Nick Fury makes the mistake of befriending Carol's pet cat Goose, which is actually an alien Flerken in disguise. It eventually scratches his eye and while Fury thinks it's no big deal at first, it becomes infected and he eventually loses it.
How Nick Fury lost his eye
How can an eye scratch be no big deal?
I believe you, they're dumb enough to make it happen.
A capeshit thread died for this capeshit thread
How only the eye get infected?
>Cat is secretly a monster and makes a man disabled
Not even hiding his agenda
Cats are to white women what children are to all other women.
Whoa, this might be worth seeing after all bros.....
man I sure do hate nu-marvels obsession with pastel colour schemes.
>captain marvel shows him her deadlift.
>he says it's impressive because it's almost as much as he can lift.
>she doesn't like that. not. one. bit.
>she sticks a pencil on a table
>"let me show you a magic trick"
And then she sucks his cock?
>During his time with the CIA, Fury begins wearing his trademark eyepatch (an issue of Sgt. Fury had revealed that he had taken shrapnel to one eye during the war, which caused him to slowly lose sight in it over the course of years).
he was also white at one time
Sam Blackson's cool, but... wtf Marvel
cats are niggers
>take flying piece of exploded metal to the eye
>slowly lose eye sight
What happened so that everyone forgot how to run?
>POW right in the infinity stones!
Cats have toxoplasmosis. It is predicted that 95% of all cat owners have this parasite.
What's with the nigger nick furry? i remember from the punisher arcade game that he was white
Is this some spinoff or reboot or whatever is called in the comicbooks?
Are you aware of how toxoplasmosis is passed? That statistic is false
yeah we got that from the trailer
when i was a kid (yes, oldfag) Sgt Fury and His Howling Commandos was the first comic i ever bought
Fury was white
later came SHIELD and Fury was still white
he became a nog when the movies came out.
maybe earler, i don't really know. it's been decades since i've bought comics
Fury has been white since he was created. Then Marvel pulled off an alternate edgy timeline called Ultimate Marvel and for that they made Fury look like Samuel Jackson (even got his consent and all). Then when the movies got made for some reason they decided to use Ultimate Fury instead of the OG and actually got Sam Jackson. Then the movies were a hit and for a while in the comics Fury turned out to have a black kid and then Fury "died" and went missing and his kid took his place, and go figure he looks exactly like Sam Jackson and his best buddy looked exactly like Coulson.
But white Fury is still out there. Ennis did an amazing comic called "my war gone by" about his involvement in various wars
Only if your mother was pregnant with you and cleaned a litter box. Humans don't just pick it up from being around a cat
Infinity Formula.
Daily reminder only faggots like cats
He became a nog with the introduction of the Ultimate universe. Since the comics made him look like Samuel L. Jackson, the MCU thought it was a nice opportunity to keep that look.
daily reminder you are a nigger