Why is reverse sexism ok? Imagine if a man got on stage and talked about how much he hated/disliked women? How many laughs would that get? Imagine if a movie with a male lead came out and all the advertisements shilled it like: "It's HIS time." "He will do what no woman could ever do" or some bullshit like that.
Why is reverse sexism ok? Imagine if a man got on stage and talked about how much he hated/disliked women...
Damn user, Brie really living on your head rent free.
If I was this obsessed and seething over a girl, I'd kill myself. Just a thought.
Because reverse rape is hot and rape isn't
because the world is fucked and nothing makes sense, the majority sets the rules, common sense be damned
cthulhu fhtagn
>rape isn't hot
Congratulations, mood mirroring is exactly their aim. Only strong men have their own moods.
>the majority sets the rules
Then why is a minority cabal of weirdos in Hollywood setting the rules for the rest of us?
Female empowerment = Shitting on men
nothing worse than femdomfags
>Imagine if a movie with a male lead came out and all the advertisements shilled it like: "It's HIS time." "He will do what no woman could ever do" or some bullshit like that.
It would make a fine 90s comedy, something like Mrs Doubtfire.
>"It's HIS TIME"
>Cut of MC putting on lipstick
>"He will do what NO WOMAN could ever do"
>Cut of him peeing standing up
She has no ass and likes black guys.
How does that even work, black guys (me) like ass & she is clearly lacking & she got gargoyle feet
>you'll never be able to watch these terrible but pretty comfy movies on your VCR ever again
Why even live?
I am tired of the racism and sexism as well. But you are still deserving of nothing more than death for your hypocrisy.
i don't give a fuck if some stupid flat blonde movie star doesn't like men because it has literally 0 impact on my life what her opinions are. let her go on stage and say what she wants, only other stupid irrelevant clams and basedboys with victim mentality pay attention to this shit anyway. could not care less what the flavour of the month capeshit actress has to say about anything and if you do then you've got too much time on your hands.
She's retarded. Isn't Brie going on constant tirades on twitter which has a negative back lash for her movie? This woman is a dumb white thot whose spoiled and entitled and doens't know most men prefer women with an actual ass.
The kind of movie that's on TV during the afternoon some time around Christmas.
I miss these feels. Now they air Disney sequels.
I wish we could just ignore women.
>rape isn't hot
I can't wait for Brie and her ugly manjawd resting bitch face to hit the wall in a few years and have her career spiral into nothing.
funny how much she's deteriorated. look at the difference 10 years do
Because they've established a fantasy that all men live privileged, easy lives of power while women are poor oppressed victims of the patriarchy. Such a delusion can only come from sheltered snowflakes like these people in showbusiness who have never suffered any real hardship in their lives and are cursed with a distinctly mediocre intellect.
Not with the way they are trying to make casting unattractive women in lead roles the new norm
Are they really though? I've only noticed it with side characters. Only time I've noticed this is with the favourite, but Olivia Colman is a legitimate actress who didn't suck dick for roles
a) men are more emotionally resilient than women, so a women who makes fun of and insults men it doesn't garner much outrage from the general population because we can and are expected to take it
b) modern brainlets think that the way to make right for social inequalities which occurred in the past isn't to move on and just create equal opportunities for all in the present, but is simply to tip the scale into the other direction, to foster hatred against the group which supposedly perpetrated the injustices, and make them into the newly oppressed group while the historically oppressed replaces them as king of the mountain.
Left isn't that much better desu