The day an entire board got eternally btfo

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Bill "O boy I sure do enjoy black cocks in my ass and my wifes ass" Maher

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Holy based
I thought all these Burger Talk Show hosts were basedboys

But he fucks black women.

>le edgy talk show host


lmao at trumpsters


Never thought I could respect Henry Rollins even more, but here we are.

>le butthurt capeshit kid

Comics and comic book movies can be really fuckin dumb, but I'd have a little bit of respect for the man if he at least brought up how. You can't shit on a dead man right after he dies and claim you weren't taking shots when their company literally sends you a whole letter claiming they were frankly disgusted.

I find it hilarious how smugly he tried to say "Shakespeare wasn't childish". Couldn't be more objectively wrong.

The title is too vague, what is he talking about? I don't want to give views.

I'll take a wild guess and say kike stuff

>Capeshitter and MAGApede
I'm so sorry, is there any cure?

By the posts in this thread, the picture of Kevin Smith and Maher's past opinion. I think he is making fun of comic book fans.

the gay pedophile is right, you know

I actually did an analysis on this video, make fun of me I don't care, but here's the gist

After Stan Lee died, Bill Maher thought it would be fun to make a blog post about how he thinks anyone that reads comic books are retarded. Everyone's natural reaction was "okay, that's pretty disrespectful".

This video is his whole response to that, doubling down on his agenda, completely missing the point that people are mad at him for being a dick to someone that very recently died, but he STILL thinks its about people being insulted by his edginess. He tried to state that he wasn't trying to take shots at Stan Lee, even though he received a whole letter from his company about how offended they were.

An actual quote "You can, if you like, like the same things you did when you were ten. But if you do you need to grow up". Coming from a dude who bought hundreds of thousands of dollars in shares of the New York Mets because they meant a lot to him as a child.

This is all coming from someone (me) who does think a lot of comics are dumb. If he wanted to make fun of them, he had such an easy job. But he really screwed the pooch.

>comic books childish
>watching a clown show for political opinions mature

Gonna be a yikes from me

Yea Forums gets blown the fuck out on a regular basis

>an entire board

>stop liking things I don't like
>you manchild
I dunno, he seems like a typical Yea Forums poster to me.

Yea Forums is more capeshit than Yea Forums at this point

Fuck Stan Lee, I am glad he is dead

Dude nice


Look at this respected grown adult

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What about Yea Forums ?
How they would react to what Bill said?

If only he followed Lenny Bruce's advice on waiting before doing jokes on dramatic topics, this rukus wouldn't be that bad, yet Bill went double on both the show and in Larry King's interview.

Bill Maher is a member of a sex cult called Snctm and he's Jewish.

smug americans, left or right, just as bad

He would have a point if most other entertainment like sports, reality TV, and WWE tier political coverage weren't just as retarded.

maher is a zionist shill who deserves the rope

>"Shakespeare wasn't childish". Couldn't be more objectively wrong.

I also thought this was stupid. Shakespeare literally made up words like rappers do today and was enjoyed by the poor class. It would have been looked down on in it's time by many. He completely missed that.

he's just mad at capeshit taking away some of his audience


Not only is the made up words thing, but being immature was his THING. He was a satirist that made pee jokes.

>getting buttblasted by backlash on lee's death
>getting anally annihilated over the npc shit
Maher lost his cool decades ago. If he ever had it. He's literally the worst type of boomer now - the one that's pretending to be hip and with it. The religion doc was decent, but it seems back then the director tard wrangled him around.

>that outro

What the fuck are you watching on youtube? I was on board until that piece of shit unfunny crap.

>pee jokes
Try cunt jokes delivered by fucking Hamlet. Shakespeare was so ahead of the game in terms of retarded low-brow humor it's still amazing to read.

>being a dick to someone that very recently died
he attacked the fans, not stan lee. he specifically addresses that in the very video this thread is about

>You can, if you like, like the same things you did when you were ten. But if you do you need to grow up
notice how it's a comment on the fans? it's incredible how the segment managed to completely go over your head. you don't even address any of the points raised

>not a child sex cult

no one cares

He still likes baseball, which is about as "childish" as comic books.

>it's time

The real question is why anyone cares what this bourgeoise rich liberal Jew thinks on any topic.


fatass detected

How is it not? It's literally just a fucking game children play at school. Get over it. Grow up.

Yes it's time. As in comic books are looked down upon by him in "it's time".

The opening lines of his blog stated that the most Stan Lee ever did was "inspire people to watch a movie or something". I'm not a fan of comics, Bill Maher's criticism on them hold about as much weight as a child pointing at a couple kissing going "eeeew!". But the entire time he was insulting Stan Lee's WORKS, which fine, you can criticize them, but deliberately focusing in on his death to do it is something even autistic people know is socially a bad idea.

If I say "Anyone that watches or listens to Bill Maher is an austistic mouth breathing retard" that is most DEFINITELY an attack on Maher himself.

Maher has a career on political commentary which arose from conversations with his father during childhood. No man on his Earth can say that all his interests are solely things he discovered after age 30.

user, its...

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>The religion doc was decent

If you enjoyed it that's fine but he got so many parts about it wrong that it's laughable.

Hence why he thinks sex, hookers, atheism, and weed is so much more mature

Can I point out that Maher doubling down on "comics are for kids" means that he believes all the content should only be consumed by children?

Someone mail his daughter ten thousand copies of that issue where Captian Marvel got raped.

I watched it once half-asleep, had some laughs. I have no doubts he fucked up, but at least there his personality was somewhat entertaining. He was always a third-rate Carlin anyways, thrice the smugness, none of the edge.

It's past your bedtime

See, now you're using it right! Good work, user.

>He was always a third-rate Carlin anyways, thrice the smugness, none of the edge

That's a very succinct way of describing him. Might as well end thread.

I know. That's why you followed up your post with nerd rage.

Huh? I think you're mistaking me for someone else.

>equating buying shares in a sports team with being an adult who obsesses over videogames, toys, and comics
How do I know you're underage?

So Ad Hominem is now an argument? Just admit the kike is right on this one, comic books are shit

he's 100% right
wtf i'm a liberal now

i hate that faggot and this garbage
>late show with X
type of shows, but he's right, capeshitters act like capeshit is the next Coming of Jesus . even if 99% of capeshit have garbage writing and reddit humor.

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Yeh that s what defined his work really, his pee jokes

What else am I not allowed to enjoy as an adult?

>be childless hedonist
>tell others to grow up

At least we'll always have based Crowder.

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You got me, the child who's only merely pretending to be invested in defending having interests as an adult.

>I-I-Ironman is a modern day Macbeth
this absolute cope

Maybe if you only consider the basest of Big Two capeshit in your argument. Even then, it has about as much merit to adults as prime-time tv, just junk food. What about the entirety of The British School? The French? The Italian? The multitude of Eastern European workshops? The fucking Japs, if we're going there. I very much doubt Maher has any understanding of any of those. Which is why he really shouldn't have opened his yap.

>No man on his Earth can say that all his interests are solely things he discovered after age 30.
No but hopefully they discovered it after age 8.

His career is defined by his versatility, among other things. The idea of modern English being derived in part from Shakespeare is valid because he made tons of different works, comedies, tragedies, chronicles, sonnets. The dude was a theatrical meme factory and potty humor was a big part of his comedies, despite him also imploring clever wordplay and classic comedic twists like cross-dressing. Pee jokes are a big part of Shakespeare's heritage.

Absolutely right. Our society has become more and more childish, no one can deny that. In the generation born in the 50s or before a man of 18 years old was considered an adult man, not a "young". And man by the age of 25 used to have already a family and a job for years. Now look the disgusting society where we live, you can see 30+ men behaving like teenagers and nobody cares about creating a family, all is hedonism, narcissism and nothing more. FUCK THIS GENERATION, WEAKEST GENERATION OF HISTORY.

I thought Bill Maher was someone you grow out of liking after you get older than 18? He's on the same level as Tool, Bill Hicks and George Carlin.



>Ivy League educated
>is a member of PETA
always when i see those rich, ivy league educated people talking down to the plebs and saying "stop being X" i always remember this Podesta tweet

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That's what happens when you end mandatory military service.

>modern young men are disgusting, quite unlike the generations before them
>plato, shit-ass b.c.
You know what's worse than becoming like your retarded boomer dad when you're old? Becoming like him while you're still young.

Discovering Tool for the first time at 27 and they're breddy gud :DDDD

If you are aware of this board, hell ANY board on this website you are part of the problem.

Plato was right. Very soon, his entire civilization would come crumbling down because of an entire society of effeminate homos who hated their fathers.

Did you think you made a good point here by bringing up Plato?

>And man by the age of 25 used to have already a family and a job for years. Now look the disgusting society where we live, you can see 30+ men behaving like teenagers and nobody cares about creating a family, all is hedonism, narcissism and nothing more.
big words when you have to consider that boomers pretty much ruined everything by their ruthless behavior and now it's up to millennials and zoomers to try to live with the aftermath.
After the war you could've supported a whole family of 5 with just the husband having one job, nowadays you have both parents working 2 jobs to support a family of maybe 3-4 at most. Don't blame the people for being more and more reclusive to put children into this world when they can't even support them and just end up in an endless pursuit of dopamine and hedonism

user, those "effeminate homos" did more for culture and thought than even Plato. Stop being a retard.

People have been asking me.. if i ever read the the bible. *holds a smug grin for 12 seconds*. Maybe the dumbass losers asking this.. need to use something i like to call.. marijuana. *lights joint* *crowd goes wild*

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What his understanding of any other topic has to do with what he said? He said the truth about capeshit, knowing where Papua New Guinea is is irrelevant to the discussion.

Do us a favor and read the wikipedia page about Ad Hominem fallacy. I know it is hard for you to read something without colorfull pictures, but believe me, just try it once, you will realize there is a world of real usefull concepts out there and that the stories in your comic books are designed to extract money from low IQ individuals

>Very soon, his entire civilization would come crumbling down because of an entire society of effeminate homos

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>Boomer is out of touch
No Way!

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>comic books are childish
>grow up
>your understanding of comic books is shit-tier, retard, you're in no position to argue

>the people who caused the collapse of Greek civilization did far more for culture than even Plato did

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I dab on Yea Forumsumblrs fucking grave.

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>jewish man blames falling marriages on videogames and comics instead of jewish lawyers, jewish made no fault divorce laws, jewish made enforced equality, jewish promoted hypergamy and jewish made offshoring

user, maybe you should actually, you know, study about shit like culture, art, philosophy? You seem retarded. Again, boomers will always be boomers. You're already one. This shit about "youths ruining civilization" has been going on for millenia and there wasn't one time when boomers were in the right about it. Stop being an idiot.

Society has infantilized men and women to better suit the mold of a 'consumer class' of human beings. If every individual gave up consumerism and stopped shopping at walmart and became self sustaining and self-employed once again, humanity as a whole would be stronger, but it arguably wouldn't be better. We stand to lose more than we are to gain, such as the division of labor.

>>the people who caused the collapse of Greek civilization
do you mean the ottomans in the 15th century?

So Greek civilization didnt collapse not long after Plato's generation died off? What are you arguing here?

>use bible quote in your argument even though you're not christian
>profess loudly that you're not a christian and that this is all beneath you but you'll argue on these terms for some reason despite the argument having nothing to do with the bible, it's about comic readers and there's no notable overlap in demographics
>expectedly, the bible quote is taken horribly out of context and bill somehow managed to interpret the exact opposite of what the original author meant, not even coming close
amazing work there bill

Bill is bald in the back, its a massive comb over.

Yeah, 15th century Greece was the height of Greek civilization.

Upboated and gilded

>Bill Maher
>shitbag liberal propaganda fag who's generally wrong about everything
>hates capeshit
Really makes you think

Thanks for admiting defeat and proving my point.

Hellinistic period started 20 years after Plato's death, you idiot.
Such knowledge of history.

>see Kevin Smith, its 2019. Walk the fuck away.

So, you admit Maher has as much knowledge about comic books as an average Yea Forumstard and should be ridiculed just as hard?

>not knowing when the golden age of Greece was
>thinking Spartan buttfuckers and Athenian backstabbers where greater than the Eastern Roman Empire
lay off some of those /pol/ education and please read a book about history, you're in dire need of it

holy fucking shit those comments. so many butthurt spergs and capeshit autists. it's like watching a lashing out teenager who got told to clean up his room

Totally agree. That's why I would had prefer to be born in a totalitarian society like the URSS or Nazi Germany where the State made you a productive member of society since you were a kid being part of Nazi Youth or organizations like that. Yeah you didn't have freedom to say whatever you wanted about some things and you were brainwashed to love the leader, but who the fucking cares about that type of freedom, what really matters is feeling proud of yourself, feeling strong and having confidence in yourself, nothing more. And you can't say that we are totally free today either or that we are not brainwashed either so.

Yeah I know that every generation always complains about the young people and that things were better in their youth but you can't deny that society has become more childish and degenerate in general. The lost of values and honor, and basic things like creating families, being a decent person, etc. All those things have declined in the last decades.

I'm part of that weak generation, I'm aware of that and that's because I'm so angry for having born in this shit generation.

People doesn't have children not because they don't have money, they don't have children because they don't want responsibilities. Explain me how then immigrants have so many children if they are poor. I have a neighbor that have 7 children or more and they are poor. And now their children are grown and they live the same as me. I don't see them with no clothes in the streets.

Yeah I know that is one of the possible reasons but when those infantilized people can't buy homes, cars, etc. When they don't want to create families and have children then nobody will buy anything because they can't. Capitalism doesn't care, they would bring immigrants that still create families and keep consuming though.

People doesn't have children not because they don't have money, they don't have children because they don't want responsibilities. Explain me how then immigrants have so many children if they are poor. I have a neighbor that have 7 children or more and they are poor. And now their children are grown and they live the same as me. I don't see them with no clothes in the streets.

he's basically talking about how stunted millennials and zoomers are because they can't moderate all their safe space child hobbies. They don't actually learn to be adults, I'm talking about shit like learning how to make appointments and be responsible for shit and time management, and one that does goes on social media and uses the retarded #adulting bullshit like they just accomplished something that matters, beyond it being a base survival skill.

I know this shit first hand because I was vastly spoiled as a child by my parents and they never attempted to make me do things that would actually teach me anything in life, so I got no social skills and I never wanted to leave my house, I just wanted to play video games. As a kid I didn't want to correct this issue even when my friends attempted to get me to do things. As an adult I've started to be able to do things for myself finally and want to engage with the world around me as opposed to hide from it. But i don't go around saying shit like "adulting", or feeling the need to defend the hobbies I enjoy to the death.

I missed a lot of stuff in life because I was sitting in a safe space for most of it, I regret this shit, he just wants people to grow up and care about shit that matters. Find something else to do with your energy besides bomb some dude for telling manchildren they need to grow up, by shitting on him more they are just proving his point.

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Oh shit, here comes Byzanthium-user. How you doing, my dog? Want to ally with some Orthodox Kievan to shit on turks/mudslimes/whoever else together?

wtf i love bill maher

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Notice how the quote was also in the Torah but he didn't said the Torah was stuoid cause he's a kike, he said the Bible stuoid instead and the dumb goyim laughed

So this board is defending capeshit now?

>So Ad Hominem is now an argument?
On the internet? It always was.

>it's either one or the other
I've never seen a truly great comicbook movie. The Watchmen was a good film, but that's more on the source material. Maher's beef is with the comic books themselves though, which vary greatly in quality and types of content. Dismissing a whole medium as inherently childish simply because it started as children's entertainment paints him as a rather obtuse individual. It makes me genuinely interested whether Bill is fully unaware about actually adult comic books existing or if he's simply feigned ignorance for "comedic purpose".

literally half the board is capeshit 24/7 for the last 5 years

I don't make suppositions about a character in a tv show designed to create reactions in stupid people like you. Do you really believe what is on tv is real, son?

What is real is manchildren's butthurt about this video. It hurts because it is true. If Maher knows how to diagonalize an operator is irrelevant, if his knowledge is similar to a capeshitter is irrelevant, he told the truth about capeshit, no flaws of his will change that. Most people despise and laugh about manchildren. I don't like Maher personally, but I can recognize when someone is telling a true statement.

So come, NPC, answer me with a programmed routine and some emotional statement.

But his show is complete trash for the plebs.
Maybe if it he actually bothered to enrich the masses with high art i would have more respect for him.

Look at his fucking guests. I don't see too many scientists and philosophers...

It's mainstream television, what do you expect? scientists from MIT and NASA?

But he did a good point.

I don't understand why pick on stan lee though. The ones to blame for the current state of culture are the fucking corporations like Disney.

Maybe he should grow some balls and start pointing fingers at the right people.

no but i will defend people's right to enjoy what they want, even if it's something i'd never watch myself

That's been my main point the whole time. Bill Maher is out here saying that kids should be reading the rape of Captain Marvel.

>retard speaks "the truth"
>it's literally not truth if you bother looking into the subject for one second
>saying that is somehow npc behavior
You didn't recognize shit. You accepted Maher's absolute shit-tier take because it falls nicely into your worldview. Oh, also, if a character in a piece of media is portrayed as retarded, it usually means their advice is bad and their opinions - incompetent. I don't see people parading opinions of Homer Simpson as eternal truths, why would Bill Maher be any different?

Does he make you mad because he's funny and you're not?

>It's mainstream television.
Yes is trash, i don't see it how is any better than capeshit fans.

In fact for me he is at the same level as shit like Jerry Springer.

He he ever dares to rip on Black Panther or Captain marvel i would give him props.
I don't think he has the balls though.

Yeah but if he did he wouldn't cause controversy and get attention. That's what it's all about.

>maher says you shouldn't read comics because they're for kids, if adults read them then they can't think for themselves
>says 'here is a bible quote backing me up'
>also says that the bible is stupid and if adults read it then they can't think for themselves
i really can't get over his retarded logic. it's baffling

A statement is true if it is not false, by definition. Read some book on logic. Too bad your brain is melted by comic books and you can't understand reality.

Yes. And his statement is false. Big whoops.

>In fact for me he is at the same level as shit like Jerry Springer.

He says a book even as dumb as the Bible got it right

>comic books themselves though, which vary greatly in quality and types of content.
yeah they run the gamut between diarrhea and little rocky turds

If you can't understand that he says that about the Bible because he is an atheist then you must be very dumb or you are trolling.

How many have you read in your entire life? How many non-American ones?

Nope, it is true, comic books are shit, capeshit movies are retarded. It is simple, if you had a healthy brain to understand you would.

>it's true because no argument
Big brains at work here, I see.

it should be embarrassing that he got the meaning of the bible quote wrong then, something that's supposedly beneath him
you don't get it. it's like if he took a quote from a comic book and says "here, this perfectly encapsulates the point i'm trying to make: comics have no worth"

What does he want us to do? Try chasing women at the state they are in 2019?

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people hate kevin smith here though

plenty. all garbage

> All these zoomers shitting on Bill Maher

OK, clearly your "opinion" is well thought-out and worthy of time.

You are missing the point and making an over-logical argument that has no sense. He is laughing both of the Bible and comic books.

>why don't you listen to Nick Minaj? there are great lyrics in some musics

I prefer Mussorgsky thanks, but if you like to listen to trash, go for it. It is not less corporate trash because you and millions listen to it tho

>jerry springer
yeah okay this is a reach, even for someone like maher who does try to get a rise out of people and stir it up. It's such a reach in fact, that I'm convinced you are a fucking moron

sorry you get offended because nobody takes your funny books seriously

Chase men.

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I have a feeling it will even worse with the psychological traumas they have for being homos.

You admit defeat, a second time. Go watch the next glowy shinny superpower shitfest in theaters, it might mitigate your butthurt a little...

I take his point about the difference in levels of escapist fantasy & hobbies, but have long given up on virtue boasting in cultural brawls, since far to much of what I like on screen is deeply silly trash for me to complaint about it and still make sense. More to the point is the note of desperation when taste in trash is narrowly exclusive as that of comic movie fans generally is. The sick brilliance of this rant, like an extended mean tweet, extreme in smugness, sicker for its very sincerity of smugness, is of course what makes it weirdly exhilarating. But that's what makes it trashy fun. Isn't that what TV and most film is all about? It most certainly is, but we all do other things, a few of them good.

Offended? By what exactly?

>He is laughing both of the Bible and comic books.
he's hoping that the bible quote will back up the point he's trying to make, yet it only weakens it. and apparently this is supposed to mean something to comic readers who probably don't care much for the bible anyway. it's completely asinine and misguided. he's firing on both sides and missing

You might be too galaxy brain for this board, bro.

am i the only one having issues with youtube?

oh wow you sound so mature

absolutely based.
grow the fuck up retards


>the day an entire board got eternally btfo
Literally every single day

When did this trend of disrespecting your audience started?
It used to be "customer always right" and "I'd be no one without you".
Now everyone just wants to tell you how wrong you are at living your life and how you should be ashamed of something new every waking moment.

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He’s not wrong, but only conditionally. There is no such thing as a medium that is inherently immature. It’s all in what it’s being used to convey. Serialized comics, ongoing series, tend to be the lowest rung of the ladder in terms of artistic merit, but even those stories can surprise you with the right team at the helm. When comics creators are allowed some degree of artistic freedom, they can tell insightful stories about both the human condition as well as some surprisingly on-point social commentary.

Take “The Dark Knight Returns” for instance.

On the most superficial level, it’s the story of an aging Bruce Wayne in a “Reaganized” dystopia coming out of retirement to go full outlaw vigilante. All the other heroes are “retired,” some forcibly, by the government or through the actions of their “secret weapon,” Superman. The story culminates in a clash between the two, with the Batman winning what appears to be a sort of Pyrrhic victory wherein his heart gives out upon managing to defeat Superman, only for it to be revealed that his “sacrifice” was a ruse, and that Bruce lived on to inspire and train a new generation to continue his crusade.

That’s just the most superficial read of the tale, however. For the rest, you have to take historical context into account, both for comics and for the nation as a whole.

I mean sure you dipshits deserve it, but not from some suited bigwig equally dipshit degenerate.
It's a hypocrisy parade all the way to Israel nowadays.

Absolutely unequivocally based
He says a lot of shit but this video in a vacuum is 100% right

what a bunch of assblasted losers in here
your videogames and shitty kiddy films are for kids.
When you will understand this, you'll be too old and it'll be too late.

For what? I have a wife and a great job I like a lot. What exactly am I missing out on?

>muh dood wut if batman got old lole
great read if you're a shit smearing retard who needs a straw to drink

The taste of my cock.

Thanks, I'll pass.

Consciousness. Self-awareness is a prerequisite.

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Comics context:

At their inception, comics had a broad range of tones and subject matter, from the familiar superhero tales, to the somewhat more obscure soap opera-esque teen dramas, comedies, and even “dramadies” of which Archie comics are a long-surviving relic. But then there are the “weird” tales - the anthology comics that contained stories ranging from sci-fi and fantasy to tales of outright horror. These latter stories were often graphic in their depictions of violence and lurid sexuality, and that scared the shit out of the normie moms and dads of the fifties. Thus was the Comics Code Authority born from America’s moral panic about juvenile delinquency that went hand-in-hand with McCarthy’s “Red Scare.”

Under the CCA, no comic that didn’t receive their stamp of approval would ever grace a newsstand. Their constraints verged on the Puritanical. Heroes weren’t allowed to kill. A villain’s death could only be depicted as arising as a consequence of the villain’s own actions. No blood. Guns for bad guys or westerns only. Only the mildest depictions of violence of any kind. Under the strict censorship of the CCA, comics writers increasingly came to rely on camp as a means of thumbing their noses at the straight-laced prudishness of their overseers, and this became a hallmark of the Silver Age of comics.

It was into this climate that Stan Lee and Marvel first took the stage. Over the course of the sixties and seventies, Marvel continued to up their depictions of violence as the CCA’s stranglehold began to relax with society’s changing attitudes. Marvel introduced the first true antiheroes like the Punisher. They gave us Wolverine, who slashed away at countless opponents over the decades, all of which were CCA-approved “kills,” as they were *always* faceless mooks dying in largely bloodless ways, falling to never rise again once off-panel, seldom mentioned, never dwelled on.

>a hack watches deathwish
and thats how the punisher was born

user, this is pretty pathetic, even from a whelp like you.