/tdg/ - True Detective general

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kino ending

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Who killed Tom and why were they never punished?

Pizza is complete hack, Cary pls come back I love you

Harris and he's fucking ded m8

+++ best part of the season +++


+++ best part of the season +++




Great season. They brought it back thanks to Dorf and Ali. First show that has me thinking of myself and my own expectations of thrillers in a long time.

I love season 1 more than anyone, but I’m glad this season was nothing like it. I’m glad it flirted with being similar and subverted those expectations completely. The ambiguous ending was brave for a detective thriller and I really liked what it had to say.

It’s odd to me that people don’t consider season 1 ‘s ending to be a happy one that’s a little hammy too. Hays’ story was a completely different one, and people keep coming into this show expecting more season 1. Season 2 was poorly written, shot, and acted, so I had no expectations of 3, and was pleasantly surprised.

Deciding to focus strongly on the characters with the case as a backdrop to their lives was a fucking excellent decision, and now that I see the whole picture I’m really impressed. Worried season 4 will fuck it up again. I think they should just end the series here, as a trilogy with an amazing start, a questionable middle, and a solid ending, saying a lot about dark cases but more about the people that end up tangled in them.

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seconding this

Harris killing him feels out of character

Yeah, exactly what I wanted after this season, more of Hays/Amelia drama.


>creepy music never lets up
>second to last scene is another married couple argument
>last scene is hayes walking into the darkness of the jungle
How do people think this is a happy ending or in any way ambiguous.

He also killed Lucy and Dan O'Brien. Are you fucking retarded?

because its a happy ending for the girl and her husband who gets to molest his QT daughterwife

There is nothing interesting about characters, they are wooden dummies walking around and doing nothing

It's kind of bitter sweet I suppose. Hays didn't get closure but at least he reconnected with his family and West.

But why? It's not like he was going to expose anything.

>I’m glad it flirted with being similar and subverted those expectations completely
What a nice way of saying "drew true fans back in after season 2 then shit on them.

Last episode was either complete shit, or the presented 'solution' was completely false. After all, what's with the teenagers and the stolen bike? How does that even arguably fit with the presented narrative?

I think season 3 should be viewed as the detectives failing and there was truly was a deeper conspiracy connected to season 1.

reminder that season 3's ending was kino

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The ambiguous bit is likely more to do with his son keeping the address. And also not knowing if Wayne actually recognized Julie Purcell at any point at the end.

Lucy kills herself

Honestly don’t remember what happened to Dan

Why are people annoyed by the ending?

Most of the time I read posts criticizing the ending of S1 for being action movie shit

Also were the tuttles involved? Or was the Louisiana case a red herring?

Did anyone else think Hoyt was going to jump off the cliff after his talk with Hays?

He was literally in the pink room...... Where you know, his daughter was kept?

Personally I would of had it be a group of elite members of society running a child molester cult and then during the final show down when the good guys were about to get killed have Matthew mcconuagh drive a Lincoln through an interdimensional portal and run all the bad guys over and then say "alright alright alright" and credits roll

Would of been pure kino bravo pizza

i just wanted them to stir up some shit but they didnt stir up nothing except memories

It's legit hard to imagine worse detectives than Hayes and West. They give up the very moment they encounter any opposition. Whole case could be solved in 80s.

I'll miss Roland so much. I hope to see more of Dorf in the future but FUCK I'll miss Roland, such an awesome fucking guy.

pretty sure he did rmember her, just not where she is from or why he was looking for her.
Remember, wayne firgures out they drugged her water with lithium while they held her in captivity and the focus on her from his perspective seemed to change as he was drinking the water and looking at her, not to mention how he does a double take at her while walking away.

The tragedy is that he likely remembered her but didn't remember why.

Yeah. For a split second. Don't you hate cliffhangers where they make it look sinister as shit but turns out it's friendly and the scary people in the car just wanted a chat?

Who the fuck is Harris

me, it seemed like it, he was drunk

i think he actually wanted to

Why is it you think every single lead had to go somewhere? Do you think real detective work is like that?

>thinks it should be connected more deeply to season 1-poster

You need to let go of season 1 dude.


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Yeah, wasn't it the point that Lucy ODed for real ?

Dan just disappeared ?

fuck I watched the finale 30mn ago and already forgot all of it

This but unironically


time is a pizza

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>drew true fans back in after season 2 then shit on them.
yes he did shit on them. all of the redditors who werer hoping for a "lovecraftian" true detective cinematic universe when that documentary bitch pulled out her newspaper article. muh carcosa. pizzaman absolutely based

I legit thought Roland was going to end up gay
He was giving off gay vibes all season

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>Meanwhile, West gets into an epic bar brawl and is befriended by a dog in what is possibly the worst moment in the whole series.

Wow, the "women can never understand" meme is true

Go away pajeet

kino scene, one of the best in the season

>a genuinely good guy, tender hearted
>gay vibes

What the fuck is happening to us

Yikes. The worst part in the series is rust able to have a close conversation with the killer in a tunnel

>hahahaha you were expecting to be entertained? back in the cuckshed with you.
so based. i really enjoy this taste of shit that plebs can't appreciate.

it's all in your head retards, god you're like women with Frodo and Sam.

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>small, cute
>overly friendly
>marriage failed, no kids for unspecified reasons
>his only other non-Hayes relationship is with a gay man

please tell me that this was intentional


I think you’re tha fag here buddy

guys I didn't get the twist I'm a brainlet. So Julie wasn't at the convent?

hes with carcosa now

>How does that even arguably fit with the presented narrative?
How does it not?

>two people argue for 8 hours
bro i fucking love character development

Probably, Pizza loves his detail
Sort of implies he's done with the series

Dorff was excellent in this

Ali I expected to be good but Dorff really surprised me

It was also refreshing that they didn't have Roland turn out to be a racist who was in on it or some cliched shit

He legit just had a friendship with Wayne that died

she was for a time, then she married the ardoin kid all grown up and now she lives a happy life in the garden with her loli.

The Mike Ardoin twist ruined a perfectly good ending

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Did anyone else think during this episode that it was gonna pull off some Notebook shit and due to Wayne's condition he was actually just going over the case again and again at the end? Which is what lead him to end up in different locations all the time, having to call his son for assistance. Roland was just putting up with it as a friend. Even though he had to deal with heart ship of re-treading the case.

I swear, at the end I was ready for Waynes son to put Julie's written down address in a drawer full of a dozen more.

What a piece of shit
Couldn’t they at least have made Ardoin a bad guy who was keeping her captive or something so that could have some finale confrontation?
At least have the one eyed guy come out with a gun so that he can suicide by cop. What a load of bullshit “subverting our expectations” crap.
Next season won’t even have a crime I bet

If you don't find him cute then there's something wrong with you

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So she saw her own dad get taken or killed right in front of her and there's no mention of any effects on her? She forgot her entire past, and accepted and liked her confinement because lithium? Ehhhhh

I don't think every lead has to go somewhere, but there are outright contradictions between the events we saw and the 'final narrative' we're supposed to accept. Like the teenagers' stories with the bikes. When did that happen in relation to the boy dying?

The season itself mentioned season 1. The only possibilities I see are 1. Bad writing (plot holes) and intentional malice by Nic, or 2. The case wasn't solved, it was only 'explained' enough to stop them from looking.

When recounting stealing his bike, the teenagers stated he was frantically looking for his sister. How is it possible that that occurred if he died without ever being separated from her?

I stop at considering men handsome, I wouldn’t categorize men as cute. But that’s just me. Being gay is cool dude, you don’t have to defend yourself.

so what the fuck was this with Hoyt being all mafioso and threatening Hayes' entire family back in 90? He just didn't want it out there that he bought a granddaughter or that his deranged daughter killed a little boy?

Julie had escaped by the time Tom gets there. That's what triggers the 90s investigation, remember? Her fingerprints.

Get subverted nigger

>How is it possible that that occurred if he died without ever being separated from her?
He was separated from her. Then later on he found her. Have I just become the True Detective?

She had already escaped by the time her dad found the Pink Room.

She was drugged for 10 years. It fucked up her mind.

And who’s saying that didn’t happen with the teens right before Will had the confrontation with Isabelle?

And that one of his staff were killing people to cover up a conspiracy on his orders

She had already scaped you brainlet
But Tom saw that his daughter had obviously been kept there

why does no one care about will? that rich cunt fucking murdered him

Why would he want to go to prison for kidnapping and being party to multiple murders in an effort to conceal his involvement in that kidnapping?

So uuuuuhhhh...

Was there any character development at all in this show? Their behavior and values in episode 8 and episode 1 are virtually the same.

Did they change at all? Grow? Learn?

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>killed right in front of her

She had already escaped dummy, he was looking st the mural she’d drawn on the wall. You didn’t even pay attention to the show

>if youre not an enormous faggot then something is wrong with you
End your life

There won't be a new season, pretty sure the ratings were ass.

They already did their growing and learning. We just see it all out of sequence my dude

it's just that the whole creepy murderous millionaire shit fits better with an actual pedo ring conspiracy. I guess this is "subverting expectations" but shit it's unsatisfying to say the least

Then why did he say "Julie?" as soon as he walked into the room, with a look of recognition in his eyes?

Separated how? They were supposedly playing with Isabel and Junius in the woods TOGETHER. So, in playing hide and seek they were together, then he RODE HIS BIKE out of the forest to where the teenagers were playing and got it stolen while frantically looking for her? Then he walked back to find Isabel in the process of grabbing his sister (why didn't she do it while he was away?) and was killed? Was he expecting to be found in hide and seek when he rode that far away on a bike? By people without bikes?

There's no such thing as character development; all there is is action.

t. edgelord

so this is the power of the yellow king

am I the only one who immediately thought of this guy the moment landscaping was mentioned?

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No, killing people to cover up your involvement in a botched kidnapping that left one child dead is pretty clearly fitting.

nice mini review

Dude, no. He's not going to recognize his daughter and say "Julie?" with tears in his eyes because he saw an empty pink room that could have held any girl. The names on the wall weren't 'Julie', they were 'Mary' and 'Isabel'.

the whole show was very apolitical.
Hell the closest thing to a bad guy were both women.

It's really telling when you see posts like this made by anons who legitamately think theyre too smart for the show. You missed key details because you weren't paying enough attention. Those aren't "potholes".

Kino ending

Hayes didn't actually forget why he was there, he saw Julie being happy and having an ideal life so he didn't want to disrupt her happiness with bringing back her horrible past that she had forgotten

>Then why did he say "Julie?" as soon as he walked into the room, with a look of recognition in his eyes?
He saw Julies drawing on the wall

He saw the drawing on the wall of Mary and he made the connection that this was where she was held and Mary was Julie

but the scope is so much smaller now

This was some Old Shep-tier shit and yet I cried non-stop for like half an hour. What the fuck is wrong with me bros?

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>Separated how?
By not being in the same place. Why are you assuming the timeline of events does not allow for this?

Hays learnt to appreciate his family more and leave well enough alone.
Roland got to reconnect with his best friend and forgive him for ruining his life.
The fox grew because Roland didn't shoot it.

Well he did forget but at some point he remembered I think


Congratulations! Your Autism score is:
__ 87 __ out of a possible 100 points!
That means you are __ quite __ autistic!

>The tragedy is that he likely remembered her but didn't remember why.

Why do you need to post in this faggot ass disingenuous manner.

>ummm is it just me or

conveniently while harris was visiting her..,

Have you never seen a mystery movie or something?

your bait is weak

Hmm, i wonder why

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The drawing could have been any child's. Why would he think 'Mary' meant 'Julie' if he didn't know about Mary at all?

Because the timeline of events was fully given between the first episode and the last one, and there's no opportunity for Will to have been separated from Julie, where he had his bike and she didn't and he was frantically looking for her.

Pizza made the landscaper a good guy this season because he was afraid that landscapers felt targeted by the portrayal in season 1


S2 had a large scope and was scattershot, it was right to pull it back

Think we all did

>Because the timeline of events was fully given between the first episode and the last one
Provide it, then.

You're wrong. He did forget why he was there, called his son etc. As he looked at her while drinking the water he recognizes her, the reason he keeps checking back on her as he walks back is because he's debating whether or not he should go back and tell her the whole thing.
He did forget though. And no, it was not a kino ending it was an absolute hackjob

S2's problem was the clusterfuck plot and too many lead characters. The scope (the size of the coverup) was a secondary problem. S1 had some huge people involved too

why did he imply his was molesting the kid then or is it just pizza makes everything look creepy

My argument is that the timeline is a contradiction and thus cannot be provided in a non-contradictory way. That is, there are two timelines. The actual one and the one presented in the finale. If you think they're reconcilable, give me your version from the time they left the house to the time Will died.

Because he went there to potentially find where she was being kept, he had been told by the cousin that she had been sold to the Hoyt’s, and he found a secret children’s room with a picture of a blonde girl
Doesn’t take a genius to connect the dots and seeing the drawing suddenly confirmed his belief

I'm pretty sure a dad can recognize his childs drawing you absolute autist. Especially given that in the first episodes there were multiple shots of him/the detectives looking at her drawings

that might have made an even more interesting ending

Is that a bad thing?


>Episode 7 has Junius lore dump the whole thing
>Episode 8 has Amelia's ghost lore dump the twist
great writing pizza

>My argument is that the timeline is a contradiction
No, that's your assertion. You've provided no argument, because you can't even offer the timeline you claim exists.

>7 episodes of nothing
>'okay so here's what actually happened real quick'
BASED pizza knows how to keep the plebs watching


youre just a softy, you loveable mensch

for me it is because it's always more satisfying to know that if the main characters failed it was because the odds were insurmountable like in S1. But with S3 it looks like one rich dude, his butler, a corrupt cop and a DA not caring too much was all of it

Have you ever even seen kids' drawings before? My niece gives me pictures all the time but if I walk into her classroom I couldn't tell them apart from any of the other 20 on the wall. Especially after 10 years or however long. And she just lived in there with that drawing on her wall all that time? Nah. Probably a second kid being held in the pedo den.

I pointed out the specific contradiction. That makes it an argument dumbass. You can't respond to it so you're trying to put the burden back on me.

Rank the season's

1>2 post gun fight>3>2 pre gunfight

I was trying to sleep last night and thought Julie was the "make flowers" gf of the killer in S1. But can't be, years don't match up

who the fuck is junius?

>finally meet hoyt in the last episode
>just some drunk asshole who tells hays to fuck off with a vague bullshit threat
>oh how did i know? err we have gps in all our employees or whatever
fucking kek


subtitles, how do they work

Mr June

>I pointed out the specific contradiction
No, you didn't. You simply said it couldn't happen in this order. I asked you to provide evidence that it did in fact happen in that order. You've failed to demonstrate that it did.

>You can't respond to it so you're trying to put the burden back on me.
The burden has always been on you. You're the one making the claim.

>Hayes spends the whole season finding Julie
>In the end Julie helps him find his way back home


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At least two episodes where Hayes COMPLETELY randomly stumbles upon an excerpt of her book that gives him a clue. This is way worse than green ears

symbolism was way too heavy handed, same with the constant mirror=timeline shots

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I met the burden by pointing out that Will couldn't have been frantically looking for his sister in a different area if they were never separated under Cyclops' narrative. Thus, one story must be wrong and the burden to show otherwise is on you. Not my fault you're a dumbass little pilpul weasel who cannot respond.

In my life I felt like I wasted time on some boring movies
But watching 8 series of nothing happening for 95% of the flatcircally time was a new experience
thank u, pizza


You're fucking retarded

this scene caught me off guard

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Amelia really was a devious villain. Using Wayne for her own gain and needling her way into his heart, such that instead of solving the case in the 80s as it could have easily been, Wayne gets distracted so she can get rich off a book. Then she does it again in the 90s, again forcing Wayne to choose between her and solving the case. As the last fuck you, she points out to him what he would have known 25, 35 years ago if it weren't for her, knowing that as soon as he would arrive at Julie's, he wouldn't remember any of it at all.

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And like a lot of dreams... there's a monster at the end of it.

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I get what pizza was going for.
These things aren't usually solved and we just have to live with the uncertainty.
But god damnit it was paced so poorly and done so badly, god damnit man. I honestly would have preferred if she died of AIDS.

>I met the burden by pointing out that Will couldn't have been frantically looking for his sister in a different area if they were never separated under Cyclops' narrative
No, you didn't. The timeline is not limited to the events described by Watts. The timeline is from Will and Julie leaving home through the events described by Watts. I honestly don't understand what you're having trouble with.

nah it was fine. heavy handed symoblism is the bowling alley scene in fargo s3.

>an actual review that's well thought-out and doesn't resort to memes and screeching nigger
Thank you, user

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Yeah I was waiting for him to punch her during the break up

I was so ready for something different, like his son turning heel and intervening to stop the interviews because they were getting too close to the truth, maybe killing the reporter

or old Roland being a figment of Hays' imagination

or the DA being a sick pedo fuck instead of just lazy

There is obviously some kind of higher force guiding hayes or something at work where he is literally looking back to his memories, as if he is present in them but invisible. There are lots of shots where old hayes walks in to a room and young hayes looks back and watches the door move as if old hayes is present.

Also his dead wife literally giving him the answer and the book dropping to the exact page he needed.

Also his wacky premenitions & the time skip in the reflection when the old hayes and roland go to the hoyt place. Also the time skips in the car with them morphing to each of their different ages.

The ending built up to one eye black guy who was already suspicious in 90s and they never bothered to bring him in and question him despite having an eye witness the entire time.
What a bunch of shitty detectives.

Yea the higher force is the fucking ghosts m8

What a waste of a season

I don't see HBO being happy with this

>this is the kind of person that posts on Yea Forums

Jesus christ, Yea Forums has the worst fucking ideas.

>wants some predictable dramatic reveal
>"something different"

It said Harris was in Vegas same time she oded. Pretty well heavily implied he did it.

as in the ghost of his negro wife?

I know I'm being a cynic but I don't need the beginning for every character trait for every character to be waved in my face like that. We can just assume Roland got old and got dogs instead of a family because he's seen too much shit

Sounds like Criminal Minds shit

How did her involvement stop the case from progressing at all? It wasn't her fault the higher-ups decided how the case was going to go, and she even helped out Hayes several times

Literally the only scene that suggested he might be slightly gay desu


Yes her high yella ghost had all the answers


I could have watched Satantango...

WOT IF pizza just wants to distract us from all the sick fucked up pedo cult in the real world by saying they're all part of our depraved imagination :^)

Different one-eyed negro

That was a great season of TV. Idk what kinda corny twist yall were looking for

You understand completely. You're just using kike tactics to avoid having to explain how he came to be frantically searching for his sister if he'd already died when it was light outside. As shown in the first episode, they left when it was already nearing darkness. The ride to that location and the time to play normally doesn't allow enough time for them to have been separated (how even??), for Will to frantically search for her, lose his bike, find her (when she's still on the bike), then make it to the play area and play as described before darkness. I've explained by position but you're outright refusing to explain yours. Typical pilpul.

Definitely better than s2 but shittier than s1

The thing that triggers me the most is that the black guy didn't write down/record himself to after his epifany, very out of character considering that he recorded himself after seeing cars outside his house and shit.

Also how did Amelia die? What's the point of that stupid cliffhanger with his son?

But most importantly, I swear that the last phrase of the song in the credits was the funeral march played on piano

>Pizza was tapped on the shoulder by the pedo ring and told to make it all go away

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Actually kill yourself go back to watching capeshit


>Hays was himself lost when he finally finds Julie
Looks like Mr. Pizzaiolo graduated in the top of his pottery class

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Honestly I knew from the get go this was going to be the most tame/straight forward season yet and that everyone was going to be pissed.

That's just his mind decaying in old age. His memories became a muddled mess and he'd lose himself in the past.

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>leaks an op-ed that embarrasses the state police, making them want to sweep things under the rug ASAP any time the Purcell case comes up
>cripples the career of the best detective out there who still wants to solve the case, as Roland is content to let it slide once brass slammed things shut

>again, when Wayne wants to go further in the 90s, stops it cold by being what Hoyt can threaten.

What didn't she do to stop the case from progressing?

>when the good guys were about to get killed have Matthew mcconuagh drive a Lincoln through an interdimensional portal and run all the bad guys over and then say "alright alright alright"

>almost nothing beyond failures/red herrings for 7 episodes
>innocuous explanation crammed into last 30 mins
>ham-fisted 'but what if the son is involved' ambiguity chucked in to appease redditors
>dementia gimmick was tired after 2-3 eps
>arguing with qt black waifu in lieu of actual development

6.7/10 series ngl (note: s1 = 8.9, s2 = 6.8)

They wanted season one

Even though that ends with the two leads taking on a super strong incest retard in a maze

>Also how did Amelia die?
Pizza confirmed they cut the scene but it was just some boring illness shit

Carcosa was kino

what is it with morons like you making fun of people who expect a similar development from the same show with the same creator/writer?

How long, in your estimate, would it take for the sun to set after they left home? Exactly how far away is their play area in the woods? On what are you basing literally any of this?

This season was fucked the minute that behind the scenes photo was leaked and everyone with a working braincell worked out the Hoyt thing within the first 3 eps, only thing i'm really glad about it watching Reddit nerds with their gay ass theories getting BTFO once and for all. Notice how they are strangely quiet now.

They wanted le Lovecraftian kino with fedora tipping nihilistic character. That or for the pedos to turn out to be linked to the Clintons and exposes them to #redpill the audience

most pleasant part of season
so wholesome

>dementia gimmick
yeah the dementia thing was an ok reason for him to wander around and forget things but they overused it. And I'm not a doctor but is it really normal for Hayes to remember the names of minor persons of interest for 35 years but to not remember killing somebody?

Just finished this. Excellent performances and direction, mediocre plot and deflated conclusion. The cyclops telling them the story of what happened while it played out on the screen felt really cheap, like some kind of dramatic reenaction from one of those diamond dozen true crime shows.

I got hung up on the lithium, the writer has a poor understanding of it if he thinks that it will make a little girl so docile that she'll forget her family and be content to live in a pink room for ten years, nevermind how important it is to precisely calculate the correct dosage. Too much and she'll die, too little and it has zero effect.

Overall it was OK, but pizzaman is a complete fucking hack. He could have done so much more with what he had, but he ended up telling the story in such a shitty way that it somehow became less than the sum of its parts.

It felt like he had a handful of scenes put together then had to try to correct them in some way

The case was already closed before the op ed in 80.

Only fags bother to look up behind the scenes photos though.

You're an actual fucking mongoloid. I can tell you watch anime because you want every season to follow the same generic pattern so you can clap your hands like a retard during the epic reveal

Either state how YOU think the teenager's story fits in with Cyclops's, or just fuck off. Sick of your dishonest unwillingness to state your position.

It was posted in every TD thread on Yea Forums you brainlet

I was expecting in the lines of memento, that the case was already resolved but hayes didn't remember shit so they played him.
would have been nice.


it's an anthology bro.

Season 2 was hardly a similar development

Just because doesn't the structure was set up like S1 of timelines and two detectives what other reason would it have to be like S1?

Why would people want to watch a rethread of it anyway

So what happened to Roland's Wife? And what was up with the ending scene, with the camera panning into his eye to show the bar scene. Can someone explain to me cause im retarded

Yes, and?

and you're an actual retard who'd probably applaud the next season being a romantic comedy because it's different and would displease fans of S1

Just like the case was closed when Tom "killed himself and confessed", yet that didn't stop the detectives. Wayne did not want to stop, even standing by Amelia's piece shows that he agrees, that there is more to it and he can't let it rest. He would have kept going on every lead he could in 80, in secret, but instead he was stripped of being a detective because Amelia made it all public for her own glory.

He couldnt handle her ass so she left him

Only fags go to spoiler threads while the show is still airing.
"Im mad because I went looking for spoilers and I found one, waaahhhh"

Go back to watching one piece, faggot

I almost forgot the whole season, shit

why was Harris bringing money to the mom in Vegas ?
and why did the police tried to fuck everything up by giving clues on tv ?

>Spoiler threads

Are you fresh off the boat friendo?


For all that happened in this finale, the thing that's bothering me are the scenes with adult Rebecca.. Like, am I being completely retarded or is there something off with the scenes with her?

It almost seems like nobody else is acknowledging her but Hayes, especially when they're on the porch. Roland doesn't offer any greeting to her and no one looks at her at any point. Does any one other that Hayes even change a word with adult Rebecca?

It's like sixth sense shit. I mean, Hayes has been seeing dead people before.

And when Hayes and her are driving back from Julie, aren't the hands in the closeup shot white? Is it to symbolize the founding of Julie or something...? I don't think it's just the lighting.

Tbh this is what I expected from Season 2, shame last season was total trash.
Overall I enjoyed it, the twist didn't feel too cheap, even though I had hoped for some darker stuff.
The magic of season 1 would have been too hard to capture anyway, you had two a list actors then and a brand new concept.
It's a pity he pissed the talent of Vince Vaughn away in season 2.

>I almost forgot the whole season

>True Detective

Only the first season Detectives has officially solved a case

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To pay her off to keep her quiet

It was a bad idea but they just wanted to solve the case (at first anyway)

>why was Harris bringing money to the mom in Vegas
buying her daughter so she could be a plaything for his boss' daughter

>and why did the police tried to fuck everything up by giving clues on tv
turns out that they weren't tanking the case intentionally, everyone was just completely disinterested and wanted the case to end nicely


How tf can Julie even function as an adult after being isolated from other kids for so long?

>But most importantly, I swear that the last phrase of the song in the credits was the funeral march played on piano
wow don't you fucking say I guess you really are some sort of True Detective™ (2019)(amazon.webdl.1080.eng.sub.mkv)

I doubt dementia is particular about what it makes you forget.

they cut a lot of scenes with Rebecca apparently
they didn't "really" solve the big one though

i love slurping on wopzallotto's teeny peeny

>"The spoiler was posted in every TD thread on Yea Forums
>But those arnt spoiler threads
>A Yea Forums thread about a currently airing famous show surely wont have any spoilers in it
Fag detected.

The cases were solved in all season's though

Terrible meaningless thread with that one limpwristed larper holding court and the retards that feed her

They are still 1/3 compared to the amateurs in S2 and S3

My position is that there's no problem, because absolutely nothing about the timelines of events contradicts it. You're the one claiming the timeline does contradict it, insisting that there couldn't possibly be enough time for two kids to get separated, join back up, and meet in the woods over the course of a couple hours. An assertion which you've failed to provide any evidence for whatsoever despite repeated requests. Instead, you've continued bitching like a faggot instead of offering a single defense of your retarded argument.

Halp I've got a problem

But they weren't

They didn't really solve the whole case, they got one of the lower guys but they never got to the bigwigs that orchestrated the whole thing.

but you know what marty, it seems to me the light's winning

He reluctantly held hands with him to support him, he isn't gay, he felt too uncomfortable to tell him taht he can't hold his hand. He is quite clearly straight.

So I completely ignored this season.
I know nothing about it.
Is it worth a watch, or is it "there's nothing else on and my life is empty I need something to kill the silence" tier?

So Julie's mom was just faking it the entire time in 1980? Bitch got was she deserved.

Let me samefag you up a solution then

I thought the behind the scenes photo didn't mean anything tho....

He didn't need to be a detective to keep going. Did you not actually watch the show? The whole thing gets solved by a couple of retired geriatrics in their free time.

eat the god damn lawn, rust

I sometimes wonder if people like you, who are asked a direct question multiple times but continue to avoid it, feel any shame. Then I remember that Jews are incapable of shame.

it's way better than S2 but the ending for me was terrible

Repeat until autosage. Job well done. How bout them traffick. We did it reddit.

>shot in the car driving to cyclops' where they're changing ages

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Yeah okay, but when did that happened again ?

like, okay, she sells her kid but one of them die, so they try to give her money but then they kill her ?

how much time did it take her to react ? why did the true detective didn't realized the mom died ?

I might be retarded (honestly I can't remember the plot line) but something seemed off to me when I watched it.

oh and why are Hoyt's mans so violent ? Seems to me like every people they killed got out without real reason.

strong cope to rationalize that as a good finale. apparently reddit hates s1 now because the story is much more simplistic and straightforward? and s3 is a subversive masterpiece in comparison and you're a shit eating pleb who wants cowboy gunfights and cthulhu for expecting good narrative structure

That was dogshit and I still Trust in rust

on the same note, why did Harris kill her? did she want to spill the beans out of guilt?

How important is the ending to the experience?

It's highly forgettable.

I liked it but you're not missing much desu.


Oh well...

I guess not very in an objective sense. But I need a nice ending (nice doesn't have to mean happy or simple, just catharsis for the characters)

You were asked the question. Instead of answering it, you demanded to know my position, as if that had any bearing on the validity of your shitty argument.

you may not have had anyone tell you this in your life, but you may be a touch soft-minded

I think Harris just flew to Vegas to pay the mother for handing over the daughter. She probably killed herself afterwards when she realized what she'd done.

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>all these anons knowing about what Reddit thinks of it

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it's not great, but worth it for the acting performances from the main cast

>I think Harris just flew to Vegas to pay the mother for handing over the daughter
wait doesn't he go there in 90? 10 years after the daughter was given over?

>Pizza actually used an accidental fall to as the basis for a mystery
lmao not even Agatha Christie or Arthur Conan Doyle was this pleb

didn't she die much later than the 80s case?
he wouldn't have done it anyways

>>innocuous explanation crammed into last 30 mins
Except we already knew what was going to happen. What the fuck did you faggots expect?

Yes. You're talking with a moron obviously. Willful or unintentional, there should be no difference.

>Hayes picks up book on random page
>Hayes knocks down book on random page

>ham-fisted 'but what if the son is involved' ambiguity chucked in to appease redditors

We're in an argument. I've stated my position clearly, meaning that it is open to attack, which you've done. You STILL haven't stated your position. Probably because you KNOW that it's indefensible and you're a cowardly little 110-IQ bitch-retard who just wants to attack others without submitting his views to attack. This thread is going to die soon, but you've got to live with yourself for the rest of your life. It's going to be painful, weasel.

Now that the dust has settled rank the seasons

S1 - 10/10 (Greatest thing ever shown on television)
S2 - 6.5/10 (Disappointing but still good)
S3 - 8.5/10 (A step below S1 but still better than most shows out there)

Twin Peaks S3 is 9.5/10 for reference

I actually wanted the son to be involved, seemed like he wasn't too hot for the interviews right from episode 1 so maybe he was in on something

>A woman weighing 120 pounds managed to manhandle a kid
>There was inconvenient rocks placed just so to break the kid's neck
Truly the intellectual fare I crave in my periodicals

Why was he flashing back to Vietnam at the end?

Settle down autismus

>inconvenient rocks placed just so to break the kid's neck
fucking hate this trope and I feel like I've seen it like 4-5 times in big movies in recent years

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I don't have a position. I've never had a position in my life except grab pleasure and run away from pain so I'm not used to any of this.


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Twin Peaks S02 E22 easily surpasses TD S1

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>>Hayes picks up book on random page
lol did that really happen? If so I forgot about it

can't believe he used that shit twice, bravo Pizza

I didn't ask you what your position was, I asked you to support it. You've refused to do so. Despite my position being trivial, that there exists no contradiction, you've continued to demand I provide, even when I wrote it plainly for you, only two posts earlier. How are you possibly having trouble following this? Are you slow?

Television truly is for inconsequential strawweights

Is it confirmed Season 3s are the absolute worst of their respective series?

>Breaking Bad
>True Detective

>lol did that really happen? If so I forgot about it
it was the "children should laugh" line that Amelia quotes from Lucy

It does particularly affect short term memory
Long term memory only goes later

Tom killed the cousin right?

I thought it was same one who jumped in his wife's book meeting though.

>Despite my position being trivial, that there exists no contradiction
I've asked you about 10 times to explain how YOU reconcile Cyclops's story with the teenager's information. You haven't. I'm not even asking you anymore. I'm just mocking you because you can't, and your continued failure to is absolute proof that you're both wrong and know it.

I should have specified greatest season length thing. However I agree though there are quite a few single episodes that would surpass it

Can anybody help me? Hello?

if you can distinguish between breaking bad seasons i don't want to hear your opinions desu

True Detective is season 2

Literally one of my first posts in this chain. I had no idea you were this far behind.

People loved Breaking Bad s3, some thought it was the peak of the series.

I remember almost not being able to physically handle the cousins and other dumb shit like Gus defiantly walking towards sniper fire, but plebs loved that shit

Didnt the case get buried before they could find him?

I thought that the cousin knew Lucy was getting paid by Hoyt so Hoyt had him killed

>Roland roasting the fuck out of that Biker in the bar

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I for one enjoyed it the whole thing a lot.
It started of dark as fuck and ended heartwarming and comfy, if a little bittersweet. Great journey.
Both Dorf and Ali did a good job with the characters.
Honestly on par with S1 for me.
>b-buh muh pedo cult muh conspiracy
see pic

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his injuries were pretty fucking minor afterwards, seems like the kind of fight where you wake up in an emergency room with half your teeth missing, 3-4 broken ribs and a broken nose if you wake up at all

>have a character with memory problems, possibly alzheimers taking a story that involves him looking back and remembering stuff
>could use it for some unreliable narrator shenanigans
>or a character piece about an old man slowly falling apart and trying to hold on through his work
>or a piece of absolute kino about time and memory and the way it affects perception
>only use it for a couple of neat camera tricks to switch between timelines and a super convenient piece of forgetfulness right at the end

Pizza latte you absolute fucking hack

Even if you weren't a liar, when you posted doesnt matter. You engaged me so you still have to state your position for any honest discourse to happen. That's how the greeks did it two thousand years ago, that's how a court of law does it, that's how a great conversation of writers do it. If you're incompetent to that practice, you're merely another le ebin trole impressing his reddit friends.

>>b-buh muh pedo cult muh conspiracy
Lmao are seasons 3 defenders literally shills? Because they're all making this exact same point almost like they were given a script and talking points. Can some True Detective investigate this?

I hate amelie the entire season
but finals scenes she looks so hot, anons. so lucious and submissive.

Give me amelie hot webm moments

Pick up my drool, I left it on the floor. Thatta girl sweetums

Sopranos is 1000/10 for reference

When West and Hays search the motel room where Dan was staying they showed a man-made lake in the background. Since his corpse was later found in a drained reservoir I assumed Tom killed him during their altercation and dumped his body there.

All of your requests have already been provided. You'll have to read through the earlier posts, as you've somehow managed to miss their content.

okay guys, am I couple-trouble blind or stupid. why was purple so fucking raw to his wife all the time? apart from maybe being a little bit nosy about the case (which is kinda understanable beeing a writer). or is he just an asshole.

also the whole relationship drama eventually leads so nothing of substance.

Your content was lacking and was already addressed.

15/10 editing
Yea Forums is too pleb to appreciate it

Here's my slide post.

>all these people trying to overanalyze their way to a higher meaning
>d-dude he goes into the jungle!! he loses himself to dementia completely!
i swear half the people in these threads are legit mouthbreathers. his dementia was in the same state throughout the entire season. literally nothing changed.
you cant tell people they didn't "get it" when there's quite literally nothing hidden. he sees two happy kids before it zooms in on his eyes. remember what he said about being called a babykiller earlier in that very same episode? but no, ure right. it must mean that he becomes a vegetable in a split second.

i just went through the threads since the final and honestly some of the questions being asked are so stupid i feel like half of them must be jokes.
missing the simplest things like "who was the dude in the car in 2015" or "what do u mean there were hints that roland coudlve been gay". even if the latter was not true it was implied in multiple episodes.
are you guys looking at your phones while watching the show? otherwise some of the things that people seem to completely miss blows my mind.

>why was purple so fucking raw to his wife all the time?
his life was getting destroyed by the case while she was making bank off it and having fun too

Here's a repost of one of my pre-written talking points straight from the notepad.

that last shot in the jungle was really cool

>subverted those expectations completely

Okay Rian now please never direct anything ever again.

>remember what he said about being called a babykiller earlier in that very same episode? but no, ure right. it must mean that he becomes a vegetable in a split second.
kek. i was rubbing my cock raw to that legendary scene. it's going to be talm bout for ages!

Please let's remind ourselves, Pizza Latte is the guy that brought us:

>“Do you miss it?” “What?” “Anything.”
>These contracts ... signatures all over them.
>That’s one off the bucket list. Mexican standoff with actual Mexicans
>Sometimes your worst self is your best self.
>you should never do anything out of hunger, not even eating
>A good woman mitigates our baser tendencies."
>Your compensatory projection of menace is a guarantor of its lack
>Well, just so you know, I support feminism. Mostly by having body-image issues
>I never lost a tooth. I never even had a fuckin’ cavity.
>I used to want to be an astronaut, but astronauts don’t even go to the moon anymore.
>You ever bully or hurt anybody again, I’ll come back and buttfuck your father with your mom’s headless corpse on this goddamn lawn
>It’s like blue balls, in your heart.

If you think a guy who writes dialogue this cringey, plots this terrible and characters this one dimensional is making some great prestige TV drama about family and personal growth, you're an idiot. You need to start watching movies for grown ups and learn what a good family drama is like, because currently you have no idea.

So stop with the "oh you plebs wanted muh pedo rings?" thing, because stuff like that is all Pizza is good for, and even that is becoming questionable. You sound ludicrous when you talk about True Detective being somehow above criminal conspiracies and being all about characters and humanity like Pizzolatto is fucking Ozu.

I'm kinda split on the whole non-cult reveal. No childrapist ring with strange puppets. Just some guy who bought them for the kids to play with and the girl accidentially dropped them at the scene. While Im on one hand disappointed that its not a cult its also kinda cool that you were led to believe (and so was the reporter) that it could have been a cult.

Better version

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>Tries to drive a wedge between Hayes and bitchface by engineering an out with the high brass, one he subsequently doesn’t sign.
>Espouses anti-natal views

I couldn't stand her fucking voice anymore by the end. Why is she so slutty all the time for no reason ? Was it her way to make her character sound more "mysterious" or something ? God what a terrible actress

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half of these lines are alright. and i don't mind the try-hard ones that much.

what i do mind is tom purcell's absurd prayer in one the middle episodes. most unrealistic and pretentious prayer to ever be featured in a script.

>These contracts ... signatures all over them.
Fuck. I've forgotten about this gem.

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>“Do you miss it?” “What?” “Anything.”

I sometimes wonder if season 2 can be "so bad it's good" on a re-watch

>water request
>young girl
He literally says he doesn’t want to take up any more of her time. He realises then let’s go.

Thats literally what the post says m8

Harris killed Tom, Hays and Roland killed Harris afterwards
He saw the pink room where his daughter was kept for 10 years, He would've blown the case wide open
>teenagers, stolen bike ?
Does everything have to explicitly be connected with the murder ? Have you ever watched a detective movie ?
>So she saw her own dad get taken or killed right in front of her
She obviously wasn't in the room maggot, the entire 90s timeline revolves around her escaping
>Like the teenagers' stories with the bikes
Dude, it's irrelevant. It's placed there to tease you, the idea with detective dramas is to overwhelm you with different evidences, false or true, important or not, so that you could actively solve the case
>How is it possible that that occurred if he died without
They were playing hide and seek and Isabelle stole the girl, it was clearly stated by mr.blind Niggerman
>Then why did he say "Julie?
Because he figured out she was held there. Her name being on the wall was a good clue
>Separated how?
Have you ever played hide and seek ? Separation is a key to this very very old game. Also, NiggerMan Blind said that Isabelle wanted to steal the girl that night
>The drawing could have been any child'
Yeah sure, because Tom had 10 of his children kidnapped so he can't really recognize which one was it

It's really amazing how stupid some people on this board can be. Either extremely stupid and ignorant or just trolling. Hope for your mental wellbeing it's the second
This is not the only thread, whenever there's a story more complex than your usual Avangers bullshit, people get confused with it. For them, everything needs to be clearly explained on screen and anything that is implied or that happens offscreen - is impossible. As if the movie has to show and explain everything. Go back to watching superhero movies you Plebistan PlebPajeet

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>I'm gonna say it

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The lithium drugging to make the daughter docile made absolutely no sense.
The "I need to be punished" line was a poor way to get an otherwise fine message through to the audience.
Other than that, bretty good finale!

I literally posted back to you.

Wasnt me shitheel

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>She obviously wasn't in the room maggot
Then what did he see that made him say "Julie?".
>Dude, it's irrelevant. It's placed there to tease you
Blatant contradictions in a supposed explanation/solution aren't 'irrelevant'. It's not legitimate to lie to the audience and then wonder why they don't get it.
>Her name being on the wall was a good clue
Her name wasn't on the wall dumbass.
>Separation is a key to this very very old game.
There's a difference between separation within a range where you can be found, and riding your bike out of the woods to an area full of people, when the other people playing aren't even on bikes

You're pretty dumb

Don’t ever speak to my wife’s son like that again.