>Wins an Oscar in a Best Picture winner x2
>Wins an Emmy in a Best Limited Series winner
Anything he can't do ?
>Wins an Oscar in a Best Picture winner x2
>Wins an Emmy in a Best Limited Series winner
Anything he can't do ?
have acceptable genes
Find those keedz
becomes white
Green Book was excellent.
Why hasn't Yea Forums been discussing it?
Because they didn't have capes.
He can not not be an Uncle Tom. What a race trader, winning an Oscar in a white man's Jazz movie.
Viggro waa robbed
We discussed it in the past.
I watched it because of Yea Forums and it wasn't even nomitated at the time.
I watched this a couple of days ago and I was genuinely surprised to hear it won best picture. The movie is Hallmark quality crap in every department, from writing to acting to cinematography. It's a testament to the decline of the movie industry.
>just about every white person is a dumb racist douchebag
Did this movie accurately portray 60's race relations?
based purple
I am Greek and I don't consider us white either. Fuck being white. We are better than that.
In America, if you ain't black you're white. Don't you white privileged guys know anything?
>Mahershalalhashbaz Ali
I'd agree that Greeks aren't white, not to imply inferiority but your culture is more like black culture with extended families, matriarchs who end up looking after all the kids while the adults get coffee and go drinking and the religiosity at the family level. In fact it's probably more like Middle Eastern families in that regard. But yeah not like the white family dynamic at all.
he found her and forgot
This but unironically
anywhere outside major cities yeah. just like today
This nigga is ready to take over from Idris Elba.
This is true about all mediterranean countries.
t. Albanian engaged to an italian living in Côte d’Azur France
Tbqh I found this dynamic in all three cultures, Albania, Italy and Provence France. It’s bretty based. I like me coffee with me pals while the woman is making dinner.
How would you know you have never left your house you soft city faggot
>be white
>be straight
Based Cottonmouth
>Anything he can't do ?
make a good movie
Figured id see more outrage about this movie here.
He was unironically badass in Luke Cage.
>Cornell Stokes
What a pimp name for a Harlem gangster (emphasis on the -er), he played it perfectly.
The best actor ever.
To be accepted in Jannah because Shiites are FAKE muslim
kek. this is the only meme that came out of S3
just joking I love this guy and he makes kino
It was very bland and very inoffensive. Just a feel good comedy. It wasn't bad by any means, but, man, how have the Oscars fallen
t. Butthurt incestuous 82 iq sunni barbarian
Rocky won over Taxi Driver. They have always been shit
take the clause out his contracts that stipulates other actors must wear ill-fitting clothes.
The school of Sunna Wal Jamaah explicitly prohibits incest and also unlawful marriage like the one-night-stand contract that you Shiites do
win an award that isn't token
>What a race trader
Iz trade you three niggas for this one cracka.
>White family dynamic.
you mean a woman crying about huwhite males, pondering to parasite minorities and virtue signal for everything they do? and a male that can't put said women back into their place? yep, they sure ain't white faggots.