it's over bros. we finally lost
It's over bros. we finally lost
Not this shit again.
but he's a nazi why would he hire a black then try to kiss one
Is there anyone in the current american government who's not a molester?
thats it, trumps officially not a racist. good job, liberals.
Why are so many white dudes into dark(er) chicks lately? Maybe it’s because I’m in Europe but I know waaaaay more white male/non-white female couples than white female/non-white male couples, and that’s without even counting guys dating Asian girls.
based off-topic incel thread
Nah, he's just doing a long-needed master-class on what to do when they try to throw a hashtag at you. Learn from the master.
We’re gonna wait until all information comes out like Jussie right?
Well he's not racist
Because black girls are best girls. You can try to deny it. But you're wrong.
I guess they also have lower standards, usually coming from poor households and all.
I have an amazonian/orc fetish
it's funny and all but it's also scary to think of these daily non-news that are designed to trigger all kinds of different people: when you see this kind of stupid non-news everyday, you start hating people and become more and more angry about everything and it is not going to end well
They're just mad Trump likes his women all grown up
theyre really doing this? like 2 days after the smollete thing?
>kissing nigresses
/pol/tards will defend this
So the orange man isn't racist?!?!?
Is this another set-up of Trump all over again? Like the girl who he molested and fell down because he pushed her or one of his men pushed her? Oh right his ex-campaign manager RAPED HER while her JEW FRIEND BEN SHAPIRO was literally getting gassed by his entourage.
What a horrible orange man.
This is probably the worst time to #MeToo Trump. You've already over saturated the market, and this charge is too light. The only people who won't shrug this away are people who would never vote for Trump in the first place.
>Because black girls are best girls. You can try to deny it. But you're wrong.
The issue is the fact that they all bloat like crazy once they are past 25.
Damn Don you got some game.
Literally /ourguy/
And all the STDs
>Maybe it’s because I’m in Europe but I know waaaaay more white male/non-white female couples than white female/non-white male couples
Probably because Europe is being MOHAMMED'D
>tfw I remember also kissing someone on the cheek without explicit consent 3 years ago
its finally fucking over.
I see plenty of white guys with asian chicks but not black. Get your negress fetish outta here pardner'.
>Liberals learned nothing from the witch-hunt against Kavanaugh.
Your little partisan smear-campaigns don't work in a court of law.
lol why cant the jews come up with something believable? they cant find some blonde thot to make something up that might actually convince someone?
This desu
>"I can still see his lips coming straight for my face"
what a weird fucking quote
Same, I did that to my crush.
Hopefully she doesn't suddenly think of this incident from 15 years ago and call the cops on me.
this is going to increase the number of black women voting for him. that's literally all this will do. 8 years confirmed.
based. me in the pic
That's what's so insane about this
Black girls have the best bodies and the nicest titties. I plan on betraying the white race for a mixed honey
I bet the increasingly nervous man who's saying that Trump is finished this time lost count by now.
that's fucking creepy as fuck dude
>it’s another baseless accusation that will be reported as fact because orange man bad episode
Literally me
If anything, this shows how sad, easy, and desperate for white attention black women can be despite getting with a racist they despise so much supposedly lol
>we finally lost
>Trump fans
Speak for yourself, shithead
>tfw you've been walking around all day with an "I love cocks!" sign stuck on your back and you try to make fun of the guy with a piece of lettuce stuck in his teeth
Because I have a massive fetish for middle eastern women.
The double champ does what the fuck he wants!
This shit reminds of hardcore natzi that love to get ass fucked by blacks, then turn around and call everyone black a nigger. Seperation of the races is a must, or suffer the consequences of a world devoid of morals.
>I share this malaysian tapestry board with literal rapists
I can't even
When did this become a thing? I'm in the south & maybe slightly above average looks wise (better personality) & I swear every time I come into a talkative contact w a sheboon she's hitting on me. One girl was pregnant.
I'm married but I know I could be literally drowning in black ass if I wanted to.
That's written by a M Rasheed, dumb tard. It's retarded bull.
>she says she wakes up at 4AM every night and has nightmares about Trump trying to kiss her
whatever, anyone who she said was a witness outside of her family all deny it so what's the point
Oh no the President might get banned from anime conventions.
Black girls love white guys. I'm a bong who lived in Georgia so it was extra amplified. It's pretty much canon in the black community now that white guys are more attractive and more dependable after dealing with decades of the same type of monkey mistreating them and running out on the family.
Some are even into it for a bdsm aspect, enjoying straight up racist raceplay. Had a black girl I was seeing living with me for a month as a slave by her own request. Forbid her from wearing clothes in the house, called her nigger, she called me massa, took her when I wanted and where I wanted, made her use the bathroom on the floor/ground outside, eat out of a bowl like a dog, would piss all over her and down her throat, she'd snort my cum like it was coke. Shit was so cash, and she asked for every bit of it of her own volition because it was her fantasy.
i thought the narrative was that hes racist
Unironically probably Trump.
He has locked up more pedos than any president in history.
>spanish dubbed dbz gifs
jesus fucking christ