What was her problem?

What was her problem?

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*holds up spork*

RePacks with viruses

based and doompilled

It was 2001 so there was a lot less people of color in France

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*Repacks your crack nothing personal cpy

movies men will never understand


>repacks 80gb game into 20gb rars that take 2 days to unzip and blares loud chiptune into your ear


She got a really bad haircut

He just wasn't rough enough with her, she clearly needs to be choked and slapped around

bitcoin miners

let's make things clear. are we talking about FitGirl or Amélie?

who the hell is that?

Video game piracy enabler.
Uses OPs specfic picture as a logo.

unironically autism

She was autistic

But wasn't the love interest in the end white too?

Why is this a meme, I only know this person from her cooking channel "Helen Rennie"

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asexuals are attention whores who get off on spreading lifelessness more so than the average feminist.

Really, really, really could not stand this movie. It was like a French version of Love Actually. Impossibly twee, and with a surprisingly boring lead.

There was no spoon

Nice meme

Just wanted people to have games without having to give corporate Jews money.

Unprotected sex with multiple men.

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Lmao she is making the Anton Chigurh face lmaoooooooooooo

Starring in an unrealistic and picturesque vision of a bygone French society with few ethnic minorities

There is no spoon...

"""She""" was too desperate for crypto


obv she was traumatized by the jews or jewish propaganda which she hides by sperging out a bunch of times a day trying to cope with the loss of identity as a french woman.

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