How is it that a 4'2 Japanese woman can BTFO so many western women?

How is it that a 4'2 Japanese woman can BTFO so many western women?

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roasties didn't learn any valuable skills other than opening up their pusy

Gooks whores are greedy and have no curve and no soul. And they will have sex with your son when you're outside to control him.

>tfw no gook mom to fuck me when i was a kid

the tall one literally looks like a tranny, definitely jealous of the tiny asian woman. seething

Rude, she is 4'7" (139 cm)

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Seething Roaster.

Here’s the real problem. Anglos and Germanics, you’re not gonna like this:

The real problem with women is mostly in “the west”. Aka North American countries, Anglo countries, Germany, and some Scandinavian countries (Finland is excluded from this). These women have been raised around men who haven’t actually started their own covilization, but instead we’re standing on the shoulders of giants. As such, they have a superiority complex and haven’t been conditioned to be more withdrawn and reserved because they never had actual men around them to restrain them. These women as such are slowly subconsciously trying to fill the void by becoming men themselves, and that’s why they are also insufferable. You do not see this issue anywhere else in the world at such an extreme, because the men in other places are hardier and know how to lead women into a more feminine path of life.

Small voman, huge wagina

The roastie fears the samurai.

Did you clean your room today?


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based chad. guaranteed that power move made the foid wet and keeps it in line.

>doesn't even touch the cheek
What fag does this, give a hug or kiss make a god damn decision.

PS: I am Romanian so I know what I’m talking about.

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>me peeking around the corner at 9 seconds

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Are you an Anglo or a Germanic perhaps? It would make sense that you would be blind to your own problems.

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Because most western women are fairly messy in an organized way(put it in a drawer,out of sight) but maintain the illusion that they like things neat so they can get away with hiding(putting away) anything you leave out on a flat surface.

Nice disguise Jordan, but I ain't cleaning my room

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this. White roasties are obsolete.

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He doesn't know them that well and is just being respectful

Is this that creepy chick from the well?

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Do you think she'd like to choke on this cock?

Don’t even get me started on their garbage disposal abilities. These women are so afraid of touching shit that they will leave garbage around everywhere for someone else to pick up and dispose properly.

I recently saw in my buikding’s garbage chute some bloody tissues and tampons just left on the chute slide, without the chute lid opened so that they would slide down to the garbage. The garbage disposal area smelled like copper and fish because the bitch didn’t want to touch anything and didn’t want to dispose her period shit correctly. What a biohazard they are.

>teaches you how to fold your shirts
>"give 500 dorra, waito piggu"

>Whitey bad because he took all da best ideas and didn’t work for dem x(

Your fault for not knowing basic shit yboi

-30% chin

>central asian immigrants to Europe think they are any better than mongols or turks

Hehe LARPing as Romans or Venetians won’t save you now, yboi.

For that brief moment, before his herpes infested useless wife ruined it, he was living the dream. Come home from work, two Japanese qts waiting in a clean kitchen for him.

When did Yea Forums become so pussy-whipped?

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Ever since the /pol/zoomer invasion