What movies do attractive females watch?
What movies do attractive females watch?
whatever Chad puts on as he's railing her
basic bitches love shitty comedies and anything with The Rock, art hoes watch films like Amelie and Breathless
unironically capeshit
Master and Commander
horror movies, disney shit
Harry Potter
Valentines Day, Starring Taylor Switft
I enjoy the films of Lang, Welles, Dreyer, Resnais, Rivette, Kiarostami, the list goes on.
show tits you bitch
the girls in my friend group always wanted to watch the greatest showman
Post feet
Anything Chad recommends.
Or whatever is trending on twitter
>What movies do attractive females watch?
Yea we're gonna need to see your face first ma'am.
Trannies aren’t female.
Cute girl how’s her foot game OP?
Post qt girl noses.
>Lang, Welles, Dreyer, Resnais, Rivette, Kiarostami