What made Starship Troopers so amazing?

What made Starship Troopers so amazing?

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The director attempted tried to make fascism look bad. But all he really did was make libertarianism look awesome

It was an accident. The director wanted to make a joke out of the novel's fascism worship and ended up making a film that the masses misunderstood.

I thought it still looked pretty fun. Shooting bugs and doing my part.

>Humans facing extinction
>Bug attack wipes out an entire Mega-metropolis (inb4 false flag durhurr)
>they manage to fight back despite countless losses
>im supposed to pick up on the subtle political wankery included by the director

yeah nah, given this was a life or death situation the question of personal liberties or individual suffering rings kinda hollow. Basically every message this movie tries to make gets crushed by the basic premise.

>perfect blend of CGI and practical effects
>amazing score
>memorable dialogue
>cast of softcore porn actors
>infinite rewatchability

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jake busey

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enough special effects to appease brainlets and enough satire and social commentary to appease those of normal intellect

i wonder: Did nobody ever tell him to not smile like this? Like maybe take a mirror and learn to keep your upper lip from retracting that much?

It's his trademark. He's always casted as an odd fella/psycho/goofy character

Like father, like son.

How it shitted on the american delusion of a world ruled by a militar industry complex and the alienation it generates on the young, which are brainwashed to become cannon fodder

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Yeah the entire movie made no sense. Why would you use (((infantry))) when you can just do pic related all day? The entire military strategy was flawed as fuck.

the action scenes are incredible and memorable.
>klendathu drop
>outpost 29

You can't fly those jets down into the bug holes stupid, they needed boots on the ground to actually go after the leadership bugs. Killing off a bunch of warrirors/drones does jack diddly-shit because they're bugs and reproduce at alarming rates.

yeah i wonder why the us is bleeding so many mutts in irak and afghanistan when they could just nuke the country...


the same reason infantry is still used today when the capabilities to flatten cities are available to control territory. the bugs also lived underground and needed to be drawn out into open combat.

The ham

Because where would a military-based society be if there was no use for the infantry?

When it came out it was lambasted by critics for glorifying fascism when it was supposed to be the contrary.
Critics don't know shit.

An absurd mix of humor and graphic violence combined with a plot that didn't seem to notice or care about either.

>it's a ''commentarist youtuber does an essay on how starship troopers reflects current day republicanism/right wing foreign policies'' episode
>one of them literally portrays the federation elections as if choosing between 2 republican candidates as if this was the worst thing
>fucking pewdiepie made the most down to earth realistic analysis of this film

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The same as Robocop and all Verhoeven movies he tries to criticize violence but fails over and over.

back to /pol/

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It was uncomplicated, stupid fun

> Fun action scenes
> A story about camaraderie in combat
> Denise Richards in her prime
> Female and minority characters are actually good characters and not just token additions to check off a diversity box
> Feel good Nationalism cranked up to 11
> Faceless, nameless enemies so you have a very clearly defined "good" side and "bad" side
> Dina Meyer's tits
> Micheal Ironside being Micheal Ironside
> Dina Meyer's tits again
> An excellent musical score

We'll never get another sci-fi war movie like it again.

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It was supposed to be satire though.

That's the best part, the director tried so hard to make satire he horshoe'd the movie all the way around again and ended up with something truly magical.


or maybe you are trying too hard.

It's ok, sometimes it happens.

>when you try to satirize fascism but forget to put fascism in the movie and inadvertently make the case for the ideal human society


>ideal human society
>when the film inexplicably tells you its thesis is so backwards and regressive

no it has three layers

>awesome 90s sci-fi action for brainlets
>basic symbolism midwits can latch on and call it satire
>unashamed representation of a superior future for patricians

Haven’t seen to film, how does it decipt libertarianism?

It's been ages since I've watched the film, but wasn't there supposed to be some reason why the humans arguably provoked the bugs into attacking Buenos Aires? I remember it being talked about, but can't recall the actual reason given, if there was one.

>there are supposed "fascists" on this board who believe that the federation is their ideal society
l m a o

>Dina Meyer's tits

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What are you saying, that’s a chad smile.

everything the setting the atmosphere the acting its all on point.

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Its timeless because of the use of practical mixed with CGI, similar tohow LotR movies will be timeless.
Story, it's a great coming of age, not overshadowed by any of the actors.
Satire on politics too.
My fav movie.

you shut your god damn stupid fucking mouth civilian

Nigger lover.

flat is justice

The bugs are smarter than you are

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You are a retard who knows not even the basics of military combat.

verhooven got rid of the combat armour because he couldn't hamfist his anti fascist message

Heinlein actually addressed this point in the book (which was actually good instead of a retarded piece of satire because Verhooven wanted to make the edgy-needed-to-be-said statement of FUCK FACISM AND FUCK NAZIS in the 90s).

>loves Starship Troopers
>doesn't own the 4K UltraHD Blu-ray disc
Bunch of fucking posers in here.

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IIRC, the Buenos Aires attack was a false-flag operation to kickstart the war into full drive.

What was better, this or Robocop 1?

>buy blu-rays
>suddendly 4k blu ray and have to BUY everything again
fuck you I'm done collecting this shit

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The movie has nothing to do with libertarianism

That's a dumb meme, the only time the movie mentioned the bugs' motivation was one guy in a broadcast mentioning that some people on Earth thought that the bugs were reacting to humans encroaching on their territory.

Big Hank

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Neal Patrick Harris literally talks about how they're throwing away soldiers to try and bait out the brain bugs
There's a functionally infinite amount of soldier bugs, carpet bombing them doesn't mean shit in terms of winning the war

is there anything in the movie supporting this? in the movie it explicitly shows their lack of understanding of the archanids tactics and their developing ways of fighting them through the news-reel footage as it progresses. also the arachnids by capturing humans and allowing the brain bugs to feast on their brains and acquiring their knowledge understand how to outsmart humans.

it's an allegory to WWII and other US wars. the landing on klendathu is normandy beach for example

I honestly don´t get this movie at all, to me it´s dumb.

The fact that both liberals and alt right retards still don't lack the braincells to comprehend it to this today.

Like They Live it's not a satire on the possible future, nor is it an endorsement of rightwing ideology. It's a satire on the here and now, of the American war machine.

Notice how even the great hope Obama became a drone dropper like everyone else? America is a fascist society already for everyone else on the planet

The bugs do not show any sort of technology capable of weaponizing asteroids with that kind of accuracy light years away.

in the books they settle on a planet and the settlers get slaughtered by the bugs

I think there was some cut part about how the bugs can open wormholes, which is how the asteroids can travel so fast (and how it didn't show up on any sort of scanners until the ship Denise Richards was on was almost right on top of it).

buenos aires was the bugs, it's shown in the movie where carmen has to avoid it and it rips off the communications part of the ship.

but, it's a retaliation because of the mormon extremest who set up a colony in their territory that started the war in the first place. humans invaded the bugs first

>What made Starship Troopers so amazing?

Giving the audience exactly what they wanted without any bullshit attached.

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Tell us one thing that's wrong with the society depicted in Starship Trooper. And remember, your headcanon doesn't count (Buenos Aires was an inside job).

No. There is no evidence given in the movie. The timeline goes as so.
>Mormons get massacred
>Bug meteor hits Buenos Aires
>Federation goes to war.
The bugs attacked unprovoked. If it was a simple territory thing they would have stopped at the mormons. No they felt that humanity might be a threat so they struck first.


>sequels had nudity too
>even the CGI ones
I wasn't expecting that

>people ITT unironically think the bugs had the means to launch an asteroid across the galaxy
y'all need to google relativity

If it's a war of extermination, why would they attack just one city?

It was a poor adaptation but a fun film nonetheless.

Your a fucking moron.

what if the bugs used a series of mass relays?

it has been a long time since I watched by I'm sure there is a news piece in which they explain that they think the bugs use FTL travel to colonize planets with asteroids or the asteroid itself went through a worm hole.

Bug plasma, son

Blows up starships and shoots asteroids at light speed and shit


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>novel's fascism worship


being creatures who live in hives themselves maybe they captured a human from BA and thought it both militarily important and a hive city of our own.

Total self awareness of how retarded their setting is and running with it

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>people thinking a shithole in Argentina is worth going to war over

The second movie had bugs that possess people and take their memories. They learned how to FTL from the Mormons

even if they could launch it at light speed, they'd be aiming at something that's a hundred thousand years in the past relative to their point of view.

Brain Bugs are just that good

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I don't get why people call it fascist. I mean, the movie does have shoehorned fascist aesthetics, but the society in the novel or the movie isn't even close to what actual fascism looked like in practice.

The society in ST actually has democratic voting, though it's limited to those who have served society in some capacity, which is something fascism didn't, so already there the thesis falls apart.

>while religion is acceptable, peace is not
what was meant by this?

>(inb4 false flag durhurr)
I bet you think 9/11 was done by Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda, don't you brainlet?

It's fine to believe in God, as long as it doesn't make you into some kind of faggot pacifist who doesn't want to nuke the shit out of some bugs.

Their society cannot function without war to keep it going. Religion does not pose this problem because you can always make religious people cheer for a war.

The newsreels also mention around the beginning of the movie the new Terran anti-asteroid defense systems JUST put into orbit.

movie has a lot of nostalgia

>first movie outing with a friend and his dad
>friends dad didn't censor the shower scene, first movie nudity
>gory as fuck
>don't fully understand everything but get it's joking
>hating denise richards for being a slut while wanting to fuck her
>first movie i wanted to rewatch again

being a kid sure was cool. i didn't even know critics hated it and misunderstood it. listening to the vorhoeven and neumeier commentary was a great experience

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But if Trump doesn't go to war against "communistic socialists" how will he have a convenient fear-based scapegoat to sell to his base after he has to pretend the wall thing is handled so he doesn't look like a complete retard?

- there is no democracy, only (ex-) military people can vote
- theyre engaged in a hostile war, with propaganda camouflaging it.

I wish real fascism would come to crash the skull of idiots like you.

>What made Starship Troopers so amazing?

Robert Heinlein.

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Name one thing in the movie involving libertarianism.

>there is no democracy, only (ex-) military people can vote

Everyone who has served through either the military or civic duty can vote as citizens.

Read the book.

100% this. Loving Starship Troopers is a 3 stage process.

Don't forget to watch Roughnecks. The CGI is Reboot-tier but it's actually a fairly compelling story

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>Read the book

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Who was the Federation fighting before the bugs? They must have had some foe considering their society depends upon having an enemy to oppose.

liberal democracy isn't the only kind of democracy user

you can be a democracy while still restricting suffrage

after all, America is a democracy despite not allowing people younger than 18 years old to vote right?

>starship troopers is fascist
>has a bunch of niggers everywhere

considering the fact Buenos Aires was 90% white, I'm gonna say SPICS

Someone with hands, presumably

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>there is no democracy, only (ex-) military people can vote
The military isn't the only means to attaining citizenship. Pay attention mouth breather.

thanks for repeating what i said

Vorhoeven didn't read the book

Another reason why I love it.

There's a news report in the background of one of the scenes about some faggots trying to create a settlement on bug planet.

>I don't get why people call it fascist
>shoehorned fascist aesthetics

You do know why. You just don't want to believe stupid people are that easily manipulated. Put Doogie Howser in a trench coat and SJWs will shout, "Nazis!"

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Fucking mormons.

>society depends upon having an enemy to oppose

Who told you that?

Frankly I find the idea that bugs have that sort of technology offensive.

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now that was a truly redpilled arachnid expert

>The newsreels also mention around the beginning of the movie the new Terran anti-asteroid defense systems JUST put into orbit.
The beginning of the movie is a flash forward. That newsreel takes place during the invasion of Klendathu which is after the attack on Buenos Aires.

No one cared about the politicuck shit in it, it was just about killing bugs and the majority of people hate bugs.

Reminder to watch the sequels. The second one is a bit naff, but the third one starts grounded, then just escalates and escalates and never stops

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It's fucking amazing man. I was sceptical but holy shit.

it's a libertarian power fantasy

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They didn't, they succeeded in nuking buenos aires but there's a few newsreals along the lines of "another day, anoter asteroid but we intercepted it so they did launch attacks at the rest.

>the amount of bluepilled individuals in this thread unaware that Buenos Aires was an inside job

you see, that doesn't work because you already have socialists in america wanting the president's head on a daily basis and constant FFFFFUCK DRUMPFT media coming out so years from now they can look back and say ''oh hey, he was a bad president''

>hurr durr jews did buenos aires
Put your tinfoil hat back on.

I lost my mind when I realized that old upn show I'd watch in the morning was starship troopers years later.


user, the Federation bombed themselves to perpetuate war. It's all but spelled out if you watch the movie.

>they actually get power armour more similar to what was described in the book

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i'm with you, user




It's a movie built up entirely from cliches. You can literally guess how every scene will end on the first watch. That's why it has infinite rewatchability.

>It's all but spelled out if you watch the movie.
How so?

People unironically love Fascism. (as so they should)






>People unironically love Fascism

Supergirl's creators got super butthurt over how much people liked her Nazi counterpart from an alternate reality. They expected everyone to hate her but turns out people kind of dig the fascist aesthetic

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If they were to launch a meteor at earth it would take 100,000 years to reach us. It just isn't possible that the bugs did Buenos Aires.

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Isn't the point that you can't trust the information from the news? When you see the death count when Rico's squad goes to see him in the vat, you can see the amount of deaths reported in the news was different by a factor of 10 or something.

What are you on about?

>- there is no democracy, only (ex-) military people can vote

Why is this a bad thing?

>democratic voting
It's not really dissimiliar to what Hitler wanted:
Today’s Western democracy is the forerunner of Marxism, which without it would be unthinkable. It provides this world plague with the culture in which its germs can spread."

"They have not understood that the result of the revolution in Germany has been to establish a democracy in the best sense of the word. We are steering towards an order of things guaranteeing a process of natural and reasonable selection in the domain of political leadership, thanks to which that leadership will be entrusted to the most competent, irrespective of their descent, name or fortune."

The biggest piece of "evidence" is that Carmen is told not to take the fastest route (The route of her asteroid) but because she's a good pilot she figures out that path, which is faster, and that's what leads them into the asteroid.

It's hardly conclusive but fun to meme about.

Reminder that Hitler was absolutely fucking correct.



Lovely video. It's fascinating to see how many things he says that still hold relevance. In fact, it seems nothing has changed, it only got worse.

Nothing ever changes. Go watch some old political campaign ads from the 80s. They're complaining about the same shit as now, it's just bigger numbers due to inflation

The novel does not worship fascism in any way brainlet

And accidentally sincere depiction of Fascism

it was unrestrained.

This is a real and serious answer about the movie but lets have a thread about politics instead.

It wasn't about bullshit understanding and that perhaps the bugs deserved a place in the universe, it was just humanity constantly resorting to violence. It also had a TV movie feel mixed in with high budget action which gave it an almost high-school nostalgia vibe bordering on that you get from say, Ferris Bueller but with Michael Ironside shooting the shit out of bugs.

Do you get disenfranchised in Israel or Estonia or wherever if you refuse conscription?

Dunno about there but in Korea if you don't show up then you go to prison

i haven't even seen this movie and i know what a huge dumbass you are for thinking it's entirely apolitical

Themselves. They just realised it was way more efficient to have an external foe, like Ozymandias.

You ever try to wipe out an ant colony but squashing every worker ant eating your leftovers? How well does that work out?
Carpet bombing a planet doesn't accomplish it because the bugs live underground. You have to go down there and nuke the tunnels with a manportable nuke launcher. We only see this once in the film but supposedly it's 90% of what the mobile infantry does on planets.

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>You have to go down there and nuke the tunnels with a manportable nuke launcher.
Or you just deploy something that makes the Tsar Bomba look like a firecracker on the cunts, over and over until you upset the tectonic plates themselves.

Whoa I dont remember that scene

Klendathu Drop always gets all the credit, but I just want to take a moment to say Tango Urilla is God Tier too (aka the tune that plays when Radcheck shows up for the first time since school)


Turning the other cheek = Taking it in the cheeks

>what was meant by this?

I wasn't expecting the knife, but I am clinically retarded.

it was a white movie for white people

because people can still talk about it 20 years later, movie can be enjoyed and understood from many angles, from basic to more advanced

>Every report jenkins had painted a grim reality and how generally fucked the situation was
>Every in universe news report was propaganda telling everybody we were winning

Why the fuck did jenkins even bother bringing his camera?

so many people still don't understand it, and its funny

its not a false flag, its just that the bugs don't understand that killing humans is so bad. They're a hivemind and don't see killing an some human as bad since it has no effect on the overall hive. They don't realise humans are individuals

a number of fascist nations tried to aggressively integrate its minority ethnic groups to a single national culture and identity.

name 20

You do realize, that beyond retards getting up in arms about whether the film properly critiques of "fascism" or "authoritarianism" or whatever, that the film is really a critique about propaganda? This is the thing people miss.

Portugal, Spain, Italy, the south American dictatorships.

thats only 3
besides, all of those various nations had colonial interests, they didn't plan on bringing the shitskins back to their countries to integrate them. they wanted them to integrate on their original plots of lands while ostensibly being "italian" or what have you.


pretty sure the movie is set in a world government you dumbfuck.

>Faceless, nameless enemies so you have a very clearly defined "good" side and "bad" side
user, I...

what does that have to do with your original post retard?
a number of fascist nations in real life isnt the same as a fictional world government based off of fascism now does it?

Based and fascism-pilled
(It’s not actually fascism but yeah)

The effects were rendered in 2k

But they want to take over the planets they are fighting on.

hmm yes what about all the south american governments that were fascist? You just going to ignore them
Fascism does not = white nationalism

It’s a smart movie dressed up as a dumb action flick

It's an all volunteer military. Conscription is outlawed.

That’s also in the movie. I’m halfway through the book right now.
Loving it so far.

Soldiers like Rico sacrifice their individuality to benefit the state.
That's literally the theme of Triumph of the Will

>Fascism does not = white nationalism
I never said it did mouthbreather, learn how to read before you write more drivel. The european fascist nations did it for the reason I already listed, the spic nations did it because South America was already an ethnically and racially diverse place with a history of ethnic division, especially when it came to one's place in society. Much like fascist nations in Europe solved or at least tried to eliminate financial inequality, the south american nations tried to eliminiate ethnic and racial inequality.

It’s still a democracy. Anyone that wants to vote can earn it through service.

Well then there's always the even more efficient way. Genetic chemical warfare, wiping the bugs out with a disease or poison that's harmless to humans. They're not exactly following some kind of geneve convention when fighting the bugs.

That said, they don't actually want to take over the planets. Those mormons colonised the planet because they wanted to get away from the state that most probably had a problem with their religion and they were left to die and to be used as propaganda for it. Because if you take a society entirely based around allegiance and war and allow its populace to spread to multiple planets then it'll fracture on itself. The bugs are the perfect enemy because not only can you have an endless war against them with little to no moral problem since they're bugs, they have also somehow spread across most of the liveable planets across the galaxy with their plasma farts, keeping private enterprises from splitting off and colonising somewhere else.

In the book they’re not at war at first.
Military service wasn’t the only kind and f service.

That’s literally all militaries ever.

Holy shit, just switched tv on and based rob aiger has a video up on Starship Troopers.

This: Mobile Infantry’s job isn’t to hold ground.

Their job is to get planetsifrand eradicate bug nests that Fleet bombardment can’t take care of, denying the Bugs planets to breed on and use to launch plasma bombardments on asteroid fields and human space.

Not entirely different to the USMC island-hopping during the Pacific Theater in WW2. Remember Heineken was a Navy man to the core, and the Marines’ expeditionary nature influenced his ideas of warfare.

intelligent satire, extreme violence and gore, and groundbreaking special effects that still hold up well today.

This. Brainlet right wingers completely overlook at the mockery of globalized fascism in the film and think the society is an amazing place to live. Pretty funny considering how it still enforces feminism and diversity but that's okay because everyone wears cool uniforms. Reminder /pol/ are sub 80iq roman larpers who just want to wear nazi uniforms

>yfw you realize robocop leads into starship troopers which leads into total recall and it's all the same universe

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Thanks for bringing /pol/ into the discussion,
we really appreciate it you sub 70iq retard.

>muh turn the other cheek

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>planet bound bugs are capable of launching a slow moving extrasolar object across space to accurately hit earth in spite of the incredible amount of orbital defenses previously shown in the movie installed around the planet and the fact that the ship is had a near collision with has FTL travel capable of taking it to earth hundreds of years before the asteroid itself would ever reach the planet

Nope this was totally a serious plot point and not the director implying a false flag attack at all

Starship Troopers must have come later, Richter regrowing one of his arms and surviving the fall then going into teaching is more believable than being rescued from P, resurrected and regrowing both his legs and one of his arms

Tell me, Faggot, in what way does it support Feminism? I saw normal gender roles at home and Stringent Military Structure among the volunteers.


He's conflating
>there's female soldiers
>they promote gender equality
when it's more about the service being one of the few ways to obtain citizenship.
Just ignore him, it's a blanket fire bait post, don't fall for it.

the bugs have access to ftl and even have a couple of sleeper bugs the size of moons

In what deleted scene from the first movie is this shown?

Thanks. I took him seriously. Should have known better.

>think the society is an amazing place to live

Good for /pol/. They are smarter than you are.

>globalized fascism

Who did the "fascists" oppress?


This movie isn't supposed to be some brainlet poltards fantasy. They sent in those soldiers to die in a retarded offensive because the totalitarian society based on hero worship and generational displacement needs hundreds of thousands of people to die "gloriously". The theme of replacement is prevalent in the whole movie. Officers are all barely middle aged, with sky marshals in their 40s and 50s. Within 5 years of graduating high school Rico's officers all die and he takes over his company as a lieutenant. Carmen is commanding her own ship within the same time frame, and despite the fact they're barely in their mid 20s they're already considering the 18 year olds who are coming in to replace them at the end of the movie as young inexperienced kids.

Without mass die offs and constant replacement this society would crumble.

You need to replace patricians with brianlets for your third layer

>subtext is hard: the board

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airplanes can't take and hold ground. You always need the bloody infantry

Unarmed Mormons colonizing a planet without governmental authority are considered extremists, so odds are they fought a thousand Wacos and Ruby Ridges against other humans.

My wifes highschool friends husband got ate by bug! God that guy was annoying.

>Made in 1997...still had better CGI than most modern movies
How does this happen?

I guarantee people will still fall for that blatant bait, even with this as the first reply.


They made animatronic models of everything then just used CGI to clone them, truly a lost art


Outsourcing CGI to Pajeetland instead of doing the work in house

You two are retards. Women are encouraged to be rah rah she rambos but are consistently shown to be physically and mentally inept (breaking down in battle, accidentally killing squad mates, unable to beat men in hand to hand combat). Feminism is a totalitarian ideal designed to dehumanize female traits to disrupt the family unit, and this film explicitly shows women who just want to date, have babies, and have political careers disastrously thrust into horrible situations they had no place being in because of state enforced feminism treating them as disposable units just like men are.

Starship Troopers is the ultimate brainlet filter, always exposing idiots based on how they think the portrayed society has any positive merits to it.

>discord tranny

It's a "poltard can't formulate a counter argument so he resorts to meaningless meme words" episode.

Meat for the grinder, you mong. Having a vagina literally has nothing to do with it.

they nailed it at 70k light years. Impressive.

Stop responding to him, he's just going to keep rolling out easily debatable arguments and insults so you keep replying.

Absolutely based and redpilled

A stable society without poverty, greed, strife harnessing our collective will to bring humanity to stars is just awful and terrible.

Don't be mad that I keep pointing out your shitty bait posts shitposter-kun.

Fascism would be the natural end result if Humanity ever became a space colonizing species.

It would be a loose confederacy ala greek city states, except even more isolated.
That's assuming they stay united at all.

White people

>the totalitarian society based on hero worship and generational displacement needs hundreds of thousands of people to die "gloriously".
I think their problem was more that Earth was overpopulated but they still couldn't allow people to branch off to their own planets because that would break the structure. That's why literally everyone is an only child and why you've got that girl in the shower scene who says she joined to up her chances of being allowed to have a kid. With that state of affairs a recurring culling in the form of war and a mass-cull in the form of Buenos Aires is a god-send.

I didn't watch Romper Stomper for years because the only ones recommending it was my neo-nazi older brother and the wannabe neo-nazi at school.

I can only hold so many strawmen in my arms

>planet bound
Bruh, the movie shows them on at least 2 planets. Invasion of klendathu and the planet "p" where they find the brain bug

all the things you mention are something reasonable with a peacetime army. this takes place when the federation is just going to war.

They even mention how they did it, by firing spores into space. Maybe the way they moved the asteroids is by plasma bugs spores landing on them and acting as rocket boosters, they could even steer by aiming in different directions.

Put your hand ON THAT WALL!

It's explained that they spread from planet to planet by farting eggs on rocks and letting them drift through the cosmos until it gets lucky hitting a fertile planet. They've existed for millennia and got as far as a handful of planets, all you'd need to do to cuck them for eternity is to set up an anti-meteor battery at strategic locations around their planets.

You'd need something more sophisticated than that, like scanning stations around possibly habitable planets in case the spores floated through your defense grid and they sprouted up somewhere else in the galaxy

>shitted on
It did a poor job of that.

2nd and 3rd movies

Does anyone else think starcraft had a lot to do with this movies popularity a few years after its release?

veerhooven grew up under the nozies in nederlands had nothing to do with usa

The director didn't even read the book, he said so himself. He said he got only a little bit through it before he put it down because he hated it. I think that's what he said, but I'm too lazy to google because I imagine he's changed his order of events since the movie is a cult thing now.

That's true, and I agree with him, it was incredibly dry with the long descriptions of his weaponry and armour's abilities, military books written by people that never served are nearly always better for that reason, e.g. Tom Clancy

Jesus that brain bug is something else. Imagine how fucking bad it would look nowadays

Nailed it. Same style as Predator.

>the year is 2019
>people still dont understand Starship Troopers and its criticisms.

Hey guys the bugs -totally- sent an asteroid to hit Buenos Aires :^)

Enlist now.

Okay, now THIS is bait.

>This whole post

Attached: nopdglvp64711[1].png (1256x543, 367K)

What if they're all members of the same family who just look extremely similar?

>subtle political wankery

Attached: 1505937103046.png (211x239, 4K)

It dosen't user is meming

Attached: 1550940941273.gif (601x601, 2.72M)

A facist one does

You're certainly well-acquainted with /pol/'s ways despite not being one of them.

Yeah terrific graphics for its time, really just a real fun movie all around

It shits on fascist right wing fucktards.

Attached: 1550001195393.png (627x611, 423K)

Only because the director didn't even bother to read the fucking book.

why the fuck is Goblin Slayer on this bait?

pancake tit tomboys bang like goddesses. They're hot enough to be confident but insecure enough to be sluts

you're opinions and observational abilities are shit

>be bisexual
>watch the starship troopers shower scenes
These are dangerous boners

Attached: DiDqZ2qVMAAxr2g.jpg (355x279, 15K)

it's due to his jaw alignment. It's pretty common and can only be corrected with pretty intense orthodontics

what a fucking lad

everyone look at the faggot and laugh

Attached: girls_laughing.jpg (398x241, 29K)

Goblino slayer is kino.

>Feel good Nationalism
It's literally a globalist government

That's the end-point of nationalists that they just prefer to never talk about, it's just that it's a globalism united under THEIR rule.

Fuck off leftypol
You are a idiot

Most people get it, sub average IQ pol/tards do not.


>suck on my beech
What did he mean by this?


Attached: Bill_Rico.gif (320x240, 56K)

>all those white males
How did they get away with being so patriarchal?

>tfw it's not there anymore

>in order to think the movie is a satire of fascism rather than an unintended endorsement you need to be a literal false flag conspiracy theorist
absolute state of shitlibs

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Attached: CiHi33yWEAASVBe.jpg (690x448, 28K)

>ywn boink Amy Smart in low gravity
why live bros

Attached: starshiptroopers027.jpg (250x250, 21K)

same thing that made tons of 90s movies amazing and timeless

non-millennial staff

I bet she was fucking butthurt about how fast Carmen got promoted

that he was from Buenos Aires, boludo

Is it a good transfer? I've been burned before

Basically. It's super ironic. It a utopia that actually works and forces people to contribute by earning something unlike star trek.


The hot brunette one from Starship Troopers 3 died of cancer


warrior bugs are so majestic in a weird way.

Seek help

Attached: Fist Of God Special.jpg (1243x531, 201K)

Population control.

>Executives couldn't even be bothered about including the Marauder armor.

Fake news. It was functioning just fine before the bugs attacked.

I love me mech suits as much as anyone, but you know as well as I do it woulf have looked awful.

Beyond pathetic garbage of a thread. Underage polfaggots should be gassed.

You first.

Enoch Powell did the Rivers of Blood speech in the UK. Watch it/read a transcript. Insane how on point he was.

their fault for giving nazi girl the better costume

>put women in tight black leather
>give men sophisticated looks abd sharp uniforms
>portray society as pretty much perfect if you're white

Gee I wonder why people like it

of course he didn't, Veerhoven tried to portray nazis as good guys to challenge viewers

"It’s an idiotic story: young people go to fight bugs. So I felt the human characters should have a comic-book look. Mark Wahlberg and Matt Damon auditioned, but I was looking for the prototype of blond, white and arrogant, and Casper Van Dien was so close to the images I remembered from Leni Riefenstahl’s films. I borrowed from Triumph of the Will in the parody propaganda reel that opens the film, too. I was using Riefenstahl to point out, or so I thought, that these heroes and heroines were straight out of Nazi propaganda. No one saw it at the time. I don’t know whether or not the actors realised – we never discussed it. I thought Neil Patrick Harris arriving on the set in an SS uniform might clear it up."

probably the same situation as Halo/Killzone where they are fighting interstellar separatists from Earth backed government. infact, Heinlen himself wrote a tale featuring this scenario where a Moon convict colony rebels against Earth

You're supposed to WANT as diverse society, not just for it to be better. You're wrongthinking