ITT: Moments when you dropped a movie

ITT: Moments when you dropped a movie

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i walked right out of the theater and never looked back

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I thought white was the "warmest"

Good call, that's the end of the film.

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You got that far?

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She cute

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>big bad is a 120lb 13 year old girl


why call her MJ if she isn't a redhead? that's the worst part

Yo Mama.

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How strong AND independent.

I dropped it here first time I tried to watch it too. The fuck were they thinking?

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>Nonstop telephone jokes and quips the first 5 minutes of a movie

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>MJ has to be a redhead even if the hair color makes absolutely zero difference to the character

cause she looks like a young michael jackson

>Well why the fuck do I care? Stupid bitch, shut the fuck up. Go out and pick cotton with the rest of the negroes.
That was when I closed windows media player. A little too much for me to be quite honest.

have you ever read a spiderman comic?

what part of her character relies on hair color, nerd?

Her being created as a redhead

There's no pulling the wool over your eyes.


It's not the same character user.

the only reason to watch this movie anyway is the graphic lesbian sex

it's her signature look and is constantly referenced in the comic. it's like redesigning Jimmy Olsen to not be a redhead with no explanation.

well aren’t you a clever little cuck

It's not the same character, retard.
The one you're talking about is called Mary Jane Watson, nicknamed MJ.
The one in the MCU is called Michelle Jones.

Meant for

What a stupid fucking statement lol
They call her MJ because that is the character

You could have worded it 'why did they make MJ a black and not a redhead'

Instead you worded it in a way dumber fashion.

Do series count?

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