Toy Story 4 & Pixar BTFO by Peta


>Modern Bo Peep has NO place in Pixar

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I'm all for treating animals and nature with respect but peta should just fuck off. They're only hurting their own cause.

lmao this is painfully obvious pol op

fuck off ya cringelords

no peta actually complained about this

everybody knows that peta is the authority about bo peepĀ“s new look.

Old news, no one gives a fuck anymore

What does PeTA stand for?

The PETA current PR seems to be having a fun with with his job

Shes just standing there, MENACINGLY!

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How is Woody in such pristine condition after all these years?

Reminder that Peta literally kills more animals than any other animal rights organization in the world, believing euthanizing them is preferable to allowing them to live under human oppression.

Not even memeing, that's their actual philosophy.

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You don't think mutts and strays need to be euthanized? Are you retarded?

I'm half-convinced that PETA no longer actually cares about animal welfare and exists solely to shitpost

How did Woody fix his "buff" arm from Toy Story 2?

Peta literally steals animals from owners and euthanizes them. Not just strays you subhuman monkey.

people eating the animals

>only half convinced

lol nigga u dum, you think they just walk into people's houses and take animals?

PETA never actually cared, it's for fat white rich women to feel good about themselves. There's plenty of infinitely better organizations.

Found the dogeating chink.

Thought sheep need to be regularly sheered tho.
It's hypocritical for an animals right organization that screams to save animals to go ahead and be killing them and mutts and strays don't make them 2nd class animals you fucking mongrel

I'm amazed no animal rights activists have bombed these anti-animal borderline terrorist fuckers.
I guess it goes to show there's no limit to american ignorance.

Found the shitskin

People for Endlessly Trolling the Autists

It's well documented. They only apologize when they get caught.

>exploiting "gentle"-sheep
what about the Ladie-sheep that are needlessly exploited! Fuck PeTA is SeXIST!!!

>Leftists genuinely patrol every last thing to find something to be offended by, no matter how minute a detail.

It's pure insanity.

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Then the US would be empty

Daily reminder that PETA insulted Steve Irwin on his birthday 14 years after his death. All of this despite doing more for animals than PETA will EVER do.

Just like Yea Forums

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>It's been circulating and killing ever since

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I'm half-convinced Peta is some sort of false flag for the meat-packing industry, rather than focusing on actual third world animal cruelty they seem to go out of their way to find the most beloved and harmless things to get offended about. Remember Pokemon Black and Blue? It's like they try to make themselves look as bad as possible.

This was my favourite Peta campaign

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I disagree with their motives but I could get behind a more viking and less wolf Space Wolves.


I am sick of all of these leftist groups constantly seeking to go "puppetmaster" over the masses. They don't get it. We're a free fucking country, not one where everyone needs to be uder constant regulation and "leadership" of leftist social groups.

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I don't see them complaining about the Flayed Ones.

Peta isn't leftist.

A spokesperson talked about it once that they do typical shit too but the extreme stuff gets press and the company/NGO view is that no press is bad press so they intentionally do it for headlines. Might have been Ingrid Newkirk that said it but essentially it's PR without morals they make more money on 'raising awareness' than actually helping animals that's why they kill so many, they get the headline of "Cows of slaughterhouse liberated from awful conditions" and a photo op of cows they muddied up and some looking happy then it comes time to feed and care for the animals they kill them all press and donations a little overhead for euthenol and they can rinse and repeat

>false flag

Can you people fucking stop? Even IF it were true does it really fucking matter? It's never affected me. Has it done anything in your life? Are you associating with people whose opinions are changing? You're the one highlighting it and giving it attention.

name one (1) right wing view they hold as an organization

Name one left-wing view they hold. Kidnapping and euthanizing animals isn't a right or left issue last I checked.

If only.