This is what i think about brie larson

this is what i think about brie larson

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Other urls found in this thread:

>gives her some booze and a chat afterwards
What Slavic shithole did this come from?

a man needs 100% control of his woman and his household
if a woman isnt fearful of making her man upset then the man is doing it all wrong
women need to fear their husbands


ok incel

Daily reminder this is what happened to all the women in Berlin in 1945. Imagine how fucking wet they all got.

this, based

your insults wont work on me little man
my wife fears me and for good reason

Jesus Christ no wonder Russian Women would rather date Foreign Men.

>have to go for fringe eastern european pixeled videos in order to try to find a video where a white man physically abuses a white woman

Russian girls take the shit they learn in Russia to western relationships, though. So even if they want a cucky little westboi, you've gotta match their bullshit like a Russian man or they walk all over you.


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This isn't abuse, she probably started it.

Thanks for the tip Ahmed

This shit's annoying, 2bh. I was pretty sure after a while my ex would do dumb shit just so I would give her this kind of reaction

Women are sexually aroused by physical domination. 90% of rape are never reported by the victim because she enjoyed it.

Reminder that all incel making claims that women enjoy rape should be raped themselves

god i wish that were me

>me and the bros raped a freshman girl as juniors in high school
>the more cocks shoved in her holes the more she keps orgasming and wanting more
>rape literally turned into a gangbang
she legit loved every second of it too

yes please

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checks out

Based and rapedpilled

I used to rape my girlfriend a lot and she liked it.

Slavs are not white anyway.
Like light skinned Americans, they are honorary niggers.

>women enjoy rape
not all of them, just a few

>90% of rape are never reported by the victim because she enjoyed it.

>90% of rape aren't reported
>just a few

Where does it say that it's because they enjoyed it?

>white behaving like a nigger
>haha based

Are Americans really, just niggers deep inside?

My ex didn't cum until I "raped" her in her sleep.

they can't say it because it's politically incorrect but it's the real reason

OP is an incel

Whiter than you, Muhammad.

So basically, you just made that up.
How come everytime a millennial tries arguing it's always based on shit they make up themselves?
And they wonder why they are blamed of everything wrong in the world.

Attached: they are right.jpg (768x1024, 197K)

come up with a new word little man
incel has 0 meaning anymore

Mine used to really like that, as well. Pretty much any situation where I would randomly start playing with her body would get her going.

I don't give a shit about your opinion nerd. Women want erect dicks in their pussies and the last thing they want is a man asking politely for it.

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Men are pigs

>woman hating thread pops up
>it's always full of normalfags
Makes sense, since these didn't appear until 2015 or so.
So basically, these threads are just for normalfag scum to bent on their exes and shitty relationships


Women really fear all men because Men are evil, can't feel empathy, are violent and sociophatic and cant love

That's something I always i'm amazed, the confidence a millennial creature can spout something that he just made up on the spot.
It's amazing, you are incapable of providing arguments with proof, and when you try, you only do it partially.

The moment the millennial scum start leading companies and governments it'll be the end of the world.

Wet of blood

90% of rape aren't reported because it's BS like "raped by my husband" or "he touched my hand" or it's just completely imaginary accusations made by a cunt who wants to ruin someone's reputation. Real rape cases that happen on the street are always reported.

oink oink : D

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B-but I've been here since 2009 ;_;

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Americans think pic related counts as white, yet Slavs don't.

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What are those things on her chest?

thats weird because i was about to say women are evil, can't feel empathy, are scheming and sociophatic and cant love

>we all loved women on Yea Forums until the election I'm still upset over happened!

I'm about to go to sleep someone tell me good night

No, it's just a fact the 2016 election brought in a lot of normalfag scum.
I don't care about the results, I don't believe in politics, and even less about America.

Good nigh

Hahahahahaha, if you need to control a woman with your fists, it means that you're a weak willed, limp-wristed beta faggot...

Chill out everyone. Just don't see the movie. If they're in your head, you've lost.


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using physical violence is failing hard though, if you don't have complete spiritual control, what's the point? fucking level 1 psychopaths

>muh proof, muh arguments, muh facts

Fuck off loser. The world is what you do of it.

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OP, you aren't going to like what I have to tell you, but all I offer is the truth. You hate women, because you are weak. You lack the necessary skills and talents, to charm them to your way of thinking. Were you the kind of person who spent a large percentage of your waking-hours dedicating yourself to a singular purpose; a hobby - the RIGHT hobby, a career or perhaps a healthy mix of both, you would find that most, if not all of your hatred and focus would be redirected as energy into that activity. Instead, your hatred is directed at women because you are lazy and unmotivated.

Even men who, for all intents and purposes, are considered "ugly" by society's standards, manage to attract good-looking, available, personable women because they know ... not think, not feel, not believe, but KNOW ... that they have acquired enough skills through sheer hard work, for their confidence to be justified.

You would know this also, if you did a single day's worth of hard work in your life.

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Good night, handsome.

Yeah, who needs arguments or facts when you can just spout whatever you want in a very confident manner in the hopes someone will believe it?
Let me guess, you are a millennial.


Why even bother responding with a source if you're just gonna fabricate things about what it says. Did you hope someone wouldn't read the source and just assume you weren't bullshitting?

have a (you) my virgin friend

Dude.. Men are discussing if women should be beaten and raped in this thread

>should be raped themselves

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The more patriarchal a culture, the higher likelihood it will survive and prosper.

Try and deny that if you can.

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Now write this without crying

why though?

hope u get shat on u filthy third world virgin

According to bluecheckmarks this is cringe if it is coming from a white man but based if it is from a non-white.

>wearing socks in bed
>wearing JEANS in bed

something isn't right here...

You guys know you can just be assertive and rational about your needs and stop spending time with people who don't respect that?
That's actually how people with successful relationships do things, it isn't kill or be killed all the time.

>You guys know you can just be assertive and rational about your needs and stop spending time with people who don't respect that? That's actually how people with successful relationships do things, it isn't kill or be killed all the time.

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i'm with you, mom!

but hes right tho. if you want to be dominant in a relationship then put that out there verbally in the beginning. if the woman isnt about then find another one.

if you had the confidence to give up on dead end relationships or one that dont suit you, you wouldnt be so afraid of being alone that you have to physically bully the women that show an interest in you into to conforming to your needs

My mom only started to respect me after I raped her.

you've never slept over at someones house before, have you?

Any Mod to deleted and ban this user?

>it isn't kill or be killed all the time
That's how I know you're not American.

>if the woman isnt about then find another one

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I always take off my pants

I would gladly have an average looking woman raping me.

literally works. when you go from dating to recognizing youre in the early part of the relationship its time to have those discussions about how you expect the relationship to be and which things you will and wont compromise on.

and if it doesnt work out then its time to reactivate your tinder 2bh. simple as that