Great season, pizza is unironically based
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t. shill from reddit
t. shill from facebook
marathoning it is so much better. i waited till a week before the finale to watch any of it.
just finished the finale.. and.. it wasn't as good as s2 desu.
sorry pizza
yeah I regret not marathoning this. Feels like a long film.
Season was disappointing and overrated. Season 2 was criminally underrated.
Pizzacola strikes gold again
>tfw you're dead already and don't realize it
at least i can still enjoy prestige serialized television
? Everyone is shitting on it for being an S1 retread just like everyone shat on S2 for not being an S1 retread
I loved every episode up until the finale though, like it was actually thrilling to watch. In that sense, it was no different than the previous true detectives. That ending though.. nah.. s2 spoiled me.
He lifted the $10,000 but straight of the Burns documentary. Pizza is a HACK
>People from Reddit who actually thought an old man with Alzheimers was going to go rambo on Pizzagate
>People from REddit who dont know that S2 > S1
>People from Reddit who dont realize that Hayse recognized the girl for a brief moment after his altheimers freakout and chose not to say anything
>People from Reddit who didnt understand that the implication of two minute long scene Cyborg literally staring directly at the address and then folding it up and putting it in his pocket was that he was going to follow up on it.
>People from reddit who dont realize that the story was about Hayse and what Cyborg does with the info is intentionally ambiguous.
>People from reddit who thought the S1 callbacks were a red herring and didnt realize that it was all but explicitly stated that Hoyt was part of the pedo network and thats why he was basically above the law and had no fear threatening a Police officers family
Seriously, I thought "le go back to le reddit xd" was just a meme but these redditors are actually killing the board. Remember S2 TD general? Remember how the whole board was in unison that S2 was the greatest pleb filter ever and reddit just hated it because the mystery was too complicated?
This season was pure kino from start to finish and instead of enjoying it with my Yea Forums bros I got to listen to /r/TrueDetective complaining it didnt end with elderly Hayse shooting and even older Hoyt in the face.
Wait, so Julie still got mindfucked for a decade, still got to marry his childhood sweetheart and have a wee Julie Jr. with him and we're supposed to swoon that Hays forgets about all that when it's emphasized that Julie is much safer and happier when she remains incognito?
Where's the heartrending tragedy I'm missing here? I'm not a nigger so maybe that's why I didn't fully self-insert into Hays' character
>muh reddit
Reddit and r/TrueDetective/ are actually praising this garbage for the same dumb reasons you are, so you don't you just go there?
And btw we can tell you're not really from here
The tragedy is that Hayse and Roland solved the case too late and all the conspirators except the old black guy are dead and cant be brought to justice.
The relief to this tragedy is that despite enduring a decade of Hell trapped in an all pink room drawing on the walls with crayons Julie had a happy ending.
Heh I just realized this
By the way anyone else think his face looks too smooth?
Did they cgi his face or something?
they solved the case too late because hayes and roland killed that guy by bringing him out to the barn which THEY SHOULD HAVE DONE TO THE TWEEKER COUSIN INSTEAD OF LETTING HIM GO
Man sad Roland was really kino
Anyone have a webm of roland crying?
Or the lip quiver when he asks Hayes "whAt about Us?"
You're probably just gay
Bad makeup.
Exactly. They completely fucked up the case. They KNEW Hoyt did it but by killing the dirty cop they tipped their hand and they lost the chance to bring him to justice forever.
The whole point of the show is an elderly man facing death wracked with guilt over this kidnapped little girl he failed. He found closure by learning that she was alive and happy.
Most importantly
>People from Reddit who think the case was solved by "a ghost" and not Hayes' disintegrating mind
>that’s real heroic of you...
>you cyclops motherfucker
>Great season
Why is there a cross under her eye?
Was thinking the same thing.
I think it's important to remember this didn't even start out as a season of true detective, pizza just wanted to do a story about a guy with dementia and then it turned in to this. The real story is purple losing his mind not the case.
Overall I liked it, not as good as season 1 but better than 2 for sure. I think it's funny how butt hurt you all are that it wasn't more pedo cult shit.
Varga was entertaining villain
Nice try, user
Scar from someone beating her, or maybe a tattoo that is getting lasered off. I think she was meant to give the impression that place is where troubled girls run off to start a new life.
its a birth mark you idiots
Yo little Donnie.
Serious question, is the pedo cult the only thing you guys actually liked about season 1? It seems like that's all you guys really care about is getting more of that.
What lithium does to people?
Also, theyre giving lithium to wayne? julie give water with lithium overdose to wayne in the end, so he jut get home and break down?
Any """""""""writer"""""""" that has to have a character explain in the last 15 minutes what actually happened because they've run out of time to actually organically resolve the case on screen is a hack. I was willing to give pizza the benefit of the doubt, especially after the kino car scene.
But the scene where Hays ghost wife explains to him what ACTUALLY happened is Sherlock Holmes-tier exposition and confirm Nic to be a hack for all eternity.
I waited four fucking years for this shit, TD was the only show I really liked and it's fucking garbage being disappointed this hard.
Delete the picture
she's a mumble rapper
>ghost wife
oh my god but s2 was absolute shit how can it be worse than that?
overall I liked season 3 better then 2, but it had a weaker final episode. other then him finding the girl alive at the end with a daughter of her own, most of the mystery had already been solved in previous episodes
> all this searching for hidden layers
Why can't you incels just accept that it's a story about an old man trying to remember his life? Is it because you know you'll never even have a fulfilling life to forget?
>bad writing is excusable if it symbolises something
We get it, she represents the tatters of his subconscious trying to communicate with his fragmented mind, that doesn't make it any less of an asspull deus-ex-machina.
It's just contrarians that also claim to like the star wars prequels
So, the real villain of this season was a crazy woman that killed herself offscreen? Thats kind of frustrating
sex rings and cults don't exist g°y. move on
yes. crazy conspiracy theorists would think otherwise just like IRL
Now you understand what it's like being True Detective
Why didn’t Hays just write “Julie Purcell is alive and married to that gardener dude” so he could remember it
1 >>>>> 3 > 2
This,but I wanna see the mental gymnastic that anons will make to pretend this season was somehow deep and full of subtle hints at secret plots,when in reality it was the most straightforward and boring conclusion that I could ever imagine.
Those are the kind of faggots who create a general, and then hang around there like a bunch of faggots.
that wont happen. this finale was pretty damn shitty. it was the worst episode of the season and the worst of the 3 finale episodes
I'm sorry for you, user.
We did it Hays, we are Truly Defective TM
That's all folks
okay, so MC's daughter wasn't visiting him much because she didn't like seeing him not remembering his life and her?
>season 2 bad
you dumb fuck
Yep.I was expecting some kind of drama to come out of that but no just as boring as the rest of the season
Junis, the one eyed nog
He says it during his exposition dump
season 3 was unironicly hot garbage, there was about 4 episodes max of plot stretched into 8 with a bunch of lame relationship crap mixed in to stretch the time
Pizza = hack
its the worst of the 3 seasons, but you can just keep on being a contrarian
Here's exactly what happened!!
... and then, you gave her the map of the house so she could escape!
thanks dude
Cases having unsatisfying conclusions is probably more realistic than every case being a cult conspiracy.
Also I just realized the documentary lady is the audience
> obsessed with cults and conspiracies
> gets blacked
biggest disappointment of the season was not seeing her having sex
So the truth is that Julie died of AIDs in the convent and everything after that is just Hays' sad, old, demented mind trying to find peace and give the thing a happy ending by reading into shit way too hard?
>"I missed you too, dad, I still miss you"
either way its frustrating
I didn't know mutants existed in this universe. Where was wolverine?
Which paedophile ring are you in user?
Not him, but there are quite many confirmed ones. All the catholic ones, Epstein, everything around Jimmy Saville, the Rotherham and other English towns ones, etc.
Why the fuck did the intro feature a Mason's Lodge and Roland have a ring for it to go nowhere? Would have been kino if there was an episode where Roland did a lowkey undercover thing at a lodge to try and pry information out of people of interest.
red herrings. its what true detective does best
Having a Freemason subplot would have been fine. Not have them be the masterminds of anything but implied that the top brass at the lodge are the type of people that have a vague awareness about all the shady shit that goes in the area but turn a blind eye because it's safe and convenient.
She's actually the one with AIDS
I know, but he's denying them all because fedora tippers literally control his tiny brain.
Actually as part of a psychology project I did some research on conspiracy theorist deniers. It's mostly people who are terrified at the idea of vulnerability against such kind of organizations, especially if it's the Government. They don't want to accept the idea that daddy Government is not watching over them and that, maybe some time, they or their children will be on the wrong place, at the wrong time, and that will be the end of it.
That's also an aspect of it, but the biggest thing I've noticed about them is that they just can't ever think for themselves or question authority.
dem kidz
Fargo season 3 was pure kino
what is it with this dude and timeskips?
giv carrie coon gf
Every season of Fargo has been good
What did this "research" consist of?
>I did some research
Base of operations "Basement-1" reporting in
It was part of qualitative research, which I don't like, that's why I picked something that would be interesting. I did a lot of documentation research (mostly reading forums, picking patterns, building profiles) and direct interviews (which were really interesting). Mind that this research was not about people being critical or not caring about the topic, but about the people who go ballistic at the mention of ANY conspiracy theory. Basically the opposite of someone who thinks that everything is a CT.
Nothing matters
that is wolverine
Why didn't they stick to the original "Hayes and Roland shoot Julie and her daughter" ending?
So basically nothing happened and they used dementia as a narrative tool to pretend something interesting was going on
How many years did Pizza spend writing this?
If the one eyed man has been waiting all this time to be punished why didn't he just solve the case back in the 90s?
Ray's ending in S2 was 10x more tragic than this
what a boring finale why did pizzalatto spend 15 minutes of purple hays walking back home after his confrontation with Hoyt?
Bravo Pizzaiolo