Why are white men such sensitive crybabies?
Why are white men such sensitive crybabies?
Other urls found in this thread:
>no spic man
what the fuck is this bitch racist? hija de puta
why is everything a victim contest now?
>white man: the job I wanted went to a diversity hire
>"That white kid is smiling and wearing a hat!"
>Freak out for a solid week
Sorry, sweety. Try again.
What does the Asian man think
would there even be any drama about Ms Marvel if Brie wasn't openly a white-hating misandrist
>my house of worship was vandalized by nazis
when? in 1942?
I had no idea gay is a race now.
Because it was forced because white people hate hiring minorities. What a fucking tragedy.
Turned out the gay man was a pedophile the black man had a warrant for his arrest and carrying an unlicensed gun and the Jew vandalized his own place of worship.
How is this thing even allowed an opinion, like seriously get back in your cave lmao
>and yet girls prefer those apes to me, the supreme gentlemen
White people are so pathetic.
the jew painted swastikas on his house himself.
Oh, its a dude
part of identity politics and the belief that our society is composed of nothing but oppressors and oppressed
>oversimplified snarkiness
Not an argument.
People who own cars, go to church, or get married are all brainwashed fools. Can't really say the same about people who watch marvel movies though.
>Ching chong ping pong
>evil capitalists only care about making money and nothing else, unless they can turn down a money-making spic over a mediocre white employee because of "racism"
Asian man: No women want to fuck me because of my tiny cock!
Why would you even listen to a girl like pic related? In real life you’d just ignore her because she’s ugly anyway, why do her pitiful rants on Twitter suddenly matter?
get out of ours countries you worthless subhumans
You sure? I thought it might be an exceptionally grotesque female.
Children shouldn't be part of fags' sexual fantasies
>I wish my dick was bigger
Those poor, downtrodden Jewish men
>Fuck white males
>Why are you complaining you incels?
>>"That white kid is smiling and wearing a hat!"
>>Freak out for a solid week
>all I have to do is smile and people get angry
>this proves I’m right and they’re wrong... somehow
She's popular on twitter because she panders to the persecution complexes of minorities.
thats all guys
Being an ugly woman must be a soul crushing experience.
Gays haven't been denied adoption for being gay in like 3 decades
>twitter man: white man bad
White man: *Exists*
Everyone else:
Minorities dont even bitch about being victims as much as white liberals bitch about minorities being victims
>Yea Forums blown the fuck out by someone on Twitter
>resorts to calling them ugly
gj guys
I thought it was because she was a man jaw greasy flat assed meth head
The distances Disney will go through to bully people into seeing Captain Marvel are insane. It didn't work with SW8 or Solo, so what makes them think it'll work now?
Disney wanted to take the capeshit away from the white male, drive the white male out, and make it pander to anyone BUT white males, and they're getting their way. BUT the arrogance is the people they seek to marginalize out - they still expect financial support from.
That's a whole new level of arrogance. Just fucking stop it. You don't want the white male demographic. That much is clear. Accept the fact that when you drive a group out, they take their money with them. They don't owe it to you to support you after you non-stop kick them in the fucking faces.
Gay man: fuck hetros
Black man: fuck white people
Jewish man: fuck white people
White women: fuck white men
White heterosexual male: ...
And then you wonder why I hate you all.
>Faith Naff
>Worthy listening to
Imagine your life’s potential reached writing a “gender-expressive blog” and fantasy stories no-one ever reads. The life of an ordinary cockroach who thinks her opinion somehow matters. Pathetic. (Pic related is her)
Why is this a thread?
>all I have to do is smile and people get angry
>this proves I’m right and they’re wrong... somehow
>sad truth that the angries are too easy to trigger
>I want a white man but none of them want me because im an ugly cunt: the tweet
>Openly aim to "dismantle whiteness" in every aspect of society
>Openly discriminate against white men in the hiring process and frame it as positive
>Stupid white men have nothing to complain about lol
>h e r
Ffs shave your disgusting mustache Bro!
leftist subhumans
Probably the worst experience for a woman, imagine the bitterness and hatred from being unwanted. I mean that’s the entire reason all this gender equality/man hating bs exists. It’s a league of unwanted ugly women who failed in life who started projecting their hatred on men who rejected them all their lives.
it's unironically a good thing
that means americans don't really have real problems so they look for ones
Yeah, usually when people get enraged because someone smiled, it means that those angry people are in the wrong. How is that not obvious?
What was Yea Forums's reaction when wh*toids lost the Oscars last night? I went to bed at 9pm because I'm not a degenerate, so I wasn't around.
Is she right tho?
Demoralization is absolutely not a good thing.
Exactly. It's a literal colluded effort to destroy a demographic in this country because it did too good and built too nice a standard of living - so it has to be taken from that demographic.
But remember democrats say it's imaginary fake shit from white racists to say that the democrat goal is to thin down and marginalize the whites.
because i hate what you look like and stand for.
but i'm not bigoted, whitey
Things have actually never been better in the history of the country. So sit back, get a tall glass of lemonade and relax in comfort knowing we are living in the greatest age of the greatest country ever to exist.
literally fucking who
Stop transplaining
Well, they dont. Literally every system is set up to cater to them. A few fringe gains by a handful of minorities is nothing.
>What was Yea Forums's reaction
Everyone here was watching True Detective season finale.
I don't know a single person under 60 who actually watches the oscars live except people directly employed in the industry. Everyone just watches news clips the next day and talks about it at work.
99%9 of all white men today are a bunch of pussys, because the real white men died in WII.
Answer my question, incels. I know you've been here all night.
>tfw these whiny men are a dying breed
just turn new hampshire into new muslimtown
Some for sure. But it'd basically just be those obvious misogynists bitching and moaning and nobody would take them seriously.
>imagine the bitterness and hatred from being unwanted.
I think most men know that feeling extremely well at some point in their lives, especially when they are young and have to do the insane grind to get a stable relationship with a decent person.
Minorities dont want to go to New Hampshire it's too cold and boring
t. Black guy
How can I when these weak men are creating hard times?
ya but da rich people don took advantage of da poor minorities so i deserve free stuff
No they just gave the job to the best person. Not my fault blacks have lower IQ's and higher crime rate.
Why lie? Before I went to bed there was already sticky thread getting ~100 posts per minute plus several other "comfy" threads. Don't be retarded.
Imagine the smell
Faggots rape white kids.
Niggers murder white kids.
Kikes advocate for the rape and murder of white kids.
you people go everywhere
t. canadian working in heavily haitian area
>Literally every system is set up to cater to them.
they wouldn't be facing minority status in a few short decades in the nations their ancestors founded if that were the case.
That's clearly not a woman
At least she knows partner is a fag word. Why did heterosexuals start using it? It makes you sound like you get fucked in the ass when you say "my partner". Fuck onions cowards.
shut up you clueless antiwhite subhuman
It’s funny how folks wonder why there are girls out there who hate white men and why all this stuff about gender equality and pronoun-changing and bs exists. Guys are literally creating a void of unwanted ugly girls who are constantly ignored and chase the attractive popular girls. The amount of bitterness and hatred this creates amongst these unwanted girls is why they’re trying to find purpose in some cause they don’t really give a damn about. Why do you think that Emma Watson, despite being a feminist, was criticized for posing implied on a magazine cover? It’s because of sheer jealousy, nothing else. It’s all projection of jealousy and hatred, these girls probably didn’t even shave in the first place, now they take pride in it. That’s all there is to it
Name one system that legally and openly benefits whites
>wear a nazi hat in a minority protest
gee I wonder what people are upset about? must be me smiling
the seething is palpable
Looks like the iconic painting of that really ugly prince or king or whatever.
well, they probably are getting pegged if you're calling your girlfriend partner like a gay cowboy
This. Anywhere there are whites, blacks and browns will follow.
They would follow us to Antarctica.
>Why did heterosexuals start using it?
I always take it to mean they are in a long-term relationship but are not married. It always makes me think less of them.
Never forget!
Ugly girls don't really matter though. They're like short guys. They just kind of exist, with no real purpose.
>low iq
>subversion and undermining of the host country
>white loved WW and she's played by a jed
or balding guys
>White man : my taxes go to the faggot, the kike and the nigger.
Wrong. It's because the handsome guys are ignoring the ugly girls. There are more males than female under 55, so a girl can always find a guy if she wants to. Men are often being told to lower their standards, but perhaps it's women who should do it.
the reality is ugly women have high standards. this has only gotten worse with feminism, telling ALL women they're better than they actually are, and that they deserve better.
the amount of ugly, and/or fat women i've seen with average to above average dudes.
women are making it harder for men.
so they have the same kind of relationship "muh whiteness" autists from Yea Forums have with white people more generally
>There are more males than female under 55
unless you live in china the ratio difference is negligible
shit, i forgot to finish my 2nd sentence, but ya get it.
the amount of ugly, and/or fat women i've seen with average to above average dudes is much more common than a ugly man with an average girl.
Black man: Pay reparations for what your ancestors did 150 years ago!
Jewish man: Pay reparations for what your German ancestors did 80 years ago!
Native American man: He was standing there...menacingly!
White man: I’m not going to watch a movie that the star says isn’t for me.
It's only the beginning. Wait until whites are minority to see how these people take their revenge for "opression".
>ugly girls claim guys are only after hot girls
>ugly guys claim girls are only after hot guys
stop being retarded and fuck each other already, incels and femcels!
>jews are not white
just look at south africa now.
I find it hard to believe that there are white people who say they won't watch a movie because there's a girl starring.
This is obviously the anti-white part of Twitter that invents arguments that no white man has ever made.
Kek and /thread
>minoritites are triggered by a hat
there's definitely muslims that would think that though, but they get a free pass for fucking everything.
Not really. The ratio in most Western countries is around 1.04. If there are 4 extra males for every 100 females, that means there are 40,000 extra males for every 1,000,000 females. A literal army of incels. Live in a city like New York and the numbers add up.
>the anti-white part of Twitter that invents arguments that no white man has ever made
That's only OK when *we* do it.
You mean like /pol/ constantly referring to the KANGZ meme when about 0.01% of black people actually believe that shit?
whites need to stop giving a fuck about what minorities think, and start looking out for the interests of their own tribe. blacks look out for blacks, hispanics look out for hispanics, asians look out for asians, jews look out for jews, whites look out for everybody except whites.
lol. you have no idea how widespread afrocentric revisionism is amongst blacks. it's the rule not the exception
There are other shit that black people genuinely believe though, like "white people can't cook" or "white people steal inventions".
I can't even shit post on twitter anymore because all of my accounts are perma banned. Fuck that site.
favouring whites is literally illegal. you can go to prison for it
a lot of blacks have a vague belief that africa had powerful kingdoms and empires on par with europe.
no they all believe it i have proof
Yet people like OP's pic get a little blue tick for the right kind of shitposting.
>shit post
>all of my accounts are perma banned
What source are you looking at?
sure, workplace discrimination laws, i'm talking more along the lines of activism and voting.
charles the second? kek yeah, it kinda does
Because it's owned by Saudis and other outside interests who have an agenda to create discontent in the west.
Don't look at the pictures, they are the opposite of the actual statistics for some reason.
pro-white political parties aren't allowed in the mainstream. and voting is compromised by racetraitors, and will become totally useless once whites are outnumbered
> Trump is NAZI
> When did national socialism be translated into capitalism?
8/10 bait made me reply.
oof, i don't like the look of that
The silence is telling isn't it.
then you're labeled as a white supremacist and tarred and feathered through the media. ya aint even gotta be a celebrity, any average joe, the news is willing to smear shit on.
Not really. There are plenty of real issues but it's easier to get people to fight among themselves about stupid shit.
>Because it's owned by Saudis
>it's the saudis and chicoms that own everything, not jews!
based and alex jonespilled.
>he doesn't overseason his food and then brag about it
>Gay man: Someone told me to "fuck off" while walking the streets in bondage gear
>Black man: I treated a cop like a schoolteacher, and the cop wasn't happy about me not following his instructions him - and I had weed in the car
>Jewish man: I vandalized my house and told the Washington Post it was nazis
whitoid """males""" everyone