Is Gone With The Wind relevant in 2019?

Is Gone With The Wind relevant in 2019?

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frankly bitch im finna bust that pussy wide open

It's a great film, and the book is even better. Read it

I can't read. I wish i was joking.

Rac*st filming glorifying conf*derates

Great production and script, but in hindsight the acting was an over-the-top leftover of the theatrical stage era.

It's everything hollywood nowadays isn't. Namely good.

There's actually a book called The Wind Done Gone, which is Gone with the Wind told from the perspective of the black maid.

It's very controversial, and is pretty much banned from discussion at any college level or higher classes. Its main point is how clunkingly dated most classic works of literature are, and how they have nothing to tell us any more. Even the name of the book, The Wind Done Gone, suggests that this is a work of literature which is best forgotten.

I was astonished to learn after five seconds in Google that book you're talking about was written by a half black/half jew feminist

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>Its main point is how clunkingly dated most classic works of literature are, and how they have nothing to tell us any more.
It's main point is how a shitlib hack writer is seething that a daughter of the Confederacy could write a great work while the """"enlightened"""" shitlib stews in their own envy and cultureless nihilism, all they can do is is try to subvert what they can't relate to because they're dead inside rootless urbanites.

That black lady kinda cute doe

>Jewish Nigger Feminist wrote it

I wouldn't touch that garbage

>fat black mammy house maid
Pretty problematic if we're being honest

Blacks today act, look and speak exactly how they did in the movie. Are we supposed to pretend 65 IQ slaves in 1860 were sitting on the plantation discussing the merits of Chaucer speaking in the Queens English, when blacks today still look and speak like they did back then? Come on nigger.



Rhett was the ultimate Alpha Male

I never understood the controversy. Mammy was given extensive screen time - I'd say she's easily the most important character in the movie behind Rhett and Scarlett themselves. She was treated as surprisingly wise, clever and competent in spite of her lack of formal education, but most importantly she and Scarlett were bound by a true, unconditional, familial love. Anyone who gets mad over her has to be totally heartless.

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american public schools

I can't focus too long b efore attention goes away whern reading

People who complain about Mammy never actually watched the movie just saw a picture of Mammy and decided it's Racist.

do you have any hobbies?

ooo massa

>This is your brain when white.

Bitch was a SLAVE you freaking tard.

>Bitch was a SLAVE you freaking tard.
They had a swell time

God I love watching the greatest story about how the South gets proper fucked.

Vivien Leigh is always relevant. Just yet another British actress to win the main American award lmao.

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It's actually a significant plot point that slavery is abolished halfway through the movie and Mammy refuses to leave Scarlett's side anyway

I liked Mammy, and Scarlett is quite a bitch for much of the film.

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just another job eh?

Yeah, the South really got fucked.

Did you know the South has the most niggers out of all the US? I'm not even from North America and I know this.

Scarlett is essentially a villain protagonist.

Keep in mind the entire film is set against a backdrop of a million people dead and half the country burned to ashes while her number one priority from the first scene to the last is "How will this affect my ability to get dick?"

The whole thing would come off as super misogynistic except a woman wrote it

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>"How will this affect my ability to get dick?"

She only wanted one man though and used other men for their money and connections.

The South was the nigger containment zone. By overthrowing it the Yankees invited millions of them northwards.

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I love Mammy!!!FACT!!!

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Does anyone else have a weird desire to watch them bang

Oh I forgot that slavery didn’t happen and mentioning it is racist

And Yankees fought to keep them in the US and make them American citizens with voting rights, thus fucking themselves over, lol.
>"How will this affect my ability to get dick?"
What? She rejects dick most of the movie because of her obsession with Ashley Wilkes. And villain? Is this your brain on capeshit? There is no villain, it's not a comic book movie.

Never thought of that until you brought it up. Yeah I do.

The great irony is that people like this are best forgotten, they should be in a ditch somewhere

did she actually love Rhett or was she just bullshitting

Scarlett was a cunt and only wanted Ashley because he belonged to her sister. But the second her sister was dead she lost interest. The ending is a happy one because she loses the only man who actually loved her, Rhett, and her child died. Fuck that bitch!!!FACT!!!

>There is no villain

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or a gas chamber or oven or something...

Melanie wasn't her sister, dumbass.

>Does anyone else have a weird desire to watch them bang

Always wanted to see Scarlett have her head shoved into mammy's crotch and forced to lick her pussy!!!FACT!!!

I thought Sherman was the proper villain of the movie.

Too costly for someone that worthless. Just hit use a rock and don’t even bother filling in the ditch.

Sure it is. I saw it in the theater 3 weeks ago. I was the youngest person there by 30 years.

It also makes people mad today so there's value in discussing that. It's best that we leave behind the Mammy-like characters. I can also understand why African,-Americans would hate this film; they're portrayed as a bunch of nagging nitwits or cheats who take White people's credit

Hattie McDaniel was a goddamn legend, shut your mouth

>they're portrayed as a bunch of nagging nitwits or cheats who take White people's credit
So they're portrayed honestly as they are.

Blacks in those times had a good life. No one can deny that. All they had to do is to call others "sir" and "ma'am".
What's so bad about that? But really, find a flaw

>Melanie wasn't her sister, dumbass.

Oops, forgot the details, but she was her sister-in-law. Anywho, the point still stands that she only wanted Ashley because he wasn't available and is a vile slithering cunt who should have been violently raped by a pack of niggers!!!FACT!!!

main issue with gotw is portrayal of slavery as a benevolent institution and nostalgia for the old south.


Get the fuck out of here.
They had it good. What would be the alternative? Eating literal shit in Africa.

She wasn't her sister in law either. Scarlett was based and redpilled, and you're just mad you can't get Southern Belle to make you a sweet tea.

Incinerator of every southern traitor

>I hate newspapermen. They come into camp and pick up their camp rumors and print them as facts. I regard them as spies, which, in truth, they are.

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>Sherman fought to niggify the North
Sherman was the traitor to the white race.

>Eating literal shit in Africa.
That would be better for litterally everyone else.

Took too much penis envy shrooms once and now when I read my eyes go cross eyed. Stared at a page for 6 hours straight white tripping so caused too much damage.

We are meant to believe that Chad's best choice in 500 miles is a disinterested mega sloot attention whore. Try again, he was betabuxing for one girl and took too long to realize.

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>a bunch of nagging nitwits or cheats who take White people's credit
Apparently picking cotton to make fabrics to sell to England = building the US, so that’s totally fucking accurate.

>South literally fought to keep blacks in America

post yfw Olivia de Havilland is still alive

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No, she was just lonelyposting after contemplating hitting the wall. Women don't do one thing/person at a time.

That's Dame Olivia de Havilland to you.

have her caretakers released any good granny porn of her?

The South fought to secede, you fucking retard. It was the North that wanted them to stay. America becoming majority non-white is the result of the North winning. You're living the result of your supposed "victory". Enjoy, getting blacked thanks to Sherman and Lincoln!

I recently watched it and have to agree.

It's basically a 4 hour ride watching her be a manipulative cunt who doesn't learn anything and it ends with her getting her comeuppance.
"tomorrow is another day!" jej.

Every major character in the film, is a genuine good person Except for Scarlett. She lies, she's emotionally manipulative, marries out of spite or greed. Does whatever it takes to get her way, or just fucks people over because she can.

>livia de Havilland
>102 years old
weuw lad

>Hey South, send your slaves back to Africa

>Hey South, send your slaves back to Africa
Are you a retard baby? The North made the blacks Republicans, they didn't ask the South to send them to Africa. The Confederate constitution outlawed the importation of any more blacks and all of the slave ports were in the North. The North won. If they wanted the slaves to go back to Africa then why didn't they round up the blacks and do it? Are you living in some alternate timeline or are you really this retarded?

>Savannah wasn't a major slave port
>I have no idea where the phrase "being sold down the river" comes from
>The south literally fought to keep their strong black bulls

Vivien Leigh gets mah dick on swole

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>Savannah wasn't a major slave port
No it wasn't.
>I have no idea where the phrase "being sold down the river" comes from
The Mississippi River flows from North to South, which means the blacks came from a Northern port.
>The south literally fought to keep their strong black bulls
The North literally fought to make them Americans and now most Northern cities are majority non-white.

Fucking nailed it.

I want to bang that smug, haughty look off Scarlet’s face with the white hot intensity of a thousand burning galaxies if you know what I mean.

God I'd love a porn parody with an actress that looks just like Scarlett acting all bratty and bitchy and then getting fucked into submission in every scene by every man

That scene where Rhett sweeps her up then charges the stairs two at a time like a goddam BAWSS is more sexually charged than the most graphic sex scenes.

Kid-me popped his first boner to it. It was so sudden and violent, I got scared.

You should read the love letters Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier sent to each other.

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>It's actually a significant plot point that slavery is abolished halfway through the movie and Mammy refuses to leave Scarlett's side anyway
This is actually historically accurate, many negroes enjoyed slavery and loved their masters dearly. When the wicked North cruelly broke their God-ordained bonds to their beloved masters, they were left to pine for the day when they would die and be allowed to once more serve their masters in heaven. One can only pray that in the kingdom of Heaven, the Lord in his mercy has allowed them to lay once more at their master's feet where they belong.

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>White folks you can have your automobiles, paved streets and lights. You can have your buses, and street cars, and hot pavement and tall buildings cause I aint got no use for em no way. I tell you what I do want--I want my old cotton bed and the moonlight shining through the willow trees, and the cool grass under my feet while I run around catching lightening bugs. I want to feel the sway of the old wagon, going down the red, dusty road, and listening to the wheels groaning as they roll along. I want to sink my teeth into that old ash cake.

>White folks, I want to see the boats passing up and down the Alabammy river and hear the slaves singing at their work. I want to see dawn break over the black ridge and the twilight settle over the place spreading an orange hue. I want to walk the paths through the woods and see the rabbits and the birds and the frogs at night...

>But they took me away from that a long time ago. Weren't long before I married and had children, but don't none of em contribute to my support now. One of them was killed in the big war with German, and the rest is all scattered out--eight of em. Now I just live from hand to mouth. Here one day, somewhere else the next. I guess we all gonna die iffin this depression don't let us alone. Maybe someday I'll get to go home. They tell me that when a person crosses over that river, the Lord gives him what he wants. I don told the Lord I don't want nothing much---only my home, white folks. I don't think that's much to ask for. I suppose he'll send me back there. I been waiting a long time for him to call.

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Careful, Kanye. ((((People)))) want to memoryhole those facts. Trying to keep the blacks and whites at eachother's throats.

this is heart-breaking.

You don't seriously believe this nonsense, do you?

To be fair Mammy was a house nigger, why would she leave the mansion to join ordinary niggers in the fields.

Do you not believe holocaust testimonials either you fucking nazi?

Vivien Leigh is a dream, she was seriously hot.

Wow a jew intellectual deconstrcting and subverting established institutions. Never would have guessed

>scarlett is a total bitch the entire movie even to super chad rhett
>tfw still would marry her instantly if she was real
How did she manage to come across as endearing and desirable despite objectively acting like a bitch?

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>be torn away from a happy life with a master and mistress who love you, clothe you, feed you and teach you about jesus
>you may not be a high muckety-muck but you serve a useful and fulfilling purpose and enjoy the simple things in life, and know that you will always have a home and be cared for
>northern SJW fanatics forcibly "free" you
>you have no skills or intellect to get a job yet are left to fend for yourself
>forced to marry some ignorant young buck just to try to survive
>he and all your children run off and leave you with no financial support
>your descendants cannot fend for themselves any more than you can, and turn to crime
>they fall into a life of nihilism, drug abuse, and sexual depravity
>dying at record rates from self-inflicted gang violence
>the food and other necessities your masters provided you are replaced with welfare, but lacking discipline, your descendants squander it on liquor, drugs and ostentatious displays of luxury
>nothing but misery and damnation await your people

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The field negroes mostly had a fun life too, singing raucous spirituals with their brethren, and knowing they would always be cared for. They actually had to work harder once slavery was abolished, and with the threat of starvation always hanging over their heads. You sound like you got your education on slavery from Spielberg and Tarantino movies. In reality it wasn't all whips and dogs. There were a few bad apples, but most masters loved and cared for their slaves.

>Particularly interesting in this regard is Russell's chapter on slavery. It is centered around his report that "a majority of [the 2,300] ex-slaves who offered an evaluation of slavery [to interviewers from the Federal Writers' Project in the mid-1930s] — field hands and house slaves, men and women — had a positive view of the institution, and many unabashedly wished to return to their slave days."

>As Russell sees it, the ex-slaves looked back on their days as chattels so nostalgically because they felt they had greater "freedom" as slaves than they later enjoyed after slavery had been abolished. He quotes the testimony of one former slave who told a Federal Writers' Project interviewer in 1937 that he had worked harder since the abolition of slavery than he had ever worked on the plantation and that on the plantation he knew that Master would take care of him and provide him with food and warm clothing and warm housing in the winter months, even if, along with all or most of the other slaves, he shirked his work and played sick and devoted whatever resources he did have to pleasure — chiefly gambling, liquor, and sex.

>As Russell himself puts it, "many and possibly most of the ex-slaves did not … restrain their personal freedoms, did not devote their lives to work, monogamy, frugality, and discipline."

there is treatment for that

So Uncle Ruckus was right all along
>I argued not only that many white Americans envied slaves but also that they did so for good reason, since slave culture offered many liberating alternatives to the highly repressive, work-obsessed, anti-sex culture of the early United States.
It sounds like slavery was a lot of fun for blacks. They are pretty much living the same hedonistic way now, only without anything to temper those impulses, and without the job security their masters provided.

>unironically reading poor man’s War and Peace

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This but unironically. Except the negroes wouldn't have been so rude to their masters, they loved them.

It was their job and livelihood. Why would they abandon them to become unemployed in an unstable post-war environment?

>you will never have a negress nursemaid to suckle your infants
why live?

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Damn, at least Jenny from Forrest Gump can blame everything on her being raped by her daddy. This cunt is just a perpetual child.

So slaves were basically NEETs. Based. I'm unironically jealous of them (I'm a black girl b.t.w.)

No you’re not.

negress nursemaid

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>Calls up Netflix
>"Hello Uncle? It's your nephew user. user GOLDSTEIN! Yeah Muriel's boy. Anyway you know that new Netflix original you've been looking for? Well listen to this!"

Yes, it reminds people that white women have always been cunts and not to fall for their lies about gender equality being equivalent to racial equality

based. southern trash cucked the US forever by being too lazy to pick their own cotton. wtf it's just little balls of fluff lmao

I'm just explaining why gotw is considered problematic by modern progs, including the portrayal of characters like Mammy. Wasn't trying to make a moral judgment on the film either way.
In order to get leftist credit today you have to go out of your way to portray white racism and black victimhood.

Lincoln wanted to send them back to Africa