Why didn't we get this Stark in the MCU?

IM1 was an okay start, but he's become essentially a clown and nothing more.

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because that's not fun
Also, that picture seems awkward and badly written

what kind of a fucking hack draws this garbage?
>hurr just trace real people and it'll b fine

It's just a cropped part.
Adi Granov's good though.

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This is the Tony Stark I wanted as an Iron Man fan years before he became a household name. It's a shame what they did to him

Same here. I liked him because he was one of the most realistically written characters in cape comics. He was human. He had faults, failings and dreams. He wasn't perfect or some sort of uber-savior. He had blood on his hands, he killed and lied and everything,trying to make the world better according to himself. He had strugles with his morality and ethics, all of that.

Now he's an adopted son and half brother to an alien-engineered savior, whose dad had dealings with vampires and secret societies, while being a jokey sillicon valley faggot. It's a disgrace.

Fucking this. Iron Man was such a promising start.

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IM2 got wrecked by the need t set up the Avengers, and it was all downhill from there. Maybe one day we'll get an Ultimates adaptation...

It's kind of weird. In Iron Man 1 he went from asshole carefree playboy to someone desperate to make up for what he did and change...then in Iron Man 2 it just reset and he was again, asshole carefree playboy...then in Iron Man 3 it reset again and he was the same, only this time with some PTSD from the "Battle of New York" (where literally nobody died, I guess this was more traumatic than the events of Iron Man 1). Then in Civil War he's just an authoritarian nut for no real reason.

>black blood


>because that's not fun

if everyone is Spiderman then no one is.

what Stark doesn't realize is this whole conversation reveals the impact the filmmaker has had upon him. The filmmaker didn't need to change the world, he just needed to change one person

>The filmmaker didn't need to change the world, he just needed to change one person

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not an argument

Stark has been spending years and years implementing his vision on the world. The faggot filmmaker didn't make a single dent at his worldview. He's not touching anyone "important", because such people already have strong convictions, moral or not. He's merely presenting the state of the world, to a select few who pat themselves on the back and carry on with their lives. He's worthless; that's the point.

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I believe there’s more to it than even that. I think if left alone, Favreau and RDJ were going to give us full-on “Demon in a Bottle,”maybe even with Rhodey being at least a secondary antagonist, if not *the* antagonist by the end of the trilogy.

>Godspeed reference
This is why I can't read comics, they're so obviously the work of millenial nerds.

>with Rhodey being at least a secondary antagonist, if not *the* antagonist by the end of the trilogy.
Back in the day I wrote down some notes about an Iron Man AU/Film Treatment, with Rhodes turning into a villain. I built up a whole universe and shit. Changed origins, set up timelines, story arcs, character relationships, all that stuff. To me it was always idiotic how they never made Rhodes a villain after the whole "hobo Stark" era.

What I envision is more Rhodey reluctantly having to oppose Stark’s crusade to take his tech out of the military’s hands, becoming increasingly disillusioned with the “righteousness” of opposing Tony.

I think that pic in serves as foreshadowing for it, with Rhodey being the metaphorical stand-in Ares to Stark’s Hephæstus, Tony’s tech being the “love” that they’re fighting over.

Eh, I wanted to make it more "personal". Imagine being some millitary guy, hanging out with a rich playboy so that you can get some pussy/drinks/riches, and suddenly he turns into a hardcore modern-day knight wearing a walking WMD of his own invention. I'd have him grow more and more jealous,erratic, and wanting tosteal the tech, make it his. I'd give him the Osborn treatment.

Well yeah, that element is there, too. Rhodey “lusts” after the tech like any soldier would. I envisioned him basically being appointed official overseer of Stark Industries when the government pulled it out from under Tony because his alcoholism and ready access to all that advanced weaponry constituted a threat.

I’d have had Rhodey gradually coming around to feeling that regardless of how Tony’s tech could be used militarily, it was still *his*, and he should get the final say on where and how it’s used.