Just watched this kino, can we have a thread about this movie

Just watched this kino, can we have a thread about this movie

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bump for interest

great film, Joel is an idiot for dating Clementine, although I suppose the whole "aposematism" thing wasn't as well known at the time. Girls with unnatural hair colors are to be avoided at all costs

This movie is fucking amazing man

I hope you liked this movie as a movie and pure fiction and you never, ever, at any point thought
>I'm just like him
>I'm a nice guy like him
>this is what love is all about
>she is very nice
because then you have really really really big problems
I'm projecting a little because I once liked this movie but now I know that I liked it because I'm fucked up in the head and a permavirgin

not OP, but i don't think i can remember ever projecting on this movie. it's just a beautiful story

With these digits you can have anything you want.

>Girls with unnatural hair colors are to be avoided at all costs
If at any point you like a girl because she is quirky, or weird, or strange, or "nice" and you can't think of any reason you objectively like her it's time to run away from her and avoid her at all costs

>because I once liked this movie
So you stopped liking it for such petty reasons? lmao

not bad for a chick flick

Yeah that's a red flag for sure, he just kind of went for it I guess because he was desperate?

If you have a normal sex and dating life you won't
But if you are a 40 year old virgin, 23 or something when I first saw the movie and at that time I was obsessed with a blue/orange hair from work you end up projecting and thinking "I'm just like him, she is just like her, we will end up together"
>So you stopped liking it for such petty reasons? lmao
It's not petty, it's part of who I am unfortunately
The 40 year old virgin is like a biopic ironical drama for me

I just love the way it was filmed, love Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet in it. The music is amazing too

Part of the point is that Clementine is right when she says

>Too many guys think I'll save them. I'm not a concept Joel, I'm just a fucked up girl looking for her own peace of mind. Don't assign me yours

Both are a bit pathologic and co-dependent on each other. Neither is to carry all the blame for the failures of the relationship. They had good times and bad times, and towards the end mostly bad times because they let the natural frictions in the relationship caused by the difference in their personalities get to them. Ultimately they split up because they are both emotionally immature.

The ending implies that they will have to work out their conflicts, or else they will end up exactly the same (you'll get frustrated with me and I'll get bored and trapped, etc). They aren't bad people, both are just very emotional in their own way due to their life experiences and they had yet to learn how to be with each other. If they do learn, then they have the opportunity to make something wonderful out of their relationship, but the movie ends in that ambiguous note. Will they achieve happiness with each other? It's up to the viewer.

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>23 or something when I first saw the movie and at that time I was obsessed with a blue/orange hair from work you end up projecting and thinking "I'm just like him, she is just like her, we will end up together"

I feel sorry that you interpreted the movie as if it was a traditional chick flick. The script tries very hard to hammer home a theme of the complexity of love and deconstruct the trope of the manic pixie dream girl who will save you from your depression.

>Will they achieve happiness with each other?
No, not a chance
It isn't her fault either, she warned him
He is too much of a pussy and dependent on her and blind he thinks that she will save him

I like to think that the end implies they both become more aware of their own flaws, and that will help them avoid walking the same path. But then again, it's completely up to the viewer.

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I even have the same haircut and dress like this dude
No wonder I ended up projecting

Yeah that's what I was wondering is that all they have to go off of to start their relationship, what they hear on the tapes?

Stop thinking about yourself for once, faggot

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I appreciate this post

it's such a beautiful idea that after having been erased from each other's minds completely there is still something of each other so deep inside of them and strong enough to push them into finding each other again
probably one of the most romantic films ever made