Green Book is crash

Green book may just be the worst best picture winner since crash. Even black panther and bohemian rhapsody were better.

Inb4 all the triggered incels get angry at me for not liking the movie that angered the SJWs, and then get angry at me for using the word incel.

Green Book is truly degenerate garbage. Imagine going from moonlight to this in the span of two years.

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>Green Book is cash
fixed that for you faget and stop crying

incel claws typed this

I thought it was pretty good. Not the best film I've ever seen but by no means as bad as you're making it out to be. Viggo performed better in it than Ali so he deserved the award but Viggo wasn't born black, so we can't have everything.

Agreed. roma and the favorite were deserving of the oscar, but no they had to give it to this crap

>waaa waaaaa I want my participation award
The black Panther was made for TV, straight to DVD quality. Go home with that shit.

It's a fine movie and the best picture slate this year was just different flavors of dogshit, stop crying about it discord tranny.

Driving miss daisy was trash too. Funny.

Based and true

Could there ever be a more oscarbait movie than this? I thought even the Academy would realize they were being memed.

It's mostly a bad film, but not totally without merit. It works as a buddy picture and a road picture, the leads are great and Farrelly is obviously adept with the comedy. It's a tonal mess that's afraid to commit to being any of those things, though, and instead settles on being a regressive issues movie, when it has literally nothing of value to say wrt race. It's tripe for liberal grandmas. Laughable to say it's worse than Bohemian Rhapsody though.

>*blocks your path*

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photo of OP revealed

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uh huh

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>Imagine going from moonlight to this in the span of two years.

It's the preferential voting. Roma, The Favorite and A Star Is Born were all too polarizing.

all the nominees were blatant oscarbait tho

This literally makes no sense in the context of SJWs and anti-SJWs. Perhaps with white supremacy (inb4 all the white boy twinks get triggered) this makes more sense.

Yep. Must be the most baity nominations ever.

Cold War was great though.

Not really lol.

But even then there are good movies that are oscar bait, and bad-medicore movies that are oscar bait.

It's definitely superior to Roma, The Favorite, Bohemian Rhapsody and Blackkklansman

Let's be honest, all the people getting upset about Green Book snatching the award don't give a single fuck to actual artistry, they only care about meme issues like "whitesplaining" and someone daring to produce a movie with a white racist main character with a redemption arc

Bohemian Rhapsody was oscar bait? Felt like a typical wide-appeal band movie to me.

Green Book is objectively bad filmmaking, and if you don't see that, it's because you're cinematically illiterate.

Oscars are a complete joke.

Can't tell if joking or idiot

it really isn't, film school freshman

go back to your discord

Progressives don't believe in redemption. All the ists, isms and ics are unforgivable sins.



how come all the nominated films were black pandering even though the current pandering focus in general seems to be women? there was like 1 woman film which wasn't too pandery afaik

U mad bro?

regardless of what you think of the movie, we can all agree that viggo deserved the supporting oscar. mahershalamadingdong was a diversity win. he may have deserved it for moonlight (which is debatable, wasn't defoe nominated for florida project that year?), but definitely not for this

I remember months ago people here called Green Book Jewish propaganda now everyone loves it. really nigs the ol' noggin'

Viggo wasn't nominated for the supporting actor role dumbass, he was the lead. Anyways, no, he didn't deserve an Oscar for playing such an exaggerated wop that he would've looked hammy as a bit player on The Sopranos.

>it's another "movie sucks because it doesn't reaffirm my ideology" episode
i hate reruns bros

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Ali was amazing in this. Viggo and him had great chemistry.
The hackerman winning was the diversity win.

It's almost as if this board's whims are entirely subservient to what upsets liberals.

>when his IQ starts with an 8

For me it's the opposite.
I loved Green Book because it challenged my views on niggers without alienating me.

On all "niggers"?

my mistake, i thought viggo had supporting too. i'm just desperate for the man to win, versatile actor who's done nothing but release kino since the 2000s. easern promises alone is better than 90% of the trash the academy nominates

>I loved Green Book because it challenged my views on niggers without alienating me.
it's a movie about racism that isn't anti-white vitriol, quite the contrary

He's a great actor and he deserves to win for a great role, not this Driving Miss Daisy bullshit.

would you care to share your views on niggers with the rest of us, user?

>when the rich hicks have him as a guest and cook him fried chicken

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why did SJW's not like this movie?