Good movies you ignored because of low RT or IMDb scores?

Good movies you ignored because of low RT or IMDb scores?

Attached: waterworld.jpg (310x445, 35K)

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I was pretty shocked to find so many people say they hated it a few years after seeing as a kid.


How old are you, OP?

People seriously do this?

99% of those never even watched it. They just parrot low scores

I went to the theaters to see this movie with my brother and dad as a little kid when it came out. This film is pure shit.

To add, my dad made me suck him off during the movie. So I have bad memories of it

Yes, because 9 times out of 10 a low imdb score means movie is shit. A high score correlates with a good film less often though, at least for my tastes.

In my opinion WaterWorld and The Postman are great. Both was seen as a ego projects, 90´s had a lot of Costner movies like Dance With Wolves, Field of Dreams, The Untouchables, The Bodyguard, Robin Hood, JFK, etc, people get tired of him and waiting to fall. TORtanic is not a new thing

>Movie called waterworks
>There's no water

Waterworld had a pinball machine. But it wasn't that great.

Attached: Waterworld pinball flyer back.jpg (608x792, 76K)

>Giving a fuck about IMDB or RT scores
Do people really do this? Check the score for a movie they wanted to watch and ditch it because it's low?

Attached: 1551103681811.png (666x677, 473K)

any other movie that starts with the character pissing?

I do with IMDB. If it is not at least a 7,3 I won't watch it.

>mfw there are zoomers here who didnt watch Waterworld in the theather back when it was released.

I hated it as a kid and still do

Attached: 220px-Johnny_mnemonic_ver1.jpg (220x335, 25K)


Is there anything more patrician than 90s movie/TV tie-in pinball machines?


I stopped taking notice of IMDB when LHA was scored a 6.3 and I finally realized it was full of brainlets.