Now that Alita is a success, what other mangá series would you like to see on the big screen?

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Post more shows where the Manlet gets the tall gf

Height Mixing is based

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nah I don't want spirit circle get sullied no thanks

Boku no Pico

I think that NETFLIX was making it.
But it is not a movie.

M.D. Geist


It we want to stay in the cyber punk sub genre since the last two big adaptations were Alita and gits, I'd say that ad police would be kino, but bubblegum crisis would be more successful since it is action oriented and has a female cast. Megazone 23 would be great to play into the 80s nostalgia trend that just doesn't seem to go away.

Japs already did all the meme ones.
I'd like to see Freesia, but apparently japs already did that one too.

New Guyver adaptation.

Redo of Healer

Freesia movie wasn't terrible, but then again it adapted only the early parts of the manga that weren't a complete clusterfuck.

This. Huge budget excellent special effects.

but still with David Hayter


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None, to be honest. Alita showed what the limitations of the medium are. It's easy to draw a super awesome robot chick fighting futuristic cyber villains - on superpowered rollerskates! - but all this comes across like autism on the big screen. An audience needs an empathetic protagonist to connect and identify with. A good actor, in other words, whose range of emotions sell us the setting and the story.

Manga tends to be written by social outcasts, who have been inspired by previous generations of social inadequates. In the same way that a poor person's idea of a rich person is Donald Trump or Snoop Dogg, a social outcasts' idea of a powerful female character is Alita: a sort of half-robot, virginal teenager without the emotional complexity.

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Don't forget Mark Hamill cameo appearence.

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I'd like to see an HBO series on pic related. Dunno what else would really translate over well.

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Fate/Stay night live action movie with completely cg Saber.

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Boku No Pico

lady on the right is very pretty

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literally the whole point is how painstakingly it was hand animated though

if you want a live action+cgi version , check oug the wachowski brothersisters version of speedracer

Hollywood should rebuild the dragon ball.

With female guyver 2.

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I'd rather see Nurse Hitomi adapted

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Cast them all as black, and you could win an academy award

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not even gooks can make cyclops cute

is there lamer monster girls than cyclops