Why do they hate it so much?

Why do they hate it so much?

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It's a 50 year old white man's idea of racism.

Niggers will never be happy

It's the movie equivalent of Imagine Dragons. Shallow, safe, pandering, no subtance.

It's about people of difference races getting along. SJWs hate that and prefer for us to be racially segregated.

Came here to post this. They live off discord and division, it gives them sustenance. Sounds familiar....

Because it's comfy and actually shows people getting along.


>Black guy and white guy getting along

No wonder leftists hate it

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True, they need the brown people of the world to unite against their white male boogeymen. A good white male is impossible in their narrative. Even the most total self hating cuck isn't good enough. A foul mouthed working class white guy who gets along with the blacks is blasphemy.

BP could have massacred the Awards like ROTK and Ben Hur and niggers would still be pissed and uppity

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Notice how the bonding and friendship and overcoming differences isn't noticed by the outrage.. There is ZERO redeeming qualities for the left with this movie.

Brainlet headlines like "white savior"..

Which goes to show that no one anymore can see beyond what they want to see.

A movie about human beings learning to be good to each other.. Instead here we are..

Outrage and anger.

This, oscar bait movie, almost good, but too concentrated on being a big thing. It's clear why it won. Nobody ever took it like more than oscar bait.

Wonder how it must feel to have your entire life and opinions be dictated by others. Maybe the NPC meme isn't actually a meme.

Trips of truth my man

>Over the next few days and weeks there will undoubtedly be a lot of theorizing about what happened. Some will zero in on the failure of an academy whose taste clearly isn’t quite as evolved as its rapidly diversifying and internationalizing membership would suggest. Still others will be tempted to identify a stubborn strain of Trumpian anti-intellectualism among “Green Book” lovers who dug in their heels in defense of a much-maligned favorite.

>They may have a point. I remain optimistic that, as with “Crash’s” ill-remembered victory, the coronation of “Green Book” will turn out to be not a re-entrenchment but a calamitous fluke — the academy’s last concession (for now) to that portion of the white moviegoing audience that still believes stories of justice and progress will always have to be negotiated on their terms. As Shirley tells Vallelonga early on in “Green Book”: “You can do better.” His rebuke might just as well extend to the movie he’s in and to a voting body foolish enough to honor it.

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2/10 not enough we wuzzing

I really don't get it. Did people seriously honest to god expect black panther to win? It got 3 Oscars did it not? Were the majority of winners not black or women? It sure seemed like nearly everyone was catered to. I just don't understand. Do these people want a white man to get up on stage while crying and whipping himself or something what the fuck do they want?

They loved it until Vigo said "nigger".

There's a lot of stigmata

>white man and black man being friends

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haven't seen it yet but it seems like a flick trying to promote simple friendship, looking past color
is that why liberals hate it

>worst best picture
>post picture with perfect proportions and distribution
Imbecile has no clue about cinematography.

>if you disagree with me you’re being anti-intellectual
>if a movie with racial themes isn’t explicitly anti-white it’s racist and bad

>people getting along
the horror... the horror..

They want to whine, piss and moan. Incessantly. And getting paid for it.

Seriously, I don’t get it. Can someone actually explain why liberals get so triggered by interracial friendship, and yet not interracial romance?

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The fact you have to ask tells me you skipped your mandatory 6 month /pol/ indoctrination

it proves racism does not exist

I actually liked Black Panther but it shouldn't be put in the same sentence as any of the great historical epics or LOTR, which is basically just a historical epic but with orcs in it.

>academy bends over backwards to pander to negroes for years
>mistakenly gives the wrong negro movie the best picture oscar
>huge uproar and scandal

no pleasing these people

It wasn't a mistake. They tried to pander to both sides because it stars a white guy too!

But Green Book was loved by liberals until Viggo said nigger

Sacred blue! What is this frog shit?

>prefer for us to be racially segregated.
wtf are SJWs actually redpilled?

Every movie besides Black Panther was Oscar Bait though

I'm sick of seeing this like it's some sort of valid way to dismiss something. It's not even going as far as talking about the content, it just stops right at "fuck old whitey."

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Depends on your idea of Oscar bait. Blackklansman was the most unconventional movie nominated.

Interracial friendship doesn't demean white men and further fetishize black men, it only elavates both and god forbid we treat people like people.

>Can't even say nigger in an academic way when discussing it as a subject
Jesus fucking Christ, what a world we live in.

It is inarguable that many 50 yo white men have a simplistic view of racism.

Rent free

Pretty sure this is at 40% because its a terrible americanized version of a good foreign film.
Why cant you just use read fucking subtitles lmao.
Also who the fuck would cast kevin hart for this movie holy shit talk about a train wreck.

>50 yo white men have a simplistic view of racism
what does this mean?
i dont think you know what that word means either

“Simplistic” is lefty-speak for “opinion I don’t like”

Hatred of whites

>Blackklansman was the most unconventional movie nominated.
You've never seen more than 5% of them, shut the fuck up. That movie was conventional as shit.

>foreigners think we care about their culture
Kek. I would bet you anything most Americans can’t name a single foreign film

>foreigners think we care about their culture
I dont really care about that, im just baffled that you keep making these shitty remakes, who even watches that garbage? You are missing out on the original content.

Tokyo Ghoul, One Punch Man, Assassination Classroom, Death Note.

Feeling pretty stupid now, aren't you user?


>muh original content
We’re not watching your irrelevant, shitty movies, deal with it

>Racist learns to be less racist
>Somehow this is a bad thing

Please explain to me how this logic works? I thought the whole idea was to end racism?

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Not really, no. One user knowing foreign films doesn’t even come close to disproving me, and you haven’t even proved you’re American.

It used to be. Nowadays the left is far more anti-white than anti-racist

>doesn't demean white men and further fetishize black men, it only elavates both

And that's not okay. You see uplifting everyone does not correct historic inequalities and this is why white men must be humiliated so they can be brought down and everyone can be equal.

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It's a good movie. It's just shallow oscar bait.

Because Italians aren't white enough for the right and they aren't dark enough for the left.

interracial friendship is dangerous to them, it's against race wars. While interracial romance can be actively used to delete their white boogeyman from the genepool. These people have issues

Being the most anti-white is how you be anti-racist these days.

It promotes the fact that black and whites should get along and we should end racism. So of course its disgusting and sjws are pissed.

Viggo is Danish though.

he means they still adhere to the actual textbook defintion and not the non-sense academic post-modernis definition that literally excuses and absolves all minority groups of the consequences of racist actions committed by them

It is easier to draw parallels from the current times than come up with original material yourself. What you're seeing is the unoriginality of most filmmakers currently trying to become relevant, not through their own ideas, but through the events and overall social sphere of today. Also, more often than not, the political messages embedded in the film are the opinions of a person who doesn't have the faintest idea of how things actually work and correlate with each other, they're just propagating an idea they formed in a stupor which was subsequently

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>Never even heard of this film till yesterday
>See news it's won an Oscar
>Guess it must be some anti white trash
>Watch trailer
>Magic negro gets beaten by evil whites
>Suspicions confirmed.

White guilt is the worst shit in america

I honestly have no idea user...

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Not being able to think of one on the spot, maybe. But if hey heard of a specific movie. Say Godzilla. I'm sure they would know

a world run by a bunch of niggers

I mean, you could argue Black Panther was Marvel's own take on what an Oscar bait movie can be like, and they succeeded at it.

those aren't films though

There are some black people stupid enough to legitimately believe that.


because the only racial story worth telling in america is that of the evil whites. white men must not be portrayed as good.

And ESPECIALLY you can't validate the idea that someone can hold racial generalizations to be true and yet still be a good person

SJWs have been the real racists for a long time now. Notice that no actual black people hate Green Book except for Spike Lee who just hates it because he wanted his movie to win.

this user speaks the truth, watch the original french version for some comfy interracial friendship kino

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>critics consensus: preachy
You will never here that about a sjw movie

You don't understand user, "gibs me dat" doesn't mean "give me some of that", it means "give me ALL of that"

Dragon Ball Super: Broly

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Trips confirm more black fragility. Pathetic.

Implying this wasnt better than Bore of water

It's fucked up. I'm a liberal and an egalitarian and even I think that there is an active, growing attempt to sow divisiveness between groups and push a narrative that we shouldn't try to get along.

The difference between me an /pol/lacks is that I don't think it's THE JEWS trying to destroy white people. I think it's selfish individuals doing what they have long done and using people's fear and anger to make money and gain power, regardless of the cost to society as a whole.

>And ESPECIALLY you can't validate the idea that someone can hold racial generalizations to be true and yet still be a good person

This. I unequivocally believe that racism is 100% morally and factually incorrect, but when bigotry is attributed to some sort of inborn evil (a childish concept to begin with) and not simply regular people who are horribly misguided it makes fighting it all the more difficult. You can't treat a disease if you don't understand how it works.

> worst best picture
wasn't last year's best picture about a gay nigger faggot?

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>93% liked it
Oh I bet that's getting review bombed hard now.

I have bad news for you, friend. Everyone on /pol/ started it thinking it exactly like you. I give you 3-4 years before you become unironically fascist and will wish Hitler won the war.
Ask anyone on the old /pol/ before the 2016 elections and everyone will repeat the same story. Started as a lefist, egalitarian, who treated each individual as a person. Then something changed, for everyone of them. Do you know why?

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What a disgusting spew of newspeak buzzwords

This nonsense only applies to people with chimpanzee tier IQs. Everyone on pol is beyond unintelligent.

Well, for what it's worth I think one of the most disgusting elements of the hijacking of progressivism is that it's thrown people of color, LGBT people, and other marginalized groups under the bus. I also think narcissistic white people have the biggest share of the blame.

It's a perfectly fine and enjoyable feel good holiday movie that you can see with your family. They want every movie about african americans to be 12 Years a Slave on steroids.

The idea is that racist white people being redeemed is a "white savior" narrative.
>I thought the whole idea was to end racism?
for these people, the way to end racism is to kill white people

A movie with significant black and white interaction that's not explicitly anti-white genuinely makes them furious doesn't it?

Social isolation and deliberately themselves into bubbles?

>"white savior" narrative

What's that? Do I even want to know?

Do blacks not realize the point of the movie was that italians also faced discrimination back that. Did they even watch the movie. How is this even a white savior movie

>Do blacks not realize

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Why are you projecting?

This would've been sucked off so hard in 2009 it would've got blood blisters on its dick but the american left is now filled with neoliberal corporate dick suckers who are apocalyptic that a 5/10 superhero flick targeting delayed adolescence man children didn't win because it had a marketing campaign with black people.

>I don't think it's THE JEWS trying to destroy white people

Keep pulling the thread user and you will see.

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How many people who hate on it do you think actually saw it OP?

I'm confused, I haven't seen the film.
Does this critique mean that it's about people being openly racist, and they would have preferred it instead if it was about a multi-generational international secret conspiracy amongst all white people to keep black people down?
Thanks in advance.

I haven’t seen the movie, but a friend of mine said it was a comfy movie about two bros overcoming racial differences and being bros. How accurate is that?

I didn't understand any of this text. Who low IQ here?

(((They))) WANT white people to be racist so the narrative that white people are racist remains alive. It's all about being a victim these days and the number one boogeyman is white people. That may all sound crazy, but it's true. Leftshits consider it racist when a white person says they don't judge people based on their race.

This. Negroes don't want equality because it removes all of their excuses for being failures.

What's that mean?

I can't even follow this plot anymore.

but niggers told me that white people loved it?

That happened to me and I'm a 6'6 250 lb man(5% BF) with a 150 IQ and perfect SAT scores.

Every single neo-nazi/pol user is lukewarm IQ. Your LARPing can't change that.

He's right: I voted for Bernie and then Hillary in 2016, and now I unironically understand that jews are the biggest threat to world peace.

>The difference between me an /pol/lacks is that I don't think it's THE JEWS trying to destroy white people.

You just need to research some more.

It's okay, user; neither can leftshits. It's all about hatred against white people these days, but they can't just come out and say it so they do all these twists and turns to try to trick you into thinking it's not actually about hating white people even though it obviously is. They'll say things like, "I DON'T HATE WHITE PEOPLE; I HATE WHITENESS." Just look at how they react if you post the IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE meme.

You need to understand basic logical fallacies prior to doing "research." Confirmation is the biggest one that 65 IQ neonazis don't understand. The biggest threat to world peace is just political and religious extremists in general. Jews are at the very bottom of "threats to world peace" because their population is largely atheistic rationalists.

If you told 2015 libtard me that I'd be a white nationalist who feared the destruction of the West I'd laugh in your face. The rise of Trump helped expose the anti-white nature of the left and their madness. Can't believe I changed so much, but I've seen the truth.

Ooof, what a moron. Jews are behind diversity, migration, and neoconservatism which all lead to avoidable unrest.

Not if they try to pull some shit with Iran. IMO I'm more concerned with radical Islam and the Muslim threat, but Jews are the biggest enablers of radical Islam, black supremacy, and open borders.

They aren't "behind" any of those things. You're just literally borderline retarded and don't understand confirmation bias so you see it that way. You just have very, very low intelligence user. Look around yourself, your peers are all mentally unstable failed abortions. It's not a coincidence that places like pol are cess pools of people who should not be allowed to exist. You are vermin.

This is the weirdest thing about the Jews. There are almost no normal Jews, at least politically. Most are far left cooks and the vast majority of weird ideologies are just Jewish ideologies. Communism, marxism, post modernism, and feminism are all extremely Jewish. intersections studies, LGBT stuff, relativism are all Jewish.

But on the right, Jews are almost always neocons who want war with the Islamic world or Russia or some random country in Asia. Same is true of libertines, it's a very Jewish moment. There are very few moderate Jews on the left or the right.

Jews make up 50% of Democratic donors and 25% of Republican.


Jews are overrepresented in all kinds of things. Wake up, white man. The one seeking confirmation bias is you. The Jews have tricked you and confined you that white men are overrepresented and run everything when it's really the Jews.

Almost all Jews are moderate. None of those things are Jewish. You're just really stupid and don't understand selection/confirmation bias. You read an infograph on an incel board and get brainwashed by them. You think prominent people/outliers represent their demographics. "People" like you are responsible for every ill on the planet, all because you're too stupid and/or lazy to think.

nope. Been browsing since /new/ and I'm still libertatian paulite. the reason you are confused about this is because a huge swath of oldfags left after /pol/harbor and another huge swath were displaced by r/donald refugees during the election. the christcucks and unironic fascist lovers on /pol/ are literally newfags from reddit.

>They aren't "behind" any of those things.
You're honestly just too uninformed about this. Why are you claiming something that isn't true?

Look up who's behind feminism and the NAACP while you go do some research.

>You're just literally borderline retarded and don't understand confirmation bias so you see it that way.
You are literally just parroting what you've been told without investigating things yourself. You're just denying because the truth makes you uncomfortable.

>You just have very, very low intelligence user.
lol I have a masters from a top 10.

You're no different than a climate change denier.

>and I'm still libertatian paulite
Do you not understand voting demographics, user? The non-whites don't vote for your interests.

Liberals aren't interest in good race relations. Neither are most blacks. They need to cling on to their victim status.

Hey jew, show me a prominent jew who openly advocates for whites to be majorities in their own nations.

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