like Hercules and Perseus. So he designed those two characters to resemble ancient greek statues. Granted, whatever the purpose was behind it is totally nullified by the absurdity of the execution and that to the general audience, all that comes across is that the Bat-suit has nipples now.
The same general idea applies 99% of things that people consider "bad" about those movies. The campy tone/portrayal of the villains is a clear homage to the Adam West show from the '60s. Nicole Kidman's Chase Meridian is a brilliant subversion of the classic superhero love interest trope by having her interested in Batman, rather than Bruce Wayne. Intention and subtext can only go so far though, especially in such a blockbuster-size movie. The execution of all of these things seems silly and stupid which makes people think the movie is just bad and nothing more. I can't say if the movie is "bad" or "good", but regardless I'll always appreciate the fact that Schumacher was able to make big budget studio movies that were THAT bold and different to everything to come before and after them.
I saw this film when I was practically a toddler, I still remember how epic it was and a bunch of scenes from it somehow
The film is full of great Batman shots. Probably the most BTAS like life adaptation we got.
What's your analysis on the Bat American Express card
hmmmmmmmmmmmm now could that be because btas was literally based on it
I never actually considered that viewpoint damn. Maybe there genuinely exists an alternate timeline where this movie had the impact of something like Avatar
Yeah, he's the antagonist to a series of freaks, and that's great.
Danny Elfman & Shirley Walker are GOAT Batman composers
>bothering to sneak up on anyone when you have a tank.
It's styled for shock and awe.
clear commentary on Hollywood obsession with movie merchandise/brand tie-in that reached a frenzy in the late-90s
imagine if they adapted Long Halloween, introduce the Riddler through that storyline instead of having Harvey be Holiday
I never noticed how shiny his suit is.
I imagine it would be fucking shit just like the comic.
Sorry its good, but begins is the best bat movie.
Jesus, this is victim complex in whole another level
Riddler should've been an orphan like Bruce. Basically what Bruce could've become if he had turned to crime instead of vigilantism.
Maybe have them even be best friends in the orphanage and Riddler knows Bruce's alter ego somehow so the whole movie is about a melancholical reveal for Bruce to learn his best friend is the Riddler through solving well.. riddles.
>Batman, who has been roping up criminals the whole movie, changes his mind about the whole killing thing and just lets Two-Face fall to his death after making him lose his balance with the coin trick instead of roping him to a girder
Killing the villains off was kind of a major problem in the movies anyway.
Weird thing is that the way Two-Face is defeated is swiped straight from the animated series, but instead of standing on a girder and falling to his death, he just completely loses all ability to function because he can't find his coin.
Two-Face acts out of character in the movie too, like when he repeatedly flips a coin because he doesn't get the result he wants.
yeah they changed all their suits () in Batman & Robin to look better with all the sets/lighting used for the Mr. Freeze scenes. The 1989-1995 suit was all black. Robins was dark red and dark green. Actually I think Batman's suit got redesigned for the final battle in Batman Forever but probably just some silver highlights/accents compared to the B&R suits.
>tfw 30 years of Batman in film and we still haven't gotten the undisputed GOAT navy blue/gray Batsuit color scheme in live action
pls Matt Reeves don't miss your chance
>the impact of something like Avatar
So... no impact whatsoever?
idk I prefer the grey/yellow/black theme like
>mfw I was 8 years old when I saw this and I got that...
Do the right thing DC and make it happen
Who's the girl with the glasses?
Nah. This is the rare peak Burton movie that is very stagey. The sets are clearly sets, and this Gotham is so flat and boring compared to the towering labyrinthine 89 Gotham, with its art gallery, mainstream parade, and chemical plants. Even as a kid you sense something is off with the production.
Catwoman's costume is legendary. It has a sexy gothic S&M tone that is memorable rather than subversive for a PG13 movie. Penguin doesn't fit the 89 universe. And Burton was sorta dynamiting any third movie which sucks bc Keaton was the best Batman. It's an anomaly, interesting but not that good for its era, although nostalgia is kind.
That Atari Lynx game was tight tho.
Batman Returns left about $200 million on the table in box office due to concerned parents, while the 89 version was adult and kinky in a fun way, the Catwoman bondage suit, the grotesque malformed Penguin, this was pushing the limits and Burton knew it.
I'll always wish for a true 89 sequel. Also Keaton's huge raise demand for a third movie was prob the first time an actor salary was the talk of the nation. That shit was crazy. I remember kids being stunned that Keaton could be replaced. Batman Forever made so much bank from curiosity about Kilmer alone. And its soundtrack was INESCAPABLE.
This. Should be a more common missive.
That all seeing eye pyramid swami headdress on (((Max))). Burton is definitely a rebel gentile. He loved German Impressionism more than Lynth even.
You jerked off to Catwoman huh.
No U-turns, no turning back from deranged feminism, kek.
good film.
It's one of my favorite Batman movies.
Best catwoman ever. Weird and sexy
Burton is redpilled. Just like David Lynch. Frankenweenie and Eraserhead would both be approved by Third Reich.
The name Max is Jewish. Max Winkler. Max Landis.
Nothing touches Batman '89. TDK isn't aging 1/5 as well. Many zoomers prefer '89 to TDK now too, a surging trend.
>Burton should have kept Billy Dee Williams and then had him return as two face in part 3
This. Goddamn part of me still wants BDW to play Two Face for Burton. Every kid whispered to his brother or friend during that party scene: "t-t-thats two face!" And no white kid gave a single fuck that it was a black actor. Hollywood should fucking (((die))).
Based penguin
BtAS is God-tier with '89
That scene is perfect though. Because it reveals he is just as crazy as Joker. He just spends every other second of the film restraining his lunacy through discipline.
This. Also to show the stakes of being Batman. Gunshots hurt. He's not immortal or super powered. It's armor.
Why would Bruce Wayne wind up in an orphanage?
This movie is trash and anyone who likes it is a contrarian socially retarded emo goth douchebag. You like it because everyone's a freak with physical and or psychological problems and you identify.
Gotham feels small and claustrophobic compared to the 89 movie. Everything looks and feels wrong. The cinematography is fucking awful. The plot is moronic shit and, yes, I realize this is a comic book movie, but it's no better on any level that Schumacher's flicks.
The revisionist shit I see here makes me want to vomit on you and your immediate family members. If you like Batman returns I can only conclude that your family tree doesn't fork and you make money by sucking nigger cocks!!!FACT!!!
Dope lettering. Forever had such a cool popcorn aesthetic. It was like the ice cubes in your Pepsi were on drugs
Anymore Batman Forever design stuff like this?
>Where do the Arkham games, BTAS, and Batman Beyond fit into all this?
Batman beyond is worthless. The animated series gave us some great episodes and a classic movie with Mask of the Phantasm. As for the games, Arkham Origins is a fucking masterpiece that gave me EVERYTHING I could want from a Batman story and game experience. Take the cut scene animated movie of that game, make it live action and you'd have the best Batman movie ever made!!!FACT!!!
I had this collectors card and first time jerking to anything. Can't believe my mommy let me buy it.
I think Schumacher's mistake was not doing something different with Batman Forever. I would have made an anthology where you take the four villains of his movies (The Riddler, Two-face, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze) and give each one their own segment. Basically a live action version of the animated show. Could have been fucking great!!!FACT!!!
You gotta understand user, Hollywood was mocking Burton and producer Jon Peters for DARING to make a "serious" Batman movie. Keaton was untested and not a muscle man. Only Nicholson gave it some cred but even THAT was considered risky and selling out for Nicholson. Basinger was mostly unknown.
When the Batwing crashed, that descending voooooooooooom! Audiences hadn't experienced that since Empire Strikes Back. They lost their breath by how harrowing, kinetic and badass it was.
>deported to ROMANIA
Do these comic book fuckers have no inkling of geography?
It had style and the cast was incredible. Walken, Keaton, Pfeiffer, and Devito is basically god mode for a cast. There are a few weak spots in the film that could be nitpicked but the rest of the movie flows so well together that it's never really a big deal.
TDK doesn't pace well. Heath's Joker is still great imo but the GOAT worship has definitely phased out. The ending is rushed and the movie loses a deal of substance after the interrogation scene.
You don't stab Dracula in the face, user. You go for the heart. Same with a werewolf. Batman was boosting and toying with his legend. That's why it's a classic scene. He's nuts. He's got balls. Criminals are shook.
Same CinemScore as BvS therfore it's kino.
>Bruce Wayne? Why you dressed up like Batman?
What movie in general rivals these aesthetics? No CGI shit will age this well. Tragic. This image transcended all ages and demographics. Not a single person wasn't like "Damn, this was fucking great. I got goosebumps." It was an American populist experience.
Yup, by far the best. Came in here to argue but FPBP, as usual. Carry on.
It was a different time
Best scene in any Batman movie. No contest
>emo goth douchebag
>uses emo and goth as an insult in 2019
What timeline do you think you are in?
Batman Returns is the shiznit.
yfw user is Penguin
I remember being 11 and seeing Batman 89 on opening night at Fiesta Mall cinema, Stoney Creek Ontario. Stood in line for two hours and went to the 9pm show. Theater was fucking packed but I'll never forget that there was one seat left and some greasy looking scumbag with short spiked black hair, a thin black beard, wearing a black muscle shirt, jeans and cowboy boots had his feet on the headrest of the only seat left and he refused to move them to let someone sit in front of him. Finally the manager had to come in and told him to put his feet down or leave. He did and the movie started. From that opening scene to the end, it was glorious and I can still see the leaves blowing on the ground from the warm summer night air as I walked home. It was my second favorite movie going experience after my beloved Terminator 2.
But Batman is the only movie where I still get chills from watching the beginning and ending while no other movie I've ever seen has reached the insane level of intense hype that Batman had and the reason why it still stays in the mind is because it was iconic and mythic!!!FACT!!!
Who was the best Batman love interest in the movies?
Aronofsky's. Fuck that kkike but his car concept was best.
Basinger is the classic but Kidman is the hottest but the Penguin wouldn't even wipe his ass with Maggie's face!!!FACT!!!
>Snyder's movies are drab and ugly as fuck. They look like Chinese films
Oh shit, that is scarily true. I'll never forget this criticism. A lot of contemporary capeshit has a vague Chinese coating. Hmmm.
Jfc any more articles like this? Great post user. Yea Forums is crusading tonight.
That dude Austin on Jeopardy! unironically
I like.
DeNiro's pulsing Cadillac night drive in Heat, meets the yakuza-like gadgetry of Black Hornet's car. It needs to be black and discreet. Not an Instagram magnet
WTH??? Sauce?
cunt, batman IS all style and no substance. the very premise of batman itself is fucking retarded. this film captures that feel better than any other.
Redhead Kidman is comely too
self indulgent mess
Mirror it after a Koenigsegg but black and batsy
Wasn't it supposed to be Robin Williams as The Riddler but Carrey got instant heat from Mask and D&D? That's who Jones wanted iirc and why he hated Carrey
>Robin Williams as The Riddler
Sounds almost as retarded as Jack Nicholson as Joker.
insisted on itself
Harry Knowles and Ain't It Cool News' leaks about Batman & Robin literally caused it to flop 50-100% harder than it would have. Internet gossip and set leaks had just started to cause real headaches. The nipple leaks on AICN made Knowles a fucking millionaire overnight, and every studio wanted him dead, so they paid him shitloads of money for a decade. You can't even talk about B&R without Knowles' influence. It's like Lennon without Chapman, Clinton without Lewinsky.
Wonder if Japan liked it?
This suit belongs in Barker's Night Breed.
Wow, you reminded me of AICN. The last time I remember them was when Harry saw an advanced secret screening of The Phantom Menace.
you're a fuckin retard dude
Batman Forever for me was sort of terrible but I unorinically love B&R, such a good movie.
t. Mr Beaks
based nutposter
Where is uma thurman as pi?
>pretends to be someone else to reinforce his point
the music from this scene always makes me shed a tear. When she destroys her toys n stuff. very touching.
just stab him
Worth it for the style though.
>I'd watch Batman and Robin over MCU in a heartbeat
The first one was better.
Batman 1989 is extremely overrated.
The tie in with Joker killing Batman's parents was really contrived.
Batman himself seems weirdly passive through the whole movie. He doesn't really do anything besides react to things that Joker and the other characters set in motion, like he's a side character in his own film.
The film totally failed at conveying how angry Bruce is on the inside. He seems like a pretty normal fucking guy who's being Batman on the side as a hobby, as opposed to some half-insane wackjob who does it because he's got the most poorly managed anger issues in the world.
Batman looks really awkward in every scene he's in, as though he's trying to look menacing but his suit is physically too clunky to let him so he stands around like that one awkward kid who doesn't know what to do with his hands.
Related to that, every time Batman moves in his suit you can tell that he can barely walk in it. Looks very low-budget in comparison to everything else on the set, like they couldnt be fucked to come up with anything else besides a hollowed-out PVC shell.
Also related to that it looks pretty stupid whenever Batman fights people since it takes visible effort to move his arms and legs an inch yet he's supposed to be some apex tier fighter at the same time or some shit.
Gotham's architecture looked nice, though.
Like 80/20 water to solid, spicy diarrhea
kino of the highest order:
1. batman returns
2. bvs
3. man of steel
4. batman
5. aquaman
ever heard of death of the author?
One of those is not like the others
Burton hands down. Nolan and Snyder's tank shit never flew with me. The Burton Batmobile is classy and iconic.
>and Batman is barely in it
Exactly why. People just prefer his enemies, not Batman himself de su.
I watch it every year. I even put it on as the Christmas movie one year at my parents house which made my mom shit talking about its content.
>Oh I'm such a bad mom for not letting you see it when u were a kid aren't I user
Batman Returns will always be special to me. The forbidden bat kino film.
I would have rather seen Robin Williams in the role of the Riddler. Too bad nobody tapped him for a drama before One Hour Photo. I read years ago that Burton wanted to do a Batman 3 with Robin Williams as the Riddler with a question mark shaved into the back of his head. I also give Forever a pass. I thought it was alright and the red book scenes are absolute kino. If anything, I'm angry at the fucking executives wanting happy meal tie ins.
His name was a reference to the German actor Max Schreck who played Count Orlok(Dracula) in Nosferatu.