DCEU Oscars: 1

>DCEU Oscars: 1
>MCU Oscars: 3

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It's okay little homie, Alita killed Captain Marvel.

DCucks on suicide watch!

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the dark knight won two Oscars

And all it took was catering to the blacks.

both of these are meme oscars
you capeshitters are pathetic

>Black Pander

The Oscars are a joke. And so is capeshit. If you are a adult male and still watch capeshit movies you should honestly rethink your life.

Like how you said "DCEU" and not "DC" because DC has 5 Awards. Faggot. Also SONY dabbed on the MCU and Disney by winning a Best Film Award. Super Kek.

Also taking 20+ films to get into a party DC started 11years ago is just said. Triple Kek.

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Damage Control Extended Universe

>MCU just got dabbed on by AquaChad
It's over Disney

SS wins an Oscar
BP wins 3 Oscars
>pshhh Oscars are a joke, they don’t matter

>muh company is better than your company
This shit genuinely makes me wince
Grow up manchildren

suicide squad oscar is not a real oscar and neither is black panther's oscars

Ready for the beginning of the end, mousecucks?

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ITT: Laddercucks waiting for the inevitably when Chadzam dabs on Captain Fungus

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pretty sad really


DC faggots are shaking in fear

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SS wins an Oscar
>>make up is a real award guise
BP wins 3 Oscars

For you

Wow a team up film.

What about Captain Dyke?

ssshhhh. Marvel drones are scared whenever you mention her name

DCucks can't even keep the same actor to play their "top billing" characters for more than a year
how many batmans are we on now, 7?

What an exaggeration. Nolan trilogy is a different universe and Affleck is gay alcoholic