What do you think of Prometheus and Covenant?

What do you think of Prometheus and Covenant?

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Fassbender carries them

prometheus was great
all prometheus fan edits are garbage
alien covenant was awful

Noomi Rapace should play Captain Marvel

i liked the one with idris elba

Loved them.
Workprint Extended is fine, although the pacing suffers a bit. Watch Evanus Edit of Covenant. Feels like a proper Extended, not your average fan edit shit.
Shame they cut most of his dialogue.

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Peak kino, cool wrapping up of Alien first movie and great trilogy overall, bonus points for rendering the shitty fan fiction movies that came in between non cannon.
Might be the biggest pleb filter on this board, you can feel the dozen shitty youtuber videos people shitting muh plot hole about Covenant have seen.

both bad but the fassbender show in covenant was entertaining


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Promethius is great sci fi movie.

p gud movie

Prometheus was great and had best kinography but Covenant had a better soundtrack and looks overall comfier. Both top notch kino, plebeian masses didn’t get the point of the prequels.

t. man of culture

Both movies are dumb as hell and not meant to be taken seriously (I hope), but it is possible that Ridley Scott is just a has-been who hasn't made an intentionally good film since Kingdom of Heaven (Director's Cut) in 2005. At least Prometheus is a funny slasher film. I was rooting for the Engineer to kill all of the dipshit scientists like you'd root for Jason to kill all of the idiotic teenagers. Covenant is a generic horror film that only gets any mention because it's part of the Alien franchise.

David's a cool character though, even though he's just a retread of Roy from Blade Runner.

>this scene
>retread of Roy from Blade Runner
Absolutely not. Also, Ridley made lots of kino after KoH.

David and Theron were the best parts about Prometheus. The Captain and new David model were best about Covenant.

I found the lead women annoying and thus had a tough time rooting for them.

Both 100 times better than Aliens at least

I found Shaw to be likable at least. Daniels was alright but didn't stand out in any way. Weyland was great in both.

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Did you anticipate the old switcheroo at the end of Covenant? I did but really didn't believe they'd go through with it.

Theron as Vickers is literally my be all end all waifu.

Alien, sure

I did. It was very obvious (because of the knife). I was pretty cyncal back then (I grew a lot in the last two years) and shat on the movie but after rewatching it some months ago, I really liked it and didn't bother with the scene much. In the Evanus Edit (very easy to find) I posted about earlier, the shot of the knife is removed, so it is left ambiguous, until the end. Much better, if you ask me.

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I would have rather watched that edit my first time through. It would still be super obvious, but a little less insulting. I get you about cynicism wrecking the enjoyment of movies. If I could guess the twist or setup coming a like away it detracts a lot for me. I guess now days it'd take a reveal of Sixth Sense proportions to really surprise me.

Covenant's crew just seemed generic and mostly uninteresting. The Cowboy and the Captain seemed cool enough and desu, I wouldn't have minded a larger role for Franco.

Thought they were both pretty decent. Pretty good mediation on the origin of life, the ability to create life and God complex. Plebs just wanted the xenomorph

It's a bit of a shame neither Covenant nor Prometheus ever got an Extended Cut. Prometheus should have added the cut Janek scenes and the Engineer speaking, while Covenant needed the extended Rheingold scene and David and Shaw in the spaceship. That and the clarification of the Paradisians being Engineers (more spaceships shown and changed eye color to black) are the prime reasons I consider the Evanus Edit the definite version of the film.

I liked the homosexual latino guy too but generally agree on the crew. Think it's due to the movies' very serious tone. Alien is a bit corny and Aliens much more so. Without the corny lines, I don't think I'd remeber many of the characters either.

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Prometheus was one of the biggest disappointments I've ever seen so Covenant was tolerable. At times, it's even good.

Should the two (David) stimulants have had a Terminator 2-esque battle in lieu of yet another uninspired xeno disposal?

Prometheus is a flawed diamond, saved by fanedits.

Covenant is a major letdown, most of the philosophical content and symbolism is dropped in favour of a simple space slasher recycling all the previous Alien movies (even those which Scott did not make) where David just wants to be in charge because he's a big guy. Also, the titular monster was more interesting when it was the product of a truly alien civilization with unfathomable morals and logic instead of being the pasttime project of a megalomaniac human android.

>most of the philosophical content and symbolism is dropped
Not really.
>the titular monster was more interesting when it was the product of a truly alien civilization with unfathomable morals and logic
In regards to its design, having an impotetent android create it, is a stroke of genius.

Does David ever get a real reason behind wanting to murder using xenos besides "dude crazy robot rflmao"?

He hated serving Weyland and thinks of humanity as weak and unworthy, due to its mortality and the he's fascinated by creation, knowing his own creator and coming into contact with his creator's creators. The fact he himself can't reproduce, his fascination for creation and his overall cynicism led to him creating the Xenomorph as is.

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Beautiful catastrophes, like looking at turds flawlessy encased in cubes of lucite.

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Look harder. They are beautful indeed, but don't carry poop inside.

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Wait what?

It's semi-official that the franchises (kind of) Alien, Blade Runner and Soldier all take place in the same cinematic universe, because of references here and there. You can very much ignore it.


The movie with Kurt Russel?

If you like the films, nothing I can say is going to sway your opinions, but I just found multiple things about them off-putting, mainly the characterizations of the humans in *both* films. Too many suffer from plot-induced stupidity. The original film presented the audience with an airtight scenario. The characters behaved believably. Prometheus and Covenant seem as if they're attempting a genre-shift akin to what Cameron did with Aliens, only instead of sci-fi/action, outright horror with a dash of sci-fi. That *sounds* similar to the original on paper, but in execution, both films rely a bit too heavily on tropes more common to low-brow slasher films, wherein the protagonists frequently doom themselves through their own staggering incompetence. The original film didn't rely on these cheap-out horror clichés, and it was the better for it.

I rather like Fassbender's David as space Roderick/Frankenstein, but the stories being constructed around him leave me feeling underwhelmed.

The characters in Prometheus and Covenant act in bigger, more foreign environments, that's all there is to say, really. It's still believable if you take in account who they are and what they think to know of the universe at that point. The slasher parts in both Covenant and Prometheus are definitely their weakest components but they don't take that much time, so I'm fine with them.

I side with Ridley on that, the Alien on its own lost its appeal over the years, due to an insane amount of repetition and being featured in fan fic tier expanded universe shit. I would've rather had Prometheus: Paradise Lost, although I think Covenant has still enough of it in it.

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with prometheus, there were some cool themes, a TON of cool shots and concepts, and some interesting characters (primarily fassbender, theron, and idris elbas characters, the 3 pilots were actually pretty good for how little screentime they got, and the suicide flight was an interesting choice given the rest of the casts self serving personalities, kind of backing up their alluded to military history), the problem was, as a whole, it was executed very poorly.

i dont have a problem with the "virus" having inconsistent effects, its a scifi horror movie so whatever. what i have a problem with are things like a biologist sticking his hand directly towards an unknown snake like a fucking idiot, or a zombie showing up for seemlingly no reason with little buildup and then wiping out 70% of the nameless crew in like a 20 second shot when he doesnt have a single weapon or claw or stinger or anything aside from maybe superman retard strength.

its a bunch of skilled actors, digital effects artists, costume makers, cinematographers, etc all trying to make the best of ridley scotts erratic and often incompetent direction. these are presumably very smart characters, all experts in their field, yet he handles them like 13 year olds in a YA novel, with shallow motivations and impulsive decisions

covenant took all these problems and cranked them up to 11 while doing away with all the new and interesting lore and build up the 1st part introduced, and because it was a more claustrophobic film it was also far less visually striking than prometheus. it was a very poor movie overall, with the interaction between 2 fassbenders being the only really interesting thing happening in the movie, and for some reason all the scientists and spacefaring characters have their IQs cranked down 50 pts again.

like, when we visit a different continent ON EARTH you are likely to catch diseases and whatever else that you dont have an immune response for.

It's just you not taking in account the characters respective mindsets. The snake should not have caused any problem, evident from the biotope it was in. Only reason it caused a problem was the black goo, which drastically alters DNA, in most cases resulting in enhanced strenght and aggression.

Covenant is visually almost on the same level as Prometheus. Character behave believably enough. The atmosphere was said to be extremely clean and it's unlikely for alien pathogens to be compatible with human physiology. The suspicion of meeting other humans doesn't add much danger because the crew was likely vaccinated to the max.

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Prometheus < Alien Covenant

Alien Covenant was FAR superior in my opinon no matter what the kuks have to say about the CGI or whatever I thought it was all beautifully done as well as all the cinematography and set design. Blew me away. Prometheus was fucking BORING!

>What do you think of Prometheus and Covenant?
Both technically good films but completely shit all over the mythology and realistic tone of the originals

>mythology and realistic tone of the originals
There wasn't much mythology in it. It's literally Lovecraft meets rape. And the originals are just as, if not less, realistic.

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Covenant could have been truly great if it had competency. otherwise 5/10.

Yes. Great action flick by the way.

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These are the things that bother me too. In the first film, you buy the premise because the space truckers act like space truckers. Hostile environments are treated as hostile environments, and bringing Hurt's character back on-board with the facegrabber is hotly debated because it's a breach of quarantine protocol. It sells the realism and makes the horror more horrific.

In both Prometheus and Covenant, all these factors are ignored in service of the plot. "Smart" people are all doing a lot of very dumb things.

The weakest parts of Prometheus is the archaeological couple's scenes and after you find out why they are there and what they find it's entirely permissible to skip them upon rewatch.

I'll check it out asap. Honestly it didn't sound like my cup of tea. And I remember when it came out and just sort of glossed over it.

>Prometheus was great
B8 or moron?

I hate how they just had to tie everything back together. Its one of the worst tropes in storytelling.

>lol not even the intergalactic space aliens are independent, they're actually biological weapons used by our ancestors and perfected by the same line of robots from the first movie!
>What a tweest!

I mean, thats what the first movie so mysterious and gripping. Its right there in the fucking name, ALIEN.

See that is why I loved Prometheus when it first came out it add a new layer of mystery and intrigue in the form of the Engineers, the aliens themselves, and how we play into it all. My friends and I walked out of the theater coming up with theory after theory for why the engineers created us, why they make the xenos, and what direction the next movie was going to go in. Then Ridley got pissed some people didn't like it and completely ruined his original ideas with Covenant. It was a decent enough flick but I think Paradise Lost would have been better

What mystery? They ruined the actual mystery of the space jockey to make them big white marble looking men that also created Jesus.

It was awful schlock.

>series is called Alien
>Xenomorph literally isn't an alien, it's literally a man-made creation

Legend says there still isn't plot holes to be found in Prometheus

If Prometheus wasn't part of the Alien franchise, it would be just a bad SF movie with the usual "I can't believe the richest man on Earth send a team of retards to space" plot. Being a prequel makes everything worse.

I won't even start with Covenant.

the hell? we get invaded by plebs or something?

Good for "Legend"?

It was still a bad movie.

Yeah but it looked great and you still can't point out anything the crew done wrong. And there were good scenes, abortion scene, fighting the octopus and more

We did the day you entered.

Why on earth does Yea Forums insist on defending these god awful movies lmao

Unironically low IQ "people" who think Prometheus is intelligent because it has religious subtext

They're great, I wish Covenant had been 30 minutes longer though. Really bummed that Disney/Fox killed Ridley's third sequel.

Obviously you have shit taste bro.

>retards in space 1 & 2

In what order do i watch the alien/prometheus movies? Its confusing to me, because the movies seems to be all over the place with different titles.

Watch Alien, then Aliens, then stop.

You start from alien genius

Release order.

I want to watch all of it, even if it sucks. Can someone list all the movies?

Alien 3
Alien resurrection
Uhh Prometheus
Reminder Google exists too

Based brainlet.
Keep to those:
Alien, Aliens, Prometheus, Alien: Covenant

Fine, Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, Alien Ressurection
Prometheus, Covenant

This is the watch order, but chronologically Prometheus and Covenant come before Alien.

Throw in AVP wherever you want, it doesn't matter.

My bad if I somehow opened the gates for Prometheus apologists with no taste

1979 - Alien
1986 - Aliens
1992 - Alien3
1997 - Alien:Resurrection
2004 - Alien vs. Predator
2007 - Aliens vs. | Predator:Requiem
2012 - Prometheus
2017 - Covenant

Prometheus and Covenant have callbacks to ALL the preceding films I've listed.

Now you're just going to confuse the user

>it looked great
It looked uninspired. Typical CGI.

>you still can't point out anything the crew done wrong
It's harder to find something they did right, from playing with alien cobras to taking their helmets off on an alien world without a proper study of its atmosphere beyond "lol i think we can breath it"

He's not wrong, shill. Prometheus killed the series.

The android is trustworthy so why not and space snake. It looked harmless

He wants to watch more than just Alien and Aliens, he's already confused

The android didn't just do an extensive study of the environment. Which contributes to them all dying and fits with their being morons.
>space snake looked harmless
Too stupid to live. Especially coming from the guy who 5 minutes prior was afraid of alien suits.
Hell, they could have just made it a different guy who wanted to touch the thing that clearly is alive, moving and looks dangerous. But the script was so shit it had to be the man established as a pussy about alien life.

What a serious shitshow. The original script was much better.

How fucking hard is it to put some marines on a backwater planet and have them find an egg?

It's like these fucking kikes don't want money

>tfw you wish you could just turn off your brain like other anons and think Promtheus was deep or well thought out

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>It looked uninspired. Typical CGI.
Fucking retard.
What exactly for, you troglodyte?
>killed the series
Alien 3 did. Alien Resurrection buried it. AvP defiled its grave and AVP:R raped the corpse.

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what a sad excuse for a grid

top center. what ps3 game is that?

The thing is, with Weyland dead he's finally free, so his "why be a servant in Heaven when you can rule in Hell" quote sounds extremely hypocritical.

Also, in Prometheus it felt more like David's emergent nature and Weyland's orders were in conflict and this bothered him, eg. when Weyland orders David to test the black goo on crewmembers, he goes out of his way to ask what the would-be victim would be ready to do to find out what the goo does, and only after he replies "anything and everything", David spikes his drink. In Covenant, he's then suddenly a straight up slasher villain. "People change", but a character doing a 720 noscope turn offscreen is just bad writing.

A couple things: their gadgets rated the air as safe to breathe, and the other characters told Charlie to not take his helmet off anyway because it was a breach of procedure. It was made clear that Charlie was childish and irresponsible, but ultimately nobody died from breathing the air. Because it was proven to be clean. Charlie actually died because he was intentionally poisoned, and he was poisoned because he was a douchebag and expendable. Several characters die while wearing a helmet and it does absolutely fuck all to protect them.

The only movies you really want to watch are


Predator 2

that's it, fuck all the avp shit and alien 3 & 4 should not exist

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>bottom center
>first ancient attempt at dabbing
>bottom right
>dumb character running after having a c-section performed for men

My favorite part was Shaw finding Weyland and he has a little crew in the room with him. Then when he goes to meet with the Marble Statue Man he brings one dude with a shotgun and the rest of his crew disappear from the film, neither helping him nor keeping the captain from ramming the creators he wanted to meet.

10/10 writing

David picked Charlie as the test subject because Charlie had been an utter cunt to him all day.

It's the same retarded shit as the zombie showing up to kill all the excess crewmembers to tighten things up. Then the entire encounter is never brought up again.

I literally cringed when Shaw has the alien abortion and then in the next scenes it's like it never happened at all

Literally, unironically one of the worst movies ever made

How scientific. Are androids built fragile or do their neural inhibitors for not being an asshole decay after time?

The movie has a lot of "like it never happened at all" moments that ruins its pacing and the characters.

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And it always comes back to the air. There's no need for this because no where in the film does the air hurt anybody, so you've really only got space cobra

>it always comes back to a stupid thing in the movie
Yeah that's how criticisms work. They don't go away with time, it'll always be a stupid part of the film.
At least you conceded the space snake.

Prometheus was kino. Covenant was forgettable tripe. Plebs will disagree.

Fucking plebs have flooded this place.

engineer kills weyland and hates humans because they forsook genetic engineering in favor of articial contructs like david; which to the enigneer is extremely offensive given the sacrifices their race made to create humans.

they went under in order to go over, as Nietzsche would put it, and expected humans to do the same. in a cut scene weyland quotes Nietzsche before doing a Ted talk but his character was ultimately too egotistical to understand Nietzsche

Yeah but you only get to call it stupid, if it's stupid. The air is clean, you're just annoyed they were running around without helmets?

>meanwhile prometheus has already been forgotten by its creator because of how bad it was

I think there was a mass migration here of Lostfags who love David Lindelof's subpar writing.

The only good thing about these films was Charlize Theron in that tight body suit.

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The nerd was pretending to know what he was doing because the weedman was having a panic attack and needed to be calmed down. He just wanted to impress his new friend.

Ruined by the fact she seems shoehorned into the film and doesn't do shit.

Prometheus suffers from trying to connect to alien
Covenant suffers from trying to connect to prometheus
If Ridley wanted Prometheus to connect to the alien universe he should have left it vague and allowed fans to discuss it for years instead of smooshing it in our faces.
Covenent should have just been a Prom sequel but it tries to be an alien movie and fails at both.
both have some great concepts and ideas but they are generally sloppily handled.
At this point the xenomorphs are not a mysterious space monster, but are a creation of an autistic robot that engineered them in a cave and used them to destroy the creator race of the universe for....reasons.
Its just all so bad. and that is sad.

my favorite part was ruining the mystery of the space jockeys by making them human-looking white dudes

very clever, subverted all our expectations of mysterious aliens

plus engineer jesus

>the white marble aliens have "exact match" DNA with humans
How can anyone with a brain enjoy this movie?

You're just too low IQ to understand the religious subtext that makes this movie brilliant

Only geniuses can appreciate the intelligence behind bongs built into EV suits

Reminder that the AVP fucking comics have a better origin story for the derelict/space jockey

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And that's saying something. Most of the comics were shit.

The correct opinion.

HBO Earth Hive series when?

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t. brainlet

Watch the deleted scenes, user.
They probably waited in Weyland's quarters and got killed during the suicide crash.
What's there to be brought up again? Everyone is completely confused because they don't know what to do there and the people in command (Vickers, Weyland) are narcissist cunts who don't give a fuck.

>They probably waited in Weyland's quarters and got killed during the suicide crash.

>"wait here for the boss, guys. that's why he brought us. to sit in this cuck shed and do nothing to help him."
Damn good writing.

>They probably waited in Weyland's quarters and got killed during the suicide crash.
They went to inspect the medical room and got eaten by the squid.

Is that from a deleted scene or did you speculate that? If the latter, congrats. You're already a better writer than David Lindelof.

Based retard. What good would it be to take a whole bunch of people with you, speaking with what you consider literally god? He took his own creation, the woman who encouraged him to go on this quest, another scientist and a soldier. More soldiers probably would have pissed the engineer off even harder.

Pretty sure they died in the crash because the pilots had no time for them to evacuate.

Based retard. Why bring one soldier then? Why not use the others to secure the ship? Why bring Noomi at all? She had no applicable skills with the engineer. Why have a scene depicting Weyland awakening with extra crew when all the extra crew were thought to have been killed by the zombie and then never depict them again?

You really must be bothered that even the engineer of this movie dropped it like hot shit.

>More soldiers probably would have pissed the engineer off even harder.

Forbes summed it up best


I can suspend my disbelief for just about anything. Ghosts, cool. Dragons, fine. Aliens, great. Zombies, hell yeah! But what I can't accept is when characters in fiction do not behave in a way even remotely similar to how real people (even absurdly stupid people) would actually behave.

Prometheus was full of these moments: Geologist with map making futuristic technology getting lost in simple cave system. Biologist overcome with with squee tries to cuddle menacing alien cobra. Captain sacrificing himself, his ship and some of his crew without a second thought. Two crew members needlessly sacrificing themselves too just 'because'. Not being able to run sideways to avoid a rolling doughnut. Scientist removing helmet on alien planet just 'because'. Same scientist drinking himself into depression because they only made the greatest discovery in the history of humanity. Bummer. And no, the extra footage on bluray does not wipe any of these points away.

In terms of plot holes, there are just too many. When did they spread goo on earth? Was it a million years ago to turn apes into humans? If so, why are apes already like the engineers but with hair? Or was it to seed life at the beginning. If so, why are only apes humanoid? How is it possible to for the Nth identical cave paintings to be the 'final part of the puzzle'? How is it possible to create a star map from a handful of dots? Why the hell would the engineers leave us a map to their military installation where they are manufacturing a weapon to destroy us? Performing parkour hours after a caesarean to remove alien squid from abdomen and stitched up with glue and staples. Some of these points are pedantic and I can forgive and look past, some I cannot.

I could go on, but basically it was a stupid-as-a-brick film pretending to be too intellectual to be understood properly. It was clearly a train-wreck of writing. The result of studio tampering, grandiose ideas being derailed, hiring crappy hack screenwriters to butcher someone else's script, etc. I heard reports that Lindelof convinced people to make it a trilogy, but then jumped ship. Don't know if that is true. Anyway, it's the worse case of emperor's new clothes in movie history.

>can come up with anything for the Space Jockey
>can come up with anything for the origins of Alien
>can come up with anything for the creator of humanity

>albino white guys

truly staggering how terrible this series is.

covenant was great but Prometheus was trash

Bringing one soldier (man) is fine, he takes the function of bodyguard. It's nothing inherently threatening. Secure the ship how? For what? Weyland was delusional, the last thing he expected to happen was the Engineer trying to launch a ship in order to destroy earth. Shaw was brought because going there was her idea and he honored it. The guys have been shown earlier at the briefing. They had special orders though.
>giving a shit about journos
You're honestly wrong here.

This movie is little more than "Director Abuse." I love you audience, but you're really, really stupid if you emotionally invest in this movie. It is a movie composed of really beautiful scenes filled with incompetent specialists doing impossibly stupid things. Who finances a trillion dollar journey to find God, and staffs the spaceship with social rejects? Not just rejects, but rejects of the rejects? This is a story that I have been following for thirty years only to be treated like a blathering idiot. The movie flows so well and is brilliantly directed, but the conclusions are, are, eight grade stupid so that I was trapped in a kind of cognitive dissonance where I loved the movie and hated it at the same time. It is akin to an abusive relationship; I love you sweetheart but you're a horrible child..... In the end the movie is shit and I am very angry with Scott for not giving me some respect for my cognative abilities.

Lets see....

1. Let's arrive at this distant planet and not even take one day to consider the best way to investigate this new world......no, we're burning daylight

2. Let's take off our helmets...even though there is evidence of life

3. Let's separate the group in a alien spaceship...what could go wrong?

4. Employees smoking dope in their spacesuit? Fired on the spot.

5. Two crewmen get lost in the alien spaceship....no problem, we'll just pick them up in the morning....

6. Let's pet the alien snake.....what could go wrong?

7. Let's open the cargo door and let the space monster inside our ship!! Doesn't anyone look through the window before violating contamination protocol?

8. The ship's captain sleeps with the bosses daughter on an alien world just before meeting God? This is professional conduct?

9. Robot brings in black gue and contaminates one of the project leaders?? Didn't the robot engineers factor in some intelligence into the robot?

10. Old man finances trillion dollar project based on cave paintings?? What banker would lend money on that collateral?

11. Surgery machine only programmed for men? Really...

12. Alien spaceman head comes to life when metal probe is stuck up its....ear..And it explodes? Really?

13. Space alien grows from tiny baby to huge octopuse without eating anything? I guess breathing air will make it grow..

15. And run to your right, or your left.....but it wouldn't matter because such a huge spaceship would crush into a pile of rubble when it crashed on its side like that....No it's so impossibly strong that it rolls...Really

16. Lastly because it's been so long since I've watched the movie....Tell me in what universe that a military stockpile can lay undiscovered for 2,000 years without some terrorist finding it,,,,especially when there is a warning beacon going off on the neighboring planet?

Ridley Scott should be kicked right in his nuts for treating his audience so poorly.

it's the opposite of this post to be honest. prometheus had a lot of exploration and mystery whereas in covenant all the "twists" are super obvious.

>no u
Good counter-argument.

It would explain why there's blood all over the medpod room, why the guards are missing, and why the squid was able to grow so much in a short amount of time.

>no u
Lurk more and start posting once you've understood the basics, you mong.

>redditor telling someone to lurkmoar
come back when you have a real counter-argument, retard

secular pseudo-metaphysics
God can't exist for atheists and incremental evolution is a dull creation myth, so material alien gods must exist and created us via panspermia.
I found it rather uncompelling.

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>t. redditor telling someone to lurkmoar
>come back when you have a real counter-argument, retard
Posting news articles is considered as making arguments now?

When you're citing the argument they make, yes you mong.

You've completely missed the point. Shaw remains Christian even after meeting her assumed maker.

Ridley is alway a pleasure to SEE. But the writing is awful and nonsensical.
Movies ruined by it.

Prometheus is pure kino.
>tfw they removed half of the script because brainlet would never understand this master piece.

Alien Covenant is shit just a dumb Alien movie because Alien fans could not understand Prometheus. David is based though.

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It's just samefagging + the usual contrarianism.
Say that just the movie is a lost chance is not enough.
See the sperg that insists with "MUH ASSEMBLY" for Alien 3.

What a mess.

Where did you cite their argument, bitchboy?

Imagine being this guy.

t. alien fan

In your head?

t. easily-fooled retard

1 minute in and it's already : the movie "COULD HAVE BEEN"
Nobody cares. The ACTUAL movie is shit.

In the film bro. Why you being so hostile?

here, brainlet: a link for you and everything.

Its true. Prometheus was the best SciFi to come out in a very long time. Mistakes were made yeah, but an interesting premise.

AC took a giant shit on all of it & was just another monster chase movie. I personally couldn't have given two shits to see the xeno ever again. Its been overdone & Prometheus felt like a bigger picture sorta thing, but that's gone now. All because of pinhead reviews.

2:42 - le scene explained still does not count the stupidity and ignorance about life of the writer, and how showing the DNA of the engineer melding with the planet makes no sense, since there are already plants around.

>Prometheus was the best SciFi to come out in a very long time.
Flat wrong. It was dogshit.

>Mistakes were made yeah, but an interesting premise.
The mystery of the space jockeys by making them human-looking white dudes?
The "exact DNA match" with humans?

>but an interesting premise.
The premise IS interesting. but the execution is a complete catastrofuck mainly because the writer was not nearly as smart or educated enough for these themes.

>The ACTUAL movie is shit.

Nope name a better SCI-FI movie with an unique setting like Prometheus

Because you're behaving way too arrogant for what you know.
That's a link you absolute fucking imbecile. I'm not gonna click that fucking link and read through a whole wall of text by some basedboy retard. Quote it here directly, tl;dr it or even better make your own arguments, you worthless piece of shit.

Attached: dab.gif (416x307, 2.58M)

Prometheus is a 6.5/10 movie with amazing direction, cinematography, and lead performances from Noomi and Fassbender, its problems are with its script and being deliberately withholding and convoluted to pretend its complex, but I at least respect Ridley and Lindelof for not shoehorning in an Alien for the sake of marketing

Covenant is shit. Utter tripe.

Explain how it isn't.

>call a movie a mess
>"too arrogant"
I'd have to say you're the arrogant one to react like that. It was a mess.

>what ps3 game is that?
Literal NPC complaint

Explain how it is

I'd love to see you try because it's literally never been done. Just low IQ retards who say shit like "you wouldn't get it". There's nothing to fucking get. It's one of the most retarded movies ever made.

Did you make this post or not? Anyway, if you actually cared to pay some attention, it wouldn't feel like such a mess to you anymore.

>That's a link
Yes, bright eyes. That's what I'm citing.

You really so damaged that you need me to post it here line by line?
Oh, that explains it. /pol/ incel. Figures.

While stunning to look at, Prometheus contains none of the class or the evenness of tone of the first Alien, nor the substance of the lofty subject matter it portends to explore. It is a silly movie, filled with characters and situations that aren‘t remotely believable, driven by blatantly obvious plot developments and devices.

Beginning with a prologue set sometime in Earth’s prehistory, meant to explain how the planet was seeded with human DNA, we are soon introduced to paleo-biologists Elizabeth and Charlie (Noomi Rapace and Logan Marshall-Green) in the year 2089. They have just discovered mysterious cave paintings in Scotland which suggest prehistoric human contact with extraterrestrials. Using clues found in similar sites around the world, Elizabeth and Charlie become the nucleus of a scientific voyage to a distant Earthlike planet that may hold the answers to the single greatest riddle of our species: Who are we, and where did we come from?

You are just making the essential point of the movie. Yeah, there was a lot of potential. An actual "at the mountain of madness" story.
Too bad they wasted it.

>low IQ retards
Why do I feel like you're very insecure about your own intellect?

>doesn't answer the question

This is my shocked face

Joined by an android science officer (Michael Fassbender), a scheming corporate suit (the robotic Charlize Theron), a devil-may-care captain (the wasted Idris Elba), and a legion of disposable stock characters, our scientists set out on the spaceship Prometheus to this distant world and ultimately find themselves in a plot stolen wholesale from Brian De Palma’s idiotic 2000 space-bomb, Mission to Mars. Though I am loathe to recommend watching not one but two bad movies, if you view them side-by-side, the core stories, settings, and numerous set-pieces are virtually identical. Also shamelessly stolen are characters, concepts, themes, and designs from Dark City, Contact, Stargate, A.I.: Artificial Intelligence and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Indeed, finding a single original idea in the entirety of Prometheus is a chore.

Where Scott & Co. have innovated on these stolen ideas is by making their characters -- who are all bizarrely unfazed by the philosophical weight of their mission and discoveries -- do ridiculously dumb things. When they see black alien ooze, they touch it. When they find a giant severed alien head, they bring it on the ship and perform inexplicable experiments on it in an open environment with no protective clothing. When the answers Charlie seeks are not immediately offered by the alien temple -- which would be an earth-shattering discovery in its own right -- he foregoes further inquiry and gets drunk. When members of the science team are lost in a gigantic, danger-filled alien structure, the mission leaders all go have sex. When a giant wheel-shaped object is rolling toward a couple of characters, they don’t run right or left, but stay directly in its path, like the security guard and the steamroller in Austin Powers. There isn’t a moment in the film where the human characters do something that humans would actually do, and the laughter of the audience in the screening I saw confirmed this.

I asked you the question first, explain why it isn't.

But, the humans aren’t the only dummies here. The aliens--who all resemble buffed, albino Woody Harrelsons--are just another version of the brutish, humanoid killing machines we see in garbage like this year’s Battleship. You would think that aliens who engineered human beings--and who have some unstated reason for wanting to wipe us out--would be smarter than the Xenomorphs from the Alien series. They aren‘t. Apart from having spaceships--and technology that conveniently shows pixilated holographic recordings of their fate to people who happen to drop in and push the right buttons--there is nothing advanced about them. They weren’t even smart enough to keep their deadly bio-weapons safely locked-up, choosing instead to keep them in jars on the floor. This is the equivalent of keeping buckets of poisonous snakes, viruses, and toxic waste in your family’s minivan. What advanced race would be that careless?

Some may argue that this is the point of the film--the cynical notion that all civilizations, on Earth and elsewhere, ultimately become warlike and self-destruct. Open up a history book and turn on the news, and I can see their point. I would suggest, though, that in the case of Prometheus, what’s responsible for the vacant barbarism of the aliens is merely the limited imaginations of their authors.

And it is not entirely their fault. We are only human, and though we are continually making discoveries about the universe we live in, the big questions will surely elude us. Screenwriters and directors are not scientists, and will likely fall back on the kinds of formulaic, non-scientific ideas that would occur to people who work in the entertainment industry. But, because of this, when we tell stories that speculate on things beyond our knowledge, perhaps less is more.

Because it's.. not?

You're asking a question that literally can't be answered. You're asking me to prove a negative..

Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke wisely never revealed the alien intelligence that drives the path of mankind in 2001: A Space Odyssey. Their greater purpose remains a mystery. Audiences have been chewing on that mystery longer than Ridley Scott has been making films, longer than Damon Lindelof has been alive, and will continue to do so long after viewers have forgotten Prometheus.

But, this is largely irrelevant now--Prometheus exists and can‘t be taken back. There are many more problems worth chronicling, but the film’s ultimate failure is that there aren’t any real characters to invest in.

Alien worked because of Sigourney Weaver’s iconic Ellen Ripley. She was a normal person like you and me, who found enormous inner strength when thrown into the middle of the ultimate claustrophobic nightmare, with nowhere to run. There were no giant, rolling spaceships. There were no screaming, alien-ooze-infected zombie attacks. There were no deus ex machina squid monsters to save her. There was a woman and her fear, and nothing to save her but her wits and an indomitable will to survive. She was the opposite of the Xenomorph, the opposite of the murderous android, Ash. Ripley was human, and she embodied the very reason why scientists would travel to distant worlds to find out who and why we are.

Prometheus has no Ellen Ripley, no humanity, and as a result, says absolutely nothing about us worth hearing.

When it goes to the child brought to paradise is where it goes completely to shit.
Lindelof is a fucking hack.

You didn't cite shit. You've posted a link. That's not fucking citing.
>denying the basedboy meme
Ask me how I know you're terribly out of shape?
>/pol/ incel
>not /pol/cel
Lurk more, fuckwit.
>While stunning to look at, Prometheus contains none of the class or the evenness of tone of the first Alien, nor the substance of the lofty subject matter it portends to explore. It is a silly movie, filled with characters and situations that aren‘t remotely believable, driven by blatantly obvious plot developments and devices.
All meaningless tripe. And no, I'm not going to read your fucking article,

Literal NPC reply
My point stands

Mate I'm asking you a simple question, you said it's not a well thought out movie, tell me why it isn't.

Nope, different user. And that's not an argument. It is a mess. Even the people who made it said so. Shaw retaining her Christianity after literally meeting her creators is messy and stupid. No amount of fanboying for the film salvages that.

There's tons of replies in this thread pointing out the stupidity of Prometheus
There's not a single one pointing out how it's a deep, complex, intelligent movie
because it's not
It literally has people with bongs built into EV suits. Prometheus is on a lower tier than Jay and Silent Bob

you are more worthless than a pile of rocks

>While stunning to look at, Prometheus contains none of the class or the evenness of tone of the first Alien, nor the substance of the lofty subject matter it portends to explore. It is a silly movie, filled with characters and situations that aren‘t remotely believable, driven by blatantly obvious plot developments and devices.
I think there is no better way to say this.

>still can't point out how Prometheus is intelligent
I'm totally shocked that I haven't gotten a single reply even attempting to try.

You was asked first. I didn't ask you, I just responded to you continuously calling people low IQ, which makes it very apparent you're intellectually insecure. Also, you have to prove your statement first, otherwise the whole discussion can't turn out fairly, because you will just claim you understood it all and deem it stupid after having been explained it.

>/pol/ incel trying to educate others on how he likes to be indentified
It's like pottery.

Yikes, you're really more and more fragile as time goes on.

>"no u" response to article
And we're back to square one with you having no argument.

Attached: 1486637373303.jpg (400x400, 21K)

Yeah, I want your reply too. Explain your bullshit or it's invalid.

Cool, come back when you're ready to explain how Prometheus is intelligent

That's because Prometheus is a Nietzschean movie. It has superhumanity instead of humanity. There is a link between the engineer from the beginning(Prometheus), young Weyland and David that most people misses.

>who are all bizarrely unfazed by the philosophical weight of their mission and discoveries
This is a core tone problem of the movie. Also the unbelievable lack of knowledge of training and rules, compared to Alien.

>still can't answer a simple fucking question

No comment on you being a weak ass bitch? Guess that one struck.

>Prometheus is smart
>"no it's not"
>explain how it's not

>countless replies in this thread pointing out how it's dumb

>Not a single one even attempting to explain how it's smart, just deflecting

Any time now

oh sweetie, done even trying to defend the movie?

I think this is fair. The movie is contrived to unbelievable levels.

>But the other people in the thread!
I don't care, tell me why YOU think it's not a well thought out movie.

>I hate incels, /pol/, the word nigger, politically incorrect language and right wing beliefs
>I think I will spend my day on Yea Forums!
What is wrong with you people? Gluttons for punishment?

Are you genuinely retarded? Prove your point and then it makes sense for someone to disprove you. In dubio pro reo, faggot.

People are saying Prometheus is smart
I'm saying it's not
There's nothing smart or intelligent about it
There's TONS and TONS of stupidity and retardation

Now go ahead and explain how it's smart.

Nobody's going to explain anything to you fuckface, you talk shit and can't back it up, what the fuck are you even doing here.

Shut the fuck up.

My pseud-o-meter is off chart

But my point is that there's nothing intelligent in Prometheus

How do I prove that there's not? Watch the fucking movie or point out how it's intelligent

>But my point is that there's nothing intelligent in Prometheus

>unbelievable lack of knowledge of training and rules, compared to Alien

I normally think this kind of criticism is nitpicky and retarded - it's like how YMS always says "WTF THIS CHARACTER DIDN'T DO WHAT I WOULD HAVE GIVEN HINDSIGHT, MOVIE IS SHIT" but jesus christ it's embarrassing that Alien was about a bunch of blue collar space truckers but they, more or less, manage to keep their shit together and act like professionals.

Meanwhile the Prometheus crew is supposed to be the best and brightest that Weyland-Yutani's money could buy and yet they're all a bunch of fucking morons who make the most braindead decisions every step of the way

Explain how it is stupid. Specific points (as have been made and disproven even ITT).

>not a single person even attempting to explain how Prometheus is intelligent

Yep, it's a Prometheus thread

We don't have to, you have to prove it isn't.

Good luck.

You point out how you think it makes no sense, you mongrel.
>not a single person even attempting to explain how Prometheus isn't intelligent

Yep, it's a Prometheus thread

>Explain how it is stupid.
There's nothing intelligent in it. There is a ton of retardation.

He can't.
"Prometheus is smart" is a meme for pseuds.
The movie had an IMMENSE potential. Great visuals.
But is layered in stupidity, because the people involved are mediocre individuals like Damon Lindelof.

literally cringing at all these Prometheus apologists

>There is a ton of retardation
Point it out.

>I normally think this kind of criticism is nitpicky and retarded
Oh absolutely. I Generally ATTACK this kind of criticism but as you said, there is a limit to everything. It's simply not believable.
And as someone stated above, the aliens are as much as retarded.

Also where is amy Space Jokey? Because that guy for sure is not one, starting from the size.
Explain this, Prometheus-tards.

Nobody cares, not even if you were choking on it.

In the context that only homos care about deepest lore and see it as a humans die horribly movie, I enjoyed both.

But he's right.
Based easily pleased popcorn eater.

Can someone actually point out how Prometheus is intelligent tho? Not the user who said it was stupid. Just genuinely never seen anyone even try, I'd love to see it.

>The autist ITT who still hasn't answered a simple question
Come on, it should not be that hard to say why the movie is not well thought out with how bad you make it out to be.

Attached: wo.jpg (705x527, 96K)

Who would you rather see as the star of the next Alien film, Ariana Grande or Camila Cabello?

Attached: useoccn0j2o11.jpg (1223x1280, 232K)

>even worse shit

>Also where is amy Space Jokey? Because that guy for sure is not one, starting from the size.
Maybe start out with proper spelling so people have a chance to understand what you're trying to say.

Why did they bother altering the spores from covenant? I think the airborne agent is a better method of stealthily infecting a population rather than leaving bodies with a very obvious face hugger wrapped around them.

The theme of the movie is not immediately apparent. The problem people have with understanding it, is that they take everything at face value. Case in point, this guy:
It is like if you analyzed the Tempest and went "wow, why don't prospero spend all his time foraging, this is a stupid play".

Spores spawn way inferior creature.

>The theme of the movie is not immediately apparent.

So make it apparent for us.

Technically, Prometheus and Covenant are stunning films.
Thematically, they're a mess. Particularly dealing with the main theme of the relationship between Creator and Creation; at which the film's narrative is all incoherent.

>me waiting for a Prometheus fan to explain what is intelligent about Prometheus

Attached: human-skeleton-3d-model-max-obj-3ds-fbx-mtl-mat.jpg (500x500, 18K)

You can start by reading Paradise Lost and Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

Both are great and I want more, those are the only SF movies appealing to my taste. I hope they just keep on making them.

Loved Prometheus and didn’t really care for Covenant. I also hate every Alien movie except the original.

You have to explain what isn't intelligent.

>reading more about one of the worst universes ever established

I don't think so.

also lmaoing at "you have to read the book to get the movie"

People are literally pointing out problems all over.
Are you being disingenuous, or you like Prometheus because you are THAT stupid?

>prove a negative
average low IQ al*en-tard

Those aren't valid arguments.

The entire movie
There's nothing intelligent there.

Paradise Lost is a poem by John Milton and Thus Spoke Zarathustra is a book by Nietzsche.

Thx m8, so as a counterargument let me mention that the whole movie was indeed very intelligent.
Thank you for your attention.

What was intelligent about any scene?

Not any of the anons ITT but I simply like Prometheus because of it's stellar visuals, acting, directing, editing etc. I can see why others who focus more on plot and characters would not like it (as the plot is pretty shoddy if I'll be honest, though I do like the science-fiction elements of it). I don't think it's the greatest film ever but in an era of capeshit, it was pretty refreshing.
I also enjoyed covenant, though not even near as much as Prometheus. Hopefully the third one will be better.

Has anyone noticed the increase of unironcic Ridely Scott shilling recently?

lmao at your life. You have no way to answer because you are genuinely stupid.
You are a functionally illiterate dumbass easily impressed by a youtube video full of platitudes, that convinced you that the movie was some remarkable, misunderstood work.

Pedestrian references don't make a movie good.
"wow it cited Milton, it MUST be smart".
Pseuds, again.

Prometheus is a perfect movie wasted on generation capeshit. Covenant is a sad acknowledgement that intelligent scifi will never be produced again.


>everyone in Prometeus and Covenent is retarded
>ThEy'Re SuPpOsEd To Be ReTaRdEd. THEEEEEME!

Attached: dinesh d'boomer.png (190x266, 5K)

>Prometheus is a movie that wasted a lot of potential
I mean, imagine defending Damon Lindelof's writing.
This fucking board.

Why don't you plebs just go watch fireworks if you're impressed by visuals that aren't accompanied by an intelligent or worthwhile plot/story/characters? Fireworks require direction as well.

Stop ruining things I care about for muh pretty lights

t. pseud

Based uber pleb.
Prometheus establishes the danger of a direct connection between creator and creation and that the creator isn't necessarily the answer to your purpose in life, while Covenant builds on it, showing how David was driven insane through the direct connection with his creator, seeking his purpose in overcoming and spiting his creator (humanity).

I'm sorry but this level of discussion is not interesting for me, not replying to you anymore.


Totally shocked that STILL not a single person is pointing out the hidden intelligence behind Prometheus that we are too stupid to understand

Totally fucking shocked that after however many years it still hasn't happened

Attached: 1550892829169.png (680x1176, 684K)

>Prometheus establishes the danger of a direct connection between creator and creation and that the creator isn't necessarily the answer to your purpose in life, while Covenant builds on it, showing how David was driven insane through the direct connection with his creator, seeking his purpose in overcoming and spiting his creator (humanity).
No, these movies WANTED to do that. But suffocated everything in a sea of stupidity. The people writing them were well-meaning, but not up to the task.

shut the fuck up cuck


Attached: 5D2482FE-6D20-4EC2-9C3D-2161A9620913.gif (500x283, 832K)

heh so quirky

>literalIy reddit the director

Based. Alientards eternally BTFO

I think you answer your own question. You are too stupid to understand it.

>SW prequels are about the downfall of an hero - since we understand what they are about, they are automatically good movies
This is you

>10. Old man finances trillion dollar project based on cave paintings?? What banker would lend money on that collateral?
He financed it with his own fortune.
>11. Surgery machine only programmed for men? Really...
Not for men, but for Mr. Weyland itself. Which makes the c-section scene specially retarded.

Oh cool, the same argument that's been used to deflect since this movie came out.

You must be so brilliant to understand the movie with the bongs built into the EV suits and that turned the space jockey into an albino "exact DNA match" human. Maybe one day I will grow up to be as intelligent as you.

Reread the post user.
That's not an answer buddy.

Covenant underperformed at the box office. THAT is what killed the series, user It is all about money.

Attached: Run (Alien - Covenant).jpg (674x1000, 24K)

>Reread the post user.
just did. alien tards still BTFO

I wouldn't get my hopes up.

Checked and based.

While your observation may be correct with what Scott wanted to convey, I don't think it achieved this narrative explicitly despite aiming to do so.
Like I said, it was the main theme yet was obscurded and confuscated by other themes, such as the shoehorned horror aspects required by the studio for an "Alien" film.

He would've been better off in another genre to explore this mature theme, but the films are a casualty of being in this genre.

My favorite thing about Covenant is the fact that it's a natural continuation of Prometheus with the exact same level of Quality, but the pseudos blame the pressure to put an alien in the movie as the reason it sucks.

It's literally the same movie as Prometheus except it has a xenomorph instead of a neomorph

Well after Prometheus people just did not go for Covenant.

The real problem with Prometheus is that it is a pleb filter in the truest sense. Plebs literally do not understand this movie. It makes them angry.

Samefagging this hard without giving actual explanations is not going to work buddy.

They did it. That's subtext. If you can't read it, learn to before trying to make an argument. Also, your so called stupidity isn't part of the movies. It's you who isn't paying enough attention or incapable of emphasizing.
I halfway agree on the horror -as in slasher- parts being hindrances. The movies still manage to convey what he and his writers intended. The other themes all have their place and do not disturb the main theme.

What did they not understand?

inb4 transparent as fuck deflection and complete refusal to answer the question

Also, even if the movie did have some intelligent brilliance that was incomprehensible, that doesn't make the terrible scenes in the movie any better. Go smoke from you EV suit bong some more. Then maybe go pet a hostile looking cobra on an alien world.

What makes us angry is retards thinking they're intelligent for liking this retardation.

>ambiguous makes it good

fuck off villenuevue


>the movie has themes and subtexts about jesus so that makes all the terribleness actually good


>Also, your so called stupidity isn't part of the movies. It's you who isn't paying enough attention or incapable of emphasizing.
The whole premise for both humans and aliens is stupid. The actions since the beginning of time of EVERY alien or human we see is unbelievably stupid. It's quite present in the movie.
You are desperate with these non-ans

Stay mad Damon.

Okay, I accept your argument that they made stupid characters purposely stupid and this is somehow smart

Now explain the emotional aspects. Even if I was stupid, if I performed an alien abortion on myself, I would not then be perfectly fucking fine in the following scenes. I would be freaking out like a lunatic to my crew, and to myself.

Instead, we just get Shaw moving on instantly, and it's dropped, and no one really cares and it doesn't matter?

I guess I'm just not smart enough to get it, lmao

user I was attacking the movie what are you doing

>it's bad on purpose so it's actually good
the absolute state of Prometheus apologists

>Muh plot
Go watch some tarkovsky you pleb faggot

Attached: 1530711034591.png (753x960, 29K)

Oh, my bad. Prometheus fans have literally defended the movie before by saying they were stupid on purpose, I misinterpreted what you were saying as that. My b.

I watched Prometheus with no background info on a whim, and didn't even realize it was an alien movie untill pretty far into it. I enjoyed it, but obviously no flick can touch the original alien.

In that case it definitely does. David gives Walter a choice (serve in hell or reign in heaven) while Walter aims to smash David's face with a stone. Pointing toward the knife on the ground makes the outcome all too obvious and the later twist lacks impact. Having the audience realize Walter's choice in the Daniels' damning moment (and not before he even makes it), makes it a much stronger revelation.

>Damon Lindelof is universally loathed for being a tryhard that tries to seem deep and spiritual but his scripts don't hold any water under the most superficial scrutiny, let alone a deep one
>Somehow Prometheus must be a work of genius and an exception

No problem, it happened ITT in fact.

Prometheus is barely a Lindelof movie. He changed some stuff but the core is intact. Personally prefer Logan's Covenant though.

The premises should be consistent even if the plot is not the focus.
Another strike for "pseuds infestation".

Based quints BTFO retarded plebs.

>this character doesn't act like I would, what a stupid movie
That's pretty much the reason Prometheus isn't well-liked. Plebs can't identify with the main characters or understand the themes. They want to watch movies about Pokemons driving Mario Carts in New York. Something infantile and pacifying. Nothing daring or challenging.

Read the thread. The core arguments (by retards) have been disproven early on. The stupidity only comes off as stupidity, because you fail to contextualize.

His tainted touch is everywhere.
A barrel of wine with added a pint of shit is shit.

Lucky us it isn't a wine but a movie.

>The premises should be consistent
And they are

You are so smart user. I'm positive if Prometheus were real you'd be part of the crew.

They are not in the slightest. The writers don't even know how life works.

>Prometheus isn't well liked

Its discussed almost daily on this board seven years after release. Name another movie that had that much impact.

It was the last gasp of honest, ambitious film making of the 70s and 80s. Now all we have are "smart" films like Arrival and BR2049 that feel like sitting in a hotel lobby for two hours.

What the fuck is daring or challenging about a stoner retard petting a hostile alien cobra?

What the the fuck? The movie is literally made for normie retards

Based autistic retard poster

*I really did fuck that quote up, didn't I?
>Reign in hell or serve in heaven
is what I meant.

>makes dumb food analogy
>proceeds calling others retarded

>ehm akshually you wouldn't act like that if you were on a space trip to another planet. you shuld watch my favorite movie the martian which has real science in it, YAHOOO.

As a die hard alien fan, I fucking hate this movie.It takes a mystery that didn't need to be answered - the Space Jockey/Derelict - and gives it literally the worst answer imagineable. Literally, come up with something worse than "it's an albino human". The only way you can is if you to the level of "some guy took a shit and that shit evolved into it". Like that's the best I can come up with to come up with something worse than "Albino humans". What the fuck.
Now having said that, I will admit two things
1. There is something compelling to the idea of "meeting your creator and they hate you"
2. There's something interesting behind the idea of a crazy robot/person messing with weird biology and creating different weapons and shit
Too bad the execution was fucking horrid on both.
These movies shouldn't have been alien movies for two reason
1. Completely obliterated the lore beyond repair
2. being tied to Alien limited and boxed these original ideas into a whole. They could have done a lot better if they were their own thing
Also, if you think Prometheus is some brilliant movie, literally kys.

First of all, I fucking hate the Martian, so fuck off with that

Second of all, this isn't just "he didn't behave like I'd behave", this is "his behavior was extremely poorly written and so unrealistic and stupid that it completely takes me out of the movie"

Imagine there's a movie and some guy goes and jumps into a lions enclosure at a zoo and starts cutting his dick off. This is BRILLIANT, you just don't like it because it's not something you would do!

>As a die hard alien fan
aka a manchild who buys little figurines and probably have movie posters hanging on his wall.

You are desperate beyond recovery for the simple fact that you are attacking this.
You could have answered to tens of posts here but you cannot because you are a functionally illiterate pseud. You are too stupid to argue and too insecure to question your opinion. So you can only answer in the way you are now, and repeat "dude you just don't get it".
Lindelof is cancer. Everything he writes is conflicting or undefined, that is a way different thing to something that is unexplained or vague.
Maybe one day you will be able to tell the difference you dumb fuck.

Yeah I'm sure you're a chad there, buddy.

Wow this strawman sets the discussion guys, I changed my mind Prometheus is pure genius

unrealistic? in a movie featuring interstellar travel and alien monsters? there is no standard of realistic behavior there.
the point of the scenes is to show that danger is lurking in what seemed to be a safe enviroment. it's thematic, it's not meant to be taken at face value.


I went in blind and I didn't know Prometheus was an Alien movie until the xenomorph birth scene.
At first I was intrigued, but then it quickly faded when I realized that horror was for horror sake and the main theme would take a back seat to indulging the threat.

Spamming "pleb" and bringing 0 arguments is not going to work, autismo.
Cry more.
Prometheus fails first and foremost as a stand alone. The shitting on Alien is just an additional negative feature.


>Alien is just an additional negative feature
I thought this too: what would the film be like if you edited out the alien stuff altogether. It was ultimately vestigial to the plot as the real story was between the Engineers, humanity, and David in a unfulfilling hate triangle.

fucking BASED

not an argument

I made a lot of substantial posts in here. You did not. And comparing a wine to the complexities of filmmaking only proves how little you understand the medium.

Prometheus was pretty bad

Baseless claims, zero arguments, attacking the comparison and not the substance of the issue.
You could have posted many posts here, but you just contributed to the world's total stupidity.
Maybe is better just STOP.


ThisIs peak stupid
And this Means literally "I don't understand how characters are written".
This Is prequelfags-tier, let that sink in.
What I am supposed to get from this?
>Dude, it was actually ME that wrote all that retarded shit.
Uh.. okay?

Again no substance from you. I'm shocked.

>What's there to be brought up again?
What happened? Is there a chance others are infected? What do we do with the bodies? Can it happen again? Why are we still here? Etc.

It was a dumb popcorn flick.

>Again no substance from you
You are just trying to desperately turn back the most common criticism you faced ITT.
What one is supposed to answer to your absurd claims?
>Dude they were just confused LMAO
I just hope you are Lindelof.

It's Lindelof's fault but it isn't dumb. The guy did show clear signs throughout, which they probably started looking out for, but nothing more happened.