This is it. They have really taken it too far this time

This is it. They have really taken it too far this time.

I used to really like superhero movies, like most people on this board, I assume. But it seems like the people making them are in the process of corrupting them into something different hideous.

They decided to make a film of Captain Marvel, even though there were plenty of other heroes to cover. And then, they decided to cast this bitch that is literally unable to smile and unironically wants all of us white males put into camps and executed. I will not see this one or any other film starring her, to send a message.

Is there any way for us, as a community, to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again?

Attached: r_captainmarvel_header_billboard_ddt-17528_743560e6.jpg (1536x627, 403K)

Attached: 1550967414694.jpg (640x823, 361K)

oh shut the fuck you whiny bitch

>false idea

Really poor false flag, disneyshill. I expected more from you

I guess I'm the only one who's going to see it on here. Yay, I get the theater to myself.

Fuck off mousefag

>like most people on this board
stopped reading right there
I cant decide whether this is shitposting, or some uninformed false flag shill.

>6 threads about captain marvel
>I know what this board needs, a 7th!
fuck off, i'm so fucking sick of seeing this movie on this fucking board, fuck right off

It's being a pretty light shill campaign tbqh, mostly false flags and basic namecalling. We really can't complain, it's nothing like the Thor Ragnarok or The Last Jedi viral marketing campaings

>Is there any way for us, as a community, to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again?
just go watch atila bottle angle fren

It's anywhere from 6-10 threads about the film or her at any one time, and it's been like this for weeks if not months. It's a fucking pisstake

It didn't save Ghostbusters 2k16 and it won't save Captain Marvel if they keep making watching a movie a political statement.

>I used to really like superhero movies, like most people on this board

Attached: 1549763696110.jpg (716x768, 241K)

They're unwittingly shilling the film better than any Disney intern could have ever hoped for. Yea Forums has basically been a Captain Marvel billboard for the past few months.

When they were shilling Infinity War I used to have over 30 threads filtered at any given time. For almost a month. I think this time they have given up on Yea Forums not hating this movie

>biggest capeshit movie ever conceived
>it must be the shills making all these threads!

Attached: 1537202040532.png (772x198, 60K)

See? The shilling is pretty weak this time around, Episode IX is going to be a nightmare though they have to save that shit after the TLJ and Solo disasters

Grow a pair faggot. You make all those rambling about fragile masculinity sound accurate.

Oh my God, Brie Larson has a serious face, STOP THE GOD DAMN FUCKIN PRESSES THIS IS AN ISSUE

>I used to really like superhero movies
That was your first mistake

>This just in, entirety of Marvel Entertainment shuts down after 13 Yea Forums users don't see Captain Marvel

>release the movie on international women's day which no sane person celebrates in the west
>8th of march is a national holiday in russia
why couldn't those fuckers do it for endgame instead of this shitty movie and give female fans an actual present

>Western women aren't considered sane
>Give female fans an actual present

I'm not looking to argue I just wanna know what side of the fence you're on

I meant if they're going to do the whole pandering thing, at least do it with a movie everyone is looking forward to.