Captain Marvel Interest



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Other urls found in this thread:

>down to 30%
How low can you go?

It's gonna be the first marvel flop

it's being spammed by gamergaters presently, but much like Black Panther that all gets ratio'd out in about a month.

>t. guardians of the galaxy
>t. ant man
>t. black panther
Cry the fuck moar.

Only thing flopping will be your dick when the opening weekend numbers roll in.

Flop confirmed.

I've been telling people how racist and sexist Brie Larson is and to not watch captain Marvel. So far it's working. Hopefully they can also tell their friends and families so this movie can flop for real.

>implying it won't do bad
It won't at the moment. It's too big to flop. That's why at least I'm doing my part to make it not gain any more money.

Neat. Try an actual productive hobby next time.

Gonna sign up, lets get it to onelets

Seethe little faggot. Hehe

>tfw Brie Larson is a DC fan and is purposefully tanking marvel


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I'm not the one putting out this much negative energy over a movie I don't want to see because an actress has a gross toenail, a small ass, and didn't say anything about not wanting white men to watch her movie but I believe she did anyway because I saw some headlines without reading any actual quotes.

I got my tickets, I'm going to see the movie and have a fun time with my friends and probably end up buying the DVD and move on with my life like any sane person. Looking forward to a movie you're interested in is normal. Becoming obsessive about a movie's failure because it doesn't personally appeal to you is not. It's just sad, and I wish you had something in your life that brought you genuine joy. But sure, I'm the one seething.

We did it Reddit!

I'm honestly baffled that MCUcks and
Twitter feminists haven't come to the rescue already.


Thank god youtube put in the feature to mark videos as 'not interested' because I'm sick of seeing these Captain Marvel/Brie Larson videos. I don't care if the movie is gonna flop or that Brie Larson is a racist/sexist. These beta neckbeard cucks making these videos are more annoying.

Lowest projections are a $100M opening. That's before the paid reviews are in. Don't get your hopes up.

i CAN fap to this post

Captain Marvel will win another 3 oscars next year and there's nothing DCels can do about it

Make sure you toss your crusty sock in the laundry bin when you're done.

Who still uses socks?

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/pol/ does not like "wahmen" or brown in their power fantasy in films they do even go to the theater to see (preferred viewing is torrented telesyncs). They send Yea Forums and /g/ to hate mob sites while provoking /k/ into mass shooting events to terrorize anything that promotes diversity and inclusivity.

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You’re falling for it, Yea Forums

>increasingly nervous man for the 7th Marvel film in a row

>OMG Becca that dude was such a creep
>You're right Rachel, let's see Captain Marvel just to piss him off (plus, some real men might be there XD)

2008: Nobody’s gonna see an Iron Man film. RIP Marvel Studios. One & done!

2011: The Human Torch actor as Captain America? Bad idea.

2012: All these heroes together? Avengers is never gonna work.

2014: A frickin’ tree & a talking raccoon? Hahaha, good luck with that!

2015: Ant-Man? Ant-Man!?! Marvel’s first flop for sure.

2016: Dr. Strange is just copying Inception. It’s gonna be stupid. How can you mix actual magic into this world?

2017: Iron Man’s gonna take over the Spider-Man movie, watch. It’s gonna suck.

2017: Justice League is gonna CRUSH Thor 3 at the box office.

2018: How many heroes are in the movie? Infinity War just isn’t gonna work.

2019: I don’t know about this Captain Marvel film.....

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Russia and Russian bots are responsible for anything that makes the neoliberal "fiscally conservative socially liberal" look bad. If Drumpf had not colluded with Russias they would not have interfered in election 2016, #Imwithher would be president, and The Last Jedi would be considered the best film of all time.

Attached: Election Night 2016.webm (480x480, 2.54M)

60% of them nobody ever said

I remember all of these statements going around, year after year. The only one I'd dispute is Infinity War, everyone knew it'd be huge.

She is T H I C C!

This desu
even if it does flop, it'll just be the stopped clock argument
seething incels are seething

formerly formerly

Stop it you Alt right trolls

Yikes. This post sounds like it was written by a woman.

perfect post
/pol/incels BTFO

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Yea Forums has been rather open about flooding Captain Marvel's score.

>I'm going to see the movie and have a fun time with my friends and probably end up buying the DVD

It's the first marvel film that has really shitty trailers. How do you know it's a good film?

You idiots realise by reviewbombing this shit, you're just allowing the mainstream media to talk about it more and move it into the realm of a "social movement" so Marvel and Disney can make more money right like they did with Black Panther.
They do this on purpose you realise. Every time they say something political, it's calculated by marketing to piss you off and get "discussion" on it.
Watch "Generation Like" documentary on advertising, Marketing teams openly admit to doing this shit.

Based as fuck.

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Why is everything hidden?

>It's the first marvel film that has really shitty trailers.

lol no


Zoomers are too naive to understand marketing tactics.

not one had a trailer where I thought: This looks like absolute shit.

That's because you have low standards.

I didn't say they look like Lawrence of Arabia, but at least entertaining.

>infinity wars is over
>loud feminist bitch being loud while trying to market to virgin comic book nerds
Nah senpai it's clearly gonna be a huge success. Better than Schindler's List.

You realise that we're not reviewbombing anything, right?
Also, by your retarded logic, Ghostbusters 2016 was a critical and financial success.

i was expecting a reference to your wife's son. 2/10 wouldn't read again

>implying anyone, anywhere, at any time ever said that Thor was going to lose to JL

Inb4 you quote some seething DCPajeets

> we're not reviewbombing anything

>go on way back machine
>Feb 22
>14k ratings with 55% "want to see"
>almost 40k at 30%

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Even the normies at my work said they think this looks bland and won't see it

>links to zero evidence of a reviewbomb
You'd think that a 25k increase in ratings would bring it down more than 25% of the score if it was just bots bombing it.

The arms and legs of someone doing a daily 4 hour workout with personal trainer that can supposedly deadlift 225.

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No, any troll with half a brain would have positives mixed in so that it's not logged on their servers as 6 gorillion down votes in a row.

this is not a courtroom you faggot
you're not "innocent until provesn guilty"
everyone knows you incels are doing this

Non incels don't go around on sites like Yea Forums defending women from anyone who doesn't agree with them, fuck off incel

they did, 30% of 40k is 12k which is more than usual (and before his happened it was at 5k votes I think)
But not enough people care about this flick so...

>no proof.
Your talking shit, got it

Ant Man 2 flopped just last year

Guess we'll see the extent of this "trolling" in the box office, shills.

I'm not defending anyone, just shitting on you pathetic losers

>622.7 million is a flop
i-is this the power of DCincel C O P E?

I'm not a shill, I'm not defending Captain Marvel, I'm just pointing out that it's painfully obvious that the scores are being brigaded, and that you're a fucking retard if you think this is just a natural consequence of Larson being a cunt.

>622 million isn't a flop b-bros
>first MCU flick after Infinity War
Lol! Captain America 1 and Hulk flopped too

>justice league only narrowly beat ant-man

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It's not going to be an actual flop but it will be a relative flop. At this level movies are often deemed failures even if they're profitable. What number does it have to hit to be considered not a failure?

>painfully obvious that the scores are being brigaded
By who? Not us that's for sure, Im here all day and I haven't seen a single thread about this brigade shill damage control narrative of yours

Has there been much marketing for it? I have barely seen any. That's often a sign of little faith from higher ups. Maybe that's just my bubble though

I bet you also believe that /pol/ was behind Trump being elected.

Just like Solo box office was being bombarded too, right, shill?

The Shilling for this flick is going insane this week. I wonder what the narrative will be After it bombs?

The shIling for this flick is going to be insane this week. I wonder what the narrative will be afterbit bombs?


Isn’t gamer gate like 10 years old? Do you think they are still organized and attacking comic book movie review websites now?

>by who
I don't know because I don't have access to their logs.
If I were tasked with this, I'd have a few different bots running at once creating accounts or using existing ones, then have a randomized ratio of positive/negative ratings so that it doesn't trigger any "downvote" bombs they might have in place while still maintain a downward trend that varies something like +20/-80 to +15/-85. Seriously, do you really, genuinely, think 25k ratings just happened to be made by single individuals over the course of 3 days when Endgame, the one people ACTUALLY care about, doesn't even have 10k ratings?

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I bet this is literally one of you leftists just larping, I mean just look at him. btw you're so desperate you keep spamming that pic.

With this kind of coordinated campaign, there must be thousands upon thousands of negative reviews, which I'm assuming, are all concentrated on rotten tomatoes, which as we know determines the success of a film

>think 25k ratings just happened to be made by single individuals over the course of 3 days when Endgame, the one people ACTUALLY care about, doesn't even have 10k ratings?
There hasn't been publicity about how Josh Brolin doesn't want incels to not see his movie.

irony >every post that mocks my gay larp are my boogeyman

Thank allah she has shoes on

>anyone that makes us look like the retards we are, is really one of YOU
magatards have gaslighted themselves into utter stupidity


>that posture
>those veiny arms and feet
She's so fucking weird.

You're being a useful idiot, circle jerking over what's most likely just a hand full of people being faggots running bots, if you think this is organic and not fucked with at all.

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>Implying anyone here actually made an account to give their opinion on Rotten tomatos.

People liking capeshit fuels Yea Forums so a high RT score is actually fuel for the fire here.

>everyone who doesn’t like my capeshit movie hasn’t had sex but also wants to

I’m no psychologist but I have a feeling you’re wrong and also an idiot

>everyone who doesn't like a movie review bombs it
try again incel

>ur an idiot
Good counterargument

>nuh uh, it's real and legit
But you are being an idiot if you think people aren't fucking with the numbers.
So here's an olive branch: on the way back machine on Feb 20, before the bots hit, it was at 8.6k Ratings with 62% "want to see" and I'm willing to believe that number is the more accurate number and I hope we can both agree that that is a laughably low number and hopefully it'll flop.

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If there was a coordinated review bombing/not want to see bombing, shouldn't be it already leaking around now? I doubt this operation coordinated by anons would be stay silent.

Another thing, why isn't the mouse spending shekels doing the same thing in reverse or paying mainstream sites/news to control the narrative harder?

>Thor was going to lose to JL
They did say it back in the days though. Not only that but that it would also crush Black Panther.

>before the bots hit
That's a very odd way of phrasing "before the bad publicity shaming people hit."


Esto el fin, Capitan Miraclo

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it looks bad but nobody in the real world cares much about this kind of thing


Captain Marvel has been shilled for years. The issue is that she’s was more known as a heavy hitter for the Avengers in a leotard than a feminist solo hero

It's going to make at least 800 millions worldwide and if you think otherwise you're fucking delusional.

>Yea Forums
>being right amout something, ever.

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Black Panther was always going to make money on wokeness (as well as being a change of pace from other superhero movies)

I took a screenshot of all this stuff you just made up to show you when Captain Marvel legit flops thanks to the lack of character recognition as well as the outspoken bitch actress. Here, let me accompany this by doing this

>frogs wearing maga hats laughing at you while you are crying.jpg

This faggot:

People have been bitching about Brie shitting on white men for longer than a week.

Based and kinopilled

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Literally watching it drop

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So it will have (((NGOs))) give out tickets to dishwashers the same way they did for Nig-nog Panther...

>Dude don't feed into it just ignore it and it will go away

Tried that with a bobcat once, now I don't have a face.

>in 2019

Why is the press and liberals still salty over a slap fight involving nerds that happened 5 years ago?

I have a group of 9 that has been ritually seeing the marvel movies on opening night together since Thor came out. Out of those 9 people, 1 of us is going to Captain Marvel, it has nothing to do with Brie's "racism" or "sexism", it's because this movie looks like a turd, and has all the warning signs of a huge disappointment, even as far as capeshit goes. The 1 person that is going is only going because shes a huge Carol fag for whatever reason. My daughter dressed up as Warbird two years ago on Halloween, and she doesn't even give a flying fuck about this movie.

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If this movie does make a billion, are RT going to be able to stand by their 'increased security measures'? Clearly the number will not have been accurate in that case.

But is not even out yet

Formerly Wife's Son

No one, outside of the internet, gives a fuck about what Larson says in interviews, just like no one gives a fuck about in what kind of Church Chris Pratt goes. The general audience want only to be entertained and this movie looks entertaining.

Because it exposed their corruption

>the "want to see" rating is available before the movie is out
no way

doesn't mean anything, retard
I guarantee you there can be 40k people mad at Brie going there, signing up normally and voting, without using any bots.
How would that be RT's fault then?

Thank you God, for this hearty kek.


Oh, no I totally agree. I think this is mainly people that wouldn't have signed up before, signing up and complaining.
I suppose my point is more, it doesn't matter how much security RT puts in - the 'Want to See' number is inherently flawed when a group of people who wouldn't see a movie anyhow wish to make their voice known in that way. It is a completely inaccurate sample size.

Watching this apeshit whore-cel bitch flop while pure Alita is in theaters next to it is going to be more fun than trolling the Disney interns who came here to damage control during soilo.

>Disney brand capeshit flopping
user I love Gally but there's no way she'll withstand the onslaught that's to come.

Alita made 12 million this weekend domestically. This coming weekend will probably be 6-7 million, and then the weekend after that Captain Marvel is out and Alita will probably be at around 3 million and effectively done with its run.

>first marvel movie with a female lead
>she cannot resist complaining
>brings identity politics into the scene
>insults the literal target audience
why are women such a constant disappointment

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Woman = woe-man, they bring woe to man.

And there weren't dozens of articles about it then. Also
>Yea Forums is the internet

Why are these people do histrionic?

The more Brie opens the mouth, the more this will be the TLJ of MCU.


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Because all "incel hacktivists" are lumped together as gamergate to more easily discredit the arguments. Gamergate to them was a movement from a sleeping misogynist cabal that has been attacking feminism relentlessly since.

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Are you implying it wasn't? Because if it was actually about journalism or whatever it wouldn't have become about slapfights between Milo and Brianna Wu

As much as it might irritate /pol/ this picture is relatively true. Western beauty standards were what has governed 19th and 20th century female appearance. Chemical relaxers were common up until the 80s when the black power movement went mainstream. I don't know that straight hair would've never found its way to Africa but it would probably be less common. That said, this question is clearly prepped for them to regurgitate a talking point.

Yes, those articles spurred more than 25k and rising honest and totally real people to share their distaste for Brie by specifically making accounts to go to RT and downvote the already pathetically low interest in the movie in an extremely short period of time while not affecting any of the other Marvel movie ratings like bumping films they actually are looking forward to.
>unironically treating this as a "gamers rise up" moment with in the Marvel fandom
Some fags somewhere are hitting it with bots, senpai squad.

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>nobody checking these truth digits

It was originally about forced representation and paid for ratings/ratings from less than 10hrs of gameplay. Culture warriors appropriated it.

The main point I was making was that journalists default to "if they disagree with me they're gamergate" regardless of the vague relationship to the subject or not.

>Yes, those articles spurred more than 25k and rising honest and totally real people to share their distaste for Brie by specifically making accounts to go to RT and downvote the already pathetically low interest in the movie in an extremely short period of time
Yes the more likely explanation is that after the articles people that were already pissed off weeks prior by your own admission they decided to ramp up their efforts and bot like crazy on a site that is notorious for cracking down on botting after every mod over there has a critical eye on every review after this spree of articles.
>while not affecting any of the other Marvel movie ratings like bumping films they actually are looking forward to.
Almost like the other films aren't lead by Brie Larson and the other films aren't referenced in the news cycle.

>I'm so pathetic that I have to actively discourage people from enjoying themselves because of the library boogeyman
Dude you could just let the movie underperform on it's own without being so cringe

>notorious for cracking down on botting
You mean "trying to crack down". There's no evidence to show that they're good at it. You're acting like normalfags are reading these articles and decided "they're going to do something about it" and they're all conveniently doing the SAME thing, which is putting in effort to go RT and downvote in protest. Which is something normalfags don't do, and you know it.

OK Brie

I'd be happy it flopped but I'm not in any brand war like you buncha slackjawed faggots; Brie Larson is so unlikable that I'd rather see her projects flop than go see a movie with a cast I enjoy

Yeah, this is gamergater whiners wish-fulfillment. However good or bad this movie is, it's going to make a mint.

It's a useful bogeyman to explain undesired phenomena. Another amorphic "terrorist" in the culture war just like "russian bots" and "Yea Forums trolls". A mass deflection to avoid serious critical thought and introspection, in favor of ideological certainty.

They are going to shut this place down ifn y'all keep organizing shit like this. It's basically fraud giving movies fake reviews and if just one state attorney general decides to do something it's a but bye tv

edgame has 10k ratings because it's release date is fucking 24 April you mongloid, people mostly won't give a shit about it unless it's almost released.

Okay Brie

No one is leaving reviews. At all. It is an "audience interest" score. And this is honestly indicative of the interest in seeing the film after Brie Larson's idiotic comments. Also, fraud would imply some kind of financial problem and you know damn well that it is going to make $100,000,000. Maybe not as much anymore now because people aren't gonna take this shit anymore.

>It was the RUSSIANS!
>It was the ALT-RIGHT!
>It was the RACISTS!
>It was WHITE MEN!
>It was INCELS!
>It was /POL/!
>It was Yea Forums!
>It was Yea Forums!
>It was REDDIT!
>It was BOOMERS!
>It was ZOOMERS!
>"It emphasizes muh diversity/inclusiveness/feminist quota!"
>"It makes some people uncomfortable. GOOD!"
>"It is expected to not make much money anyway!"
>"It is gonna do very well, just you wait and see Yea Forums!"
>"These RT scores are terrorism!"
This is the most damage controlled Marvel movie I've seen since Black Panther. The Disney shills are in desperation mode, and it's hilarious what lengths they'll go to. I haven't seen this much shilling since Hillary's failed campaign.
No amount of self-reassurance will EVER "fix" this movie. It is a complete abomination, and the defenders know that deep down in their hearts.
Disney's MCU was made to pander to SJWs, and it is this very pandering that will ultimately destroy the franchise at some point in the near future. Deal with it.

>There's no evidence to show that they're good at it.
What evidence do you realistically expect to see? You're so convinced it's botting that if that number continues to go up and up then it's just proof itself that they don't monitor it. You can't see the reasonable alternative. Likewise, just as with facebook and twitter, they don't gain anything by being transparent about their efforts.
>You're acting like normalfags are reading these articles and decided "they're going to do something about it" and they're all conveniently doing the SAME thing, which is putting in effort to go RT and downvote in protest.
I'm acting like the publicity from the dozens of articles posted around that time of the spike in activity organically spread the negativity. Whether you make the artificial distinction between normalfags or not is irrelevent because you have no proof of what a normalfag will or will not do especially when the term "normalfag" here is seemingly being used to narrowly define someone that isn't a /pol/ shitposter.
>Which is something normalfags don't do, and you know it.
Why not? Because it doesn't suit your argument? They did that with TLJ. Or was that another russian bot operation?

No it wasn't, it was about some girl who made one text-based game having sex with one journalist and a couple of other rainbow haired soibois tangentially related to video games

Why does a megacorporation with a $100million marketing budget per film fear 30K randos?
Why are leftists and megacorporations so worked up about a few incels?
When the fuck did leftists become the lap dogs of the elite?

Same was said for Soilo

because battlelines were drawn in a culture war

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I'm considering the realistic explanation: tens of thousands of people didn't read some articles Oscar day about Brie Larson being a bitch, get huffy, log in to RT and downvote in protest. People who actually care about it already knew about her being a bitch way before the spike in activity, and people who don't really care wouldn't put in the effort to protest interviews. TLJ was people actually seeing the end product, and not to publicity they didn't like and at the time it was a 50/50 split on people liking TLJ.

>Why does a megacorporation with a $100million marketing budget per film fear 30K randos?
It's the idea that one person saying something speaks for an arbitrary number of others who are remaining quiet.

The proof is in the box office numbers though.
Modern Marketing is more PR damage control than actual sales marketing.

what's the point?
movie's gonna be HUGE anyway, because that's how fabricated blockbusters work

I don't know
This megacorporation still needs people to donate thousands of dollars so some poor kids can see their latest movie for instance
Maybe Disney is actually really poor. Star Wars really made them go broke.

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>tens of thousands of people didn't read some articles Oscar day about Brie Larson being a bitch, get huffy, log in to RT and downvote in protest.
Oscar day is not some big holiday. I suspect we'll see viewing figures at a low saw as Golden Globes. People don't give a shit about award shows anymore and only care about the results which they read on twitter 6 seconds after it's announced.
>and not to publicity
I suspect you are intentionally forgetting those patronizing articles telling people why TLJ is better than what the Star Wars nerds wanted.


>A gamergate (/ˈɡæmərˌɡeJt/) is a mated worker ant that is able to reproduce sexually, i.e., lay fertilized eggs that will develop as females. Gamergates are restricted to taxa where the workers have a functional sperm reservoir ('spermatheca'). In various species, gamergates reproduce in addition to winged queens (usually upon the death of the original foundress), while in other species the queen caste has been completely replaced by gamergates. |
Not everything is about you, you pathetic gamers incels

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A couple more days until the shit hits 0%, I can't wait to see how Dicksney justifies this

/pol/ on suicide watch

>But sure, I'm the one seething.

I mean...yeah?

>imagine pretending to be Marvel's most iconic female character but having changed names 3 times

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>I suspect you are intentionally forgetting those patronizing articles telling people why TLJ is better than what the Star Wars nerds wanted.
AFTER it came out. It's sitting pretty at 99% want to see it the day before release, and people saw the end product and gave their reviews.

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4 if you count going back to Ms. Marvel after being Warbird

>it's being spammed by gamergaters
thanks user, haven't laughed like that in ages

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Pretty sure Black Panther never got lower than 75%, if that

>Movie costs 100 million dollars with all costs considered.
>Makes $100,000,001.
>Everyone is satisfied now that the movie is profitable and a wothwhile investment of time and money that could have gone to other more projects.

>i dont like it = evil sexists obsessing over hatred
>i like it = enlightened honest saints living their lives

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The score is going up.

Earlier today it was down to 23%. Now it’s back up to 29%.

sup abatap how you been?

Cant believe people use incel as an actual insult, shit cracks me up every time I read it

You're clearly baiting because no one this retarded would advertise that fact

>Earlier today it was down to 23%
That was too fast because it was 30% even earlier today, maybe those were in fact bots that RT then deleted

It was never at 23%.

Don't you have anything else to do, Brie?

>AFTER it came out.
The debate wasn't about it's want to see score. I was referencing the impact the journalistic circle jerk about fans being too dumb to understand what they want is the akin to the Marvel coverage and subsequent reaction. Believe it or not, people tend to go out of their way to spite someone calling them dumb or misogynistic or racist.

The suspense and subversions are riveting.

I’ve never done this before but I find it really funny how buttblasted people are getting so here you go #praisekek #maga #altright #epiclolz #epicgamermoment

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yep, it's mob mentality at this point

Now they're saying 80M.

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And I'm saying people "protesting" Captain Marvel and people giving their reviews of TLJ are not like for like comparisons. One is seeing publicity over a movie before it comes out and deciding "no I will not see it" and the other is people seeing a movie and saying "I didn't like it". The day after it came out, it was roughly a 50/50 split on people liking it, and it stayed around that 50/50 with some marginal differences from the morning after, to weeks after, and even now it's 44% like after everyone is done seeing it which fits the margin if you look at the morning after premiere which was ~55% like.
You are giving news articles WAY more credit than they deserve as an impact on how people react. Both Captain Marvel and TLJ.

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I don't see it bombing. It's capeshit and sōy chugging morons are programmed to throw money at anything capeshit. Don't get me wrong, I hope it bombs, but it won't.

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hopefully people are finally getting fatigued by all the lame capeshit

Sorry to disappoint you slick, but I have three beautiful blonde haired blue eyed children that are all biologically mine and have been happily married for 7 years. What have you done for the white race kid?

>where were you when you realized most oldfags are in their mid to late 30s

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It's a vote brigade by incels, you retard

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He's probably right.
The wish expressed here is still more than legitimate.
Also I hope the movie has less returns (cannot hope for a Solo, it would be too good) so these fucking cuntish celebrities stop to be so preachy.

prove it's angry incels maliciously downvoting
as opposed to people just being sick and tired of the ridiculous amount of politics in their fucking entertainment

If only we could refund the experience like we do with other products that turn out to be lemons.

>TFW the theaters take 40-60%.
Wah Wah.

Attached: 24f987455cb45e3fcc728467f4c673ddc07c24f85a2cecf42ab4c8d31b7246c1.jpg (640x336, 206K)

Why does Captain Marvel trigger Yea Forums so hard?

Have you seen Yea Forums? Half the threads are people crying about Captain Marvel. It's insane.

Attached: 1551035216556s.jpg (124x75, 1K)

Speak for yourselves

what does the guy in the gray shirt represent??

That's precisely what's up. Most comic fans of these type of characters are Straight White Males! Brie sadly won't shut the funk up about how much she despises, Straight White Males! It's like Lucas film and so.ylo The dyke bitch from Sony and Fem Busters 2016 only in this case the whole things a lot funnier.

Is this pasta Fresh?

>Brie sadly won't shut the funk up about how much she despises, Straight White Males!
Let's take Brie's desires to their logical conclusion for the newspapers that can afford to send someone to these press events:
>They'll have to illegally hire or fire based on race and sex.
How is she not racist or sexist again outside of muh feminist wamen?

at least try to know your buzzwords, disneychill.

Attached: political compass stonetoss.png (1200x1306, 385K)

I almost forgot to dilate today, thanks for reminding me, sister!

The most outrageous thing about this post is buying DVDs in 2019

How the fuck is the rich guy not on the right

This picture is almost as retarded as this user.

It's ok because you can't be racist or sexist towards white men.

Corporate Neoliberalism is a Left-wing idea, not a rightwing one.

>burger education

>twitter feminists
woman don't care about movies or don't know how to use the internet
the imdb rating is pretty telling
I took the most girly movie I could think of "Frozen" and even that is dominated by males

Attached: imdbfrozen.jpg (633x905, 58K)

So many (You)s, congrats user.

WHo are you quoting?

So if this movie legitimately flops and has terrible reviews from fans like TLJ, how will Disney try to spin the damage?

if the leaks are true it's a pretty boring and generic mcu movie. so doubt it will be be disliked.

brie's crazy senpai

Attached: brie larson gets threatened.png (603x572, 60K)

I didn't believe in the Russian bot angle before, but now they're really pushing the envelop and making it obvious that it is bots.

Attached: brainlet smirk.jpg (657x756, 42K)

you just KNOW

Come on man. This place is /r9k/pol/tv/ at this point. I see this as someone that would happily see Larson take a lesson.

Disney is doing this and there will be articles blaming angry white male trolls soon if there aren't already.

shadilay! Kek wills it!

>43.5k ratings
no way this is Yea Forums(nel)

Attached: fuckwhitemalesamirite.png (744x308, 183K)

This is what you get for casting white main leads in 2019.

Yea Forums had a double digit rating on alexia before the split. Estimated 40+ million monthly unique visitors.

I disagree. We have many different styles of beauty world wide. What really comes down to is what men find attractive as women will attempt to appease that desire.

Attached: 1536287832865.jpg (700x318, 25K)

>watching cape shot AND buying the fucking dvd
consider trying to grow a functional penis my dude

yeah a "unique visitor" could be:
>some SJW coming to cherrypick screencaps from /pol/
>some 15 year old kid curious to see what all the "buzz" is about
>some journalist who needs to visit Yea Forums to write her article
>some parent who saw "Yea Forums" in their kids browsing history
>etc etc
whittle that 40+m number down to daily users, and it's a fraction. a fraction of that fraction goes to either Yea Forums or /pol/. and yet another fraction of that fraction would even feel compelled to go to RT and give CM a "not interested"

>buying DVDs
>when blu-ray exists
Absolute plebs.

Looking forward to when her black "allies" stab her in the back for her oppressive whiteness.

who says that the downvotes aren't coming from the black community that is disappointed to see a white female after black panther claimed the super hero genre for people of color.

I hope this to be the case

Attached: pepemerchant.gif (400x400, 2.49M)

Literally Russian bots desu

>the born hero
>better than anyone else
>movie released in black history month
>lead actress tells everyone to go see the movie like a southern plantation owner would order you to pick cotton
If you really think about it, it sounds much more reasonable than russian bots.

>it's being spammed by gamergaters presently,
Who actually does this? I find it hard to believe someone would care enough to do this, unless they were an edgy 13 year old.

Those are long bony fingers.

Yea Forums posts dozens of threads about the audience score per day, don't pretend like they have no involvement or have never been to the site.

But let's pretend your right. Nobody on Yea Forums can effect that score. Than why are there 50 anti-captain marvel threads a day? Why go thru all that trouble if you honestly think it isn't effecting the score.

You DCucks are in a constant state of contradiction. It's pathetic.

>HAHAHAHAHAHA my epic gay op is working.
fuckin pathetic

but it's the same shit, rebranded

From Box Office Mojo:

>Frozen's audience skewed female (57 percent)—not surprising, considering it's a princess story—and was made up predominantly of families (81 percent). It received a rare "A+" CinemaScore, which suggests word-of-mouth will be very strong.

I don't think it is. Probably fanbases of some youtube faggots or other twitter pesonalities. E celeb bullshit.

>your right
oh boy

I like marvel movies and i'm hoping that this one flops hard so disney is forced to pivot and not make her the centerpoint of phase 4 becuase that would fucking suck

posting threads is not a call to action. people go to the site to post screencaps because Yea Forums discusses relevant media regarding upcoming films. sure, some people will go and downvote, but neither Yea Forums nor /pol/ has organized a 'raid' to bring down the numbers to that degree.

Who cares about phase 4? Avengers 4 is the ending. Just let it end, 15 superhero movies a year is tiring.

I hope they just kill her off immediately and unceremoniously.
Like they're doing to Ghostbusters 2016

Attached: poochie.gif (399x300, 467K)

>One is seeing publicity over a movie before it comes out and deciding "no I will not see it" and the other is people seeing a movie and saying "I didn't like it".
Why does this pedantic detail change the dynamic of the news influencing public opinion? Your logic here is unsubstantiated because you're not justifying how a public aggregrate of opinions about a movie is somehow different depending on pre or post release? Is it different solely because it suits your argument? Surely you can't insinuate that there's any more proof that TLJ's score is "more genuine" than Marvel's score.
>The day after it came out, it was roughly a 50/50 split on people liking it, and it stayed around that 50/50 with some marginal differences from the morning after, to weeks after, and even now it's 44% like after everyone is done seeing it which fits the margin if you look at the morning after premiere which was ~55% like.
How are you going to just come on the internet and lie like this?

>but I have three beautiful blonde haired blue eyed children that are all biologically mine and have been happily married for 7 years.
Imagine being this insecure that you have to respond. Is your larp that fragile that you need to peptalk yourself into it?

>Why go thru all that trouble if you honestly think it isn't effecting the score.
If (You) don't understand that the primary motivator of most threads on Yea Forums is to laugh at the expense of others then please leave. Anons regularly post pictures mocking 911. Did Yea Forums influence that as well, you silly person?

If you guys think about it, sneedposting probably has more actual fans than captain fungus

can't tell if ironic shitpost or actual tranny seething

good job user what a sublime post

but that only works if the movie has redeemable characteristics

a pile of steamy shit like cap fungi is shaping up to be gets the gb2016 treatment

It's funny how you realize that the political stuff is just marketing, but you think the review bombing is real. The whole thing is marketing.

Gamergate is what inadvertently led to Donald Trump being elected. It awoke a sleeping giant, an entire demographic of people who wanted to keep out of the outside world until they started intruding on their last route of escapism (video games.) It created the alt right.