ITT: name four favorite movies and Yea Forums will recommend you a fifth to watch
>the thin red line
>spiderman 2
ITT: name four favorite movies and Yea Forums will recommend you a fifth to watch
>the thin red line
>spiderman 2
Transformers 2
wheres your list cunt. I'll recommend you Un Homme Qui Dort
movie 43
LotR 1
LotR 2
LotR 3
Madea goes to prison
miss march
observe and report
hot tub time machine
nice picks man , this should go well with your list.
you ruined my thread. thanks
How ? , it was a shit thread anyway.
A Field in England
Barry Lyndon
The Matrix
The Fast and The Furious
Hardcore Henry
Con Air
The Saint
Crank and crank 2
seen and liked!
try O Lucky Man! then
The Straight Story
Foot Fist Way
Rolling Thunder
The Straight Story
Jeremiah Johnson
Speed Racer
Conan the Barbarian
never heard of this but I'm intrigued. Really does sound like something I would enjoy. Thanks user!
I've also seen and liked Tampopo (just a few months ago actually). Man y'all are pretty good at this.
>Memories of Murder
>Perfect Blue
I can only imagine people will recommend me psychological / serial killer kino
no country for old men
paris, texas
return of the king
Le Samourai
Lost In Translation
The Tenant
The Vanishing
>empire strikes back
>the Truman Show
>We were soldiers
>Walter mitty
Death in Venice
Quiz Show
Metropolis (2001)
Thanks for the recommendations, will check them out!
Saw Cure a few times and it was close to dethroning Audition for me. Underrated slow burner
Michael Clayton
The Cooler
>Harsh Times
>Training Day
>Menace II Society
Straw Dogs
Les Choristes