*lies about her age and blackmails you into being her bf*

*lies about her age and blackmails you into being her bf*

nothing personal kid

Attached: b52af55f262e4edee706c1854ff79578 (1).jpg (564x1107, 97K)

that sounds horrible!

I don't want her as my gf, I'll get made fun of because she's Scottish!

That'd be so bad haha. Imagine if it actually happened haha

Hermione would never do that right?

Attached: bf0693b6ccad61074ea87a0318a6bf6d--hermine-chamber-of-secrets.jpg (736x315, 21K)


Attached: Kelly Macdonald - Trainspotting (1).webm (1280x720, 2.1M)

sounds familiar

Attached: 1d39253a-71c4-40b5-9d0e-fe59813afe79_screenshot.jpg (904x480, 25K)

imagine she rape you

Young Hermione yes, gross old woman post-Azkaban Hermione no.

imagine you go to prison for it while she moves onto the next idiot

Wow that would be so bad! haha

She was 14 when he did that nude scene. Disgusting.

She was 19 lad

Attached: Kelly Macdonald - Trainspotting (2).webm (1280x720, 2.6M)

hahaha that would suck. no wonder he was such a heroin junky lol

>being a pedo
She's hot in all of them

Incidentally, Keira Knightley was 15 when she showed her boobies in an indie movie. She also stood around completely nude dudes who were like 10 years older than her.

Emma Watson is not, nor has ever been, hot.

>Incidentally, Keira Knightley was 15 when she showed her boobies in an indie movie.
Ah yes, The Hole
Not that there was much to show, mind you

Attached: keira knightley the hole.webm (720x405, 2.68M)

Such a funny statement
Just like a duck would say
The bird kind of course, I'd never refer it any other way to refer to a specific entity
Ha ha ha ha, junk
William Tell

If you're a fag, she's hot as fuck

i'll suck your dick to prove how straight i am

>Not that there was much to show, mind you
Just made me harder, 2bh

she was 19

>Keira Knightley was 15 when she showed her boobies in an indie movie.
>Keira Knightley

omg that would be terrible god that would suck

She's more cute than hot


Attached: peek.jpg (306x165, 9K)

She aged a lot in the second film

What kind of girl has school on a saturday? Everyone went out the night before so it's safe to assume it was a friday.

she looks like a smug awkward male pedophile
she has the most jewish guy face i've seen besides that guy from American Pie who turned out to not actually be jewish

she was so beautiful in this movie. i wish she was my gf

Just post it already.

This. Post tits and rare lewd pics of her

God damn you, user. I almost got that annoying yelling out of my head.
Now I'll hear it whenever I see her face again.

Ye do know people often drink midweek right? Also could have been a Sunday night.

Trainspotting was such a great thing. Too bad none of the copycats come even close.

I like how a bloke gets in trouble when it should be the Pedo bouncers who let children into clubs.