Sophie from Peep Show won an Oscar

>Sophie from Peep Show won an Oscar

Wew lad.

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PC Doris now has a little man of her own to handle.

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she cute

Kinda ugly but she has a very animated face which is very attractive.

never seen so many women perform at such a high level in one movie tho, so I thought it was deserved for once

She deserved it desu, very underrated in Peep Show and was great in The Favourite.

Big Suze > Early season Sophie > Dobbie > Later seasons Sophie

>Big Suze


>jew wins oscar

Well I'm surprised

Nuthin' like a bit o girl on girl.


as if you could say no to Johnson

t. Dicklet

Still seems surreal to me. I wonder if this is what people from the 80s thought when Roy Slater from Only Fools and Horses won an Oscar.

I can't decide if she cute or not, it plagues my mind every peep show episode.
She's more like an Aunt that gets really drunk at family parties and kisses you too sloppily on the mouth and makes you feel weird

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She is disgusting, are you blind

>be cast as frumpy middle aged woman from your late 20s
>Perfect the role over two decades
based desu

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>I used to be a cleaner

lmao, privately educated, then off the cambridge
sure sweaty, sure

then i go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like... i like you

>ywn make steamy passionate love to 19yo Olivia in her Cambridge student halls after watching her perform some play by Oscar Wilde

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Whatever happened to that guy on the right after That Mitchell and Webb Look? I remember him randomly popping up in a Transformers movie but i've seen him in literally nothing else.

God i didn't know the guy on the left was such a chad when young. Why did he go on to play betas?

>2 actors most well known for tv roles won best actor/actress at the Oscars

because he's not there chad and has always been and always will be a beta

>be 19
>look 30

Is it Mitchell?

>Listing all the films she'll win Oscars for in the future

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reminder that she did nude scenes in the kino Confetti

>tfw no inappropriate Olivia aunt
Why even live?

Made me laugh that the BBC article about her Oscar win referenced this to show how far she'd come after that stitch-up. I'm sure they had good intentions but it undoubtedly led to a tonne of people who read it to immediately google 'Olivia Colman Confetti'

Yes. Olivia Coleman, David Mitchell, Robert Webb, Richard Ayoade and John Oliver were all in the Cambridge Footlights (comedy society) at the same time

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christ he put on a bit didnt he?

Jesus fuck it's like they were inflated over the years.

James Bachman, he does a lot of voiceover work. I swear he voices the merchant you meet at the start of assassins creed black flag as well.

Must've been a blast.

>Omg people age!

Get out zoomers

>ywn get off with Liv behind the bins after school at a posh Norfolk prep

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even for a british woman that is one ugly sack of fat

Mitchell took less than a decade from that picture to swell up to twice his volume. It's not about aging, my dear tourist.

What a handsome fellow.

I'm very proud of my wife

David Mitchell used to look cute

Damn Mitchell was fucking cute


>doesn't pimp out his gf

>Olivia Coleman
>Richard Ayoade

That's clearly mozart

>wins an oscar
>still no pics of her pusy

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She looks like my boss, I can't enjoy her

Holy fucking shit how ugly are you guys that you think THAT is good looking. Ay ay ay this board

This, looks like she's the new faculty head rather than a fresh student

>didn't thank mitchell and webb

ungrateful bitch

She dodged a bullet turning down Doctor Who lol.

She looks like a smug cunt to be t.b.h. Like all of that Cambridge Footlights crowd - Stephen Fry, Kenneth Branagh, John Sessions etc.

hell yeah Hot Fuzz cover can put "with Academy Award Winner - Olivia Colman"

>who nigger won over Rachel Weisz
still mad

She was great in Green Wing

I don't know if this is a shitpost, but can bongs even win oscars? it's an american award show. kind of ruins it for everyone if non-americans can win.

>hating on based Marshmallow Ali

you'll bleed black cock, son

>Be the film academy of USA
>Give awards to movies from other countries outside Best Foreign Language
top kek

I'm refering to Best Supporting Actress faggot, Ali did it good in Green Book.
Also about Ali, he deserved this award but not the Moonlight one, he does nothing there except teach a gay nigger to swim.

She's quite ugly

>"You watch PORNOGRAPHY?!"
>"You're not some sort of rapist, are ya?"
>"Come with us down to the station"

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Didn't she break out the milkers for this?

never felt Sophie was all that. The awkward student chick was a dime though. And what the fuck happened to Toni? And the Navy lady that sleep-raped Mark?

It's insulting, isn't it?


Is she black? Why are they not reeing about her winning?

>avocado liking degenerate subhuman

She has talent?
not like some other larsonist

user there are

I still can't believe how big she got. I never in 100 years would have predicted she'd make it this far. I thought she'd just be making prodecurals on BBC/ITV like Broadchurch for the rest of her life, winning the occasional TV BAFTA. She's damn near a national treasure now.

gib pls

Literally just Google her nude

>Mitchell and Colman both looked cute
>he was too busy chasing his other oneitis to fuck her

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You guys have no idea how hot David Mitchell was.

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alright when is SHE going to get an oscar??

he just looks like Mark

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she used to be chubby

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low hanging pear shaped milkers will always have a place in my heart

>she only agreed to date him after he asked her like 50 times



She's come full circle. Life is beautiful.

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Where is Dobby's Oscar?

*become full circle

I just can't hate Mitchell. He loved one woman his entire life and now that woman has his kids.

It really is.

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the favourite is basically strong female characters: the film in all the ways that captain marvel, wonder woman, the force awakens and all other patronizing pieces of trash paint extremely weak portraits of women who have to be humored and pandered to.

I don't hate Mitchell, I pity him because she fucked other better men for several years before realising they didn't want to marry her and Mitchell was the best she could settle for

If you say so I haven't watched it. Some clips I saw looked funny though.

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it is.

i mean it's actually got strong characters. not patronizing self insert dolls like those other films.

>his kids

Funny I just finished this show yesterday and then she won an oscar

So you (offended by that post) have a big dick?

Doubt it lol.

That's Numberwang

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Still would.

she's always been a legit dramatic actress, her best performance is in Paddy Considine's Tyrannosaur

Not every surname is exclusively Jewish.

She's about as native Norfolk as you get.