Could a biopic about moot and the creation of Yea Forums be kino?
Could a biopic about moot and the creation of Yea Forums be kino?
Who would watch it?
Only if moot is portrayed as a fat little shit, then an absolute retard, then a butthurt cuck. Also who is moot?
>autist creates a site where he shitposts about anime and loses money doing so
Who's moot and why is he important to the creation of Yea Forums? Shouldn't it be about hiro instead?
It would probably really suck.
the end being gook coming in & turning Yea Forums into literal reddit with his user accounts crap.
Moot. The first owner of this website. Back then it was still called Yea Forums.
>the first owner
There was a first?
As long as it includes the part where he gets cucked.
>loses money
The propaganda was successful it seems.
Like it or not this cesspit has had a massive impact on internet culture, and by extension world culture. It is of importance.
Is Yea Forums's main demographic mostly feminine awkward men or fat neckbeards?
4chans main demographic is autistic people.
Can you imagine the influx of newfriends? This website would become even less recognizable than it is now.
>Was hired to make memes for Google to use in marketing
>3 months in Google realised he's shit at it and take him off the project
>Have him down for a 3+ year contract so can't fire him
>He's paid to turn up and do busy work with new interns
>Anons friend last spotted him helping a new intern with a graphics design project
>Looks happy if not a little melancholic
>no privacy at all
jesus fucking christ...
Open layouts are the norm in IT companies