Now that the dusts has settled, who do you think had the most woke performance at the Oscars?

Now that the dusts has settled, who do you think had the most woke performance at the Oscars?

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I think the show will have the worst ratings in history and it will be canceled entirely within 2 years.

>gay and black
Every time

>now that the dunst has settled

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That Melissa retard is so fucking talentless and disgusting it's ridiculous that she has millions of dollars on her bank account jesus

That is a very nice gown

Meanwhile, 19 years prior

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I would settle on those dunsts

Not gonna lie, the gown suit looks dope. I wouldn't be caught dead wearing it though.

When they did it it was funny. Everything is getting worse. :(

>the bar is so low for rich white women that you can get praised for wearing pants

fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap

They ware high as fuck when they did that, they even dropped some shit seconds before exiting the limo.

Have you seen the film?
It's good. Both her, and Richard E Grant's performances are incredible. I was really surprised because I thought she was just an unfunny comic actress. I honestly think that she should have won.

Although Olivia Coleman deserved it as well.

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Based hunter.

>actually watching the films and performances and not just using celeb gossip to judge an actor

oh gee i wonder whats her etnicity

Kill yourself.
Unironically, please.

The rumours of Kirsten Dunst hitting the wall have been greatly exaggerated.

I don't get it I thought women wearing pants has been normal since before I was born is Melissa McFatny really attempting to get attention here?

The fact that this guy is actually fucking her blew my mind after watching Fargo

she's not the one posting about it