Cameron pays from his own pocket to give arms to a qt who lost her both arms

>Cameron pays from his own pocket to give arms to a qt who lost her both arms

>Marvell pays Hollywood to give an oscar to Black Panther

Fuck you Marvel. I'm going to see Alita again.

Attached: robo girl i cry every time.jpg (1280x720, 177K)

Is this privileged white crippled bitch even in the film?

I support you, but I need to correct some facts first.

Cameron might have helped with the funding - I don't know - but this girl is an existing beta-tester for this prosthetic arm company. The surprise for her is that she gets to go to the premiere.

So this is a promotion thing where the movie company gets to promote the film, while the prosthetics company gets to promote the prosthetic arms coverings.

Now, I fully expect that Cameron has given away the rights to make Alita themed arm coverings for free, so the company doesn't have to pay him for the privilege of making them. In that case, that is something of value that he is owed thanks for doing - but it's not out of pocket for him.

>Cameron pays from his own pocket to give arms to a qt who lost her both arms.
>Brie told charities to buy movie tickets for kids to see HER.
I will watch Alita again this coming March 8.

I want her to jerk me off with her nubs

Alita’s producer said that they funded to make this set for her. It’s in the clip.

I want a cute 13 year old cyborg gf bros!

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i never knew delicious flat chest AND flat arms was my fetish

You're right. But it's not a surprise that she's getting free arms - that's part of the beta testing deal she has with the bionics company as far as I understood. The genuine surprise for her is that she gets Alita themed arms and gets to go to the premiere with them.

It is an awesome story, though.

I’m just glad that Alita has made us pay attention to advancement in the biotic & cybentic field. I believe we are not far from the technology of Alita’s future. Let’s hope it will not be a dystopian world.

Why the FUCK would you dress your 13 yo daughter like this?

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she can't dress herself

They've been dressing like that for near 50 years.

>navel piercing

No, this is just pure virtue marketing.

This. Me too.

Such a qt.

Blacked by bionics.

Restoring function to the otherwise permanently disabled is a virtue that I can actually get behind though.

damn i want arms like that, should i "have an accident"?

Is this outfit age appropriate?

Appropriate for (((holllywood)))

I mean it helps a young girl and bankrolls cheaper bionics for others. I know a fat loser on 4chins wouldn't get it but it's a good thing.

I love how Cameron’s autism makes the world a better place. His movies are competent for the most part, but the way they effect real change is the stuff Black Panther et Marvel pretend they do

enjoy never being able to jack it without ripping your dick off ever again

Imagine her handjobs...

Cyborg Luna Lovegood?

Disney did it with the Iron Manlet years ago.

Not just some bionic arms to a little girl, Jimbo help making low cost prosthetic covers for all.

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She is a total fucking cutie, would wife crippy jailbait without hesitation

she has her belly pierced

I'll get a qt girl, she will jack me off and do oral because i now have cool cyborg arms. It's a win win

lmao everyone's shredding brie larson

Jimbo knows...

Attached: James_Cameron.jpg (949x608, 122K)

>tfw user can't stop posting about me even in an unrelated thread

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How? she has pants, and a t-shirt. She is more covered than your average


What's your justification for the piercing bro? Huh? You think is cool that little girls do stuff like that?

Not him but of course it's fine, she doesn't need to justify a piercing

Piercings are there to enhance sexuality.


Get a load of this pervert degenerate, can't even look at metal piercing supple underage flesh workout getting all hot and bothered


I wonder what it's like to sleep and sex her

single mom

I meant in the comments, brie. You are not liked.

Look at them titties, you just wanna squeeze them

>Huh? You think is cool that little girls do stuff like that?
I think it's a dumb teen doing something she thinks look cute. No more than than, 25 years ago it was normal for retarded male 14 something kids to have pierced ears, let's not even talk about the 80's, she is a dumb kid nothing more

This is the issue, you unironically believe that your dick and how hard it gets should dictate society norms, you are like a muslim and no different than the fags pushing for straplets pants for kids

If I were that bitch I would go to the gym 24/7 and inject staroid till i look like the rock. Then I would oficially change my gender and become a professional kickboxer. After all the gorilla trans men beating up women nobody would be able to critique me murdering men by the dozens with huge metal fists. It would be glorious, and fitting.

Good for her.
But using a crippled kid as a marketing prop is pretty disgusting and just shows how desperate they are to not lose their millions of dollars

Black men like me plenty sweetie, enjoy your incel life lol gottem

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unironically POWERFUL

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Attached: alita bionic arms Tilly Lockey Receives Alita_ Battle Angel Bionic Arms - YouTube (1080p).webm (1350x760, 2.76M)

she also appears to have a naval piercing.

>those fucking teeth
she has to be a bong

>based boatman channeling his autism for the greater good of humanity

It’s part of a project to make cybernetic parts becoming more accessable for cripple people, not a one off marketing thing. I bet JC had actually invested in Open Bionic.

why are their teeth so ugly? is this some royal decree?

How can one man be so based?

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That's what the pedicure is for.

That's cute as fuck.

I hope cyberloli had a good time.


I want her to fap me brehs

>this is her own Twitter avatar

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Someone knows how it works ? (the hands, not the loli)


Why is she so smug bros?

Jim promised a role for her Alita 2

She is 300 years old.

Attached: lolibot.webm (400x400, 633K)

You can make the hands open and close using body movements. Like moving your shoulders a certain way. Some of them are linked to the brain but u doubt these are. That's also purely experimental. Some have onboard computers that they to anticipate what you are doing. Thats more for legs.

Fucking hell what is wrong with me.

What degree should I get to learn about robotics? I'm unironically thinking in giving my life to help making the robowaifu.

Based Cameron!

>You can make the hands open and close using body movements. Like moving your shoulders a certain way.
Ah thx. Since he said that was cheap I wondered how they could have made this work.

She has gone to the next step. She's more than human.

Jam Cam wanted a futuristic laser scanner/door cutter in the opening of Aliens. When the studio said what the fuck are you talking about, no, if you want it go buy it yourself - he did, out of his own pocket. The man gets stuff done.

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>She's more than human.
no you fuck, it's "more human than human"

That sounds weird.

the future is closer than expected

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Jimbo loves cunny?

Better virtue marketing than DIVERSITY GOOD, WHITE MAN BAD
And I am not even a Cameronfag

She looks like cameron holy shit

Her dad was my maths teacher in secondary school until he resigned to take care of his daughter.

He couldn't control a classroom so probably for the best.

He's the most based individual alive, it goes without saying

She's a scouser. Be happy she's not wearing tracksuit bottoms and a puffer jacket.
