Did it deserve better?

Did it deserve better?

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>People are upset

It got like 3 Oscars. Who is still upset?

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>30 SJWs on twitter

No, it wasn't even the best capeshit movie of the year.

Three consolation awards is enough for that shit.

No one. """"Journalists"""" just make up headlines for clicks. Haven't you figured this game out already?

>people are upset
Are they really though? Does anybody care?

Show me evidence of large numbers of people being mad, OP. For the record, no it didn't, it's capeshit.

pretty much this

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if you're thinking of venom then you are wrong

No. It was good but it wasn’t some historical film like the Jews want you to believe.

Doesn't the NAACP or BET have their own awards?

No, its a mediocre movie. The only reason it was at the Oscars anyways was because of liberalism and bias in the film industry. Some other film should have had its spot.

This is what you get when you let just anybody write

No. It shouldn't have even been a nomination. It was just a decent capeshit film

It deserved straight to dvd.

It was just a slightly above average superhero flick and the last fight scene was disappointing as fuck

I don’t see why people are losing their shit over it. I mean okay maybe I see why but still, it got FAR more praise than it should have, and fans still aren’t happy?

Deadpool 2
Infinity War
Batman Ninja
Black Panther
Teen Titans Go! To the Movies
Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay
Ant-Man and the Wasp

>Top 10 Super Movies
Not even
>Top 5 Marvel movies
Not even

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it got more than what it deserved.

>Show me evidence of large numbers of people being mad, OP
evidence isn't needed. it just says "people". you decided it was large numbers. this is how these headlines work.

literally twitterfags are

I didn't like Greenbook, but it was Oscar bait. After Malek took best Actor though, I though Bo Rap might take best picture, but not to be.

Wtf i love the oscars now!!!

It's mediocre even by MCU standards

Who is oscar anyway

And the /pol/tards will continue to shit up this thread with their screenshots of literal who's and blame the niggers and the Jews

It is a Marvel movie that got a shit-ton of nominations it only got due to wokeness/pandering (that Marvel movies before this one were, justifiably, relegated to Best Make-up, Sound Editing, Visual Effects categories at best should be all the proof you need).

They should be thrilled it won 3 awards. 3 more awards than any Marvel movie/neo-Capeshit film deserves.

No. The CGI segment where the scene/camera was rotating around BP and Killmonger looked like a fucking PS2 game.


We live in a delusional world.
Hollywood clearly believes that their condescending award show is going to win hearts and minds and hurt Trump who is literally Hitler.
It reminds me of the Alitafags on Yea Forums who think that buying another ticket is going to hurt Disney.

Search the internet for "the movie we need right now". Have fun.

>It got like 3 Oscars.
Lol what ? Which Oscars ? Everything in this movie was average at best even by Marvel standards.

Can someone tell me why BP got so much critical praise in the first place? Like in a serious way, not involving happy merchant conspiracy theories. I was reading major-newspaper reviews that were making it sound like Gone With The Wind and saying Killmonger was one of the best movie villians of all time. What were the critics actually seeing that I'm missing?

I don't normally watch capeshit but I watched a ton of MCU movies over the last few weeks. I thought the first half of BP was pretty good as a techno spy action movie or whatever. I can see how it was design Oscars. Then the guy came to challenge the king and suddenly everything was stupid, shallow, and rushed for the last half.

Get a load of this faggot

The Oscar for best costumes, production design, and original soundtrack.

The first one makes sense. The second one even can make sense because CGI is production these days, and the third one makes no sense because there's nothing memorable about their soundtrack. They just wanted to squeeze that in there.

>not involving happy merchant conspiracy theories

Black twitter + Disney shilling for it.

so welfare oscars

Not only was Spider-Verse a better movie it had a white love interest and thus made black people look better than Panther ever could.

>best costumes
It's all ugly CGI though?

It wasn’t enough.
Almost every single award went to a minority, but people are crying because Greenbook beat our Klansman and Black Panther

user don’t be an idiot

Roma deserved the oscar, not black panther.

I get shitposting is fun but you should probably not look like someone who's never even watched the trailer.

>The Oscar for best costumes
How does it make sense ? Other movies were that horrible ? The best costumes were the African ones and they were not astounding, you literally can find them in African shops.

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I'm guessing you don't know about the critic of BP who had his review stricken from Rotten Tomatoes because it was negative and stopped the film from getting 100%
Or Bret Easton Ellis who criticised BP and was called a racist troll.
Critics want to keep their jobs and none of them can be trusted.

agreed. Roma was transcendental.
The Oscars are hollywood politicking more than an actual award show for good movies though.

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If it's any consolation, I don't care.

Roma only got attention because the director first won a Best Picture and Director for an American film. It's not some transcendant moviemaking, just your average foreign flick aka not a brainless Hollywood shit.

>Can someone tell me why BP got so much critical praise in the first place?

White guilt

Just wait until they find out that 3 of the 5 people awarded oscars for the flick are white

They would complained and this article still would have been written if Roma won.

Isn't the Roma protagonist a indigenous woman? Isn't that beautiful and brave enough?

Yes, but it's a netflix movie, so they didn't pick it

Nomination was a joke, a little nod of the industry. I don't think nobody seriously thought Black Panther will win Oscar.

>CGI is production these days

The cgi wasn't good though