When is her next movie?
When is her next movie?
Pooping in My Mouth: The Motion Picture
She's kinda gross looking tbqh. Here claim to fame is being a mediocre virginal look white girl.
I really love the "pure virgin white maiden" look, any similar actresses to Elle?
next month
haha yeah, btw where can I get one of these mediocre virginal white girls?
me too
holy shit epic, fucking white people they should all die
The Semen Demon
literally who
retard she's a literal Disney princess
God she's gorgeous
>mediocre virginal look white girl
literally perfect, change my mind
elle fanny
T. Chad the 1/1000 man that every woman expects to get
Malificent grossed nothing like beauty and the beast
Shit opinion tbqh
and yet Maleficent was actually a good movie that people still talk about
goddamn i would suck those moles right off her skin
perfect titty shape
she should bottle her sweat and sell it, fuck
Her taste in men sucks though.
At least he's not black
can you burgers unironically kill yourselves thanks
She needs a preppy blond chad like Taylor's
Daniel Radcliffe's retarded cousin
The top half of him is bigger than the bottom
This will be true in the future though because of sexbots.
a basedman suits a delicate lady
What world do you live in? It was trash nutcracker tier. You waifufags are actually fucking delusional retards
me filming her sucking my shithole
So you didn't like the film, I get it. Now go take a nap or something
Looks like a pig lmao. Get better waifus
hands off elle, nigger
>he says when he clearly didn't like beauty and the beast
Malificient was hot garbage dude
Wow, it's almost as if I can like one movie without also liking a different movie. You are really sharp
Very daring of her to go to an event naked. Wow!
It's almost like you have no argument and got triggered immediately at me mentioning how malificient was a forgetable piece of shit that nobody even really saw
Says the man who can't stop posting about how much he hates the film, but no you clearly don't care at all
>enters waifu thread
>proceeds to bitch about waifufags
You are one triggered bitch
What's her neck routine
Disgusting armpit