Oscar "Best Picture" winners

Who`s your all time fav, Yea Forums?

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Reminder this was produced by weinstein and was worse than fellowship and the two towers
oscars mean jack fucking shit

Mystic River was better than Return of the King!

I would have given the Best Picture Oscar to Felllowship and Two Towers gladly, but Return of the King was the weakest, didn't deserve it, even if it was for the whole trilogy

>was produced by weinstein
Reminder that Schindler's List is a fucking shit because there are a nazi in it.

i had my first sexual intercourse to that movie. are you telling me the jews were involved in me losing virginity?

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Most best picture winners suck or weren't the best thing nominated. If I had to pick a top 10 from films that won.
1. Godfather
2. Lawrence of Arabia
3. Godfather 2
4. No Country for Old Men
5. Silence of the Lambs
6. Platoon
7. Casablanca
8. Rocky
9. Unforgiven
10. American Beauty

Yes, good goy, buy our sex toys, condoms and lube

Godfather was boring crap

It insists upon itself.

Shut up, cunt.

t. Peter Griffin

>board that pretends to be redpilled
>can't take the redpill on how lotr 3 won so many awards despite being the worst in the trilogy
it was weinstein it's not rocket science

No country for old men

So was Rocky and Godfather 2 and No Country for Old Men

no one here has a problem with weinstein redditfag
those prostitutes got precisely what they bargained for
weinstein lived the dream

He had to jerk off in potted plants, inject his limp dick and beg randoms to watch him shower

just couldn't get into it


I liked Part 2 because it was mostly just Al Pacino and Robert De Niro acting cool and fucking other people's shit up. First Godfather is too much family drama shit

Mystic River was pretty damn kino, probably Clint's best directorial effort. I'm not too mad it lost to RotK, that's a good enough film, I suppose I'm glad a blockbuster won BP at some point. But then again, who cares

The Deer Hunter is the best one, and also the last time the Academy actually awarded the best film of the year. Sunrise, Casablanca, The Apartment, Marty, How Green Was My Valley, Rebecca and The Godfather are the only other exceptional winners I can recall.

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good titties tho

Humphrey Bogat did not win the Oscar wth

Pretty much, it's like 2001. Movie is boring as hell, but everybody says: "I'm a patrician, of course I loved it" lol

>Reminder this was produced by weinstein
is that supposed to matter?

I actually like 2001 though, it's just a pretty movie with great music. Godfather on the other hand has that ugly cheap 70s washed out look and the soundtrack is overrated

>saying bad things about Godfather or 2001

Lemme guess. Teenagers?

Fellowship is the comfiest and best of the three but i no world RotK was bad.

Enjoy this films because something this big and beautiful is never going to be made again.

t. Ivan Ooze

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Once Upon A Time In America is superior

The LOTR trilogy should not have won any Oscars. It opened the floodgates for capeshit to be treated as art.

it was literally a slopped together mess with shit scenes and bloated action and boring scenes throughout and i like lotr a shiton
kys immediately and watch more films reddit

you must be fun at parties :^)

Amadeus, Chicago or The Shape of Water.

Anybody noticed these movies are too white?


>this was made by jews therefore it can't be good
>le redpilled xDD

Fuck off lebbit

Nah, include Seven Samurai. Holy shit Japanese can't act. And the story was capeshit tier

>hating one of the greatest period pieces of all time

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Marty from 1955.
>tfw always shilling it on Yea Forums

look at this and tell me it isn't great acting and that it doesn't awaken feels


Big yikes

Amadeus still holds up

Hell I lost my virginity after seeing that movie, too!

You're the real yikes