bow to your queen Yea Forums
Olivia a CUTE
Bow to your queen Yea Forums
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Bit sad for Glenn Close, but Colman deserved it more this year. Another year of appearing in oscar bait trash for Close so she can finally retire.
Thats a long way away from the Peep Show
she is definitely the one
>deserved it
winning an Oscar means nothing at this point
Maybe not to you.
The Favorite was disgusting, but she was good in it.
or to anyone with half a brain cell, bunch of delusional rich coastal faggots giving each other gold statues for also being delusional faggots who play pretend for a living, who cares
Her speech was cute as fuck.
That and Green Book win was the only thing worth in the awards.
Imagine how David Mitchell and Robert Webb feel after they sign on to another shit British panel show, while Olivia wins a god damn Oscar.
Fucking sophie
I dunno, they're neither of them stupid and even if they don't say it aloud the idea of the Oscar curse ending her career would certainly be in their minds.
Often Oscar wins will help movies financially. Your cynicism might've been impressive in high school, but it's just embarrassing now, especially since you've (presumably) willingly entered a thread about the Oscars.
She exceeded all our expectations, she's the fairly plain looking woman from Peep Show and I never thought she'd be more than that. Netflix must be over the moon now too since she's going to be the new lead of the Crown.
And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like I love you
Yeah, imagine me taking the time to enter and post in a thread on a Burmese Buttplugging board. I must really care quite a bit
Colman kino:
fucking brutal film
>not mentioning Mitchell & Webb
Wtf Sophie!? Made me sad.
She deserved it
I don't think they give too much of a fuck since they are both fairly wealthy. Neither has really pursued being a dramatic actor.
the only disgusting thing about the Favorite is that it didn't win more oscars.
David also called her winning an Oscar as far back as 2012 in his Autobiography. He claims to have known she was due for far greater things than the rest of them at Footlights at the time.
coleman herself hates the fame, im sure mitchell and webb feel similar.
>not thanking Jezz and Mark.
>the lobster
>the night manager
she earned her stripes
I wish she could cuck me with jeff and force a paternity on me
>work in the entertainment industry
>hate the fame
yeah sure
Too old.
Eyes not big enough.
The good thing about being relatively ugly earlier in life is that when you get older it's considerably less noticeable.
she's not american, only seppos care about fame really, if you listen to her podcast with david tennant she explains it well.
In an industry of jewish cocksucking and favours, Olivia managed to get that fucking statue by virtue of talent and hard work alone. Those two fucks probably know that more than anyone else and and I'm sure are ecstatic.
No luck winning them Oscars then?
>Imagine how David Mitchell and Robert Webb feel after they sign on to another shit British panel show, while Olivia wins a god damn Oscar.
probably happy about a friend and colleague
If you told me the ugly one from Peep Show and the woman from Broadchurch was an oscar winner in 2019, I wouldn't have believed you. She must love Yorgos for giving her a helping hand or two.
I have no idea why, but I still find her attractive. Even more than any of the conventionally "attractive" women in that room.
I don't even like milfs, wtf.
>I-I don't care about the topic I have already posted twice in, baka!