This was shit an she looks all retarded
This was shit an she looks all retarded
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That's what your dad said after conceiving you
I hate when Hollywood makes movies based on anime
name a better action blockbuster that came out recently
Can you shills please attempt to stick to a consistent narrative while shitting all over this board?
its the bug eyes and stick arms
as per usual, fpbp
why are shills trying to hate this movie so much?
It was underwhelming. I really wanted to like it but it didn't do much for me. The only thing about it I really enjoyed was Waltz. Everything else was video game CGI, by the numbers dialogue and a protagonist who was one corny song short of being a very violent Disney princess.
very cute pic
based high iq cinema fans taking a shit on it
lets fight bitch
Because Alita is literally kino. When word gets out the movie is gonna explode in popularity. Shills are trying to keep the popularity down while its still in the theaters. The last thing Disney wants is Alita to turn into a massive hit right as Captain Marvel slithers its way into theaters. That would hit Disney's box office take hard.
The cgi is actually impressive in terms of how it blends in with everything else.
Blends in with what, exactly? It's pretty much an animated movie with a few real actors shopped in.
Cute robot
Where is the porn?
in this film, girl tells a black boy:
>It's been 300 years, get over it
What did James Cameron mean by this?
damn, will OP ever get out from under his bed after this?
>The last thing Disney wants is Alita to turn into a massive hit right as Captain Marvel slithers its way into theaters. That would hit Disney's box office take hard.
I know what you mean and I love Alita, but isn't Fox owned by Disney now? Alita is a Fox movie. So Alita being a successful movie would be good for Disney too. We haven't outplayed the Mouse yet.
an she?
She's a cyborg.
>make everything look like CGI
>dude the CGI blends in so well whoa
>guns are outlawed in Iron City, punishable by death
>anything that threatens Zalem's power
this is how you redpill, for all of the /pol/ tourists.
Does she have a pussy?
James Cameron is truly /ourguy/.
capeshitters and mousefags seem to love it though
Not this body, but the other one can be reshaped at her will so there's hope.
Best kino.
Losers are gonna hate!
he can't even spell
The biggest problem is that audiance have been indoctrinated to only enjoy action blockbusters which are already part of an existing franchise. This is why Captain Marvel will make more money, no matter how objectively bad it will be.
It also suffers from not having a popular star at the front and center of the movie
>It also suffers from not having a popular star at the front and center of the movie
Is Brie Larson a popular star in US ? I've never heard about her before Yea Forums started to spam her name.
>a very violent Disney princess