is this really the best LOTR scene?
Is this really the best LOTR scene?
No, the Galadriel's feet scene is.
that's a really long way to spell "views".
yes cause women, non-whites and faggots cannot understand it
It's pretty retarded that they stop to give a speech while the orcs have time to regroup and get ready.
Lighting of the beacons is the best scene of the entire trilogy.
neckbeard incels who'd take to wearing thier mom's dresses and trying to pass themselves off as women to avoid being involved apparently do though
Yes, because I will never ride to ruin and the world ending
I always thought the best scenes were the comfy hobbit scenes.
>I will never ride to ruin and the world ending
Unusual candor.
I get it she was in your recent capeshit movie as a fetishy villain but her feet look gross stop pretending to like them
No way. by far the best scene is when legolas surfs down en elephants trunk. to deny this would be to deny the very truth of god.
The scene where Gandalf saves the people from the nazgul with his glowing staff trick soon after entering Minas Tirith. They really nailed the music and camera angles.
The entire movienis the best scene. Last the kino-length film
That's just embarrassing. Especially bowing to Meriadoc and Peregrin.
Boromir's death
Without Meriadoc, Eowyn would've died to the Witch King, who would in turn kill Gandalf.
>orcs get ready
>they pussyfoot away by the terrifying noise of thousands of horses and thousands of men screaming DEATH
what wouldn't i understand?
Sam and frodo destroyed the ring.
Merry killed a ringwraith
Pippin got gandalf to stop denethor from ruining things .
And they both got the ends to join in for a bit.
Forth Eorlingars was better.
which one are you?
I unironically believe that this is the best scene of any movie produced this century thus far
> that acting
> that dialogue
> the music swelling
> the message of hope in the face of overwhelming odds
rohan coming to gondor's aid is the best moment in the entire film trilogy. bros before hordes
for me it's the dropkick, all the orcs scenes really, those guys went for it
No, it’s shit
The best scene is the entire opening/birthday party in fellowship. Maximum comfy
Based. It’s been 18 fucking years and I still get a bit misty eyed at that moment
This is my personal favorite but there are a lot of high-quality scenes I'm not sure what I'd say is best.
If you're thirteen, sure.
Don't get me wrong, it's a fantastic scene that is setup, mixed and scored to perfection, but for me the more intimate character moments are what sells the films, moreso than the "epic" elements.
I would trade that scene for a full rendition of the Lament for the Rohirrim.
Howard Shore and everybody was going all out on these films for sure
>So Gandalf's going to ride out to save the Gondorian soldiers from Osgiliath
>Well we should have some music, but what kind?
>It's a relatively short scene, maybe just insert some generic orchestral composition with an Elven motif
>Oh hey, we've got this pre-pubescent kid who can hit ethereal notes with his voice, lets use that
And the end result is hyponotic
Sure was
absolute cringe
It's one of the best scenes in cinematic history
What a gay
Never post again, thanks.
Is this really the best scene?
Get the fuck off my board faggot
What is to be done about you?
That fighting sure is clunky and soft looking.
this HAS to be a samefag. i literally have no clue what's supposed to be wrong with user's post
It stands for visualisations I’m guessing.
of course it does retard
Shit like the Ride of the Rohirim is cool, but it's the smaller interpersonal scenes like pic related and are what make LOTR special and not just generic fantasy action schlock.
I prefer the scene gandalf reveals himself as trans in the upcoming amazon seriesl
I thought it was kind of overrated. A great scene but it's not even the best one from ROTK.
This. Still gives me fucking goosebumps when I watch it.
we can’t know for sure
The Wringwraith assault on Bree from Fellowship is the most kino. It won't be rememberd as much as the more emotional scenes, but its the best.
basted and pentagon/ grooming pilled
This was the moment, right at the end of the first film of the trilogy, when you realized that this was going to be something special.
The horses were screaming DEATH too?
>my brother
>my captain
>my king
Theoden's speech is favorite scene in a movie.
I wonder how the extras felt.
Merry and Pippin’s achievements aside, the mere fact they cane along was something Aragorn respected.
They weren’t renowned warriors like Gimli or Boromir. They weren’t royalty like Legolas or Aragorn. They especially weren’t literal angels.
They were just good men hopelessly out of their depth that did all they could to make a difference, and it paid off.
It’s one reason among manybwhy Lord of the Rings is so incredibly wholesome.
>You bow to no one
all of them
This one always stuck close to my heart
Good thing they made this movies back then. Absolutely kinos.
Why didn't Elrond just push Ilsildur into mount doom? Would have saved many lives.
an Elf couldn't overpower a man holding the Ring of Power
Here's the best one.
Every time
Frodo and Sam accomplished something no other people would have been to accomplish. They are the saviors of middle earth. By comparison, nothing the human armies or Gandalf did even mattered.
Was he going to throw Frodo in the pit?
Gandalf healing Theoden was actually the best LotR scene.
‘The wise speak only of what they know, Gríma son of Gálmód. A witless worm have you become. Therefore be silent, and keep your forked tongue behind your teeth. I have not passed through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a serving-man till the lightning falls.’
He raised his staff. There was a roll of thunder. The sunlight was blotted out from the eastern windows; the whole hall became suddenly dark as night. The fire faded to sullen embers. Only Gandalf could be seen, standing white and tall before the blackened hearth.
In the gloom they heard the hiss of Wormtongue’s voice: ‘Did I not counsel you, lord, to forbid his staff? That fool, Háma, has betrayed us!’ There was a flash as if lightning had cloven the roof. Then all was silent. Wormtongue sprawled on his face.
‘Now Théoden son of Thengel, will you hearken to me?’ said Gandalf. ‘Do you ask for help?’ He lifted his staff and pointed to a high window. There the darkness seemed to clear, and through the opening could be seen, high and far, a patch of shining sky. ‘Not all is dark. Take courage, Lord of the Mark; for better help you will not find. No counsel have I to give to those that despair. Yet counsel I could give, and words I could speak to you. Will you hear them? They are not for all ears. I bid you come out before your doors and look abroad. Too long have you sat in shadows and trusted to twisted tales and crooked promptings.’
Slowly Théoden left his chair. A faint light grew in the hall again. The woman hastened to the king’s side, taking his arm, and with faltering steps the old man came down from the dais and paced softly through the hall. Wormtongue remained lying on the floor. They came to the doors and Gandalf knocked. ‘Open!’ he cried. ‘The Lord of the Mark comes forth!’
No it isn't. The best scene is the entirety of the Fellowship. From Isildur defying Elrond, Gandalfs arrival at the Shire, the first look at Rivendell, Boromir's redemption, the opening fight between Sauron and the opposing armies, the council, Gandalf blocking the Balrogs path and so on.
The entire film is pure, unaltered kino. It literally has a monopoly on the best scenes of the series. Probably makes up for top5 all on its own.
is this real?
I always loved this scene
Based lotr pastaposter
I was always partial to this. Eowyn at the front of Meduseld was always as I imagined it to be in the book. Also that acting inside the Golden Hall. Based.
>tfw TLotR could never happen today cause sincerity is looked down on
You're not allowed to care about anything it must all be ironic with quips every second lest you get bored.
Plus it would be made with a social justice agenda as the main message of the films.
fucking slay
just aussie shitposting
it's real
In the book Peregrin saves faramir life
>Where is Theodréd?
>Where is my son?
Icused to have fever dreams of this battle as a kid
>ywn see this in the cinema for the first time again
feels bad man
I still don't understand why they waited until the very end of the final film to stick in the worst composite shot of the hobbits in the whole trilogy.
>trilogy that will never ever be topped
and this is a good thing
I like this scene as well
Or in Fellowship where Saruman is making the uruk hai and they all get their armour on and run out of Isengard
Rohan as a whole is top kino
Lighting of the beacons probably grossed a billion for New-Zealand tourism industry
>Not understanding the importance of boosting morale before a suicide charge in battle
Bernard Hill as Théoden probably had the highest number of absolutely kino scenes, atleast relatively speaking. He got a lot of dialogue straight from the books, perhaps the most of any character.
>But at that same moment there was a flash, as if lightning had sprung from
>the earth beneath the City. For a searing second it stood dazzling far off in black
>and white, its topmost tower like a glittering needle; and then as the darkness
>closed again there came rolling over the fields a great boom.
>At that sound the bent shape of the king sprang suddenly erect. Tall and
>proud he seemed again; and rising in his stirrups he cried in a loud voice, more
>clear than any there had ever heard a mortal man achieve before:
>Arise, arise, Riders of Théoden!
>Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter!
>spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered,
>a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises!
>Ride now, ride now! Ride to Gondor!
>With that he seized a great horn from Guthláf his banner-bearer, and he blew
>such a blast upon it that it burst asunder. And straightway all the horns in the
>host were lifted up in music, and the blowing of the horns of Rohan in that hour
>was like a storm upon the plain and a thunder in the mountains.
>Ride now, ride now! Ride to Gondor!
Girls using filters on Instagram..
And kills a troll.