Why does he do that stupid eye stare?

It's just as bad as the soi grin

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Jason Mewes fentanyl OD when?

He looked better when he was a fat fuck.

Same with Peter Jackson. Was their talent stored in their fat cells?


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This was when he was based

same reason soiboys do cuckface, it's because they're unconfident with how they look

agreed, not all men in the world can be alpha male chads like us


Where are his feet?

He's a jerkoff

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man you're so retarded.

even if he actually looked 10 times better, he would have dropped dead within the next 10 years

He had a botched facelift. They pulled the skin back too far and now he's stuck like that.

>even if he actually looked 10 times better, he would have dropped dead within the next 10 years
Why is it our problem? People who've been fat for a long time and have a sudden drop look miserable most of the time

he looks like a fire emblem awakening unit


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he literally almost died of heart attack last year lol
the only thing that saved him was Chris Pratt praying for him

>the only thing that saved him was Chris Pratt praying for him
One more reason to hate on this asshole

Hi Kevin

Because it pisses you off, precisely you, and no one else gives a shit. He's trying to piss you off.

Reminder that Kevin Smith gave his 17 year old daughter, Harley Quinn Smith, the real screen-used baseball bat from Suicide Squad.

He included the following note:

>You know what a totem is? It’s a powerful, mystical object that wards off evil and gives the bearer strength and power. Before you begin your journey where I started my adventure 22 years ago, I wanted to present you with this powerful totem.

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He's in hover mode.

>Why does he do that stupid eye stare?
Because he's an idiot.

I always found his wife to be ugly. She's hideous in Clerks 2.

Ugly bitch like her mum

Thank God it was in a note, otherwise it would have just been something he said to her and couldnt be posted on twitter.

He's trying to look young by stretching the skin round his eyes