hard proof that hallucinogenic drugs don't kill your ego
Hard proof that hallucinogenic drugs don't kill your ego
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i want to kill her
sharia now
That was the most Jewish thing I've ever read
>Not doing DMT
>men use DMT as a path to enlightenment
>women use it to cum really hard
Aaaand she ruined DMT for me. Perfect.
>tfw you now picture Lena Dunham masturbating
Thanks, I'm gay now.
Least you got Ahyuasca
>men use DMT as a path to enlightenment
No they don't.
i appreciate the intent but any drug user is garbage
>Yea Forums
>twitter phone screenshots and capeshitters wanking over box office figures
if dubs taking drugs is for faggots
Guess you're the faggot now, faggot.
>someone else doing something ruined it for me
why do these people have to ruin everything? it's like they're all demons sent from hell.
This is a pretty funny throwaway post about getting high while cumming, why are you letting it get to you
>disgusting and vulgar graphic description of something that's entirely imagination and visualisation-based ruined it for me
Jeez, why are you so angry?
a part of me thinks a lot of celebrities lie about doing psychedelics because it's the new in thing
How rich and privileged do you have to be to have the time to come up with this shit on twitter
muh oppression lol
> implying
These people sound very fat and jewish.
You’re starting to get it... but they didn’t come from hell, they came to create hell on earth. The demons they worship, sacrifice to and possibly contact directly do advise them on matters.
white people
>openly talk about drugs and "spirituality"
>open weed shops that look like Apple stores
black people
>get shot and killed over a $20 bag by a cop
Why are you all so buttblasted by the stupoid ruminations of this gal? I find this tweet hilarious, and I don't know if she's serious or joking and I don't care.
Pffft. This bitch thinks her yeasty hellscape holds a candle to the euphoric paradise that is high doses of lsd and edging to hard femdom while listening to classical and female opera singers on headphones. My orgasms are so intense I pass out.
there are no shortcuts to enlightenment
and becoming a substance abuser is heading in the wrong direction