Pic related deserved to win.
prove me wrong
protip: you can't
Pic related deserved to win
uh huh
>Best film deserved to win Best Picture
Truly a hot take. It was never gonna win though; too "weird" for the Academy. I would have put money on Roma winning, but I guess they had to go with the inferior nominee about race relations.
I was legitimately upset that The Favourite got bested by a capeshit children's movie for nearly all the technical awards though.
Either this or Roma should have got it.
Absolute fucking snoozefest. It's style looked like a budget bin Hotel Budapest and the guy who decided to use fish eye camera lense needs to be stripped naked and whipped for that.
Ehat was so good about it? Le ebin chapter titles?
>everyone loses
what the fuck was that ending
There's no happily ever after when you're dealing with mercurial royals. Emma won, but that came at the expense of being the Queen's fucktoy.
I'm pretty sure it's only recently that the academy started lamely splitting best picture and director (McQueen missing Best Director to an FX movie directed from inside a computer wasn't even consistent with their own behavior). it shows their underlying lack of confidence or agreement in the hollywood elite that they can't even decide what to double-down on.
It was never going to win, it's far too mean spirited towards movies to win a contest based on celebrating them.
It's also pretty shit. The performances of the actresses alone make it worth watching but other than that it's just an awful movie.
Nice editing but it didn't feel like it was the end
Dude the past sucks lmao, Pride and Prejudice isn't realistic!
Give me more critical acclaim!
The fucktoy clause just sweetens the deal
The restoration era was grim. That's why people had no issue going to portugal to fight the peninsular war, just for a change.
You're right about the Favourite being too weird for the Academy. Roma should have won, but it was a Netflix movie, so it obviously wasn't going to.
Green Book winning was a no brainer.
2 deep 4 u
it was a character-based ending based on Emma becoming a whore to avoid becoming a whore.
I get the confusion, because the movie did kind of set up that there was going to be a plot-based resolution with someone "winning", but if you'd seen more of Yorgos' movies you'd know it's totally his thing to go for a symbolic open ending.
There's no greater depth to the film, it's about how period pieces are dumb and that only stupid sentimental people like them.
you're wrong. it wasn't a parody. the black comedy style is actually similar to comedy writers of the era, so it was very appropriate for the movie to be like that
the fact that BP beat it to best costumes is the true atrocity
How many sex scenes are in it?
It's rather unfortunate that people think making actors wearing poofy dresses swear is bold and innovative.
None, because they are lesbian so it doesn't count as sex
That just makes it better.
The queen loses the only person who really cared about her and realizes that the manipulative bitch is just another "rabbit". what else there is to say?
>it's about how period pieces are dumb and that only stupid sentimental people like them
Ah, so it's about how an inhuman shitlib lizardman robot filmmaker is a rootless cosmopolitan nihilist and is confused by people being interested in their own cultural history.
it's just as bad that they think it's unrealistic and therefore assume that a movie's only purpose having people talk like that is to shock.
both viewpoints are wrong. the greatest satirists in history did baby-eating and slapstick prostitute jokes during this movie's time period.
I think he's just an autistic inhuman movie hater who can't understand that people can like movies while still knowing that they're watching a fictional story unfold.
It's not a question of historical accuracy, it's about the convention of period pieces which as a whole are, even with bodice ribbers, all together quite sanitized.
you're not really communicating what point you're making, sorry. I'm also not sure who is referring to as an inhuman shitlib.
My point is that the aim of the film is to take the piss out of period pieces as a genre, similarly to how he took the piss out of "serious dramas" in The Killing of the Sacred Deer. In doing so he does come close to the comedy of the age but that only scores to underline his point, that this fictionalised movies that lots of people enjoy are dumb and unrealistic, which in the greek's mind seems to be a bad thing.
Dialogue is an important part of this in both films, see the inane, autistic speech in the Sacred Deer (nice watch), the swearing in The Favourite as well as the "dramatic monologues" which he derides with a hand job.
He does succeed in parodying everything from court dramas to cheap bodice rippers, however my issue is that his point itself is rather inane. Different people enjoy different things. There's nothing wrong with people who line up for every Jane Austen adaptation or Keira Knightley film. It's like making a movie where the over-riding theme is that green-socks are bad.
the fucking fisheye was gold for example, go snort sugar
>he took the piss out of "serious dramas" in The Killing of the Sacred Deer
I don't really think that was the point. did you watch the other lanthimos' movies as well?
What nonsense. Lesbians are a meme that didn't exist back then.
yeah right
I walked out of that trash.
The same with The Lobster.
Lesbians just need a good dicking user.
I have no idea what you are talking about
I think you are saying that the movies are bad but in an ironical way so that makes them good?
I probably misinterpret you but if that's what you are saying then I disagree, something is good or bad for you, being ironic and bad on purpose doesn't make it good
I know some Lanthimos's fans (I'm Greek and Greek intellectual chicks dig Lanthimos) and they like him unironically
Something something about how he says wise things in his movies
I don't know
Personally I can't watch Lanthimos, his movies are too heavy for my taste
Why didn't you just say that you're an ESL?
Based. Lanthimos is pure wank
your read of the film is wrong.
the writer of the movie is british and a woman. having people swear in a period film not only isn't viewed as innovative in britain is isn't MEANT to be seen as innovative. the pristine polite period films are actually aimed at Americans -- they're too facile to NEED parody.
the point of Favorite is about women in historical society -- it was presenting an ironic situation where three women are simultaneously empowered but limited by society and circumstances. hence the most powerful woman in the movie spending time in a brothal for contrast, and the queen being stuck with the high infant mortality rate.
Sacred Deer was deconstructing the IDEA of a revenge film. there is more to Yorgos than just trolling or parody. you're not as smart as you think you are.
Emma realized she lost. As Rachel's character said "we were playing completely different games". She wanted to be ousted by the queen but she didn't have any way to do it. That is until Emma's character showed up. The final scene is Emma realizing she's no better than one of the queens rabbits
she's not even worth as much as the queen's rabbits. the rabbits in the last shot represent how the queen isn't really able to pay attention to emma at all because she's so fixated on her dead children. immediately before that emma stone's expression shifts to realization that she's avoided becoming a prostitute on the street but wound up as one anyway.
imagine being this much of a brainlet, yikes
It's ridiculous that Roma lost to Green Book. If they didn't want the court controversy (which is obvious since BlacKkKlansman lost to Green Book too), Roma was by far the safest pick. And it's a beautiful film regardless, much better than mellow Oscar-bait stuff directed by the same guy that made Dumb and Dumber.
Yeah, who wouldn't want to finger a neurotic, older, gout-ridden woman for years to come?
Roma is by far the best Netflix film ever made. Them getting shafted again shows that they won't win anything until they can start buying the awards like Disney did with Black Panther.
What "game" do you think Rachel Weisz's character was playing? I don't know if I'd agree that she wanted to be ousted. Not only did she lose her place at court, she destroyed the career of her beloved war-hero husband and was forced into exile. Would that have been preferable to indulging Anne's whims for a while longer?
The Favourite > Roma >>> BlacKkKlansman >>>>> A Star Is Born > Green Book > Vice >>>>> Black Panther > Bohemian Rhapsody
Americans lap this shit up so much.
>Be British
>Be vaguely competent actress
>Do period film featuring ye olde worlde kingz an kweenz shieet
>Americans clap profusely and throw oscars at you
I thought this was gonna be the first time since The Departed that my favorite film of the year lined up with the best picture winner
Who had any kind of passion for Green Book?
lmao upvoted
>Roma is by far the best Netflix film ever made.
The Other Side of the Wind is miles better than Roma, or any film in the past decade for that matter. If the Oscars had any integrity, it would've swept.
"We were playing completely different games" was in reference to the fact that she did indeed love the Queen, while Emma was just using her as a means to an end she'd never actually achieve.
Emma Stone should've won this
she cute
someone post the bunny gif
>She wanted to be ousted by the queen but she didn't have any way to do it
lmao this fucking board
>movie with subtitles winning