As a white male and a feminist, I shall not be going to see captain marvel

As a white male and a feminist, I shall not be going to see captain marvel.
This is a movie for women and people of colour, I wouldn't want them to feel uneasy by sitting next to a white male.
I know people will call me a "cuck" or whatever but I hope the good white people of tv will follow my lead and not see this movie.

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I never thought I'd wish you DCucks would go back to spamming Aquafag... it here we are.

based. only a subhuman incel would try and take away this experience from women and PoC.

Fuck, forget text to go with picture. Anyway...
says the rich white woman
Brie is such a condescending self-absorbed asshole. It's almost beautiful


I agree. Also stop buying things that come from or were made by other cultures. It's cultural appropriation!

Stop right there

This is the most can I see your manager bitch I have ever seen in my life.

t. A black person

Imagine is she said "I don't want to hear what a black man has to say.." She would instantly lose her role and ruin career

I am not white, but I am male, and will atone for the sins of my gender by not going to this movie which is obviously meant to be an experience for women.

you know what, now I'm going to see a movie I don't want to see just to spite you

Ha! I win!

>going to a movie with my wife, her bf and his son
>they let me see Captain Marvel because I worked 100 hours of overtime this month
>drive there in my 4 cylinder crossover, gas efficient and safe for my family
>buy everyone treats, comes to $200, only have enough money left for a soi latte for myself
>sit in the theater, booked the best seats in the house
>a group of black men in traditional African garb come in, banging on drums
>"oops wrong showing my niggas, we're going to see Black Panther for the fifth time"
>tip them my last $20 from my allowance for their show regardless
>wife adds a sticker to my "good husband" chart, 10 more and I get a handjob
>trailers come on
>squeal I'm so excited and pretend I'm holding a lightsaber
>my wife's son joins in and tells me Finn is a more powerful jedi than Luke, I agree with him
>getting kind of boring, pull out my nintendo switch and play a little Mario through the other trailers
>finally the movie starts, close my reddit tabs on my iphone x, browsing r/politics (so close to drumpf being impeached!)
>shaking in my seat, have been waiting for Captain Marvel for months now
>a black guy walks into the theater late
>I offer my seat to him but realize there are no other seats available
>walk way up to the front and sit on the ground in front of the first row
>as I sit, popcorn crunches beneath me, my pants become stuck to the floor, doused in soda
>it's okay though, imagine being a slave, he's had a much harder time than me
>crane my neck back and begin watching the movie
>mfw she's ready to defeat Thanos!

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Terrible false flag, shill. Even worse than the last one. Apply yourself

I absolutely agree OP. only mysogynist incel gammergaters would go to the cinema and take this experience from females and PoC. I seriously hope that no one on this board would even consider doing something so insensitive as going to the cinema to see that movie.

Jesus, you are pathetic.

Personally, I think her career is already ruined

What has to do "divered" people with this?

As a white male, I am gonna go see it in order to witness the struggles women go through, but I shall refrain from commenting, aplauding or taking any form of action since I am aware I cannot possibly comprehend them in their entirety.

shut up incels. it's HERo, not HIMro. it's not for you.

Why are whitoids so sensitive. Learn to take a joke sad boy.

>male feminist
It is called ally.

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She said she wanted more diversity on her press tours. Not that she didn't want white men to watch her movie. Are you really so sensitive that you have to whine on 4channel about what some celebrity said?

As a trans-woman, I'm somewhat offended they chose a biologically born female for this role and missed an opportunity for actual diversity.

I'm a white male and anti-feminist and I WILL see Captain Marvel because I want to.

But she wasn't joking, basedbeaner

As a talking dog, I accidentally ate chocolate and I'm dying.

Based subhuman shitskin disneyshill pushing for antiwhite propaganda just like they did with nigger Panther

Weird that the based and redpilled crowd suddenly started caring about racial dogwhistles.

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Between Alita and Brie Larson's escapades, it's hard to see this succeeding

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>everything needs to be political
Fuck this shit I'll wait until the DVD comes out or I'll pirate it because who the fuck cares. Some bitch actress thinks she'll get virtue points by sticking it to the white males, as bears continue to shit in the woods.
just wait until the boogeyman becomes the chinese or some shit

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Mel Gibson wanted that too, he wanted less Jews commenting on his Christian themed movies but he was blacklisted for it

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Just pirate it lol. It looks like a by-the-numbers origin story with all the annoying tropes of Hollywood female protagonists.

top kek!

>muh whitoid victim complex!

Are you really so pathetically cucked that you would pay money to go see something that the actor has disinvited you from?

Well that's a shame. If the press tour was overwhelmingly Jewish, I can see why he'd want a more diverse set of voices commenting on his films, just like Larson does.

Fuck off shill no one watches capeshit here. Try reddit for your shilling.

>the actor has disinvited you from?
That never happened, you've been duped by clickbait nonsense.

And no, I'll probably sneak into the theatre.

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>As a white male and a feminist


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The status quo as we know it:
>annoying, unrelatable female protag whose undying determination is literally untainable
>unaturally charismatic until shes not for plot reasons or the HAHA funny moment
>side chatacters who are there to satisfy a diversety quota and have the personality to match (IE: the black man and/or another generic stereotype)
>plot derived from the blackest depths of Marvel's vault, and manipulated through the whims of disney executives
>all points watered down to satisfy a manority audience, all character and class being throw out so the most amount people think it's passable enough to pay for
>sequel baiting ending that is just as unsatisfying as it is necessary to set up the next capeshit soap opera
Reminder that black panther, a panifully average movie, is winning oscars. I haven't seen spiderverse yet but it seems like the only good capeshit movie in years.

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Based but bluepilled

>people aren't allowed to have opinions
He's a shit actor anyway.

I'm not going because I hate Brie.
But I'll use your reason when someone asks me irl


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>As a wh*te male
Stopped reading right there

lmao don't pretend that would go over as well
you're being real disingenuous

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Are you me?

Have you been to a theater in the past decade? white people don't go to movies at all

Yeah, I know. The post I was replying to made that clear. I think both Mel and Larson are in the right though, they're clearly both concerned with hearing the opinions of more underrepresented groups.

>14 threads currently about brie/captain marvel

Is that an actual thing? Because as a kid (I'm old and we didn't know about the chocolate thing back then) and a teen I had a dog and gave him chocolate all the fucking time (almost everyday, in fact) and he was never even sick and lived 16 years.

>I do not need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work for him about ‘A Wrinkle in Time.’ It wasn’t made for him

This would imply that certain movies are off limits to white men.

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And capeshit is made for kids. But pathetic losers don't make threads about what an affront to adulthood superhero movies are.

>finally the movie starts, close my reddit tabs on my iphone x, browsing r/politics (so close to drumpf being impeached!)

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does this bitch know shes white? Does she know her father is white? Does she realize that if blacks decided to rise up and start a war that they would rape and kill her ass regardless of her bullshit SJW tendencies?

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Sleep tite pupper

But it wasn't made for white women either... what the fuck Brie, stop being so condescending to black people, you're not their White Savior.

>fuck the white man! You're a dying breed and we're taking this industry from you like how we're taking everything from you! Your kind is no longer welcome here! It's all about us now!

>you don't want to pay to see this???


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It takes maybe 3 chocolate bars to poison a small doggo. A big dog can eat one a day and not even get sick.

None of them create these companies. Instead they affirmative-action their way in, displace and remove those who did create them, take over, and make someone else's creations to be all about them.

They're literal parasites. And we're supposed to be impressed and supportive of this cultural imperialism? And it's funny how "diversity" behind the scenes ALWAYS means "a large horde of whtie feminists followed by an occasional token negro and male"

Kek. I'm saving this one.

This is actually a good tactic for getting people to not watch the film. Start a Twitter campaign and get people involved friend

unless of course that was your plan all along. You crafty little user you

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This tbqh, your money should be spent on people who look like you

You first, darkie

Just wait for the digital release on March 5th

>please fail in the box office please fail in the box office

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You're not softening all of the shit-throwing that is modern Disney "marketing." The feminazis are gonna have to support this movie on their own.

Now you understand why modern games are pure trash.

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>When it's racial dogwhistling about spics or niggers, it's a joke. But when it's about whites it's serious business!

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I can't wait for this film to be a massive hit like all the other marvel films, i really can't.

>down from the high thirties in the past few days
Could incels be any more obvious about their trickery? Are they really going to continue to hide behind the idea that 'it's just normies who aren't interested, lol!'

Name one white male capeshit movie ever made where the whole marketing of it from the studio and stars was racial and gender attacks on others.

Like I said, you're not softening the Disney/Brie shit-thrower marketing now that the release date is creeping up, and pretty much all public interest has been nuked.

based larping incel

Fuck off to discord

What gender and species is this thing?

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Nice try, Disney shill, it's actually 29%

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No really, I can't WAIT for this film to do well. I'm so fucking sick of seeing 10+ threads about brie/captain marvel, all day, every fucking day. You faggots are fucking OBSESSED with it.
>i hate capeshit so much, imma spend every waking moment talking about it

Can't think of any. I wasn't just talking about capeshit though.

It only works for so long though before it comes tumbling down, for example bioware.

it is beyond it and became insect like
make an arthouse thread

The threads are actually created by paid mouse shills who are instructed to stir up shit on Yea Forums.

I've tried making threads, utterly pointless trying to talk about films here right now unless it's capeshit

Niggas (me) don't like this bitch or carol danvers, don't put people of color in this shit. This doesn't have shit to do with us

I see. Please provide your source for that, TIA.

>anything not capeshit is arthouse
The absolute state of nu-Yea Forums

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Ybois btfo

Change "I get a handjob" to "I get let out of my cage to touch myself" and it's a solid 9/10

>white people complain online if mocked
>black people chimp out, destroy, and pillage where they live if mocked

>alienate and openly brag about stealing an entire industry from its largest demographic that built it up and carried it for decades

>make it clear they're not welcome

>wonder why interest is so low


Say what you will. Being a while male has one advantage: I can honestly say I am not a fucking social parasite who couldn't come up with anything on my own, so someone else's industries had to be stolen to make revolve around me. My culture is superior, and I know that's true because of how everyone else wants to not only be included in on it, but to also outright take it over from me so they can claim it as their own.

All your feminist and non-white kind can do is appropriate, and make something someone else created to revolve around you. You are the literal definition of a cultural and social parasite. And it wouldn't be so bad if you weren't so arrogantly proud of the fact that you're a fucking parasite who could only take over. You'll never be on the white man's level. That's why you want the white man torn down to below yours.

Do yourself a favor and buy two tickets; one for yourself and one for the one I didn't buy. It's the only way this movie will make the money you want. You're not winning this one. You bullied the white male demographic out, and bullying won't bring him back in to support you.

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>people take things directed at their race personally
Wow mind blowing

I'm pretty sure we can still get to the moon.

i just want you to make you happy, make a thread you would like to discuss

Then why is one of the directors and writers of the film white male? Isn't she basically reading lines that white male wrote her to say?

She was talking about A Wrinkle in Time. But that goes against the /pol/ narrative.

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I don't care what blacks do in their own neighbourhoods. At least they don't come onto Yea Forums and make twenty threads crying about a superhero movie.

>muh /pol/

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How much do you want to cut from ever-growing welfare for imported democrat voters to pay for it? Or would you like to take money out of highway construction for ever-growing populations needing more infrastructure?

We're never going back. It's one of the costs of "social progress."

This is how Disney markets now. They did with with the SW8 and Solo, and with BP. You either support Disney profits or you're a white racist sexist slaver shitlord who needs to die.

>right now
You're an idiot, it's been that way for years now, the only thing that is posted is SW capeshit and generals.

we had a nice 40s thread yesterday or the day before
I live for these threads

Is there a more pathetic being than a white male feminist?
At least Blacks/females have excuse to being born that way

Based trickster user. Same for me tbqh.

>It was the RUSSIANS!
>It was the ALT-RIGHT!
>It was the RACISTS!
>It was WHITE MEN!
>It was INCELS!
>It was /POL/!
>It was Yea Forums!
>It was Yea Forums!
>It was REDDIT!
>It was BOOMERS!
>It was ZOOMERS!
>"It emphasizes muh diversity/inclusiveness/feminist quota!"
>"It makes some people uncomfortable. GOOD!"
>"It is expected to not make much money anyway!"
>"This is terrorism!"
This is the most damage controlled Marvel movie I've seen since Black Panther. The Disney shills are in desperation mode, and it's hilarious what lengths they'll go to. I haven't seen this much shilling since Hillary's failed campaign.
No amount of self-reassurance will EVER "fix" this movie. It is a complete abomination, and the defenders know that deep down in their hearts.
Disney's MCU was made to pander to SJWs, and it is this very pandering that will ultimately destroy the franchise at some point in the near future. Deal with it.

I think they stopped going to the moon because there's not much to do there.

>muh reddit

whats the sad black guy doing? is he not allowed?

Fuck you, stupid cunt

so... I should spend my money on me

>No amount of self-reassurance will EVER "fix" this movie. It is a complete abomination,
It's not even out yet.


I think it’s really respectable what you are doing for the LGBTQ+ and POC community, user. Us white men should give space to them and see Shazam instead.

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>Us white men should give space to them and see Shazam instead.
He says this, imagining Disney with beads of sweat rolling down their collective foreheads at the terrifying prospect of random 4channel shitposter #64587 seeing Shazam instead of Captain Marvel

Agreed, because if white men flood in to see it, then doesn't that mean that the white man won?

We can't have the white man win!

The ONLY right thing to do is have the white man sit it out.

I'm not seeing it for the weird mascotism. It is lame for a character to wear the Marvel name in universe.

Can anyone from a "non-white" country tell me if their media also goes after the male majority in your country or is it strictly a western phenomenon?

Shazam is unironically making us at Disney a little worried. But we have ways to deal with that sort of thing.

Huefag here It does but we are too worried to fucking survive to Care that much.Also with Bolsonaro as president It sure toned down a bit.

Pretty sure it's just america

What do you think Yea Forums is exactly?

None of you are white.

>Bolsonaro as president
How is he so far? All the news about him just stopped a week after he was elected ("the biggest catastrophy since Trump"). I suppose he wasn't quite a reincarnation of Adolf Hitler so there's not much to report.

Good luck out there hue-bro

They actually are worried, that’s why Zachary Levi had to plead to fans to not make it a protest against Captain Marvel to see Shazam. Add in the fact that shazam is the actual Captain Marvel and the fact that Zachary Levi is a Christian who changed his name to sound like a Jew to take advantage of jewish nepotism because he is so redpilled and it becomes obvious that Shazam is /our capeshit/

>ree whitemen
>but woohoo whitemen

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Unironically the brunette in the background looks hot.

>They actually are worried, that’s why Zachary Levi had to plead to fans to not make it a protest against Captain Marvel to see Shazam.
Why would that mean Disney is worried? Did they call Zachary Levi and make him say that or something?

>Shazam is /our capeshit/
Yea Forums has always been pathetic, but I really hope this shit doesn't catch on.

The good husband chart sold it

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>as I sit, popcorn crunches beneath me, my pants become stuck to the floor, doused in soda

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She only dates white men. They always only date white men.

So what's the Op pic farting about?

>my wife's son joins in and tells me Finn is a more powerful jedi than Luke, I agree with him

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kek reminds me of my sister bitching about the all-boys school pro life protestors in the news because they’re not women so they shouldn’t have an opinion on the issue

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>post yfw they are all gonna be fired since Anthem bombed


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Conveniently there’s 0 evidence of this, but plenty of info on the white dudes she’s dated

I remember reading about some class exercise where a white male in higher education had to act in various ways to see what was best. It turned out that everything he did was hated, whether dominant or subservient, the class hated him.

You can't satisfy leftists. They live for hate and destruction.

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Include me in the screencap

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formerly doormat

Commies are weaker than ever wich is good(hey we are always late to everything,commies are a bigger problem here than jews now)but overall slow but steady changes.
Thanks famalan.Sorry for the blogpost but for me It really feels good to see when i Go to work the Common people (of diferent races) shitting on RedeGlobo(biggest TV Channel here with all the corrupt package)for shilling the whole transgender crap with their soap óperas.I dont know the big picture overall of my country but at least is good to know that the Common people didnt buy that crap

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She will suffer the same fate as the Solo guy

>I have a girlfriend, she goes to a different school

Waiter this pasta is almost the same one you gave me months ago, I want a refund

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The white men that actually matter dont get offended by SJW shit tho. They are busy doing important shit. Only seething incel gamer trash gets offended by media products. And that's good those white men are trash and deserve to be replaced and bred out of existance neckbeards, gamers, incels are subhuman we dont want them nobody wants them and bullying them is a good thing

They're supposed to live to 60 you murderer

>As a white

Opinion immediately discarded.

I hope that entertainment gets so bad that even the kinds of femboys who would follow the progress of this op are turned off, and that movies really are just for poc and wamen. Instead of super heroes be a fan of The Lord

Not bait but correct. Anyone here are all of those things but I know people who aren't and it's exactly right they don't give a shit about any of this.

>I turn around and check out my family
>my wife is partaking in the African-American stranger's popcorn
>I can tell because she's leaning her hand over, its going up and down, and then licking her lips for the salt
>I can't wait til she tells me what a nice gentleman that African-American was

>tfw woman and I don't want to see this
Why the fuck are they even shilling Carol? The only thing she was ever good for was to be Rogue's power fodder.

not the kind of dog I had. They usually die at 12 yo.

Bruh, people of color (me) don't want to be grouped in with this bitch & her agenda. Please leave us out of this

Don't worry, I'm not watching this trash anyway


"I don't want to hear from Jews"

>OD next day

Except you are just a white male and not a feminist.

Is that Theroux? Movie?

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That face induces anger in me

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is this a counter-troll or did that post honestly go over your head?

I meant in cat years

Taking a page from the DNC platform, I see.

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This is a better story than Captain Marvel

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There is only one race of """people""" so sensitive they need to be sheltered from a word.

>inb4 some false-flagging incel says you have to buy a ticket for a woman or poc to go in your place, or support feminist filmmaking by donating to a specific female driven patreon.
That would actually be more damaging to feminism/poc because you are implying that those efforts *need* male support. No, if you are a male who wants to be a feminist you can start by giving up your assumed power and stop engaging in commerce all together. Stop seeing your favorite male superhero movies stop going to make fast food place like Carl’s Jr. with their sexist ads. Stop shopping at grocery stores and stop going to bars that promote rape culture. Give up your power.

I'm a simple man. When Lyft tells me they're Uber for women, I stick with Uber so they can feel safe. When Brie Larson tells me her movie is for white women, I stay at home so they can feel safe in the theater.
The last thing I'd want to do is make women feel unsafe, anons.

fucking based and very close to home for many anons here, except the married part.

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so powerful and brave

Wrong. People have a workday starting at 5, 7 or 9 but at the end of the day they are regular people. They also get weekends.

t. tradesman

they actually photoshopped him out of another version of the picture

Who the fuck cares what the lead actors opinions are. Lots of actors have weird views. Hell, a lot of them are fucking scientologists.

>wife adds a sticker to my "good husband" chart, 10 more and I get a handjob

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HEY! White women are bold minorities in 2019 society that have suffered under the yoke of the white man's domination just as much as any African slave or Native American freedom fighter! They understand the evils of the white man more than anyone!

White women are not white. Only straight white males are white. The second they become gay or female they become treasured minorities like everyone else. You know that!

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Thank fuck bioware is about to die



I'm not going to see it or other cape shit period. I'd rather wank off and drink soup.

It was 36 yesterday, can we get it to zero?

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Wash your feet Brie.

As long as they are not conservative, that is.

Men make decisions based on reason not emotions sweety. That how women make decisions.

It's called turkeys voting for christmas

she actually wants to say "I don't want to hear what men have to say" but it is less controversial to just shit on the white man



actually no she doesn't. changed my mind. what was i thinking. in her head she actually feels sorry for black people & is completely un aware of how patronising it is

>the only men who matter are the ones who agree with us!
Fucking LOL.

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How many lines of feminism do you have to snort before making that shit up?


>cuck says niggas
>don't even mention Summer Islanders once


>We don't need white male ticket sales

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>rape and kill
Only white men do this. Black men are naturally docile and peaceful

>imagine if she said bad thing about minority instead of white man

WHOA mind=blown. whites are oppressed

And the stats prove it.

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chocolate CAN kill dogs in a specific amount relative to their bodyweight, no your dog wasn't almonst dead and don't give dogs chocolate anymore (white chocolate is okay cos it's mostly just sugar and butter anyway)

Stats are for nerds and usually created by "the man". Stats are racist

this is the kind of shit i go on Yea Forums for

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A toast to this epic post

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Agreed. As a white male I have no right to see this movie. I will let my girlfriend and her good friend Jamal see the movie together on their own.

>As a white male and a feminist

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That's a little racist. I have to admit.

Brie Larson is too white, to starr in a superhero movie post black panther.

Except afrikan american panther was based on a cool new idea. It's basically 'wewuzz' the movie, and I unironically want to see more films with that angle.
Captain nerd-neck has literally nothing going for it.

it's been too long Yea Forums

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>As a white male and a feminist
So a potential rapist. Hell, probable rapist.

Sweetie squad?