Chloe Grace Moretz is the latest young actress to speak out about facing sexism in Hollywood...
>Chloe Grace Moretz is the latest young actress to speak out about facing sexism in Hollywood. For this week’s Power of Young Hollywood issue, the 20-year-old “Kick-Ass” star tells Variety that she was once fat-shamed by one of her male co-stars on the set of a movie.
>“This guy that was my love interest was like, ‘I’d never date you in a real life,’ and I was like, ‘What?’ And he was like, ‘Yeah, you’re too big for me’ — as in my size,” Moretz shares with Variety in an interview for her cover story for our annual Young Hollywood issue.
Does she really think big means fat here, or is she being purposefully dense?

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>People who willingly cosume more calories than they burn off are a protected group

>she was once fat-shamed by one of her male co-stars on the set of a movie.
>“This guy that was my love interest was like, ‘I’d never date you in a real life,’ and I was like, ‘What?’ And he was like, ‘Yeah, you’re too big for me’ — as in my size,” Moretz shares with Variety

based and redpilled

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more like fridge shamed

And i was like and he was like and I'm like
and like

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She's got killer lats

God I can only imagine how pretentious that Louis CK film is

fuck she’s got huge shoulders

She's a big guy.

>for you

She's too big for everyone. Fridge body isn't attractive unless you like fucking men. Then you're a fag and would rather fuck men.

>fat-shamed by one of her male co-stars on the set of a movie
Who was it lads?

She's not fat. She's just... wide.

In every photo of her my eyes are always drawn to those meat hooks. She should've trained to be an olympic wrestler.


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id kill to have clavicles like that

Wtf is this real?

I fail to see the point here. Also, pick related. She is fugly. Dude pointed it out. She now knows what 80% of guys at a club feel like.

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she doesn't have that problem. look at her bone structure - she has a male skeleton with A cup tits attached to it. no matter how much weight she loses she will still have wide shoulders and big arms.

>"I'm going into battle, and I need only your strongest potions."

Mirin' dem lats

She's only 20? Fucking hell she's been around forever. And she looks like shit.

I see the same. Those hands, if she were a man she would be brock lesnar sized.

who takes their fridge to the beach?

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Going by the ages provided, Mclovin.

Welcome to the life of every guy that isn't Chad dumb bitch

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I wouldn't date her even if she dispensed ice.

I always thought calories in and calories out was a meme.
Then I started counting calories and I never gained weight again.
Fat people are just asleep at the wheel basically.

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>I always thought calories in and calories out was a meme.
People like this should just be euthanized.

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Are those really her hands tho?

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"You are fat"

"OmQ sexist much?!!"

It's pretty funny actually

>I always thought calories in and calories out was a meme.
What could possibly make you think that?

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fucking mike tyson tier unit

She's trying, kinda


I'm just being honest with you.
Fat people don't think they eat too many calories because they don't think in calories.
It wasn't until I worked out how much I was consuming just through milk, a liquid that doesn't even fill you up, that I lost weight.
If you don't take notice, you'll think the weight somehow isn't your fault, you're not like those people who eat fast food or gorge themselves so it can't be helped right?

That's why people stay fat.
So many of them just don't *get* that a single milkshake is 3 hours of exercise or that snacking on chips is essentially inserting another meal's worth of calories between your meals.


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A little bit, but it's also very grounded and funny

poor girl

But it's basic logic, even if you know nothing else. If you put a liter of water into an empty container, you will not be able to pour more than a liter of water out of it. Perhaps chemistry or nuclear reactions could alter this, but if you know about such stuff, then you'd surely know about energy also, and that is surely a constant.

To be fair there's a lot of pressure in hollywood to be near perfect. If that picture is indicative of what she looked like at the time then I could see someone calling her big in that industry.

Why would she have her lisp done but not her tits?
What the fuck is wrong with her

I don't think anyone but a super straight female wants to be fucked by any man. Even straight females just like the idea of being dominated.

>it's basic logic
there's nothing logical about this.

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>even if you know nothing else

Or know basic grammar.

Chloe Grace Moretz as She-Hulk.

She's got lats like a boxer and the arms of a scaffolder. Why the hell would anyone be attracted to that?

More like fridge body shamed lmao


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>Making my way downtown, thawing fast
>Full o' gas and I'm home bound

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does she have a tattoo on her side? what is that?

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She's 22 actually
current pic

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his grammar was fine.

I was hoping someone more clever would have bytfo, but nope.

Farmers brand oxen user.

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He was a Hellywood predo and she was too big aka old?

Well fuck, i can't even say now is it real or fake photo, god dammit.

It's just common sense not to put fridges in the horizontal position.

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You need glasses. It's so photoshopped that it basically glows in the dark.

this makes sense. she didn't get it and thought fat instead of age or heig.

o shit i laffed

she was so cute in that vampire flick, its not fair

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I can’t even tell what’s photoshopped anymore.

Yeah, Dark Shadows was her peak.

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She's very pretty there. What went wrong?

Oh God she's aged like milk

I never could, except for the most ridiculous ones.

How is that sexist lol. I wouldn't date her either if she didn't give me money.

she needs fake tiddies. Here boobs look like saggy silver-dollar pancakes

not gonna lie bros, i'd date her

she is built as fuck, the same as some dudes are lanky as fuck
it doesn't have anything to do with gender, shaming, fatsos hate....
some people are more "built" than others, and the only fix is more cardio and less gym
Chloe is clearly genetically prone to having more mass, to the point of being rather comic in hollywood, full of pixie women
no big deal

>tfw she has better lats than you

>costar almost word-for-word tells her she's a big girl for him

is that a 50 year old man

>mfw thinking how the photographer had to come up with all sorts of creative way to hide her massive shoulders

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I kinda want to see a shop of Adam Driver photo from Star Wars with her face on it.

>be me
>count my calories diligently all day
>live off rice, kidney beans and lentil soup like a fucking rabbit
>night time comes
>"ooh, i'm 400 calories under"
>binge and spoil it all

rare chloe

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Has she ever had a bf for real? I'll take one for the team. Maybe she'd like being the best someone has ever had.

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if you are living off rabbit food and you're only 400 calories under you're either eating retardedly big portions or you're basically bedridden.

she should have started lifting and juicing. I want to see her frame maxed out


Imagine being a chloefag just to see her turn into a monster
>inb4 they all do after 12
She needs to embrace the ugly
kiki 5eva

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She is out of touch, she looks like, I can't even describe it properly, like a giant midget or suffering from acromegaly, is not about being fat.

Muscles are hot

>she was once fat-shamed by one of her male co-stars on the set of a movie


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How is that even fat shaming? It's his preference at best

If a man complained about something sexist a woman did he'd be laughed out of existence.

>>Someone once called me fat.


Yeah, she dated Brooklyn Beckham for five years.

She's also been linked to Chance The Rapper and some Brazilian soccer stud. Not to mention TMZ had video of her kissing Kristen Stewart at a club.

So yeah, she's probably a little too experienced for a sweet boy like you. Try ChristianMingle.

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Is that a shadow a tattoo or a weird birthmark under her arm?

“This guy that was my love interest was like, ‘I’d never date you in a real life,’ and I was like, ‘What?’ And he was like, ‘Yeah, you’re too big for me’ — as in my size,”

So she sexually harrassed a co-worker who never showed any interest in her, then shames him to the press once he turned her down? Amazing.

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>you’re too big for me’ — as in my size

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He didn’t say fat he said big. Her frame is build like a man’s. A woman’s shoulders shouldn’t be wider than her hips. If they are, don’t be surprised hetero men don’t find you attractive.

>“This guy that was my love interest was like, ‘I’d never date you in a real life,’ and I was like, ‘What?’ And he was like, ‘Yeah, you’re too big for me’ — as in my size,”
I can't imagine he just walked up to her out of the blue and said this shit. lol

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She’s just way too wide.

She should get ribs removed and a boob job to make her figure less refrigeratorish

nah, she just needs to starve herself for few months for the lats and traps and shoulders and other muscles to wither away

>sorry but I wouldn't date you IRL, I'm not into big girls for you

>t. alt-right nazi

She needs to max out. Become a female Dolf for the new age. Like a Ronda Rousey that can act.

Ronda isn't a fridge, though.

so instead of just being content as a mere fridge, she must ascend and become a walk-in freezer

>he was like
>and I was like
>and he was like
>and I was like

Ariel Winter is too wide too only her boobs saved her from looking like Chloe.

Is that real or shopped? I can't tell anymore...

Gordan Ramsey vs Chloe fridge inspection when?

Many doors have been open for Chloe but she can't fit through them.

like an olympic swimmer

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That I know. I just don't see many options for the fridge.
Ascend she must, beefcake she'll buy.

Rule #1 of life: women are always lying about the stories they tell

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>literally wider shoulders than her male co-star
absolute fucking tank
agog at the stature of this unit

She should get into powerlifting.

Not even memeing.

damn she has man boobs

I would kill to have a frame like this

>fixed with a boobjob over the weekend


I heard she's number one's body double in Umbrella academy

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>Brazilian soccer stud
Imagine living in a bubble

rare pedro

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Has puberty ever been less kind to a child actor?

Puberty. She turned into a block, and her face never changed from this child's face, it never matured. So you got this weird babyface on a linebacker body.

>I am the walrus... I mean, I am the raven.

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Yeah that's pretty bad.

Her lack of literally any hips at all is unfortunate

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I don't normally recommend it, but she needs to get a boobjob. Won't fix her fridge body or tiny head but it would at give her something to work with.

I'm a chubby chaser and she isn't fat, just poorly built.

who has ever called her fat? they called her big, they didn't mean fat

She looks like the Olson sisters and the good one.

She could have been an olimpic wrestler

This is my favorite pic of Chloe. She just looks so fuckable here.

She wishes she had tits like Best Olsen

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that one isn't so bad

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Last I heard she liked to wrestle her own bison burgers.

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This contrast is too much

>always thought calories in and calories out was a meme.
No, its logic you fucking retard

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>that poor, unemployed bikini top

Yo little Donnie

Why are there no more feminine teen-young adult actresses? All of them are fridges with manfaces

How people didn't see this comming is beyond me. She's never been a looker.


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>called her big
>she thought he was calling her fat instead of a tank

You need to look further afield

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it's not like she has any tits or hips


She looks like a retarded duckling lol

The memes went too far. You folks need to realize that memes are all fun and games until you convince a SWOLE girl making all kinds of GAINS that she should be a twig. Could you imagine how many pullups prime Chloe could have banged out? She would have set records even in todays world where trannies are allowed to compete. Now look at her. I doubt she can even deadlift more than 4 pl8 anymore.

It's a damn shame. All them wasted gains like tears in the rain

>Moner not having hips

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Chloe would give you strong sons

>unemployed bikini top

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The only saviour of Yea Forums

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is this the original pablo?


arie winter has that short tubby braphog build

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what I'd do is I'd put some wire in one of the arms to hold it up so I could take my own arm inside the suit and jerk off

lmao is this shopped?

she legit looks weird
her face is just strange. If I seen her walking down the street I would think to myself ‘thats a weird looking girl’

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>not seizing her butt and trying to pass it off as just Stitch's rapscallion antics

crazy that theres girls with bodies like this while I’m here alone wanking myself off to try and hold off the lonliness for an hour

Donor of Boners strikes again

The Fiji bottle is a bit too on-the-nose

This is the creepiest one of all

>watching povertyball
>following any sports besides ugandan ridge skating
get bent

Severely underrated

I'd definitely still fuck her, I really don't mind her swole shoulders.

the guy was clearly flirting with her. trust a self absorbed child start to make a big deal out of it.

memes aside, what the FUCK is wrong with her? Is she british?

> physics are a meme

these are big brain delusions.

Based Nicholas Cage

Absolutely based and fucking keked.

no, look at the difference between his skin color on the face and the hands. The original is Pablo opening a cardoor for her.


nsfw deepfake

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Is this recent? I didn't realize she had work done on her face.