Just watched this last night. What do we think of it?

Just watched this last night. What do we think of it?

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His cabin is the same cabin used in tbe umbrella academy.

Also. We thought it was kino. Should have been filmed in 2 parts.

It was alright.
Nothing special, but Mads carried it.

The film is an unfathomably awful mess. One of the most juvenile and boring movies I've seen in a very long time.

Looks like a knock-off Escape from new york

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This is correct.

We found the mouseshill

What's that even supposed to mean? Polar is a movie made for and by edgy 14 year-olds hopped up on too much Monster energy drinks. Not sure what I'm supposed to be shilling by calling it what it is.

It's John Wick but uninspired.

It was fucking awful and the only good part was that one chicks heavy tits

I expected more from the elite villain team. Instead they were all easily taken out, save for that last guy who got shot down together with 20 nameless goons later.

I know it's a movie and all, but the hero was hung in chains and tortured for 3 days while receiving no food, water, or blood transfusion, including losing a freaking eye. And still he was able to fight off 20 trained guys in close quarters combat, getting shot twice in the process and then walk away.

Good soundtrack, good second half

yikes, look at this hipster

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It's 100% pure, unfiltered K I N O


>Netflix special

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Mads was smoking hot. My husband kept teasing me about it and saying he looked like John De Hart, though.

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>dangerously high soi levels itt
Wow POLAR really is a pleb filter

horribly cliche and lame

Comic book shit

>The parts with Mads and Hudgens were cozy kino, and had some pretty nice emotional payoff
>The parts with Suicide Squad Jr. were admittedly dogshit, save for the hot girl, who was hot
I don't get some people, it wasn't great, but if it's honestly the worst movie you've ever seen, then you must not watch a lot of movies.

It’s John Wick if John Wick was bad

What's with the hot as fuck sex scene? I hadn't fapped to a non porn movie in decades

goofy, fun bright
kinda refeshing
i liked it

>Chick is legitimately hot as fuck
>use of lighting and angles keeps things obscured slightly (think about why lingerie is hot when it's factually reducing nudity)
>shock of such a graphic sex scene in a non-porno

better than John wick

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Borderlands meets John Wick. Every scene that isn't exclusively Mads is dogshit.

so it's John Wick?

The only thing i remember

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shooting the fire hydrant was cool

Poor mans John Wick with the poor mans Natalie Dormer

This. If mads wasnt in it then it would be forgotten pretty quick