Holy fuckin based

Holy fuckin based

Literally the only good Oscar

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>Jew tries to set up a BMWF couple
I guess the academy could really relate to the material!

I guarantee this board will fucking hate this movie but it's absolute kino

Isle of dogs was way better than this Lego movie rip off.

I enjoyed both.

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Pure garbage.


We like it. There's a lot of "it's pandering and woke but it's still good" being said.

When will mamoru get his due? Mirai was kino, but I guess it wasn't black enough

Is this movie worth watching, as a racist who's sick of seeing nogs and queers?

The above said, I can get past my prejudice if the show/movie is actually good.

Just watch it, it's genuinely enjoyable

It's mediocre, but for Spider-man movie standards it's okay. More of a visual spectacle than anything, the story is full of holes, the alt spiders don't serve any purpose besides hobo Peter and Miles teases having some personality at the start only to go right back into his dull comics self.

I thought it was going to be an SJW-fest like most on this board. But I would say this is one of those movies that
hides it's politics enough to not notice. Or maybe that's because I'm not a racist and just find PC culture
insufferable. I really wish this was what capeshit was from the start; well animated, giving a character like Spider-man
more attributes of a jumping spider rather than being more grounded in real physics.

I agree with this. Alt spiders could have been left out with no impact on story. Visuals were a breath of fresh air form
photo-realistic cartoons though.

>yfw Nicolas Cage was Spiderman Noir

No wonder he was my favorite character

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>"my life choices made me who i am, an adult who loves cheap animation and children movies about niggers "

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You're so much better for being a person who critiques people for liking things on a gay tranny imageboard

my sneed sense is tingling

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It had zero competition, and that's sad. That said, I still enjoyed it. Miles really added nothing to the story though. Evil Uncle was cool though.

I loved it.

I think its interesting that Mile's Spider Man could be seen as comic book Spider Man. While the failed older Spider Man could be seen as movie Spider Man.


Everyone here hates niggers, sweetie

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>söyboy shill faggot reddit opinion
>söyboy shill faggot reddit spacing
what a shock


I actually agree with the choice this time. This is the make-up for the LEGO movie snub

No, he's right. Miles is a boring cunt while old Peter carries the whole thing. It matches comics Spider-man since Slott's decade of awful writing.

>Tfw looked forward to seeing this
>Saw Yea Forums liked it
>Have to hate it now

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