This show is just a redditlectual circlejerk after ep4
inb4 its kino
its not
This show is just a redditlectual circlejerk after ep4
inb4 its kino
its not
Dropped it in season 2. It was good for a while.
it's kino
season 4 when
It gets progressively worse as it goes on but is somehow still 10x better than any 90% of the content that gets talked about here on a daily basis.
Dropped it in season 2 as well. It's like Rick & Morty.
It's a show that tries to kick against the establishment but due to the internet it gets rapidly adopted and becomes the establishment immediately making the point moot.
Rick & Morty tried to be a edgy under the radar show that shits on everything because it could. Then it became rapidly popular and it became the thing that it was supposed to make fun of.
Mr Robot was supposed to be an underground show for the incel type guy that installs linux on every PC. However when it became popular it turned into the normalfag show that it tried to avoid turning the entire point of the show moot.
I also usually hate posts like the one I'm writing now because you should see shows outside of the people that actually watch the show and look at it in a vacuum. However both of these shows started to actively interact and cater to these new demographics which made them bad.
Raimi is a negro shill
>OP hasn't experienced Dom yet
the character goes from interesting and even somewhat relatable to being a whiny bitch, a lot of the plot just starts feeling like tacked on to appeal to a wide enough group of people while still desperately trying to cling o to the personality that made the start of it good and thats just if you ignore the increasing myriad of utterly pointless plot devices
OP just perfectly described this show. You can close this thread now.
>an underground show for the incel type guy that installs linux on every PC. However when it became popular it turned into the normalfag show that it tried to avoid turning the entire point of the show moot
Are you trying to say that everything from Season 2 onwards happened because it got popular? Pull your head out of your ass. God forbid a writer cops a brain and thinks 'hmm maybe deleting everyone's money would have consequences'
even if you are one of the many people on Yea Forums that are just here because they think they know something about cinema because they watch series, you cant ignore the increasing plot devices that are clearly just there to make the show more appealing for the masses, like this user said the show has lost its appeal to the niche because it has become mainstream, thats clear as day.
>u can't kno cinema and watch tv at the same time nuh uh
Boy. Do you realise it's possible for me to follow a couple of TV shows and watch actual film as well?
I'd argue anyways that the plot devices aren't there to make it more appealing to the masses or anything ridiculous like that. The increasing amount of plot devices and asspulls (especially throughout late season 2 and early season 3) was because it was made for television, which is by nature far far more drawn out than film.
Which is why TV's a lot more meh than film, isn't that right user?
Some time this year probably octoberish
no but seriously why hasn't it actually been announced yet
isn't this sort of thing usually decided well in advance
The first time I watched the first season I thought it was kino. But after the second time I find it a bit slow. But good content nevertheless. The other seasons stinks to arse.
>r*ddit tier cringepost
I never said "u can't kno cinema and watch tv at the same time nuh uh" I said
"even if you are one of the many people on Yea Forums that are just here because they think they know something about cinema because they watch series"
you are getting confused by my definition of cinema (ie the art of cinema) which just adds to the notion that you dont really know what you are talking about
which is ok, not everyone can be knowledgeable on everything just dont try and pretend you know everything better than the people around you
>nitpicking one word in a whole argument someone made
>the 'whole argument' is the show is reddit
>he posts the reddit frog
no? i called your post reddit, unless you're implying im op which im not.
imagine thinking mass produced media is supposed to cater to a niche segment of society and not garner as many viewers as possible
fucking hell you're stupid.
i don't even know who is who anymore i wish i was back on reddit where we had usernames
I sometimes argue with myself on somethreads to trigger people, not this time tho.
It's a good show that dumb /pol/ocks cant' sit through due to their attention disorders.
S2 was awful. S3 > S1.
Really look forward to the guy who collabed with a pedophile rapist for an award lecturing me for voting drumpf for a whole season tho
Pretty much. Like all the smug, sarcastic criticisms about Elliot's s1 believes being edgelord or redditshit-tier when the whole point is that Elliot was dead wrong in s1. Like 10 minutes in s3 are dedicated to Elliot to some introspection and saying 'fuck me. I fucked up'
I enjoy the show but when half of your second season is the main character spinning wheels to intentionally keep himself out of the plot of his own show, you've officially fucked up. Elliot's "routine" and the subsequent revelation surrounding it was a waste of time and only served to introduce him to the black guy who likes sitcoms (Joey? Louis? What the fuck was his name?) And he's such a minor character they could've just introduced him later.
And if whiterose is planning what they're heavily implying she is planning they will jump the fucking shark. I really hope that's all bull shit she's telling her followers to keep them in line, but time travel would be the worst thing to throw into a show this grounded in reality.
No, dude. Alternate dimensions. I mean it could be either/or.
Either one would be jumping the shark. You can't introduce something that sci-fi into a show this grounded. I really hope that's misdirection, that would absolutely kill the show.
>This show is just a redditlectual circlejerk
why else did you think Yea Forums likes it?
They started filming, but Rami becoming hot shit delayed filming of his scenes so they're going to have to do them last.
I live near where they film. I saw Cisco and Darlene film a scene in season 2.
i still don't get what elliot was doing in S2. did he get arrested before the season started and he was in the prison all the time? ie. he was never outside at the basketball yard, never in a diner, never about to be assraped in the alley?
He was never outside, all those scenes were in the prison and Elliot is just an unreliable narrator. If you rewatch it, the imagery in the sets makes it super obvious. I hate that twist but the visual clues are a really nice touch (the bar like patterns on the walls, the way Elliot's bedroom door is opened and closed by his "Mom". The weird lights. Hell, look at the bars surrounding the basketball court)
i guess the same thing goes for S1's fsociety initiation and talking to oneself? i don't have time for that shit.
Then Mr Robot isn't for you because 99% of the show is misdirection and fakeouts. I'm convinced by the time this is all said and done you'll be able to synopsys what was actually going on in a tweets-worth of characters.
i binge watched the show a few weeks ago and i quite liked it. rewatching the whole show already doesn't sound appealing.
>I'm convinced by the time this is all said and done you'll be able to synopsys what was actually going on in a tweets-worth of characters
Fuck we can do that with the plot right now:
A chinese tranny manipulates American hackers into destroying the global economy so the tranny can build a particle accelerator in Africa for currently unknown reasons.
It isn't because you realize just how much of the show is them lying to you so you'll be surprised when things don't go how you were told they were going.
first few episodes was kinda entertaining, i liked how he kissed his sister
didnt like how he was supposed to be a /g/ and still had sex and did drugs on the regular like any other normal
I think they might be screwed regardless. Email wrote himself into a corner with Whiterose while insisting that there won't be sci-fi. If the plant turns out to be a ruse and Whiterose is just exceptional at bullshit, then it won't make any sense for all the presumably rational people that went along with it and are willing to kill themselves at the drop of a hat.
It's very inconsistent unfortunately. I dunno if it's Esmail's fault or USA's.
the first episode is kino
everything else is shit, should have been 100% focused on elliot.