Red Carpet Looks

How come a drag queen who doesnt have the financial resources of a real celebrity still manages to be the best dressed "girl" at the Oscar's red carpet?

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>man are even able to beat women at being women

Post more, what did I miss?
Was this yesterday?

Based white faggot. Fuck women and fuck minorities.


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why is she so plain?

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Celebrities don't pay for the dresses. They either have a contract and get paid or they're sent to them for free

also Lauren Harrier was best dressed

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because she got a sugar daddy who pays everything for her

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Her dress is gorgeous..



I like how the dress accentuates her boobs

Because it's all stage managed, narrative driven propaganda. The plebs get their social cues from events like this.

She doesn't have a sugar daddy, sweetheart. Everything that she's had, she has worked for, and she worked for to get and she's built herself. So you need to know that 100%. She doesn't have a sugar daddy, She has never had a sugar daddy. If she wanted a sugar daddy, yes, she probably can go out and get one, because she is what? SICKENING. You could never have a sugar daddy because you are NOT THAT KIND OF GIRL. Baby, everything she's had she worked for, and she has gotten herself. She built herself from the ground up, FUCKING BITCH!

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Man, women of today are beastly looking!

because drag queens are the definition of attention whore

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Can we please keep this thread Oscar related?
I cant believe I slept through it, but then again it's always a snooze fest so yes I can, but live threads are always comfy

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no, this thread has been hijacked by drag race fans

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Underrated truth. It really is one extreme of a bell curve

because since they arent trying to be sexually attractive there's a lot more room to be creative

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Why did half of the s7 girls just drop off the face of the earth while others rose to prominence?

that's when the show got truly mainstream and the audience switched from adult gay men to teenage females. the cast happened to have a ton of young pretty modelesque white queens who that kind of audience gravitates towards

I honestly thought that was Beyonce

shangela is transphobic and fat shamer

If Naomi hadn't eliminated Manila we wouldn't have needed that double crowning

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she killed the runways but she was shit in the challenges.

streisand sucked, wendy should have won
the jersey bullshit was a cringefest
they tried really hard to make her roast seem funny with fake laughter soundbites

I like her fashion but Alexis Mateo was right, Manila es annoying

I thought it was lady jewjew

>a drag queen wearing a fat suit for a performance is considered fat shaming in 2019

Attached: Shangela+Fat+Suit.gif (480x264, 1.4M)

When did fat people become an oppressed minority anyways

women go for big name designers, drag queens go to less known designers who will put in extra work stand out

Naomi should've won she only fucked up the Lady Bunny challenge beyond that all her performances were severely underrated

The face...not so much

>Son of one of the richest NBA players turned businessman
>doesn't have the financial resources.

>Monique should've won

she was in the bottom on the singing challenge with the best voice and verse because the producers couldnt risk losing gia or manila so early on and bottom in the roast so they could hand manila a win.
she made two awful cringeworthy acting challenges bearable

is this a joke im missing or are you genuinely confusing her with someone else?

Go home Mimi.

Looks like Lady Gaga.

Will it ever be topped?

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imagine being overshadowed at a red carpet by the drag queen you got on your film for a single scene

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I loved it. IRL absolute madman because why the fuck not

Guys are literally better at everything I bet they'd give birth better if they could

He wears it well.

What's his illness?
He looks sick

he is gay so take a guess

Monique should've lost for having one brown cow gimmick she kept repeating the whole season

Some people really have it rough...

But why does it work so well?

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Is that Cee Lo?

Are there even any places left in the US where someone wearing something like that would get beat up?
I think no.

Men truly are better at everything



Yeah ha

why are gays such desperate attention whores? one would think they would want to go unnoticed to avoid homophobia

They cast Ichigo as a black man didn't they


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more like basic

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All ready

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looks like he has aids

Tfw a drag queen ends up being the best dressed at the Oscars

Based Shangela

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