Why does WWE always try to push not so hot girls as being hot?

Why does WWE always try to push not so hot girls as being hot?

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Cause that is rural america hot

Because hot girls aren't going to bust their asses wrestling.

you mean california spic hot

bayley has nice tits and ass but her face is like a pitbull

hot girls are in porn now

Sounds like what a female wrestler should look like tbqh

Think about who you thought was hot when you were 12. You might have some gems but there were probably some stinkers in there too. Wrestling fans never mature past that level.


Because it's what they have to sell. McDonald's does the same thing with the McChicken.

Because hot girls aren't going to get fit for wrestling

wasn't there a wrestler named bailey right before her?
she was a blonde, pretty big

Thanks Captain Obvious.

I bet you're real liked in real life.

Post your top 3
Kelly Kelly
Mickie James
t. RA era zoomer

You shut your whore mouth


Sable was hot, that's the only hot wrestler girl I can think of. Maybe they get more money from porn? I don't know.

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fucking this
Hot is the key to not do anything and get through life efforlessly
Hot people cant work, cant act, cant think

Kelly kelly
Maria kanellis
Aj lee

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because the actual hot girls got into real acting ie. Hollywood and tv. the ones who weren't hot enough for hollywood yet still want to act and have a mimicked limelight turn to wrestling.

Stacey Bieber (one of the few who actually looks like a woman and doesn't have manly features)
Trish Stratus
Alexa Bliss